What is this?
This website is my attempt to catalogue the available online material adjacent to one of my favorite webcomics.
It is a labour of love.
It is not for profit.
Any and all content made available on achewood.com and its associated blogs is the intellectual property of Chris Onstad. This site acts as an supplement, not a substitute, for said content. As such, it will never reproduce a piece of that content in its entirety, unless it becomes defunct or inaccessible.
The adjacent material, such as AssetBar comments are, to my knowledge, only accessible in their original form through the Internet Archive. This site attempts to reproduce them in a more palatable format.
Content warning
Some parts of Achewood contain graphic content, including uncensored racial, sexual, and gender-related slurs.
It is likely that a few of the AssetBar comments contain similar offensive language, although the site's practice of automatically excluding comments that were “lamed” enough means that most of the worst stuff has probably been lost to time.Please proceed at your own risk.
About this website
Where possible, this website adheres to brutalist design principles. It is styled in pure HTML/CSS, with about 600 bytes worth of JavaScript included expressly for accessibility purposes.
It was generated using Sinatra and turned into a static site using sinatra-export. It is served on GitHub Pages.
It uses the Verdana font, if installed on your computer, to reproduce the style of the original site. Excepting this and any images used by commenters, it is also fully open source. Hack it. Steal it. I don’t care.
If you would like to read the blogs and comments side-by-side with the comics, I recommend Shift+clicking on the provided links to open them in new windows.
created and maintained by @sverona