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Coconut Rum Tuesday, December 10, 2002 • read strip Viewing 46 comments:

That last panel is gold.


Coconut rum is the gay drink of choice for all occasions!

A comment left by petro was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by pwb, lumley, haff)


Nice icon/comment synergy

For both of his comments, really.

I think Long Island Iced Tea is a tough drink. There's so much alcohol in it, it tastes almost like nothing.

That means you need to add more tequila.

It tastes like burning.

Then it wasn't well made. A good Long Island iced tea tastes slightly like lemonade or sweet 'n' sour, but mostly like nothing.

I have never had a Long Island iced tea and was not expecting a follow up. Damn you, sir.

Roast Beef has such a detailed doom imagination.

Darker or not than the apocalyptic machinery, just mowing us all down?

This proposed timeline is definitely darker. At least the doom machines provide an end. Randy provides instead another dimension of instability and shitty mixed drinks.




Someone admiring his shoulders is enough to set him off.

A pity! Such lovely shoulders needs protection !

Please tell me that you are not named after a film.

It's the other way around actually.
Funny story that, by the way...

Well, they ARE very nice shoulders.

I imageine the man he mentions is Hiram the Blacksmith. And gramma K is all looking at them with spit and vinegar.

Because of the running coconut rum = gay thing I am always self-conscious now to drink any sort of flavoured rum, like a thousand eyes are judging me.


Because I ain't need no Michelin man brushing against me in the hallway because I was trying to get crazy on some pineapple rum

More importantly, why were you drinking flavored rum?

So vivid

Alt Text: "Dad this is Randy"

Funnily enough, this alt text seems to contradict the later revelation that Beef's father was killed by his mother some time ago. It's just a throwaway line about coming out, though. With coconut rum and a guy named Randy and all.

Personally I love coconut rum but that doesn't make me gay. Weird how it doesn't at all taste like coconut though.

Shameful this strips rating is so low.

I'm gayer than all get out and coconut rum and I do not get along. I'm all "hey you taste like death" and it's all "hey I make you like that AC/DC song"

chubby for your dialogue with coconut rum. you're all and it's all and we're all...just great.

I'd imagine people would think they were a couple.

It's fairly impressive that Onstad can make the tired old gay panic scenario as funny as this comic. That first panel is so sitcommy it could practically be scored with a wah-wah trombone . But five panels later there's Beef and imaginary Randy steeling themselves with dessert drinks for dinner with the Kazenzakis. No macho bluster -- it's not about some perceived challenge to his masculinity but the near possibility of even more worry in his life.

I was impressed by the way he ensured we knew it was a gay bar in panel three.

Haha, my fabulously gay boss is named Randy. And I bet he totally drinks coconut rum.

Because of this strip, I will never drink coconut rum. I don't want to end up trying to explain myself at Christmastime.

somewhere in the peppermint honcho is hiram the blacksmith
turns out he made that trip to the future

The firts time I ever got royally hammered was on coconut rum mixed with Mello Yello. God, I am so lame.

so lame I can't spell 'first,' evidently.

The first time I got wasted I was drinking straight Smirnoff's (no ice) out of a Yahtzee cup.

My first time was taking shots of whiskey, first from shot glasses and then straight from the bottle. I don't remember much.

Vodka shots with my friend and her Russian boyfriend. He might have told me that after taking a vodka shot in Russia, they take a bite out of a pickle.

Whether or not it's true, it's delicious .

I once went to a bar (not a gay bar, but then again, it was in San Francisco) that sold me a mojito made with coconut rum. That was bad enough, but then we looked at the menu and saw that yes, the description of their mojito said that it used coconut rum. They meant to do that.

the first time i drank a mojito i ordered it and sounded out the "t"
i asked for a "mo-ji-toe".
i've never recovered.