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Merry Christmas With Teodor Tuesday, December 25, 2001 • read strip Viewing 40 comments:

Is this a hole in the gutter, or is it a baby dinosaur puking through the gutter?

took me a minute to see that. kinda like one of those shitty magic eye posters that your friends swear has rocketship in it but all you're getting out of it is a headache and after a while you kind of think they're just fucking with you.

Oh crap, I saw it. I hope I don't become paranoid about guttering now.

I see nothing.

looking too hard

I see the baby from Eraserhead.

You bawl like the baby in Eraserhead.



wasn't this the first one with alt text? good times

speaking of alt text....


No. Check 11/12/2001, although it being self-referential may have been added later.

that is exactly how i feel right now.

Poor Teodor, has to drag himself up to the roof to fix a busted drainpipe on Xmas day.

Alt text: "snif"

A comment left by joeyramoney was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by wharfrat, Zefiel, jdhenry105, rowboat, Moraiat, catgrl131, Sargasm, shoinan, choosebro, Audhumla, Lohninck)

As a piece of art, it's very nice. But, yeah - as a strip, not so much. Whatever - the man was on vacation.

Getting a five for the first alt text. Start of a legend.


Why is this only a 2.3? They don't all have to be laugh-out-loud hilarity, people. Sometimes it's important to have a distraction like this to remind us of that.

Relativity, doggie. When all of Achewood is so fucking great, even "pretty good" looks bad.

It's a picture of a gutter.


No cussing!

Who's cussing?

odei is cussing.

Is he cussing someone out?

He's just cussing!

No cussing!

Man, this is gonna be a HIT!

I don't even know what this is. Comparing it to "laugh-out-loud hilarity" would only be appropriate if I had some reason to believe this was intended to be humorous.

There is an alien spacecraft in the top right corner.

Aaaaaaaaaaand I'm done with the archives. As a result, I'm rating this steamer a 5. TRY AND STOP ME. MWAHAHAHAHA!


Todd is spewing out of the drainhole. Merry xmas indeed.

Someone tell me what the fuck I'm looking at here

This is the first strip with alt-text. The end.

i still dont see what everyone is seeing...

Yeah, where's that guy who does recaps for the blind when he'd actually be useful?