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Timmy the Stem Cell Tuesday, March 9, 2004 • read strip Viewing 28 comments:

Stimmy Cell

A comment left by trapperjohn was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by sirhan_duran, NeoNaoNeo, redion, Jesler729, Deusoma, Ariamaki)

I like this strip, but you would think that Lazarus has done enough schmoozing to know how uncool it is to talk during someone's backswing. Poor golf course etiquette can be a deal-breaker.

Shit, I just realized... a tasseled loafer wouldn't have any idea what goes on during a round of golf. It'd be stuck in the trunk of the car.

Damn you, Onstad

Always one step ahead

Damn you, Onstad

Always one step ahead

I wish you could edit your comments. No idea why that last bit was double-posted.

It was pretty funny though.

Accidental Poetry continues its struggle as a burgeoning Internet art form.

there are three types of typographical errors, and they are as follows:

errors perpetrated maliciously by a disgruntled typesetter

errors introduced accidentally, without purpose or intended function

errors introduced divinely, wherein the typesetter is influenced unknowingly by the hand of god.

these types are INDISTINGUISHABLE and therefore in effect, the same thing. proofreading, then, becomes unnecessary and indeed reprehensible.

this is a paraphrase of a beautiful poem by a man whose name i cannot remember.

The Printer's Error

Disguised like normal errors, these errors can at once transform the life of their typist!

Your feelings on the matter wree clearly so emphatic they echoed.





personally i think it worked in your favour. like the first time it didn't take, so you said it again, perhaps slamming your fist down onto a table this time.


If only Lazarus knew that Ray's political candidate is actually a five-year-old who wants to give homeless people free stays at Motel 6.

Its Comminuss' I tells ya!!!

As long as he had lead time to buy stock in Motel 6 Lazarus would endorse this plan.

The alt text is incorrect. I do not know Lazarus's politics.

it is the Devil Shoe.

In panels 5 and 6, the hole moves over to Ray .

Such is the power of the casual shoe, yes.

4.1 w00t

if you look a philippe really quick in the last frame, he kinda reminds you (me) of former President Dwight D. "Ike" Eisenhower (dec).

Even with one shoe on, the players game does not suffer.

Shine on, Ray Smuckles. Shine on.

i have a new love for this strip. i just noticed that ray took a divot after hitting the ball. his finish stance is clean and correct. he also putts the ball off of his front foot.

look, i like golf. a lot. i'm sorry.