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Ray Glocks a Cow Wednesday, January 31, 2007 • read strip Viewing 131 comments:

One of my favorite Achewood strips of all time. The fourth panel doubles me over everytime.

I second that, one of my favourites too for the same reason. It should be a law that every abattoir worker has to say that to every animal that comes through...

Chubby for abattoir. Good vocab word.

Fuck hell yes. That fourth panel is like a big right hook of humour to the lower jaw.

A comment left by cailetshadow was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Shinkusan, Tagrineth, NDCaesar, 762, MortisInvictus, DrSkradley, troutman, mrblank91, sexualhomeboy)

I'm not familiar with the type of fishing that involves punching.

The fact that fish very possibly feel something analogous to "pain" does not surprise me, nor do I give a shit at all. I have long held the belief humourously espoused in this strip - if you are wanting to eat an animal, you gotta be willing to kill it and, in Western society at least, accept that it has died in an extremely horrendous and painful fashion. Sorta like something out of a Clive Barker film. That's how they die, and I have come to accept it.

I would kill the cow with my own teeth, I'm comfortable with this.

The gf and I were out walking yesterday and saw some deer across a field. As we passed some bushes she told me not to pee in my pants if a deer jumped out. I claimed that if one did, I was going to move in close to avoid swinging hooves, choke it with my bare hands, it would have to go in the back of her Hyundai, and it would have to be field dressed in her backyard since I live in an apartment.

That quieted her down, and I think it's because she was wondering how long I'd been thinking about killing a deer with my bare hands.

for some reason, "...accept that it has died in an extremely horrendous and painful fashion." made me think of Jesus and Easter and all that.

[b]Jesus Cow died for your appetite! Praise God and pass the A1![/a]


Wow, that site is really messed up. Sea kittens... really?

Fish hurt, but in ways it's hard to care about.

Straight up: Read this as FistingHurts.com.
Worst/Best awareness sight ever.

Although, I find Ray's reflection in panel six to be just as, if not more so, hysterical.

Ray should not have yelled because he knows damn well that Ottawa Modified Death procures the best of meat.
And because gloating over your dinner is poor form for a player.

YES. I love how passive aggressively empathic Ray is. Especially to the lower life forms.

(Cat > Cow)

There's a yoga stretch called cat-cow.


panel 4 needs to be a t-shirt.

Hell yes!




Whoa! Congratulations, I guess...? Should you be congratulated? Looks great, anyway.

Well it triples me over every time.

Oh man, talk about playing BBCode Roulette. Someone get me a small towel and a mate, I feel alive.

Talk about not realizing how these threads work.

your avatar FREAKED me out. especially when I scrolled over it and the bug jumped.

True. That and the idea of Ray and Beef curb-stomping a mussel.

I like panel three also

Ray walks up to the cow, all casual-like

do you think that it is wrong to get multiple boners from achewood

is it wrong

Or do you agree that it is okay?

It is in fact Rad.

It's ok, as long as you only get one at a time.

If your Achewood lasts for more than 4 hours, seek immediate medical assistance.

though I doubt the doctors will be able to do anything for you...

your avatar looks vaguely familiar.

Well, what are the odds of that?
chubby for you, madam.

Cow slaughter is like porn to me. But not really.

A comment left by a_dude was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by wharfrat, geesycreesy, re5urgam)

A comment left by aaron_haynes was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by bannedbooks, geesycreesy, re5urgam, electricjelly, cailetshadow)

krak...whump! it is amazing how well letters translate into words

Man, ain't that the truth.

in fact, in some cultures, words are composed entirely out of letters.

A decent strip sent into the stratosphere by the third and fourth panels. How much does it say about Achewood that I never once questioned why a cat would be above a cow on the food chain?

It's natural if the cat can stone cold handle a Glock.

He holds it gangsta style, a stupid way to shoot.

He's aiming at a cow.

Yeah, you could hold a gun upside down and pull the trigger with your pinky, it's not like the cow is going to dodge out of the way at the last second.

Well -- cats are carnivores and cows are herbivores, so they do occupy a higher trophic level, even if they are physically incapable of killing a cow without a Glock.

You underestimate Ray's killing power.

He'd be all "HISSSSSSSSSSSSSS" afterwards.

A comment left by hellofyellin was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Lacrimus, nicklon, fmercury, morbo)

A comment left by nicklon was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Contrasoma, hellofyellin, riotdejaneiro, Mangtastic, Lumus, Johnfen, cailetshadow, stormagnet, Satyr)

The Anthony Bourdain story about seeing the pig slaughtered was pretty impressive on this point. One image that I can't get out of my head is him watching as a farmer walked up to the still-bleeding carcas, pulls up its tail, puts his arm in the pig's ass up to the elbow, and begins flinging shit out of the anus.

I never thought about where that stuff goes when you cook food. I, like Ray, perhaps, have always assumed that a glock is sort of like a magic wand that turns pigs into brisket and geese into fois gras.

Chubby for having read A Cook's Tour! And Nicklon, I'm just saying that people should at least think about what they're eating and where it comes from. I don't think that's too much to ask.

I was sort of disappointed when he was impressed by molecular gastronomy on his show. I'm with Onstad on that one, too.

Hell, it is impressive. What I got from Bourdain on the subject was, 'Wow, that's great. Give me steak-frites or a bowl of pho.' Its a neat parlor trick, something new to experience, an important part of the culinary experience, but its not what moves him. He's a bistro, working-man's fair kinda guy, and that's pretty much how I feel about it.

It really is a parlor trick, where a man in arrogant clothing makes food disappear and everyone is like, "What is happening! I smell beef and I hear beef sizzling and there is a beef taste in my mouth, yet there is no beef! This is TOTALLY WONDERFUL!"

Then they could clap and the chef would hold a knife in his teeth and dance around to the Final Countdown.

This same chef would obviously have a name like "Nigerian Thurstle" and his hair cut in a style somewhere between Hedwig and The Beatles in their Hamburg Days.

And he would have an Anti-griddle and every Aqua album and I would hate him.

One more thing- the things that Ferran Adria are doing are really interesting and cool and I would like to try them.

Brisket comes from beef. Foie gras comes from geese and ducks. Chub my solid pedantry.

The Roald Dahl short story Pig is brought to mind. Anyone? Creeped the fuck out of me.

Only, you know, with less shit flinging and more cannibailsm. Just so you're clear.

They're living on nuts and berries.

Seconded sir, and chubbied. This is basically my rubric for whether or not I'll eat something. It's not something I'm militant about- I don't really consider it any of my business what other folks eat or their reasons for doing so- but it's always nice to hear from somebody else who's had similar thoughts on the subject.

Oh, don't get me wrong- I have never butchered any kind of animal myself, nor do I doubt that the act would make me uneasy and nervous and sick, but I try to remember it every time I purchase meat; so as not to waste the flesh of something that had to die so I could eat it. It seems like common courtesy.

And for that, sir, I salute you.

Why thank you.

If it was Beef he'd just try and yell it to death.


"I shouldn't have yelled at him. That was uncalled for."

Given the context it sounds like something straight out of Pulp Fiction. Hell, I can almost hear Jules Winnfield saying it in my head.

I never noticed until now that Ray holds the gun sideways, action-movie-style, in panel 4.

I very much doubt Ray would fire a gun in any other way. Ever read Cornelius's blog entries about playing pool with him? This is a dude who uses the behind-the-back shot for everything , even the break.

ACHEWOOD CONTINUITY POLICE! What you just said is not canon as demonstrated by this strip .

This has been a message from a man that has the Achewood Search Service as a firefox keyword search.

Dude, don't you have to go run a chat about Burger King or something?

ACHEWOOD CONTINUITY POLICE! You hurt our feelings.

"Daddy Needs A Sword Of Wounding."

(X-Files, introduction of the 3 musketeers or whoever they were.)

THE LONE GUNMEN. They had a spin-off series that lasted something like twelve episodes and I remember one of them broadcast in early 2001 centered around a government plot to destroy the twin towers using commercial airliners. Not even kidding. Actually, I bet they have it up on YouTube...


In a foreshadowing of the September 11, 2001 attacks, the plot of the March 4, 2001 pilot episode of the series depicts a secret U.S. government agency plotting to crash a Boeing 727 headed for Boston into the World Trade Center via remote control for the purpose of increasing the military defense budget and blaming the attack on foreign "tin-pot dictators" who are "begging to be smart-bombed." This episode was broadcast in Australia on August 30, less than two weeks before the 9/11 attacks.[3]

holy hell.

And then on the morning of September 11, eight Fox network executives turned on the news and simultaneously murmured, "oh shit."

The fact that foxes can't talk makes it all the more incredible.

(I hate puns still.)

Wait, wait, wait.

The Lone Gun men ?

How can there be more than one??

Heccibiggs, don't be an Airhead

They are alone together?

yes, that is definitely less than two weeks before 9/11.

one of the best strips for suure

In the last panel ray is referencing the time they won a basketball game and henceforth the mussels had to stay out of Achewood Heights. We don't usually talk about Ray's old mussel-hating days.

A mussel taught him not to hate when he was on the Inside.

For a mussel has no inside to hate.


Panel 4 could stand alone. It'd be almost funnier that way.

OMG! That panel NEEDS to be a shirt.

I know this is years later, but I love the way it looks like Philippe is having a second epiphany.

That would be a messed up cow if this made him horny.

I know I know that last comment is pushin' it but bear with me.

Excellent form, sir.

Scrambles can not magically turn into a cow. Evolution does not work that way.

My general rule is that I don't eat other predators if I can help it. It just feels like bad teamsmanship to me.

I was at the state fair over the weekend, discussing with my sister the opportunities for cognitive dissonance given the pens of cute, newborn animals next to the row of stalls selling food made from those very animals. I shrugged and said "Food chain. Get used to it." It was beautiful.

At the California state fair there are cute newborns, pampered 4H show animals to be judged and sold off, and food animals with their heads tide to the long benches so they just stand up and stand still.

But hey! There's wine tasting! Now I'm all nostalgic.

They had animals at the Oklahoma State Fair, including rabbits, and this one (hot) girl was holding one so that kids could pet it. I asked her a couple of questions about it because I was legitimately curious. She answered me, but I'm pretty sure she thought I just wanted to look at her cleavage.

Cow or Spuds MacKenzie?

Beef's little sass in the final panel is an overlooked gem. Together with the recent strip about the "restaurant" it gives some nice self-parody content for those of us who aren't die-hard foodies.

I've been behind Whole Foods before. Nothing nearly this interesting goes on there, however.

Ray calls the cow "him" when it is clearly female by the lack of horns.

Um, and by the fact that it is a cow. Male cattle are generally called steers (if castrated) or bulls (if not) .

Why yes, I did grow up in the Midwest, why do you ask?

"Ray was on a stool when he glocked the cow."

Icing on a beautiful delicious cake

I like that Ray just happens to hang around cows from time to time
Possibly on a corner
Under a stoop
old school style

I like the look of surprise on the cow. He did not see this coming.

I think he knew he was about to die. As a cow, you know what happens when you are led behind Whole Foods and left next to a man of clear wealth and means.
The surprise comes from being yelled at.
Ray would no doubt have been blacklisted from any future events had he not bought Whole Foods a new library wing.

Ray...if you're going to glock a cow, at least hold your gun properly. They put the sights on top for a reason.

from my experience when one is that close to the cow it does not matter how one holds the gun as long as the correct end of the gun is pointed at said cow and not oneself


better catch it, bitch!

i really like the cows eyes in panel four.

Panel 4 Ray has some rockin' thighs.

I probably should have kept that to myself.

Today's Blogs

Ray: I am proud of that little man.
Roast Beef: got way too nice of a printer
Little Nephew: Pizza pie drivin' jabbah killz it

Heh. "Japanese Nihongo". Nihongo meaning the Japanese language. Ray does not so much turn a phrase as spin the steering wheel so hard that the phrase knocks over a fire hydrant and smashes into a thick concrete wall, the resulting fire all almost immediately extinguished by the gout of water from where the fire hydrant once stood, Ray all leaning into the airbad, comfortable but confused, all silently thinking "The HEll, man? The HELL just happened?"

Uh, "Airbag" and "HELL". Whatever, I took that one too far anyway.

I always thought Ray would behead a cow, if he had to.

one of my least favorite strips. sheer douchery.

When I was a kid, my parents would send my siblings and I off to my uncle's farm when they got to fighting too much. Once when I was eight we spent a few days there, and Uncle Hobert (that really was his name) called me out to "He'p fix up some supper." I, in my innocence, went to help him. I was greeted by the sight of my uncle holding up a squawking, flailing hen by her feet.

That was the day I learned the fine art of chicken hypnosis, as well as the truth behind the phrase "running around like a chicken with it's head cut off." Thus began my downward spiral into vegetarianism.

Ray is not ashamed to admit when he could have done something better. He knows how to self-improve.

ahaha, panel four makes me laugh each time.

The cow is immobile.

Ray is all kinds of grunts and gasps as he carries the stool over, sets it up right next to the bovine bro and climbs it.

Once up he looks around, surveying and appreciating the view, and pretends to the see the cow by accident. Ray gives him a neutral kind of nod, as if to say "Oh, hey cow, didn't see you there, 'sup?" then looks solidly in the other direction.

Moments pass by slowly as the inevitable approaches...

The cat is standing on a stool and that is why the cat is taller than a cow.

I wanna dumpster-dive behind the Whole Foods Chain

not unless theres a lifeguard on duty.

what a moroon! this is my 3rd time through the archives(since may!) and i just now got the last panel... [[shakes head dissapointedly]]

This cow looks suspiciously like a dog...

Instant 5 for the alt-text.

Been lovin' the hypothetical situations lately. 'Specially when Ray made a hat out of Dead Nice Pete's leg.

"It 'aint always easy, doing mother nature's work."

Is this the first ever use in the English language of "Glock" as a verb?