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The miniature golf hole Thursday, October 25, 2001 • read strip Viewing 77 comments:

Philippe is good what ails you. He is Prozac, but on the screen. It is hard to be depressed when Philippe is around.

Some Philippe strips are so full of pathos I fell sorry for the little guy.

transfer station?

That is what makes him a special boy!

hug the fuck outta em!

A comment left by wino was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by gambolholic, davidbs, DorothyPoopBot)

No, but it would seriously break the meta-reality that Achewood is.

A comment left by wino was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by SSDDR, rajib, davidbs)

Yeah, but Elmo isn't supposed to be a doll in the Sesame Street continuity.

Oh dear God. Did I just say "Sesame Street continuity?" SOMEONE CALL 911 I AM SUFFERING FROM A SEVERE OVERDOSE OF INTERNET

I'm sorry if asking this makes me seem like a total no0b but how do we know that Phillipe is actually a stuffed animal and not a real otter?

Never mind.
God, I am slow.

If anyone else here is like me at all, your avatar alone will save you from many lames, in spite of a question like that.

This is extremely true.

Again, let me state that when I made that comment two months ago, I had no idea that this avatar was from a television show which I do not like. I thought it was just a tall-ass doctor.

While an avatar with a tall-ass doctor would be very funny, Scrubs is still a good show.

It is still just a tall-ass doctor

A tall ass-doctor?

Chubbied for XKCD reference.

Speaking of meta-reality, If you made an achewood Movie/TV show, would it be a cartoon, or live action with stop-motion stuffed animals and cgi cats?

clearly claymation. clearly.

a la Roger Rabbit.

maybe cat puppets interspersed with real cat footage, ala toonces

i have a stuffed animal otter named philippe... but i am a chick. so you still might be gay

Not gay, but a gay. Totally different things.

THE gay

This one is going for only $300 on Ebay.


This is terrible thing to sell on eBay. A terrible, terrible thing.

That thing needs to lay off the Cheetos.


That looks less like Philipe and more like an Rodent of unusual size.

They don't exist.


This may be my favorite strip ever. I have it posted on my door.

Does he hug the ball?

Phillipe hugs EVERYTHING. Huuuuugs!

philippe wants you to feel good about yourself yay philippe!

Phillipe really ran the show in the old days.

Definitely an established Phillipe moment.

Philippe is well adjusted.

First appearance of Huuugs!

Aw I love philippe

I just imagined Dubya spoutin' that bit of cartoon-otter love.
And it was Good.

lyle's golf hat is gold.

Also note: early experimentation with Lyle's mustacheshape!

Yeah, I noticed that too; why don't we see more of that thing?

Lyle looks so damn jaunty here.

Phillipe loves to play the kind of games where everybody wins. Huuugs!

I did this shit as a kid.


I just repeated this experiment, and the most notable thing I found is that Google asks me if I mean "nudes" instead of "huuuugs".


Comment goes great with your avatar, here.

Thank you.

SO Nuuuuuudes.

Google generally assumes you're looking for nudes.

[SafeSearch is off]

this is amazing

Favourite Achewood strip.

same here

holy crap i'm so warm and fuzzy all over

My goal in life is to be as huggable as Phillippe :-).

Lyle leans in conspiratorially.

One of my top 5 strips.

One of the best of the first year; heck--one of the best ever.

You cannot be sad when Phillipe is around.

It's actually impossible


Gah. I didn't mean to post this. I didn't mean to post this at all. I wish I could lame myself.

i wish i had a philippe all of my own.

I'd play.

I wish i had a Philippe in my house.

Dang, why can't all miniature golf courses have Philippe? I want a hug too, damnit!

Philippe's idea should be implemented to each and every sports there is.

Five'd for Lyle's beret.

Lyle should'a kept the snap-brim.

This game is approximately 1,000,000 times better than real golf.

Only 5 times better than mini-golf though.