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Maybe this scheme? Tuesday, July 9, 2002 • read strip Viewing 41 comments:

I hope that Onstand one day follows up on Roast Beef's trainmania.

One of the subscriber strips features Beef showing off his train set to Vlad. It's pretty funny.

How is that subscrber content? Worth it? Can I get your opinions?

Apparently not, and someone found it lame that you would even dare to ask.

Apparently not=you cannot get opinions, I meant.

clearly you also fear the spectre of inexplicable lames
i feel obliged to chubby you just to assuage said fears

I think most, if not all of the old subscriber content also gets put in the books, as well.

Buy the books so you can read Achewood on the can.

Or, you know, just get a laptop. I do both!

that's mostly why i enjoy living in the future so much.

I can't figure out if Ray is trying to convince Beef to come back or just fucking with him.

I always figured it was both.



What [i]is[/is] that?

A perfectly good waste of an awesome domain name.

This comment is correct. This is the perfect waste of this domain name.

Maybe. But it is also my new home page.

By perfect, I mean there can be no better waste.

When I go there, there is nothing.


I don't know how to properly phrase this, but I think it's because he stopped paying to keep the site?

The only reason I know anything about this is because, as I said above, I made it my home page. One day, it stopped coming up. See, I basically have the mind of a child, so I naturally assumed that my internet, itself, was dead. I don't know how long it took me to figure this out. I guess about as long as it takes a stupid, stupid animal to realize that it can't bite it's own tail.

Anyway, that's why.

This whole thing is quite possibly the weirdest conversational thread I've ever seen on Acheworld.

For the record, the url was for a white page with panel 4 in the middle.

Chubby for overdue explanation.

Now all it says is "pi" in the upper left hand corner.

Can't? Shouldn't.

That -- is a strange thing.

MAN is this gold. Anyone who has ever cared about model trains even a little is like "Shit, a water feature??"

Neil Young is a guy that cares about model trains. He actually built a massive layout%u2014eventually comprising some 700 feet of track%u2014in the 2,800 square foot barn of his sprawling Broken Arrow ranch.

It had redwood stumps from around his property and other plants as greenery, and a complex misting system (water feature!) to keep them alive.

He eventually bought into the Lionel train company, and now has his own set of trains available as part of their range. Also helped with designing their controller system, which came from him trying to find a way for his cerebral palsy son to enjoy playing the trains.. he made a big red button he could use to run the train, make it whistle etc.

Sonic Youth%u2019s Kim Gordon recalls a surreal scene on Young%u2019s bus during her band%u2019s tour with him in the %u201990s. As Gordon prepared a meal, Neil sat nearby tinkering with his trains.

%u201CPart of the train set was a model cow that made moo-ing noises,%u201D Gordon recalled with a chuckle. %u201CAnd Neil wasn%u2019t happy with the cow sound. He didn%u2019t think it was realistic enough. So he kept fiddling with the electronics. He%u2019d get the cow to moo, and he%u2019d ask us what we thought. %u2018Was it realistic enough? Did it need some more work? What was wrong?%u2019 He was at it for an hour or so. It was amazing how a toy cow could maintain his interest for so long.%u201D

you can read more here;

Does Roast Beef not believe Ray in panel 6? Is that why he hung up?

Yes, you interpreted it correctly.

It's not the most rad or most awesome or most bad ass model train layout of all time... It's the most important .

We're through the looking glass here, people.

I hope that my cellphone signal reaches the moon.

It's not a cell phone. It's a cordless.

i think this is one of the transition strips of Beef's mode of speech

The fourth panel is pretty much the defining point in my life when I realized I loved Achewood.

The distance from the Earth to the Moon is approximately 240K miles. Communications traveling at light speed have a 2 and a half second round trip delay. Even discounting the lack of cellular service on the Moon and the improbability of using a phone in a vacuum, I'll bet the odd pauses in this conversation makes it even more awkward.

Something tells me that talking on the phone with Beef would involve awkward pauses even on Earth.

Distance and all, y'know....

It makes a tremendous amount of sense, looking back, that Beef likes model trains. After all, look at one of his other major pastimes, coding, by comparison: both require skill, both are highly focused on minutiae, and both are essentially indoor activities that are solitary in nature (yes there are coding clubs and model train clubs but really you build or code by yourself the rest of the time)... Funny how a subject that is more or less never approached again can tie in so well to a character.

When I was in my first year of university, I attended a NORML event, which was to be a screening of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, with everyone smoking heated up marijuana. The venue was to be an refurbished theatre in a historical park which featured a number of things from history.

A friend and I had a session at my house, before we left to go to the theatre, and having been dropped off in slightly the wrong place by the bus, were having a bit of trouble finding it. After a bit of indecision, involving running one way for a while, before changing direction and gradually coming to the realisation that we were quite lost, a car pulled over. A very stoned woman was driving it, and asked us for directions to the theatre. We, having no idea where to go, nonetheless got into the car, to pool our resources.

Eventually, we saw a dude waving us in to a driveway, so we followed it down to a carpark. We went into the building next to where we were parked, and walked up some stairs, eventually rounding a corner to where we assumed the theatre screen to be. Instead of a bunch of stoned university students, we found ourselves confronted by a small group of middle-aged, bearded gentlemen, who were sitting around a model train layout, who were looking at us in a somewhat bewildered fashion.

"Is...is this the NORML event?" we asked, already knowing that it was not.

"No" replied one impressively bearded man "this is the meeting of the Canterbury Model Train society".

So what then? You stayed and played with trains? You saw the film?

Or maybe an independent third option?

Wish we'd stayed and played with the trains actually, the NORML people were self-important and unpleasant to be around. Further, instead of 'Fear and Loathing' it was 'Monty Python's Meaning of Life', which is a fine movie, but not the greatest stoned viewing. The involuntary organ donation scene bugged a few people out. For me at least, Monty Python style humour was not improved by marijuana.