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Nice Pete, Amanuensis. Tuesday, May 20, 2008 • read strip Viewing 595 comments:

A comment left by gilganixon was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by JimTS, straw, tekende, sirhan_duran, pmoney187, gladi8orrex, Thorfinn, kylank, sevenarts, capnb0b, rude_mechanical, SchnappM, hectik, rechelon, flazisismuss, lylebot, falseprophet, cmjhogan, westsider8, Marcus_Brody, equinn2006, NDCaesar, Fermatprime, milkpants, alexchap, tinyneutrino, Cracklewater, verplanck, d3athcann0n, shades, Mbain3001, makkuwata, behka, mcjuicy, Tragic_Johnson, nutmeg, clembot, alejandroadam, Doc_Rostov, sleepyhead, littlefatdog, synapse, NumberKillinger, SurelySmack, hardelicious, echidnaboy, Tipist, pogo, morbo, ISeeDeadPixels, RedSalesperson)

A comment left by gilganixon was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by invidious, sevenarts, rechelon, Marcus_Brody, milkpants, Cracklewater, verplanck, d3athcann0n, makkuwata, behka, lateadopter, NumberKillinger, hardelicious)

A comment left by mint was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by sevenarts, tttt2, QingofChina)



A comment left by achilleselbow was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Cycerin, mcowgill, sevenarts)

If I saw a blank space below a fresh strip, I'd take a stab at posting something funny. It would probably be a C-plus/B-minus though. I'll admit this.

That'd get 12 chubbies and 4 lames.

Is this like the old saying, "Two apples every eight hours keeps six doctors away"?

Ooooohhhhhhhhhhh shiiiiiiiiiiit

In one sitting.

It's a famous blues lyric.

four: objects or instances?

You're all hands and no face. (Or are those gloves?)

The Four Prime Orifaces


This happens when you become so enraged that your entire body convulses, expelling everything, good or bad.

There's also the nose, the eyesockets, sometimes the ears, but, erm, then it starts getting into deeply unpleasant territory.



I knew it! You kept saying you loved me , but now I know who you really loved.

Fuck man yes! Best persona ever. You are better than that Jesus guy that registered a while back. Clits get all my chubbies for a week.

Clits get all my chubbies for a week.

This is a good sentence.


The colon is not an orifice, it's a part of your large intestine. The anus is an orifice. Also, yes, girls have an extra orifice.

The ears, however, are not orifices. They're completely sealed, and nothing will be coming out of them that didn't go in that way unless you puncture your eardrum.

wait, what are you peeing out of? Boys and girls have the same number of orifi.

what are you peeing out of? your vagina? (girls do not pee out of their vagina)


oh, right.. that one.

aww, dammit. Now I'm the jackass who doesn't remember how lady parts work.

Foea, I do not understand if you are joking about this or not. I have trouble telling which statements are jokes sometimes on the Internet, because there is no tone of voice. Please clarify immediately .

The urethra!

urethras are fucking awesome



barked Sean Connery gruffly


When I was in high school, some friends started up a garage band that specialized in grungified Motown covers.

The band name? Urethra Franklin.

Of course, when you were in high school, garage rock was a pretty new thing and not merely retro hipster nostalgia.

Huge and inaccurate slam on 31-year olds out of nowhere.

That hurts. Stay strong invidious. A-BLOO BLOO BLOO!

I was not joking, I was posting without thinking. I'll try harder tomorrow.

this man appears not to understand female genetalia.

Well look who's being a dick about terms .

Was that really necessary?




in famous?

in famous?

"What does that mean, in-famous?"

"In-famous is when you're MORE than famous. This man El Guapo, he's not just famous, he's IN-famous."

Jefe, you do not understand women. You cannot force open the petals of a flower. When the flower is ready, it opens itself up to you.

So when do you think Carmen will open up her flower to you?

Tonight, or I will kill her!

a plethora of pinatas!!

what is a plethora?



Well, you told me I have a plethora. And I just would like to know if you know what a plethora is. I would not like to think that a person would tell someone he has a plethora, and then find out that that person has NO IDEA what it means to have a plethora.
Forgive me, El Guapo. I know that I, Jefe, do not have your superior intellect and education. But could it be that once again, you are angry at something else, and are looking to take it out on me?


A lot.

They called us scum-sucking pigs! Us!!

chip, chip, chip, chip, chip, NONNYYYYYY!!!

You killed the invisible swordsman! We both fired into the air. Its like living with a six year old.

Don't forget having an avatar that resembles a Disney princess in the throes.

The last throes of the insurgency?

I'd like to be, um, insurging that. Does that work? Did I convey the action of penetration well there?

an avatar is worth a thousand words


I believe that avatar is Princess Clara from Drawn Together pooping.

There ain't no such thing as bad publicity


I doubt Hitler would agree.

Wait, actually he probably would. But...and...okay my point is he will always be remembered as a douche.

A little more than... a douche!

Don't split hairs, Party Skull. We're both here for the same thing.

The irony is that Party Skull sounds like the Red Skull's slightly effeminate brother that the family disowns, most likely because they are all Nazis. This is ironic given the conversation

We're both hear for exactingly detailed discussions, right?

And don't mention my brother. I hate that sumbitch.

Is your brother named Leon?

Man, I'd sure hope so. Not very german, you know, but still.
Anyway, I think the Red Skull hasn't got any identity other than his Red Skull persona (what with being basicly a skull on top of a body, and all that), so, anyone out there working for Marvel? I give you Leon, the Red Skull before he was the Red Skull .

People don't get famous on here by first-posting, they get famous through hard work, keen wit and avatars of comic book characters, gas masks and dancing T-Rexes.

Are you bitter, cousin?

I enjoy the way even your avatariconfacehand hates what you have done. She seems very uncomfortable by your actions. You should try to comfort her.

I somehow saw "heroin" in this post. The way I read it, it actually explained a lot.

Why didn't you listen to your wincing avatar? :(





Rock your first. To quote Dizzee Rascal "If you don't have a dream, how you gonna have a dream come true?"

Mothers love is a good deterrent. My mother's love is the only thing keeping me from being King of The Nerds.

Were it not for your mother, you would punch hell of nerd-suckers in the mouth and tell nerd-chicks straight up that you like them.

I just read "Mothers love is a good detergent".

/too long at the computer

I had this exact thought.

Mothers' love is the best love

Motherly love
(Get it now)
Motherly love
Forget about
The brotherly and other-ly love
Motherly love
Is just the thing for you
You know your Mothers' gonna love ya
Till ya don't know what to do
We can love ya
Till ya have a heart attack
You'd best believe that's true
We'll bite your neck
And scratch your back
Till you don't know what to do

Walkin' through the rain
in the millenium
where lazy and convenient is the mother of invention
I must have the guts to mention to that man in that reflection

what are you looking at?

A serious question: What are the really really good Zappa albums? I have listened to a lot of them, and I just cannot get into any. He seems so proud of himself, like he's the only person who ever saw the hypocrisy and emptiness of corporate culture, it is just so hard to listen to.

Well, if you can't get into Joe's Garage you might as well just give it up. Zappa is an acquired taste.

jesus, this is what I think of that

try hot rats. more music, fewer shenanigans. features the excellent compositional skills and less of the bizarre things to sing about.

Zappa was a brilliant guy, but he laso never let anyone forget it. I like his playful stuff teh best like Studio Tan, The Grand Wazoo, Hot Rats and Uncle Meat. (shameless link to blog post on Z)

Captain Beefheart.

What? Don Van Vliet is a man not an album.

He is an artist, even.

Yeah, but it's the wholesome alternative to Zappa.


Yeah, it's good for you. It's made of 100% music.

Does the general story of "The Mothers of Invention" include the idea that Zappa named them that because they only played with him out of necessity ?

no - they were originally named just "The Mothers" but the suits thought that was too suggestive

I saw them on their first tour in 1967.

I love that at least someone on these boards has such significant mileage.

Significant as in you've been in the midst of important stuff, not significant as in "sheeeit, you so old!" My dad's turning 79 this year and has a number of illegitimate children that he ain't claiming, meaning I've got half-siblings your age, so hell, you're within the "brother-age" bracket for me.

Damnit you need to stop doing this.

Hick tipple is such a slow-burning likker.

Poteen has gotten me spontaneously naked on more than one account. Specially cause I had suited up at the time, but then I decided you know what, I gonna birthday suit it up.

Oh the sweet poteen from Ireland's green that's made from wheat and rye

(Skiddle eyedle diddle dump, and so on)

I don't understand why copious amounts of rum makes me decide it's time for everyone to see my ass, but it does.



He will have to take his last stand.

achilleselbow hits dr_strangelove on the head with an oar and leaves on his rowboat, victorious

Please someone tell me I'm not the only one who got this reference, and that having read the novel by Eiji Yoshikawa falls within the scope of acceptable Japanophilia. Please someone tell me this.

Yer on yer own, standing around the forest all sober on hillbilly sake.

I think I got this reference, but only because of a video game.

I don't get it. I have not heard of this author.

I do read Murakami, though.

Haruki, not Ryu.

It's a reference to Miyamoto Musashi, who was the most badass swordsman in history and invented the technique of using a katana and a shorter sword at the same time (or dual wielding as the kids today call it). He's been depicted in a few animes and games but I think the novel was the most well-known portrayal.

I remember playing Brave Fencer Musashi on the PSX, it was an excellent game. If you're ever playing that game, and can't figure out where to go or what to do, just run around hitting random things with your sword until something happens.

I solved several riddles that way, someone tells you something cryptic about what to do next, so you just go to the area that they described and chop away until you find the secret passage/switch/button that gets you further along in the game.

it's funny because it's true.

and yes it was an excellent game. it is also the game I was referring to in my above post.

Shit just got Homeric...


Oh damn. Didn't see Hypnofrog below me quoting it first. Sorry Hypnofrog, I abducted your comment.

boo to that.

I have a fantastic ass though!


A dude's ass and the term "fantastic" are usually categorically opposed in the mind of most straight dudes. It's like gummy bears and mayonnaise, it's just not something you think of.

I am sorry straight dudes cannot enjoy my fantastic ass, then.

i am sorry that you guys dont enjoy gummi sandwiches (with extra mayo on rye)

I think comparing a dude's ass to gummi bears and mayonnaise, indirectly or not, has just granted you a one way ticket to the fourth circle of hell.

It is a circle that lacks any famous blues musicians.

Boo... to that?


Synergy is our friend. And the friend of our friend.

Also, our cousins' girlfriends' brothers friend. And his brother Daryl.

So what does that make us?

"Absolutely nothing , which you are about to become!"

Come on guys.

After being surprized at this silliness this get lamed, I realize I may have to apologize for being a cock to a stranger.

It was not my intent to insult but just to merely point out the wondeful [i] synergy [i] of notable Acheworld posters. And then to increase their effect by combining their efforts.

I promise to be far less silly tomorrow. (This is not an actual promise)

I believe that acceptance of your apology costs one chubby, isn't that right?

(no chubby has been given)

Okay that made me giggle. Chubby for you - no reciprosity needed.

Maybe it is always time to see odei's ass, and rum just enlightens us all.

you have my new number one favorite avatariconography charchar. You did a win.

I love this asset.

Well, well, well. Now us ladies know the trick to getting you naked. Thank you, Norman.

Yet the guys remain clueless!

You can find out for sure if he really wears both.

Wow, I didn't realize 'till now that this ended up nowhere near Norman's post. This was supposed to be replying to the one where he's drunkenly singing 'Real Old Mountain Dew'.
Well played, assetbar, well played.

Nice Pete is a master craftsman. Whether it's a biography or drawing a box in which children die, he leaves very little to chance.

If Ray's biography appears in the store, we can only hope that a bio for Cornelius will be forthcoming as well.

Oh the stories it would tell...

Except when it comes to installing drivers. Software vexes him.

If Tom Cruise was nice to me, I would be hella weirded out, because he is a Scientologist, and they worry me so.

Come on now some of them are good people just like everyone else. They got Beck and the guy from My Name is Earl whos name I can't quite remember right now. Oh, and Leah Remini who is super hot but I'm not entirely convinced she's not crazy.

Jason Lee. The guy who plays Randy is too. Aw, hell. Half of hollywood is in on that nonsense.

Made this for Kate Beaton but I may as well put it here.


chubby not for brilliance but because there are only like 14 comments on here so far and yet you go and take up 30% of the visual real estate. that takes cojones.

I made one for infinite jest as well. I'd post it but... well, you get the idea. (I did about 10 of these instead of an exam for tomorrow, help)

oh my god I want to see that please

Well, I won't post the image here because that would be pushing it a bit i think, but since you asked so nicely... i put 3 of the good ones here.
Kate Beaton's feelings on this asset are pro

I'm going to give you a chubby, though it breaks your mother's heart

haha, i just received my kate beaton "reading is crazy" shirt yesterday.

i'm not wearing it because it says "shit" on it, and i did not think that would be work appropriate

I would get one if it's in a different colour. I have gotten green shirts from the internet before and barely ever wear 'em. What was I thinking when I got the "king of the make outs" shirt? Did I really think I could pull that off?

oh man you can do it. tell that green shirt who the boss is (you). then just go outside and own the situation.

it fits

You are so arrogant.

What's crazy is people who think 'huh, well that explains everything I guess'.

It sort of does. If you're a megalomaniac on amphetamines. Like half the people in hollywood. I don't know about you but on nights when I've taken one too many adderal this sort of thing suddenly seems not so far-fetched.

This comment as been lamed.

I now live in fear of the possibility of a scientologist who read Achewood.

I'm a scientologist.

But I'm also a big liar and consider lames my official currency so...

Jason Lee?

That guy still owes me 50 bucks and trip to Benihana's.

A comment left by pogo was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by tekende, mortshire, Appers, ellie)

Pogo's definition of doing good for people is separating them from their money.

Rock on, Pogo.

Thats pretty much what all organized religion does though. Scientology is no weirder than any other in its beliefs.

P.S. I'm not pro-Scientology, I'm anti-religion.

A comment left by hellofyellin was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by nbgreene, straw, Hanrahahanrahan)

I hate... organised religion?

I love organised religion, you ever seen unorganised religion? that shit is insane!


Fuck! Don't pray at me!

The funny thing is that what you just said is itself a broad sweeping generalization, as well as a false value judgment.

I also do not think low of you, however.

Thank you for not thinking low of me. This is a good point.

But if a value judgment is a statement based more on personal belief rather than a rational conclusion, can it really be false?


To the extent expressing a view of the equivalence of the rational or moral value of particular religious regimes (they each have none), as octafish did, helps to show religious people that we think they're dickheads for being religious, rather than for the religion they choose. Put differently, if a Catholic (picked as a random example) tells me the Scientologists are irrational tools for believing in volcanic space monsters, I agree, but it does not make believing in virgin birth less stupid.

The trouble with religion is that it is in the hands of fallible humans.

Fallible humans created religion, who elses hands is it going to be in?


Not to argue for or against you, but by your same logic, a religious person could argue that the difference between scientific theories of the origin of the universe, is also pointless and equally stupid from their point of view. This argument goes no where on either side. Pogo (who is below my comment currently, but who knows where he'll end up) has cut to the heart of the matter. Humans and all, repeat ALL of their systems of organization and understanding are flawed. If you believe in science absolutely without questioning it you are no less of a zealot than someone of absolute faith. It is just a matter of which system of organization you have chosen to make sense of the world. Who is right, who is wrong? Not a clue, but I am secure enough in my own beliefs that I don't need to sway others one way or another.

Thanks, History. Cutting to the heart of a matter is what I live for.

I'm sorry, I'm sure you mean well, but your argument is so trite and sloppy that I can't leave it unadressed. The fact that all human systems of organization are flawed (and you have to explain exactly how and why that is) doesn't mean that some aren't flawed more than others. And please don't parrot the 'science is just another religion' line. Without even going into a discussion of empiricism and the burden of proof, some 'systems of organization chosen to make sense of the world' have a much higher success rate than others.

No... please please please go back to basic logic. I hate that people have to argue about this. Science is not religion, but EVERYTHING comes down to faith at some point (prove to me that your senses are trustworthy and that so are mine - it's impossible). Science makes hypotheses and tries to prove them through experiment and data. Religion is about making sense of the world without becoming a barbarian or prick. Science has done a lot of good and a lot of bad. So has religion. So what is the point of arguing?


While I won't deny I danced around the idea of 'science is just another religion' it was not my point. My point was more in the direction of criticizing anyone who believes in a system without questioning it and understanding how it works. I may have conveyed it poorly, my apologies.
Explaining how systems are flawed is difficult and I have limited space here due to the fact that I don%u2019t want to write a dissertation on the internet. I dislike reducing, but I%u2019ll have to do that. It boils down to this: we, as human beings, are limited by perspective. We see only what we can see. We are unable to view things from the objective position, only from the subjective of our individual or collective experiences. While there may be a system of organization that explains everything in the universe, we would be limited or flawed in our perspective of it because we would only be able to understand those things that could be represented to our current sense and understanding. We, humans, are the flaw in that we have a very limited means of communicating and interacting with our environment. That is the great hope of technology, that it will allow us to expand our interaction with everything around us, but we also need a greater means of communicating as well. Science and religion dovetail in that they have the same goal: they are designed to answer the question of our origin and our future. Why are we here? Why are we like we are? Have we always been like this and will we always be like this? The answers to these questions are the ultimate goal. According to the theory I am describing here, we would be unable to do this because of the flaw in our own perception that makes us always refer new things back to point of references already within our perspective. Scientists do this constantly through the use of journals. Science is limited by the need to take the observations of an individual, communicate those observations accurately, and then have the majority of other individuals in the same community accept those observations. The flaw is not that we cannot see the object, the flaw is in how we interpret the value of the object. In other words, how we perceive that object. We could, and probably do, miss the true value of that object because we have to reduce it to our own perspective, or reduce it to something that can be communicated with others instead of being able to view it from the overall objective position.
But wait, is this theory right, thereby proving we can get around this perspective issue? Probably not; because every now and then a person comes along who has an idea completely out of our present perspective (think Einstein). Where do those ideas come from? If we had a system that could solve that, we would know our own origins as thinking beings as well.
As for the success rate of various systems, that is a matter of opinion too, and wholly dependent on your definition of success. The ancient Greeks were very successful in describing the universe to the satisfaction of the people in their day. The priests in the middle ages were successful in describing how the world worked to the people in their day. Scientists are very successful in doing so today. As a student of history, my perspective is that nothing much has changed in that success rate.

Lastly, to answer the question of science being a religion: no it is not. You have sited good reasons why it is not, but there are religions that take a scientific approach (like Christian Science for example). Instead, I like to think that the critical difference is in its application to day to day life. This is way oversimplified, but the theories of science are generally not something you choose to abide by or not, whereas religion is (although some folks believe in predestination) a set of theories that you can choose to abide by or not. In other words, I can choose to demonstrate my belief in God, but I have no choice but to demonstrate my belief in gravity. There are many grey areas of course, but that%u2019s another discussion. I sort of picked on science here, but you could re-write the whole thing about religion too.

Yours is the first long and unparagraphed essay I have read on Assetbar, and I enjoyed it. Deep metaphysicas is really great stuff. But let's get back to the short cheap shots soon.

Sorry about the unparagraphed, the original was, but I was pressed for time. I am lucky enough to where I can read this site at work, but then they expect me to work as well...which cramps my style horribly.

Yes, I've been getting away with Assetbar reading at work, too. Puts the pressure on getting work done that I need sometimes.

I cannot agree more with hellofyellin. If you want to got the ecommerce section at www.venganza.org or wherever and buy a FSM bumper sticker for your Prius to let people know how little you think of religious adherents that's well and good, but bumper sticker generalizations are best kept to ones self (or one's bumper).

Sometimes the Asset makes ya' feel like that slime in Ghostbusters II.

Hee hee.

I, myself, am a Catholic. However, I came to the conclusion long ago that God must be way more mellow than certain other Catholics have made Him out to be. The dude made the universe; He has got to have more important things to worry about than gay people and Dungeons & Dragons.

I share your outlook man, sometimes i think about an awesome tenet that the Sikhs have, they have one basically saying "be relaxed",

If moses had gotten that one things'd be a lot easier.

I really wish more people would examine the meaning of the word agnostic before bandying it about as some sign of "I'm so much more progressive and open-minded than all those dogmatic atheists."

Most people understand the concept of not knowing whether god exists, but don't understand the reasoning behind it. I think most people see agnosticism as waiting for information that will enable the agnostic to decide whether or not to believe. It is difficult to impart the idea of God as an unknowable item on people who believe that God either exists(theists) or doesn't exist(atheists). I don't think people mean to misuse the term, it's just that the idea doesn't fully reconcile with their thought process, so they use the best definition that they can.

Deism is another fun spiritual/philosophical concept to try to explain to people. Most religious people, regardless of their religion, have trouble wrapping their head around the concept of a divine power who created the universe, but does not interfere with it. It's not that they are stupid, it's just that their particular belief structure makes the idea of deism virtually impossible for them to comprehend.

Basically, what I was trying to say is that there are certain philosophical/religious/spiritual ideas about the nature of god and the universe that are difficult to explain to anyone who subscribes to a traditional religious or atheistic viewpoint, because the ideas are so far disconnected from their own that they can't fully grasp the concepts.

I mentioned deism because I have tried, on several occasions, to explain the concept to religious friends and acquaintances, and the idea was totally lost on them. They were unable to process the idea that I believe in god, an ultimate power in the universe, but I don't believe that such a power has any influence over day to day events. It is difficult to explain philosophical ideas about god to someone who thinks of god in a solely religious manner.

I don't even try to talk about my religious beliefs. mostly I just avoid the subject.

That was once considered a norm for civil discourse.

Right arm, Irondave. Religion, politics and sex were not to be dicussed in polite company. How times have changed!

I would hardly describe the denizens of Assetbar (myself included, obviously) as "polite company."

No fucking shit, Aristotle!

The Internet is hardly polite company, it turns the meekest into egotists, the moderately inclined into dogmatists and the agreeable into jerks, Audience Anonymity can do deplorable things to people.

Harold Pinter remarked that most Human conversation is not an orderly process of information exchange, but rather the frequently non sequitur defence of ones viewpoint and status and the attacking of others to protect these.



A comment left by nbgreene was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by johnnybaverage, Thorfinn, hedonismbot, falseprophet)


Sorry, scientology takes it to the next level. When you're a Catholic, you're not prevented from talking to non-Catholics. As a Muslim, you don't have to pay a certain amount of money to get the right to purchase a gizmo that helps you get to 'the next level' (which takes more money).

I'm not the biggest fan of organized religion, but Scientology is a ponzi scheme with religious window dressing.

..and that is why all other religions envy it. Elron was a genius for taking religion to the next step.

Plus all generalisations are true.

Also I'd like to declare my allegiance to the Church of Australian Secular Humanism.

Thankyou FZ.

...my friends call me "Cash"

They take all that money it's not like they give any to charity! - An atheist .

What I like about atheism is that I don't have to worry about religion anymore. What are you trying to save people from?

V to the chub.

I'm not so much trying to save people from anything as trying to save myself from having to hear another uninformed argument about the complete Evil or religion or the complete Evil of Atheism. It angers me that we as a species are not beyond this sort of thing.

Okay, I apologise for saying I'm anti-religion, that is in fact a false statement. I am however anti-organised religion. Belief and or faith are very fine things indeed and I envy those whose belief/faith is a reassuring or guiding influence in their lives. My belief, in the non existence of a divine power or powers, has caused me nothing but angst and despair, but it is what I believe and I can't change that.

So what I was maintaining in my post was, organised religion is a jip. I can't think of an organised religion that doesn't have a power structure that involves a priest class taking money from the followers. Maybe that represents a failing in education on my part, (I am not a theology student, duh) if someone can supply me with an example contrary to my assertion, that would be great.

I wonder if Marty the Monk got Lamed?

A comment left by Luther was markerd lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by PopeLeoX, Charles5, C4D1N4L)

Buddhism would probably fit those criteria, but it's not really an organized religion anyway.

Also, the bottom half of your post is genius.

no offense, but it bothers me when people say things like "Buddhism isn't an organized religion" or "Buddhism isn't really a religion it's more like a philosophy."

maybe people are associating it with how it's practiced by young hipsters in the West, but Buddhism is an old, established religion with hierarchy, gods and goddesses, and all that shit.

Tibetan Buddhism is crazy! All with oracles and demons!

Buddhism does tick all the bad religion boxes, Patriachal, Homophobic, taking money from the worshippers to support the priest class etc. etc. etc.

But hey look ^^ Bad Religion ^^

Daaamn, I guess my answer could use some work!

You all act like the priestly class has never done anything good - there are tons of people in cultures that take money/resources for their services and who are really no different. You think people are religious because they don't get anything out of it?

Really good point. When death or disaster stikes, who you gonna call?


Patriarchal? Medieval tibetan society looks pretty damn patriarchal to me, plus Buddhist preist classes the world over operate in a manner analogous to the catholic church in medieval times, plus all the religious persecution and violence inflicted by Buddhists on other religions.

Buddha was a lovely bloke but Buddhists are human after all...

Never apologize when you're right. Organized religion is a malicious scam designed to fool people, control their lives, and steal their money while adding no value. Any other purposes they advance are secondary.

Someone doesn't like it when other people like things he doesn't.

Hint: This person does not have much hair.

but the hair that he does have is, as has been established, delicious.

What, did I mention how much I loathe metal music? Oh, no, I didn't.

Clearly this isn't the optimal forum for a discussion of this subject, but the religious have gotten away with belittling and demonizing the non-religious for millenia. Turnabout is fair play.

As for people who advocate not discussing religion, politics, or sex because it's too controversial, fuck that. That's virtually everything worth discussing, if you add whiskey and music in there.

dude u cant say that abot religin

How make babbies
How girl get pragnant

Well if you loathe metal, then at least you have something in common with religious types.

But not for the same reasons. I just find the sound unpleasant. I've tried to like metal a few times but it never works for me.

But Flazis, to be unconcerned about the discomfort others may feel when sex, politics, or religion comes up (not to forget money) is to be rude and crude. And the fights that might develop, especially over religion and politics, are not why most people get together. In other words, the world does not revolve around oneself, and the purpose of talking to other should be as much to listen and learn as to impose and upset.

One shouldn't live without provoking discomfort. If people need to be made uncomfortable, I am willing to be the tool that discomfits.

Being a tool can be lonely.

Dude you channeling Pat?

Someone's been taking their Dawkins pills today!

i am sorry that your non-belief makes you unhappy. I don't believe in any gods and this makes me perfectly content. perhaps this has to do with temperment or perhaps it is because you come from a religious background? I often hear that atheists are depressed, this perplexes me. why be sad? surely the prospect of hell (or indeed a boring fundie style heaven) is worse than no god. "say what you will about the sweet miracle of unquestioning faith, i find the capacity for it terrifying and absolutely vile" (Kurt Vonnegut, sorta)

I am finished.

The Anderson Report, an inquiry conducted in 1965 for the state of Victoria, Australia, found that the auditing process involved "command" hypnosis, in which the hypnotist assumes "positive authoritative control" over the patient. "It is the firm conclusion of this Board that most scientology and dianetics techniques are those of authoritative hypnosis and as such are dangerous. . . . The scientific evidence which the Board heard from several expert witnesses of the highest repute %u2026 which was virtually unchallenged%u2014leads to the inescapable conclusion that it is only in name that there is any difference between authoritative hypnosis and most of the techniques of scientology. Many scientology techniques are in fact hypnotic techniques, and Hubbard has not changed their nature by changing their names."

Thanks Wikipedia!

Operation Clambake is the definitive source on Scientology's secrets in case any one is interested...

That sounds far too tasty to be in any way menacing.

And that's exactly how they get to you.

operation clambake sounds like a project where you smoke a 4-gram joint in a volkswagen rabbit with the windows up.

Does a 5 gram blunt in a 1995 Mercury Tracer count? If so, MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!

my proverbial hat is off to you, sir...

A comment left by pogo was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by tekende, Edwell, kylank, scrumpton, woodenteeth, verplanck, DrSkradley, Doc_Rostov, NumberKillinger, ISeeDeadPixels, aperson)

What? Oh, right, I'm talking to pogo.

But I agree, anything that old is irrelevant, Pogo (59).

Odei: Kicking Ass and Taking Names since 2008.

HUGE slam on Pogo outta left field.

People can improve with age, but research reports often do not.

Peace, my friend, for it is only the response of callow Youth. It can not do otherwise.

Yes, but in that way they're similar to scientific theories, aren't they? This report still seems to be applicable, unless there is newer evidence to suggest it isn't.

I'd love to see you find a more recent report that refutes this study. Put up or shut up, as they say...

Maybe if you left off the "Wallaby Shit" comment, thus degrading any kind of intellectual product out of Australia then you wouldn't have been lamed so many times. As an Australian pogo, Fuck You.

I apologize to Australians everywhere.

A comment left by numberkillinger was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by lawbot, hedonismbot, Appers)

I'm glad someone has clarity of thought here, you arrogant green pile of shit.

NB: If a bunch of people go to pogo's public profile page and lame all his comments just because he is a Scientology apologist, then they are descending to L Ron Hubbard's level. Don't do that. Plus, they'll track you down and kill you.

Who would have ever thought that the Achewood Crusades, once they finally arrived, would involve space aliens and John Travolta?

Actually, now that I think about it, I suppose that is the most logical conclusion.

Virtua-chubby. I ran out way too soon.

To paraphrase a recent episode of Hardball... Pogo, when you're in a hole, stop digging.

I wrote this on yesterday's strip to pogo, but i feel it bears repeating:

"you are a douchebag. do you know why i cannot lame you back? because i use my powers to tell people that they are awesome, instead of wiping my cunt everywhere."

i apologize for the harsh language sometimes i get the Internet Agressions.

The Internet Agressions, I like that. Happens to us all, or at least, to those with sufficient sack.


oh...oh no...oh god...I'm so sorry, this has never happened to me before. It's just you're so pretty, and I never thought I'd get to make a reference to Hardball on a blog on the internet...you see how it is?

This whole thread is 100% pure awesome.

blah blah blah APPEASEMENT blah blah blah MY POINT IS blah blah blah HITLER

OH Man. At the risk of being lamed or ignored I must say that I am a fan of KRLA. That being said I must say I cannot abide Kevin James and prefer to motor in silence when he comes on. I really hope that this is his undoing; there's just way too much deadwood, inanity and screaming on talk radio. Kevin James (and the entire lineup at KFI here in LA) epitomizes all that is wrong with talk radio.

Well, thirty-eight, thirty-nine, Chris! What I...what the president was talking? The things that he...it energized-legitimized...


In 1937 or 38? HE WAS AN APPEASER

No, no, keep digging, its the only way you'll get out.

But you'll be in China when you do.

Aw hand me another shovel, this shit is gettin' fun!

That clip has been my away message on AIM for days. I wish more news was like that.

You diss my toad, you taste my load.

I'm laughing, really I am.

Oh hee hee.

this is hilarious!


I'm not sure it does "a lot" of good - that's against their business model. Some good, perhaps.

That said, can everyone stop hating on a dude because he does not participate in the daily hate?


"the daily hate"
Scientology: designated whipping boy of our totalitarian overlords.

Fuck along now!

Hell, me being in the middle of an internal existential debate with myself after like 7 years as a card-carrying Born-Again Pentecostal (it's complicated - leave your expectations at the door, I assure you), and I totally just missed out on the religion debate :(

Scientologists sure make some kickin' pancakes, however. Shitty websites, though, it would seem. And hella prices for said pancakes, and the marketing totally needs a makeover.

Naturally, this of course applies to all Scientologists. Shitty websites and good pancakes are their equivalents of holy texts.

Existential debate with yourself? Elaborate!

It breaks her heart that he is chubby.

Dear lord spare him from those awful calories.

It's not Ray's fault that he is chubby; it's sour cream's fault for inventing itself.

It's brie's fault for assuming the form of pie.

I take at least weekly pleasure in watching midwesterners not know how to eat brie.

This cheese is runny! Bring me some hard brie!

awwwwww, the cat's eaten it...

Venezuelan Beaver Cheese?


I went to a fundraiser a few weeks ago, and on the cheese plate there was a big block of Wensleydale cheese. First time I ever had it. That shit is awesome .

Not much call for it around here.

I don't know where in the Midwest you are, but here in Wisconsin we know how to fucking eat cheese.

It's really not that difficult, unless you're lactose intolerant.

Actually, in most cheeses, the bacteria or whatever have taken care of most of the lactose.

Damn straight. I'm slicing some aged cheddar right now in the Dairy State.

Grace Jones taught him how to unhinge his jaw so he could eat a steak the size of an Eames chair.

Tom Cruise has never been nice to Ray.

His religion would probably be really nice to Ray's money, though.

I love the way Ray is so animated in this one.

Darn, I thought "amanuensis" was something dirty. Turns out it is just Latin for certain persons performing a function by hand, either writing down the words of another or performing manual labour. The term is derived from a Latin expression which may be literally translated as "manual labourer." The term is often used interchangeably with secretary or scribe.

Say, there could be other things Nice Pete could do with his hand for Ray.

Do you think it is wrong for men to rub other men or do you agree it is okay

Trouble is, it never stops at rubbing. Soon there is moist contact.



The ideal huskiness vector is orthogonal to the ideal sex vector. Together they form a space measuring bangworthiness.

Oh man, I have a linear algebra exam tomorrow, explain what orthogonal means, pleeeease.

more or less

Man, our teacher took 4 minutes to explain perpendicular. Hilarious!

One projects to zero on the other. Their dot product is 0. They form a basis with no overlap.

Yeah, pretty much perpendicular. That's how everyone thinks of it, but it is illegal to teach it that way.

I am currently on the lam for teaching bad geometry when i got no damn right to.

News Headline:
Officials suspect Pythagorean poisoning

i came to assetbar expressly for the purpose of NOT studying for USMLE step 1. quit saying smart shit

What? Everyone comes here to sound smart. It's what the Internet is for. How else could we discuss crap like H in the Portuguese language and crap like that? Did you even pass your Achewood entrance exam? I bet you didn't. I bet you don't love clits at all.

Sidenote-We need to put together an Achewood AB entrance exam post-haste.

Have to know the Acheworld National Anthem (Here Comes a Special Boy) by heart to even be given the test.

Have to love things, have to LOVE EM.


that is obscene!

If you want to be part of the AFJ, you've got to really hate the first posts...
Well, I do! I do!
Oh yeah? How much?
...right, you're in....

you will be hooked up to a machine which measures how much your blood pressure goes up when you view a FIRST!

This is gonna be a Thing, isn't it.

Do you think it is wrong to make a first post about how you have the first post or do you agree that it is okay?

Note: This will be a trick question.

Warning: answering this questions annihilates your Buddha nature.

Like hell it does.

Section III: Gladi8orrex Reading Comprehension.

Essay question: Using either Kant's theory of disinterestedness or Sartre's definition of literature, explain whether or not Dr. Manflesh's comments should be considered art.


The cypress tree in front of the hall

Is that a Chrono Trigger reference?

CAREFULLY SET-UP ALT TEXT FORGOTTEN DUE TO LACK OF SLEEP: The applicant did not pass the 'Bar exam.

why is it that I cannot see these pictures on my work comp? Yet the mothers of invention one shows up?

anybody? (sidenote: this is not part of the exam)

Your employer is probably blocking all of the common image-hosting sites. Happens to me, too. The Mothers of Invention pic is being hosted on some .edu domain.

I can't stop laughing!

I didn't save a chubby for you, but I'm being all meta and self-deprecating about it.

...and that's why you should always save a chubby for Edwell.

And that's why you don't use a one-armed person to scare someone!

This is brilliant and can only lead to better things.

Is it an avatar, or is it an icon?

Manflesh: good thing, or best thing?

Scientology: old-person-bashing, or Hitler references?

Hand: On face, or in pants?

For bonus points, what is wrong with this post? (hint, the answer is that I replied to my own post.)

...show your work.

Its also wrong that you gave the complete answer in a hint.

Write a short essay on clits.

Pete is worried that his subject may be a shallow twit.

No one like today's strip, or is this mess the result of an errant 'first-post'?

that is the worst thing i've ever done. lets try this.

(my mother doesnt love me)

I had work to do, so I made a fictional graph.

And then I made a mistake on assetbar!

does your mother love you?

My mother loves me even when I am husky. She does point out when I'm husky and when I'm not, though.

I must say that I rock a few extra pounds all year long.

We still remember that picture of you. In fact there is one still sitting around a few pages ago. You have no extra pounds. You are 20, and your weight is primarily in the bones and the hair.

I will politely refute that idea because it is wrong. It is a false idea.

I am a proportioned, yet thicker milkshake who used to be an even thicker milkshake.

In that case, your misleading photography skills are admirable.

Not misleading! I mean that photo is what I look like--I'm just not petite or anything.

Even the abstract discussion of the thickness of the parts of you not revealed in your breathtaking photo is hot beyond belief.

Pogo! Age! Bad pogo!

I broke free of my leash there for a minute. Wheeee!

Is it fiction... ...or the Truth??

This graph could be on the fail blog

what in the hell have i done by making this

A bad thing.

Where'd you get that picture, toiletstore? From a, a... toilet... no, no, I can't do it, it's too obvious. I'm sorry.

I'm trying to engineer a joke wherein I make a pun about Ray's use of the word "chubby" in relationship to its significance on Assetbar.

I'm trying .

I regret to inform you that hedonismbot did it already.

Man, it's dizzying to be in here at post #13 and try to keep up with the incoming traffic. Props to hedonbutt for the chubby line.

Well, I already owe hedonismbot my hair, I might as well owe him my dignity, too.

H... hair?

I've been sneaking in and taking it bit by bit when she sleeps. I've got a pretty good collection, not a full snack though. The night she was out with ole Hebbeca I managed to get hair from both. I could sell you some. Do you have any blood you don't need?

Hebecca. Beezus, you'd think I wouldn't fuck up the fake names of people I'm creeping out.

Fun fact: In Portuguese, an R at the beginning of a word is pronounced as an H. My Brazilian grandmother has a friend whom she calls Hebecca without realizing that it's weird.

Also, my hair has been looking really bad lately, do you think you could cut the bits in a slightly more stylish manner?

I'll see what I can do, though I warn you I only have one hand free while I'm stealing the locks. Also, I'll get you back that thing from the other night. I'm sorry I took it. I'll make sure to wash it real good first.

Also, I used to be a Brazilian Jiu-jitsu instructor, and damn near everyone who founded that martial art is named Royce or Relio or crazy shit like that. Trips up new students.


The joke is that he implies that he is masturbating.

Oh, I thought he was holding a Maglite.

If you know what I mean! Nudge nudge!

Turns out it is both

Because his penis is a maglite!

glow in the dark condoms are all the rage...

I like to use it to blink out the Morse code for "SHAZAM" right before I max.


Ray's mom may not want him to give her a chubby, but she also ain't want no bone!

Huskiness vector

I love Nice Pete's displacement of commas. It's so, real.

no murders yet?

Ray sure murdered that moonshine ..

Some people see murders everywhere.

Your avatar has murdered me with its pure, ravenous awesome.


Weekend Blogs

Mr. Bear: Working the Old Soil

What is Ray



I certainly can't see Scarlett Johansson saying that.

Ho lee shit.

That's because her album sucks balls.

[obligatory "I'd like her to suck THESE balls right here! And by that I mean I would greatly enjoy oral intercourse with that particular actress, or even any intercourse at all! If she so much as glanced at me I would ejaculate like a run away firehose, flipping madly about in a suburban street!" joke]


scarlett johansson COME ON SHOW ME HER NAKED

scarlett johansson COME ON SHOW ME HER NAKED

Oh, damn, I'm out of chubbies. Have a virtual one instead.





Can't put the toothpaste back in the tube. Too late indeed.

Okay, I just flashed on "Ragtime" and Younger Brother watching Evelyn Nesbit.


/Doctorow is a pervy, partisan jerk

Big pro for the Doctorow reference. That scene, I think, was far, far funnier than Doctorow meant it to be.

That's just...that's just an enormous penis. Enormous. The fluid dynamics involved here also indicate levels of ejaculate that human testicles can not possibly contain!

She made an album!? What a sad, strange world.


This sums it up nicely.

I bought this album yesterday! I knew it would probably not be very good, but I had to have it anyway. It's Scarlett Johansen covering Tom Waits with Bowie involved. How could I not own it?

It's...it's not terrible. But it isn't good either. And it sounds like shoegaze music, which was...unexpected.

I see what you mean by the shoegaze thing, but no.

No what?

I think it would more accurately be described as 'slightly boring' than shoegaze. Actually nevermind, forget this post and the one above it. Thanks!

Well, yeah. I didn't say it sounded like good shoegaze music.

I've been thinking of changing my icon to a picture of Ambrose Bierce. After which I shall only post satiric verse.


Why Maximus, you are looking particularly fetching this morning. I have a thing for blinking eyes and eyelashes. This is weirding me out because you're a 46 year old Dude.

Oh dang. What if we all changed out icons to a famous person and wrote as if we were them. That would be super awesome.

Don't start this. Not again.

Oh, but it would be so fun. And it would stop the whining about how the quality of comments has gone down. We all know that is nonsense!

The only flaw to your idea is that we'd invariably be subjected to extremely loose definitions of the concept of "famous person" and be forced to wade through an ocean of comments from Martin Short talking to Hulk Hogan talking to Yoda.

And god help me there is not enough smack in the universe to get me through that thread.

oh man that sounds so awesome i can't believe you think that is a bad idea.

Well. God damn it.

I grabbed from spamusement to resize
/not stealing

Okay Assetbar - I'm officially requesting a "preview your comment" link

I agree on the preview request.

...and because I can't leave well enough alone.

....I have no good reason.

BBCode, thou art a villain.

Bah! Just go to Superdickery.com and have some fun. I have finished with thee.

So Super. So much Dickery.

Gawd that site is still so good.

baby don't hurt me

This is worth a 5 for the last panel alone.

well then

Thanks, niklas, for having an icon that WILL GIVE ME NIGHTMARES.

The best part is that it's from a children's show .

Dear Jesus Mother of Mary.

What. The. Hell.

I love that show now.

I'm assuming the rest of the movie is less disturbing. Is it any good?

I love that show. It shapes the adult life of anyone who watched it.

This...this is beyond words. A small portion of the part of my soul that believes in the ultimate triumph of order over chaos just dried up, crumbled off, and was consumed by the parts that serve oblivion.

In other words: this is some creepy shit

Children's show? I'm pretty sure it was just an animated film unless I'm lacking some relevant information here.

No, I'm sure I'm the one lacking relevant information. The only information I have is the title of the YouTube video that I Stumbled Upon. Today has been a bad day for showing off my cleverness on Assetbar.

Actually, I did some research on this movie, and I am pretty sure that it was not originally intended for children. It may have been marketed that way because it's difficult to promote an animated film that is made for adults, especially in 1985.

Oh woops. Didn't see achilles' comment below.

Oh, shit. I was pretty sure I was the only person ever to see that. I'll have to begin the purge now.

I need more.

I need to sleep. But now, I don't think will be possible again.

the last panel and alt text alone make this a great

I actually thought that the third panel depicted Ray's soul depating betwixt his lips, making a low, keening sound like the joyous whistling of Satan himself.

Then I was all, "Shit no, it just be cold out."

I thought the same. The imagery was likely intentional.

It could be that I am in a bad mood, but it seems that the quality of the average comment has declined sharply in the past few days.

poo! arse! bum widget!

Your...your mom has declined sharply in the past few days. You know, in, uh...in bed. Because I have been having sex with her.

L'Oneal... How. Do. You. Do. It?? Always crackin' e'eryone's shit up.

I think you are making fun of me, but I'm okay with that because you've made my name look like a brand of shampoo. L'Oneal: Because you're worth it. Or whatever L'Oreal's actual tagline is.

(This would be better if you were the one that made psychobilly sound like a shampoo, but I just checked and that was actually thorfinn.)

No, I was being serious. I am always reading your comments and then laughing.

You cannot laugh! You are a skull! Skulls do not have vocal cords.

All goin' Klakkity-klakkity-Klack . Teeth all chatterin'. No laughin' for a skull; no laughin' for me.



If a skull is awesome enough, it will not need vocal chords.

why is this so familiar? what is it?

Is.. is it Mort? From Planescape: Torment? I think it is. That is awesome if it is.

Your mom?

My mom?

His mom?

Whose mom?

I always thought it was Lone Al. Like some fat kid named Albert who doesn't bath and so yeast pockets form in his fat folds and he smells like fresh bread and nobody talks to him and he has to pay double for hookers and they will never go down on him and he is so fat he can't even masturbate and he has like really back problems with his prostate. That's how I picture loneal.

It's too bad AssetBar doesn't let you put big letters or spaces in your name.

BAD problems with his prostate. Though if they got bad enough, it would impact your back.

Possible Response 1: You have just described my exact opposite in every single way. He is probably posting over at that other Achewood forum, hanging out with Asherdan and the gang.

Possible Response 2: This is what you are masturbating to while you cut my hair bit by bit at night.

Possible Response 3: On some websites I go by LoneEel, which is the same pronunciation, but with lots more connotations of aquatic solitude and sadness.

1) I came from that 'other' mirror forum a few weeks ago, where I am considered the exact opposite of lawbot. I always say YES.

2) I never said I was masturbating while I cut your hair. I implied it. Implied it all over your pillow.

3) I... I got nothin.

PS-You've taken my pervy creepiness with surprising aplomb. I've reached the point that I'm starting to eeek myself out here, so I think I'm going to perhaps pick someone else to eMolest. Thank you for participating. Congratulations, in a way.

So what you're saying is that you pay half price for hookers and masturbate frequently?

Hookers pay me and I masturbate frequently.

I also am very thin, bathe daily, do not smell like fresh bread, and have zero - count 'em, ZERO - prostate problems.

Count them?...if I must, then so be it...[pulls rubber glove onto hand]

A new boundary has been crossed.

Acheworld: Always exploring new... horizons.

The entire Internet now has access to a picture of my face in connection with the following mental images: a dude masturbating over me while I sleep, me masturbating and frequenting hookers, and a dude giving me a mock prostate exam.

Internet, this is not what I signed up for.

Internet: it's not just a job, it's an adventure.

The Internet always gets what it wants.

Case in point, Meg White.

Internet, this is not what I signed up for.

Oh, it so very much is.

You'll never be able to run for president now.

Hey, when did this become L'Oneal-Bar? Not that I mind. You're bitchin' funny.

YO, I hung out with Loneal in London today and we were talking under a bridge and she started picking up trash and putting it in her mouth and I was a little freaked out but then she told me trash like candy wrappers actually had a lot of nutrients in them left over from the candy so then I started tasting the wrappers and we were down there about two hours.

This is all true.

Loneal: Are you going to Oxford to get a degree in Homelessness Survival? Do you think it is rad to not participate in society?

I am going to Oxford to get a degree in English, so "yes," basically to both your questions.

I learned English when I was one year old. I know a guy who learned it in two hears despite being for a heretical nation. Why do you need to travel and study hard to learn it? Do you have learning problems? Maybe its the trash thing, or some secret prostate you don't know about.


Loneal? Loneal. Stay out of my joke territory or I will cut you. I gonna cut you so bad, you wish I no cut you so bad.

(That was actually a pretty good joke though)

Those are some baaaad roaches.

Your territory? I beg to differ... and so does your mother.

Oh my god, tekende, you used a joke from Family Guy! Don't you know that show is stupid and retarded because it has cutaways and stuff? Shame on you!

Also, your mom is my territory. In bed.

I;m still digging! THere's oil here, I knows it, or else, blood?

How will Nice Pete plumb those deeper waters?

A comment left by desert_donkey was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by apocowarg, yomimono, Cremlae, usversusthem, Comrade_Tom)

lol. silnent petey wont to get ray licked up form deh beg-beg sosto get to i saw a shirtless man in a bed and i don't think i've been the same ever since deh grond walter of is eart. ray werd win angly dunk. ray mod abot not eatin' assmuch as he wonts to sfinsh up. so lol.

How does he write so badly?

This is not your best work, rex. You are resorting to gay panic jokes, which is the comedic equivalent of defibrillator paddles. Tsk tsk and a harrumph harrumph.

WHEN I WAS A BOY I CAME UPON TWO NUNS MAKING LOVE IN A CAVE... That... kind of shit won't happen in the future :-(

Bearstronaaaaauts (yeah).

When I was younger I had some covers that were comics of bearstronauts going to the moon for the glory of Abearica. Was it your intention to reference this?

Brad Neely?
Kenny Winker??

A point well made, but I don't think we can entirely ignore the phrase, "so's to get to the groundwater of his heart" ( is so lol p. 92). That's some good shit right there.

Holy crapola, Rex said that? That....that's gold.

Well, I mean, he actually said "sosto get to deh grond walter of his eart," but, you know.

If only all scholarly citations included indications as to whether the shit right there was good or not. Reading them would be as entertaining as deconstructing an episode of Flava of Luv , as Michael Eric Dyson has pointed out.[1]

1 - Dyson, Michael Eric. BET and the Failings of African-American Pop Culture. Doubleday: New York. This nigga right here is smaaaaaaart .


The triumphant return of "So lol", or "Son of Lolney".

...Son of Lolney, Electric Boogaloo

HUGE v-chub on i_love_kate out of nowhere.

Not mixin' it up like you used to. Perhaps it's just that you're starting to more specifically define your style and it's moving in a different direction to where some of the fans of your early stuff expected it to go.

Keep doing your thing man. Everyone has to get past that dreaded Sophomore Album; it separates the hitters from the quitters.

yes - take your inspiration drskradley's from Bruce Campbell and find your niche.

*See above conversation about Scarlett Johannsen I don't care if I spelled it wrong

**See also every band that had their slightly creative albums that nobody liked and/or did other stuff that made them happy that didn't involve music, then "came back to their roots" and made hell of money and sold hell of albums in the process, eg. Chilli Peppers, U2, Linkin Park (wait a few years, this'll happen), Project 86

***See also how Limp Bizkit finally got Wes Borland on board, who's absence everyone blamed for the fact that they sucked, and then they sucked just as much if not more.

****Their original "3 Dollar Bill Y'all" album was surprisingly good for its time. This will be okay to admit in like 7 years when everyone's out of their "LOLZ THE 80's YAYZ!!!" phase and has moved onto the 90's. Nu Metal was fun for a while, I don't care.

Dude...no. Neither Limp Bizkit nor Korn "used to be good". Their first albums sucked, and their subsequent albums sucked more. The excesses of the 80's have been rehabilitated, but there are some things even ironic nostalgia can't accomplish - making Nu-metal cool again is one of those things.

There is a storm of lames gathering over you right now for even mentioning Nu-metal on here. We had all blissfully forgotten that such a thing ever existed.

Snot were fucking awesome, and if you cannot appreciate this then you are the guy who sucks. Also, Deftones were never nu-metal but their popularity came about because they were associated with that scene. For this, we can be grateful.

Motherfukin' Snot!
Down for the fattest sound
We're comin' to your town
Leave your daughters and your sisters with me!

Love Snot.
Love them (Moist?)

The funny thing is that part of the reason Deftones survived from one era into the next is because they also meshed well with the emo/post-hardcore craze, all touring with Poison the Well and Thursday and whatnot.


A predictable response.

It all depends what you consider Nu-Metal. From the one time I listened to it, "3 Dollar Bill Y'all$" was genuinely entertaining. The whole Rap/Rock thing was good for a while. A short while, I'll grant you, but a while no less.

Until, naturally, it succumbed to the same downfall any form of angry music succumbs to when it gets popular and every motherfucker starts doing it - it gets immature. The anger and justified passion that was Rage Against The Machine was transmogrified into the "check it out, I've got a penis! And chicks have boobies! Fuck shit ass cunt and fuck!" that was Limp Bizkit, Kid Rock, Hot Action Cop and every other bastard that came along. And even when it remained slightly serious (POD, Machine Head's "Burning Red" album, other stuff), it had still gotten further and further away from metal and further away from rap and was somewhere boringly inbetween.

Of course, that's if we're considering Nu-Metal to be just rap/rock, which it wasn't. It was, in my mind (and I just KNOW this damn argument will come down to semantics and what each person defines as "Nu-Metal") basically where metal and hard rock met - it had more singing than metal, and more common and easily accessible pop song structures. This pissed metal fans off because, let's be honest, they're elitist as all hell. Nu-Metal also pissed off your average critic because it's basically angry teen music.

But I still find it enjoyable, and I think as a genre it always has potential for awesome.

Perhaps in my head the boundaries between Nu-Metal and Groove Metal blur, as all the awesomeness I'm thinking of could arguably just be considered Groove Metal, and has little of the rap, funk or otherwise bass-driven elements that make up Nu-Metal.

As I mentioned, I knew it'll all come down to fucking semantics.

I still enjoy Mudvayne, Slipknot, Static-X, if you consider any of them Nu-Metal. Karnivool are probably considered it, too, and hell, they're awesome. Disturbed and Korn I can take in small doses.

These are the only bands I'm thinking of when it comes to the goods of Nu-Metal, mind you, so perhaps we need to further define our terms.

Nu-metal, in my mind, was also typified by the simplistic and often repetitive guitar riffs, lacking traditional 'lead' parts, as well as the simple structures, rather than just the combination of rap and hard rock.

But agreed, all the bands you mentioned are basically what I think of as nu-metal too.

It was bands like Korn and to a lesser extent limp-dick-biscuit that were genuinely doing something new and original at the time.

However bands like Deftones, and more recently 36Crazyfists, were maybe originally nu-metal, but have grown and developed with each album, and now can not be associated in any way with the genre. Korn and Slipknot limp-dick etc all did not do this, and now sound like their own covers band, all bashing out the same tired old songs on each album.

*see 8 posts above*

...aaaaaand we come full circle.

Except the bands im refering to 'spread thier creative nets realy wide' and mostly didn't suck in the process.

But then thats just my opinion. (and who knows, maybe somebody here thinks that slipknots albums are all musicaly diverse...)

I'm just waiting for the day we get to post-nu-metal

man that will be shit

shit as in the derogatory sense

(this post brought to you by "the way people turn negative words into positive ones and make it difficult for you to say anything without the chance of confusing someone")

Mr. Lostman, has no one taught you the difference between "shit" and " the shit"? Definite articles are well known for their ability to infuse whatever they touch with positivity.

this is new... Thank you.

This new way of identifying positives is the ass crack of an old man on the subway!

Thanks American English (Thumbs up, freeze frame, The more you know)

Apparently I have given out too many chubbies, but your comment was the vomit of an underaged girl who was peer-pressured into drinking too much by a boy who was trying to get her to let him touch her tits.

Well, no, I don't equate nu-metal with rap rock. Like you said, much nu-metal falls outside of that, and conversely, there's a lot of decent rap rock that no one would call nu-metal (E-town Concrete, NJ Bloodline, Stuck Mojo, etc.) What I do equate it with is predictable cliched angst, ridiculous posturing, lyrics that are made up as one goes along, overuse of expletives to show how tough we are, grating vocals that manage to be both whiny and raspy at the same time, and a basic inability to string a melody together. One can hate on emo, but at least most of those bands know how to put some minor chords together into a tight chorus - most nu-metal bands barely knew how to play their instruments and invariably would end up putting a major where there needs to be a minor or a flat where there needs to be a sharp.

I guess the bands you listed aren't the worst examples. I too have a few exceptions: Onesidezero, Deftones, Guano Apes, and Passenger, but three of those are fairly obscure anyway.

At any rate, I think nu-metal pretty much became obsolete when metalcore came along.

I disagree with many of the bands you like, but I enjoy the way you view music and the metal scene, so you get a chubby. Also, I like people who will say unpopular things about enjoying music.

i chubbied hedonismbot because he said what i was thinking, but that chubby extends (virtually) to you as well achilleselbow for writing well on this subject.

This and the last strip have had Deep in the Woods floating around my brain for the last few days.
The woods eats the woman and dumps her honey-body in the mud
Her dress floats down the well and it assumes the shape of the body of a
Little girl

Yeah I recognize that girl
She stumbled in some time last loneliness
But I could not stand to touch her now
My one and onlyness.

Deep in the woods
Deep in the woods
Deep in the woods a funeral is swinging.

I can't help but think Nice Pete would approve even if it isn't the Allman Brothers.

I kind of get the idea that the Allman Brothers were a ruse with intent to lull. Maybe he acknowledges more than two songs in the world, but he picked the two he knew would make Ray spill his secrets? That would make sense in the context of Mr. Band, anyway.

What I am trying to say is: I agree with you.

Gladi8orrex II: Intent to Lol

I believe you mean Gladi8orrex II: Electric Boogaloo Intent to Lol

Gladi8orrex III: Lol and Lol Again.

Gladi9orrex: Electehric Boogalol

The sequel to anything should be " II: Trouble in Jamaica"

Use this template as you wish.

I've always gone with the:
1(first blood)
2(cruise control)
3(trouble in paradise)

formula myself, but those are fine alternatives

Bravo! Bravissimo! I am clapping loudly and slowly, and am now rising out of my seat, still clapping, turning to those around me and, with a tear in my eye, proudly proclaiming "That's my son".

That reminds me of a a creepy Brecht/Weill song:

Als sie ertrunken war und hinunterschwamm
Von den B�chen in die gr��eren Fl�sse
Schien der Opal des Himmels sehr wundersam
Als ob er die Leiche beg�tigen m�sse.

Tang und Algen hielten sich an ihr ein
So da� sie langsam viel schwerer ward.
K�hl die Fische schwammen an ihrem Bein
Pflanzen und Tiere beschwerten noch ihre letzte Fahrt.

Und der Himmel ward abends dunkel wie Rauch
Und hielt nachts mit den Sternen das Licht in der Schwebe.
Aber fr�h ward er hell, da� es auch
Noch f�r sie Morgen und Abend gebe.

Als ihr bleicher Leib im Wasser verfaulet war
Geschah es (sehr langsam), da� Gott sie allm�hlich verga�
Erst ihr Gesicht, dann die H�nde und ganz zuletzt erst ihr Haar.
Dann ward sie Aas in Fl�ssen mit vielem Aas.

translation (not mine):

When she had drowned and floated down
From creeks on into each succeeding course,
The opal of the sky most grandly shone
As if it were required to soothe this corpse.

Then kelp and algae caught along her side
Until at length her form became immense.
The fishes coolly swam along her thigh,
Her last trip burdened so by animals and plants.

And with evening, the sky turned dark as smoke,
Then saved its light suspended in each star.
But the brilliance of the dawn seemed to evoke
A morning and an evening still for her.

As her bleached body decayed along the weir,
It happened (gracefully) that God in time forgot her:
First her face, then her hands, and last her hair.
Then she flowed, with other carrion, from the harbor.

Firefox: Go to View > Character Encoding
and set the page to Western (ISO-8859-1)

IE: Page > Encoding
and set to Western European (ISO)

sorry Safari - have to wait til I get home.

i'm...i'm not doing that

i love ray, just not to the extent to be hurt by his overweight. grow a belly, dude.

Remember kids: Chubbies hurt Ray's mom.

mine do anyway

Ray, I'm rocking those few extra pounds...just for you!

are we assuming that to write the finest biography the world has ever known, nice pete must kill Ray upon its completion? like brainiac?

is this being assumed?

Ray is not a deep man.

I remember a couple years ago on Halloween when my friend and I came into possession of a jar of moonshine. The last thing I remember is throwing eggs at a passing train and accidentally hitting the conductor through the window so he slammed on the brakes. We ran off. The rest of the night got pretty fuzzy, and in the morning there was a plaster Elvis head impaled on a broken off crutch in our living room. No idea where it came from.

Lucky you didn't go blind. Avoid moonshine kiddies, it could be wood alcohol. Better stick with the cheap store bought stuff.

This has been an Achewood Community Announcement.

Unless you distill it yourself and know what you're doing, or know who distilled it and you know they know what they're doing.

The moonshine guy - he knows what he's doing. Because he can't see any more his other senses are more acute.

And going blind really is an eye-opener a sharp lesson.

My neighbor recently brought over a jar of moonshine filled with peach slices.

We got hella toasted on that country likker.

That sounds really good with the holiday weekend coming up. I'm going to emulate it with vodka and Jones melon-flavored soda, I think.

The experience will in no way be comparable, I assure you. But it will still probably be pleasurable.

Nice Pete: Voice of Reason.

Uh.... what?

Yeah well, serial killers friends don't let biography subjects and a guaranteed five hundo friends drive drunk.

*In reference to his cautionary moonshine advice. I should have elaborated earlier. I admit this.

A comment left by jkustes was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by DaPooka, tekende, invidious, IronDave, yomimono, pogo)

"People who believe in government conspiracies have never worked in government or been seriously involved in politics." -Octafish

Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

I forget where I saw someone tried to explain the total absurdity of the Truther claims by estimating the cost of a government cover-up of 9-11 through hush money (keeping in mind that the cover-up and payoff plans were 100% successful). I think it ran into the trillions.

The thing is I hesitate to dismiss this completely in theory. If you look up Operation Gladio or any of our involvement in South/Central America - stuff that has all been proven and declassified - something like the 9/11 conspiracy does start to seem more feasible. I think what it really comes down to is just a matter of the execution of something on so grand a scale being pretty unlikely. I have no doubt that at least some elements of the government (the PNAC, some of the CIA, etc.) would have no qualms about doing something like this if only they could pull it off. So in theory the ideas of the 911 truthers aren't entirely ridiculous. In practice, however, you just have to look at their rhetoric and the quasi-religious way in which they proclaim their slogans to know that something's not quite kosher about them.

I think that if you know anything about what it takes to demolish a building, any claims involving controlled demolition are indeed entirely ridiculous, even in theory. It's really a shame that serious people give this nonsense any space to breathe.

Well, there are different theories, ranging from the totally ridiculous "Bush and Cheney were mustached villains laughing maniacally as they pushed down the level on a big box marked "TNT" a few blocks away" variety to the slightly more plausible "Bin Laden and the CIA are in cahoots" or "The CIA knew about it but let it happen" variety. I'm just making a point that the absurdity is in the execution, not that "our government would never do such a thing!"

Jkustes, I thank you for this. In view of what it says, I had to see what other wisdom you had posted.

I was saddened to see you had only one other: the one about how graphic design is easy and there are only 5 designers in the world. And here I thought you were making a sarcastic joke about that.

Silly me.

I can't wait to see the important issue you break your silence on next! Obviously yours is a penterating intellect.

He is the new gladi8orrex. mark my words.

That is an entirely unwarranted insult to gladi8orrex.

they both post youtube comments

The resurrection of Christ was an inside job.

In lieu of a new strip I present you with this clipping, which struck me as Achewoodian. Hopefully it doesn't go all scrolly and shit but if it does then whatever.


What's a skosh.

A skosh is a momentito as far as I can tell.

the poteen shall take effect interfrastically

A skosh (or scoche?) is another word for "a litttle bit." It could be time, or physical space, or potato salad. I thought it was more an Upper Midwest term than a Southern one, but I could be wrong about that.

It's Japanese.

Your mom is Japanese.

That seems unlikely.



Worth a shot.

I disagree with the form, but I admire the spirit.

What is the pinnacle of aesthetics in this arena? (Short answer, 250 words or less.)

I came all over my computer when I saw the Guardian avatar. Just writing 'Guardian avatar' made me do it again

It DISGUSTS ME to agree with you so completely.

Besides, we all know that there's only three ways to play the game: Good Avatar, Bad Avatar, and abcd alt-255 Avatar.

The Blottobiography of Ray Smuckles.