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Revenge of Yojimbo Tuesday, March 23, 2010 • read strip Viewing 264 comments:

A deer beats off a hunter, then flees in shame. Do I smell an Achewood spinoff?

An Achewood jack off. JACK OFF.

Oh... wait.

Most of the time with these you can tell the deer likes it. I wrote an email asking for more shoots where you can tell that the deer is actually ashamed.

disingenuous fetish porn is the worst fetish porn i suppose. if you're going to be something specific you might as well do it seriously

unless of course it's clown sex you're into...

Doing it in the back of a clown car sounds extremely uncomfortable.

But Hummer's have lots of room.

And you need little room for a hummer.

Guys this comic along with all the talk of hummers and clown sex is setting off Manflesh's Google Alerts like we just went to DefCon 1 or something.

Chubby for not Dan Browning the defcon system.

Correct! I want a fawn.

Sorry, Philippe allready ran over the only remaining character that could star in that.
(he stood on it)

Stanley Freite's transaction took place at an interesting time....81

9.81 seconds after 5:10.

a crazy interesting time

At the same instant, half a world over, the tidal wave hit the coastline.

Interesting times...

You like things that are good.

Subjectively good?

Is there another kind?

I think there are things that are absolutely good, like saving someone's life, and others that are absolutely evil, like bayoneting babies. But you're right on the rest: subjective.

Both of those could be considered subjective. What if you were bayoneting faceraping alien babies? No matter how specific you make those definitions I'm sure I could create a hypothetical situation where it's appropriate to do the opposite of what you suggest is the right answer.

CLEARLY the joke I was making was that as soon as he likes something it BECOMES subjectively good JEEZ.

**bayonets i_love_kate in the face**
(that's for earlier saying you don't like me)

HUMAN babies -- Sheesh! And not mutant zombie babies, either.

okay... there is a baby choking to death, a surgeon has to perform an emergency tracheotomy but the only sharp object to hand is a trusty bayonet! Surely the right thing to do would be to bayonet the baby in the throat? :P

hush up, son

Does using a bayonet as a surgical blade strictly count as bayoneting? I thought the verb implied a rapid forceful thrusting motion.

oh, baby....

oh man!

yeah man. decimals come in 10s. seconds (:) come in 60s.

There is actually a unit of time which is a 60th of a second. It is called a third, and it never caught on except in Poland. I realise as I type this that is sounds like I am lying.

... are you? and don't lie man

weird... well it makes sense: when you think about it, seconds might be called seconds because it's like, a 'second' subdivision of an hour. Minutes being the first subdivision. Minutes are pretty minute. Then you have seconds. Then thirds. neat.

That's just about the gist of it.

Only in Poland would there be 60 thirds in a second.

Is basic concept of how Polish flux-capacitor works

Stanley Freite's main interesting time is reading the Book of Kells in the shower.

I wish making obscene amounts of money was as easy for me as it seems to be for a group of anthropomorphic bears and cats. That would solve a lot of my problems.

I just wish I was an obscene anthropomorphic bear or cat. That would definitely solve all my problems.

I bet that would make you a lot of money.

I wish I had a toast identification swatchcard.

I wish you a merry christmas.

I wish YOU a merry christmas!

[i]I wish you a merry christmas
and a Haaaappy neeeeew yeeeeeeear![/]i

oh god I fucked my bbcode up
broken tags hangin out everywhere oh shit oh crap oh god this..... just....ruuuuuuuuuuuuuude

i dobnt know about anyone else, but i forgive you.

ur mah bro, bro

I'm diggin' Yojimbo's passive aggressive samurai moves. He's almost as good as my ex-wife.

I hope for your sake she had better hair.


I hope for your sake she had better hair.

enough sake and I wouldn't give a fuck about her hair.

So... we've commented on your pitch-perfect imitation before, but the fact that you're doing it with two words never known to have been uttered by GM (on film) makes it all the better. Mad chubbies.

enough hockey! I won't give a puck a bout, hear?

Only in achewood are people allowed to have the confidence that lets them make a million dollars in 30 seconds. In America it turns to arrogance, and you are a prick. god bless achewood and no one else.

What disturbs me about Yojimbo is the amount of detail in his head/face. Regular characters are line-drawings with subtle details to suggest features and expressions. Folks with detail are George Michael climbing over the fence or the Devil or Johnny Cash complaining that he's not dead. I guess that's what I didn't like about Molly's father, too: so many lines to capture his wrinkles and folds.

Or Keith Moon's disembodied alive head. Or Garfield

Uhhhh thanks , but we're not exactly looking for your INput.

you have a cold peter in your mouth

this is distinct from cold having one in your mouth. cold having a peter in your mouth is more undeniable, but having a cold one in your mouth means you blew a dead guy (see porn fetish discussion above).

Which is preferable if you are running for senate?

oh god I can't believe I am regionalising my jokes for the sake of the lowest common denominator now.

Are...are you running for Senate or something?

How can you call Americans the lowest common denominator if you spell "regionalising" with an "s?"

By "you" I mean England, of course. Baptising. Rationalising. Vaporising.

It's called 'english.'

I guess the point is soon to be moot as I understand the coming census will show that Spanish will soon be the USA's lingua franca.

¡Abucheo a eso!

Or would it be the "lingo Latino"?

As my spanish vocabulary consists of el cid and Zorro I bow to your expertise. (expertize?)

So do you say "expertise" as "ex-per-tees" or "expertize?"

Do you say "rationalise" as "rationalize" or "rationalees?"

Spanish is a million times more understandable than Glasgow patter. No one's claiming Spanish to be English, at least.

But it just doesn't make sense. Do you actually say "-lising?" I assume you don't, because every British person I've met (all... five) say "-lizing" just like Americans. It's just written dishonestly.

Don't get me wrong, I'm trolling you, because American English is full of bullshit too. (And yes, there are a TON of stupid Americans.) You should just understand that it goes both ways.

Unless of course you're still upset about losing a war to a rag-tag coalition of the best dern states this United America ever did see *crying eagle*

Actually we were just training you soyou could bail us out when we got into trouble.

By 'we' I mean the poms. Oz has never lost a war; sidles quietly out the door before anyone brings up Vietnam.

the second one is preferable. cold peters tell no tales.

What news from the North?

Cold Peter is Clitoride's squire. He has one eye.

Siiigh. No one got my pun.

I think we did; diminishing returns etc. You discovered the vanishing point.

The Schwarzschild/Shecky Greene pun radius from which no humor escapes.

Too bad all this money will end up in Ray's pocket after Onstad needs to reset Teodor and Philippe back to the dude who can barely make rent each month and a five year old otter thrilled by french fries and flowers.

...and was there ever any doubt it's Lauper?

Did you find that on YuD.ox

.ox is not a valid TLD. I checked. There goes my 'buy a domain name mentioned in a webcomic, make millions' idea. Might as well suicide.

This is exactly how Japan's economy works. Be silly, make bank. Teodor is trying to be the Toyota of this Japanese kabuki bukkake showcase, but thankfully like Toyota, he lacks the brakes.

In the McDLT days Audi did it all science and technology style. Litigious Huey Lewis / News fans looking like Patrick Bateman still wanted a scheizer schnitzel ziege zirkus in spite of their best efforts.

i just had a stroke reading your post.

my guess it wasn't the "of genius" type.

nope. "of mind bleeding" is more accurate.

Oh, that kind.

I had the other kind.

It was incidental.

I know someone who writes like you. It's...it's not the easiest way to know him.

Please have mercy; I just spent half a semester studying Finnegans Wake . It is not the easiest way to know a book.

I'm not sure Onstad knows what a computer looks like.

He obviously knows what a Dell laptop looks like. It's a black rectangle with the word "Dell" on it.

an ugly man/cat with an ugly computer; I do not see the difficulty

Is ugliest program, on worst computer

The alt text makes me wanna go be a monk somewhere.

you, me, and Upton Sinclair

Sinclair Lewis and me and Kermit

Kermit Washington, me, and a remorseful deer

Laws, like sausages, cease to inspire respect in proportion as we know how they are made.

-- John Godfrey Saxe (mis-attributed to Bismark)

Dear lord spare me from that awful quote of Saxe.

Bad Saxe can be the death of a playa in this town.

Horrible. Made irreverent metaphorical references to groping animals. Was a semi-obscure nineteenth century figures. Will not be voting to office, EVER.


I wonder if Robby Brown and Bobby Brown have ever met in person.

don't you mean 'prison?'

Meme-ing dosent make them look dumb...it makes humanity look dumb.

I've seen the deer video, it's not what you might expect.

Bobby Brown phishing from his darkened motel room?
Oh well, his prerogative.

lift peeps up
dont smack em down
4 they even get
a chance to bcome--grown
treat erry peeps famly
like they was ya own
come together dont fall apart
dont turn off ya ears
b4 they even start
to talk, to explain
they position, or point o view
stop bein' an a-hole in the main
unhinge ya mind, undo the glue
that binds ur opinion
it makes it unmovable
peel away ya insecurities: onion
erry object a value, erry theory: provable
erry human life worth somethin, erry person lovable
erry injury will heal, erry disease: curable
so stop hatin' n alienatin. unite
stop dividin'
come out ya shell n experience life
stop hidin'
one love erry1--hope see yall out west

til den ima keep on (w)ridin'

My hobby: Chubbying a user's post that currently has 2 chubbies so that it will show up as green next time I view it. it makes me feel important .

I have my Green-o-meter on 4 chubbies. It is INVISIBLE to me.... mostly.

mine is set to 35, reflecting a time when assetbar was populated with giants

Recquiescat in Pace Doc_Rostov

Shit, and edwell . I miss those motherfuckers. This place shore ain't hardly the same since they did away with hastily photoshopped buggery. I feel like a has-been musician who's suddenly stopped getting royalties on his old hit singles as they passed into the public domain or something.

If you see ratacatttt, lame him. He's the one who got image posts disabled.

he is certainly not the one that got the image posts disabled - you can't blame him for this one at all. the blame lies with assetbar management for not fixing very simple vulnerabilities in assetbar.

we've been working on other stuff for several years... if we ever get the motivation to fix it, we'll open bbcode up again

or they could allow image uploads, or a million other things that a million other forums do to allow images to be posted. they simply don't wish to invest the time in assetbar right now.

Ugh. Seriously? That kills me. I really miss seeing people's crazy photoshop/googleimages hijinks. Not to mention throwing up some crappy MS paint creations of my own.
The fact that images are down essentially due to laziness just gets my goat. Or even my horse or something. I don't KNOW but it bugs me.

not only that, I'm not even the one who wrote "rb is here" in all the profiles. THAT is why imgs got disabled, and I didn't do it. But I know who did, and he has posted on this page...

Also, to the best of my knowledge, the exploit that was used to write "rb was here" has not been fixed yet. disabling images just makes it harder to trigger the exploit, but by no means impossible...

aiu is privy to information on the AssetBar hacker. Is there some kind of forum where trolls get together and post of their exploits?

I saw a video recently about hackin the websites.

Dude cold injected some javascript into a page via a HTTP URL query string. That got me scared. Then the dude finagled a dang old