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The Dude Keeps Declaring. Wednesday, January 30, 2008 • read strip Viewing 250 comments:

A comment left by randombeing was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, hypercube, sean1058, tttt2, loneal, Sortelli, gowerski)

Ray holds out his vice president nominee on a piece of paper, catering to the deaf vote. He is a good man.

And thorough.

I see what you did there.

There are not enough chubbies to give.

Ray's pretty invested in running for President. It can be a natural, zesty enterprise.

Wouldn't it be better to cater to the... hungry vote?

*high-pitched titter*

It's also remarkably easy to translate to a different platform.

"Youtube youtube on the Mac / Show me a dude with wicked sack"

dude, you are my Apple Computers HERO OF THE DAY.

What rhymes with UNIX?


just calm down and run UNIX on your dell.


If you ask YouTube's search box "who's a dude who's bad as hell," there is only one result, and it is Orin's Couch Hostages...


To clarify, I did not attempt this on a Dell.

I did. And neither of those dudes is bad as hell.

It's such an applicable phrase, too!

Google, Google on the Dell
Porno, Porno, on the Dell

Kind of reminds me of Baby Cakes , in the Role Play Tournament:

Mirror, Mirror..uh..up on the wall,
Who's the baddest motherfucker of them all?

Onstad and Neely NEED to do some collaborations. Such an act will usher in a new age, as it is writ.

they are my two favorite humorists

You got me hurtin'
You got me pullin' curtains

Ray had a Mac before, and it looks the same, so I don't really think its a Dell.

You could tell it was a Mac in the strip where he makes Mt. Everest his desktop, and makes a motorcycle ride over it.

Buddy, is your icon just a square from a one-off Full Bleed t-shirt you bought at Urban Outfitters? If it wasn't, it'd be better.

Actually, I regularly buy shirts from that site, and I just like that design so I used the icon that was on the site.

And there arent any urban outfitters stores around where I live, so don't have to buy their ripped-off designs.

The conclusion we can draw from both this, and the fact that Ray enjoys dragging a window containing a motorcycle over his desktop mountain, is that Ray is bad with computers. He's got to leave something for Beef to be the best at.

He's only bad with computers to stay cool with the ladies.

Google, Google, on the Mac,
take my questions, answer back...

See, I would've picked Harrison Ford or, possibly, Wilford Brimley.

Man, you should watch some Tony Hawk videos on YouTube. What's really amazing is that his more recent stuff is better. He's like the Terminator of improving at skating.

A comment left by spinynorman was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by randombeing, Moolah, radishes, flandango)

Heck yes. Always skating with an onion tied to his belt, because that was the style at the time.

You couldn't get white onions, because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones...

And we didn't call them onions. We called them "victory sprouts."

Gimme five bees for a quarter!

If nickles had bees on them, I might actually like them. Bees are like Aaron Burr: They beat Alexander Hamilton any day.

Nickels always secretly disappoint me, as they aren't made of nickel. Similarly, pennies should be real copper.

chubbied for avatar/comment synergy

While Hawk is good, Rodney Mullen is so good that he basically just scares me. Oh yeah, and he invented just about everything there was to invent about modern street/flatland skating.

Rodney was just good at the flippy dippy shit. Not that I wasn't about that, to an extent, but Rodney always took it too far: 720 triple flips and all that crap died out as soon as they were first done for a reason.

Rodney was a great skater, don't get me wrong, but he was a freestyler that started "street skating" by just doing a lot of freestyle tricks on a street board. Not all street skating is flatland tricks (watch old Gonz footage to contrast).

Perfectly true, but had he not invented the flatland ollie street skating would be basically nowhere. For this reason alone (because, yeah, he's mainly freestyle unless he wants to throw up a wicked darkslide or such) I'll say that without him we wouldn't have street. That or someone else would have had to invent it.

Y'all some skaters.


(wait was that you?)

You are incorrect, as is, I must unwillingly add, Ray. He has not chosen the optimum running mate. We al know that the optimum running mate for ANY campaign, no matter what your platform, no matter how silly your platform, is Stephen Colbert.

I mean come on, he took Mike Huckabee and made him a serious contender. Talk about a silly platform!

Stephen Colbert only runs for himself.

Patrick Stewart ftw!

Is this only living men because I've got a feeling that Steve McQueen, Ernest Hemingway, and Teddy Rosevelt might all be queuing up to explain how they have formed a Fraternity of Badassery.

How is this not chubbied to infinity and beyond? These are basically the three baddest dudes ever to fight their way out of a womb. Teddy was a cowboy who was SHOT during a speech, but then decided to continue anyway. Rumour is that instead of crying when he was born, he just looked at the doctor real sternly.

I like the way Snrub thinks!

I'm all for this pro-chicken and pro-900's platform they have going here.

seeing Hawk rip a wicked darkslide down the rails of congress, land it into a manual , then seeing his use the Speaker of the House's little ledge/desk as a gnarly kicker.

fuck yes. Bones Brigade '08

oh YELL hes!

also: it happened (kind of)

I have thought about this before, but if elected to office here I think it's key that the city unstop Hubba and Pier 7. My new plan of "Seriously dudes, don't be dicks, don't fuck up the marble ledges, and we won't stop everything up" initiative is what's needed.

A comment left by aoyola was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by madnes, beansdooma, silver_lake, speccer, Thorfinn, SchnappM, lamelliform, Tagrineth, bluejay, Jeet, Crater12, Wulvaine, Audhumla, fociP, clintisiceman)

Never has there been a more comfortably-fitting application of the word anticlimactic.

On what do you base your accusation of idiotwhore? Do you realise idiotwhore is not a very good insult?

I propose the term 'Whidiot' instead.

At this Historic moment your comment has eleven chubbies and eleven lames. And in fact you yourself have overall 21 chubbies and 12 lames.

This balance must not be disturbed. Nobody chubby or lame aoyola again ever, okay guys!

Smuckles/Hawk '08 needs to be created in bumper sticker form, ASAP.

A comment left by dukieshane was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Thorfinn, flandango, pulkbaby)

Curious. Why 19?

Why not?

That's generally considered the target chubby number for a successful post.

Eighteen more to go, dude!

A cluttering border explaining it would probably make me not want to buy one

Picture tiny Ray heads where the stars are in this bumper sticker. I don't think it'd be cluttering or explanatory. Apologies if this doesn't post correctly:


Actually, that picture is exactly the kind of bumpersticker Ray would use. No changes needed.

it is a perfect... sticker!

There. 19 chubbies.

sorry, I made it 20 before reading this post. > .>

I would buy a truckload of Smuckles/Hawk '08 bumper stickers. All putting them on Hummers in the Macy's parking lot.


Props to tekende for the campaign slogan.

This is the best!

that's one freaky-ass gaggle of boom mics.

I think it's just the one that's weird. The alien one.

It appears as though you're right, Surprised Phillipe Brother.

It looks like one'a them waggly sunflower animatrons that wiggle when you play music or just make noises near them.

it looks like a stick-figure Tony Hawk sliding a 50/50 down a rail... but i'm stoned..

Heh! Man, I can't BELIEVE you were burnin' one at the same time as me. This is hideous!

You ain't the only ones!

I am Stoned Lightning.

Dude, me too. The only way I can get through all the comments is to spark one up.

the only way i can get through the day is to spark one up.

The only way I can get through the day is waking up at the beginning and falling asleep at the end.

Sparking one up doesn't make you cool, fellas... drinking does that.

Stoners do no give out chubbies. Drinkers do.

do you think it is rad to have alcoholism budenhagen

Or do you agree that it is okay?

Better alcoholism than some guy called Kevin all complainin how you aint bought the most recent "magic the gathering" cards, and how this totally ruins his box social.

Alcohol....they don't call it the "social" lubricant for nothing!

Wow, I know a stoner named Kevin that plays magic the gathering.


Yaay! Great Icon by the way

Oh wow. Two people who read Achewood were getting stoned while they read the comic.


If you switch back and forth between Politics and The Dude Keeps Declaring the little appendage of the boom mic seems to hear Ray's announcement about Tony Hawk and go YAAAAAAY!

Do you see the arms?

Do you see the little arms?

Go back to Ray's frame for 2008 in 'The Future.' Look at the candleholder in his hand, then look at the freaky mic.

Then what.

Use the comics to construct a treasure map.


Okay. Okay, guys.

Is that weird microphone.. evolving?

- First instance
- Second instance, new "appendage"
-Today's strip.. it's got a head and hands.


it tried to walk!

good catch. That must be what it's doing.

You have 19 chubbies.
This has been declared the optimal amount of chubbies.

I see Tony Hawk as a reasonable man.

That's all this country needs, reasonableness in office.

Leander is still there; did we ever find out what his day job was, or is this part of some slavish devotion to Ray?

Tony Hawk would not have been my first pick for Vice, my second pick, or anything such as my first hundredth pick, but if that is the price a man has to pay to have a Good, Honest president, then I will gladly pay it.

Smuckles/Hawk 08.

ART COMMENT: Is anyone else jarred by the sudden arm/neck/shoulder extension it looks like Ray recieved between the 5th and 6th panel?

I think it is just because he is closer to the 'camera' in that shot. His head is bigger as well.

off topic: does Onstad post comments here?

probably not. would you?

No, I would not.

The reason I asked is that on another strip I was reading someone claimed that they lamed a comment made by Onstad? I must simply be confused.

Onstad posted a comment to someone who posted a "FIRSTZOMG" kind of post all saying not to do it because it implies that you are of Low Mind.

Which strip was that posted on?

onstad! the man drops hell of chubbies.

Do we believe that is really him?

Oh wait his status is "Onstad"
I am sorry Chris
I am sorry I doubted you

If I were Onstad, I would be doing what Manflesh does, under a pseudonym.


He did, briefly. A few people had the audacity to lame him, and then the theory is, like an advanced alien race having deploying an ambassador to an infighting humanity, or God having embodying himself in the form of a son to save us from our own wrongdoings, only to see be maltreated and scorned, he withdrew, abandoning us to our eternal squalor.

Great Scott, where is my grammar. Curse my non-linear, self-editing method of composing comments.

Also: Holy Jones!
I lol'd in my pants.


My god this would be so rad

These topical strips...

Seconded. The allure of Achewood has always been that the strip makes its own humor. Achewood does not cater to the interests and amusements of the reader; it molds the reader's sense of humor in its image. Which is why it's only truly appreciated by those who have read through the archives, in a sort of initiation process. Achewood is self-sustaining, and these petty references to the fleeting proper nouns of the daily flux detract from its nature.

Running for President does seem like the sort of thing Ray would do, but Ray is not normally the kind of cat who can be second-guessed. I would have thought that running for office while America is gearing up to a real-life election (that is what's going on, right? From the outside it's hard to tell if it's for real or if the Democrats are just voting for Hillary as prom queen before the main event) would be too predictable for Ray. Somehow I think this arc would have been funnier if he'd waited til after the election and been so dissatisfied with the result that he'd stepped in and forced a new election by sheer force of personality. But now I'm second-guessing Ray and Onstad. I feel bad about this.

To be fair, though, he also did Phillipe for President at the same time in 2004. Additionally, there are very few actual takes on the topics at hand, just Ray doing what he does most: Doing. There is almost no way of determining what Onstad is actually thinking about in relation to the debated subjects, and so it works for me.

yeah, "x runs for president" is usually not funny and ends up just being a platform for the author to talk about his own personal beefs (excuse the pun)

yes i'm sure onstead is peddling his desire to declare independence from florida on us. its a cartoon about a cat getting angry. get over your analysis.

Out of all the styles of Christianity, they just have to go and choose the obvious style.

Have you ever Done It obvious-style?


it led to much questions about Gettin' Mad Rutty afterwards.

At first I read that it directly lead to Gettin' Mad Rutty.

From experience, that's generally the opposite of what it leads to.

...unless the Rutty is Gettin' Mad inside Marriage, of course, duh.

Ray has to reinforce the fact that he has chosen Tony Hawk by waving a piece of paper that says "Tony Hawk" at some boom mikes.

He does not know that boom mikes cannot see.

It'll grow eyes by tomorrow

wait, is this all because of hair loss?

Chubbied for comment AND suitable Ray-mocking avatar.

I think you're onto something. His choice of running mate is entirely in keeping with the notion that his quixotic presidential bid is a way of mourning his passing youth (WARNING: cat cock)

I wouldn't wanna work at a place where cat cock was Safe For Work. Thank you.

Will Tony Hawk's extreme sports skills be useful as a leader to the roving bands of BMX bikers?

as i've been party to, bladers and the folk on two wheels have always seemed more tight at the skate park than bikers and skaters...this may be a Conflict.

Hell yeah Tony Hawk

Cue some nineteen year old kickflip connoisseur to start breaking down Hawk vs Mullen whilst propping himself up on his £150 board.

look at this story arc strip by strip. it seems to me like its being made up as it goes along ie looking at the independence from florida/divine chicken suppers running banner. unless that was just the plan from the start. not criticizing just observing, obviously achewood story arcs don't need to follow a logical path. or was tony hawk the logical path all along? I really can't say but totally want to see where this is going.

Fuck, I meant to comment, not chubby.

Onstad has said that he makes it up as he goes along, and never wants to know what's going to happen before it does. I don't know if he was laughing and telling lies, but there you go.

Oh sure, he doesn't plan ahead at all.

Your point is not proven. The more likely writing process is reflected [url=https://achewood.com/index.php?date=12012003here[/url] (with embedded reference at top).

Fuck .

there is a difference between making a largely generalised note on the timing of an event, eg teodor dies on this day in '05, and plotting out how an event will go, eg teodor dies via choking pm a bottlecap thrown at him by an angry todd while he watchs hella porno.

choking ON a bottlecap

damn my twitchy fingers


oh christ shoot me now

Despite the fact that my point was poorly executed and a total throwaway, I think I have to win on technical points against you guys here. Sorry, maybe next time.

You might have won, but I was Too Friendly, and so you cannot have any of my chubby today.

Ray had the Press Conference permanently installed in his front yard, so that he could take an evening off to review his policies and then release his latest decisions on eighteen minutes notice.

Also I think I stand for all of us when I ask for more Philippe in this arc.

Debate? I vote yea.

I'd be keen on more Philippe - generally speaking, not just in this arc. He is a special boy.

I stand for even more of us when I ask for more chubbies to chubby your ask for more Philippe in this arc.


A typical Englishman, manfully turning away from the desolate inlet that once swarmed with eels and eelmen.

He is almost handsome.

Is that dog taking a shit? (err.... leaving a shit I suppose would be the more proper phraseology)

I, for one, do not lament the decline of the eel industry, having once eaten genuine jellied eel whil visiting family Down South. Imagine , if you will, a short length of spine (say three or four vertebrae, or a coccyx) encased in the jelly from a pork pie and soaked in vinegar. Honestly, our national cuisine is a joke.

"Joke" is a bit negative. I would say "adventurous." I actually enjoy blood pudding even though I know how it's made!

Eels are delicious, if you don't jelly them and soak them in vinegar like a dang fool! The japanese know how to do this!

Posted as a pure-bred englishman.

So far as I'm aware... we don't really eat much of our own national cuisine.
Last time I saw a documentary on what people reckoned should be the "national dish", they voted in Chicken Curry. I mean what the fuck?

Oh, and if you're expecting some sort of anti-american rant from me... you'll be pleasantly surprised to find that I'm going to do no such thing.

he would be one of the characters in one of those romance novels -- "the highland rogue," "the highland scoundrel," "the highland pirate prince of persian passion," etc.

disappointing running mate, still loving this arc

This feels like Onstads stream of consciousness. At the same time, Ray's decision making process in anything always seems like stream of consciousness. The important thing though is that this arc so far has been far more about subtle weirdnesses somehow amplified into witty entertainment (as oppossed to strong plot points, which are rarer, though not scarce).

If we get to see this running mate, I wonder if it'll be a feline version of Tony Hawk, or the real human grandpa one?
OooOoooOoh, Achewood! I subscribed to a whole seat, but I'm only using the edge.

The Dude says, "In today's world, a bunch of religious wackjobs settin' out on a cheap boat to nowhere wouldn't exactly have us breakin' out our checkbooks and blowin' kisses."

The Dude is unaware of Mike Huckabee.

In that way, The Dude is like most Americans.

yes, but does The Dude abide as he should?

Does anyone here really think Huckabee is relevant? A guy who the party hates is stealing his thunder. Now that's bizarre.

"There is no such thing as a strong fourth place finish." - Fred Barnes

Ask yourself: can he not abide?

You may be out of your element.

Sadly enough i'm descended from Eel fishers (albiet northern irish ones).I remember my grandpa saying that the old eel farm "wasnt up to much" and as a familly we were "better off out of it".
Man that throwaway joke on england has gotten me feeling all wistfull.

oh man... now there's a side story... if only Onstad could steal it without looking entirely obvious.

I know Ray ain't got no sense, but Tony Hawk? Dude couldn't fight his way out of a paper bag if he were mid-way through a double kickflip Enzo 285 and covered in baseball cleats.

For a man who rocks, who kicks ass like no other, there can be only one appropriate choice: Powers Boothe .

Powers Boothe? as in Powers Cy Tolliver of Deadwood fame Boothe? That guy would get my vote just by how he pronounces "Games of chance"

Boothe played the role of Alexander Haig in Oliver Stone's "Nixon," and Haig ran for president in '88...so why not?

You know, I almost actually want a dell just so I can do my own "Mirror, Mirror" routines.

Ray is an EXCELENT unintentional salesman.

Tony Hawk! That's my vice president! God, it's so OBVIOUS!

Tony Hawk Knows Diversity!

Looks like VP Hawk would hold the crucial 5-10 demographic in the election.

He appeals to all ethnic groups, including Robot-Americans, Cyclops-Americans, and Green-Midget-with-Freakishly-Elongated-Arms-Americans.

Of course! How could I have been so blind?

The Monstrosity Vote. So often the tie-breaker.

and fanged dildos.

vice president T. Hawk

I have always had mad respect for Tony Hawk. He has never felt the need to cater to anyone. He dresses like he wants to dress, not caving to the skater trends, does his own thing, and then when other skaters call him "grandpa" he just busts out some crazy moves that they couldn't do if they lived to be a thousand.

I was on the fence before, having no ill will towards Canada, and only having small ill will towards Florida, but Tony Hawk reels me in.

New candidate for Most Obscure Achewood Character: Grey Boom Mic Holder. Half of the back of his head, in one panel.

Who will be the first fanboy to complete writing an epic fanfic trilogy about his life and tribulations?

His name is Jordan Agacki. He's from Iowa. His parents were competing vacuum salespeople whose passion for the Bissell Cordless brought them together.

And I'm getting him tattooed on my ass-cheek THIS WEEKEND.

Orlando Jutras was born in Colombus, Ohio. His father was a jehova's witness who quietly drank earl grey while sifting through his schoolwork. The anticipation of his father's approval or dismay would only grow exponentially as his steps gradually came closer to Orlando's bed.

Sometimes he would hear the buckle. Other times he did not hear it.

Well played, Ronald.

Would Ray have communicated this with Tony Hawk during the 18 minutes, or just gone straight to the presser?

I can't really speak as Ray, but: "Tony Hawk? Ray Smuckles. I don't know you but your badness is self-evident from YouTube. I am going to create a relationship with you. What? Oh, a Vice Presidential relationship.

So we got Ray at the Oracle of Dell? That is whack, yo.

Fie! Fie on you for your puns!

Studebaker Hawk Stu-de-bak-er Hawk

He's coating his legs with Aunt Jemima syrup up and down...

What's with the little Mic man riding on the other mics? Is the the bastard child of a mic orgy? I guess when one of the reporters has some badass horns, anything is possible.

Ray is helping America grow as a person.

for some reason i always thought tony hawk was canadian! i was wrong.

Didn't he do all of his straight-up nasty grinding in NYC?

he's from California..but you may have been utilizing sarcasm.so, if you know this fact thus making my comment Null and Void, feel free to lame it out.

Ray felt that he had to scrawl Tony Hawk's name on that paper to fully maximize the dramatic reveal.

I want to take offence at the racial stereotyping, but it's entirely true.

Even if the Smuckles/Hawk ticket doesn't make it through the nominations, we should at least see Ray as a secret character in Tony Hawk's Real Rude Ridin' 2.

https://youtube.com/results?search_query=dude is bad as hell

Can you see the FUTURE?

Raymond Smuckles can.

"Obvious Style Christianity" is the worst kind of Christianity.


Wait, Ray's saying that Tony Hawk has not went for obvious-style Christianity. I will now lame myself and remove my foolish comment from view. My apologies.

Trimalchio would be wise not to play at being Caesar.

Alt Text:

I am out of chubbies, but good work there!

but no one is eating steak!

Well, duh, there can't be campaign photos in which people are eating steak instead of divine chicken suppers.

It has always been my dream to see 'wellies' in print on Achewood. Today, a dream has been realized.

Who is almost-handsome and wears wellies

A comment left by eatmorekix was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Thorfinn, Vondicus, lamelliform, nhennies, littlefatdog, Ubermensch)

Telling people to lame you won't protect you from the lames.

i know, it just communicates the fact that i know it will happen and i don't give a shit.

Can you forward me the e-mail you receive letting you know that the arc has gotten good? Wooohoooo!

i am only cautiously optimistic, but i am prepared to eat my hat, or perhaps my shoe in the style of werner herzog. a nice leather shoe, baked up real good.

A comment left by pursesnatcher was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Thorfinn, GSurge, stormagnet, Comrade_Tom)

Yes, and...?

Chuck Norris supports Huckabee?

No. Chuck Norris totally loves Huckabee.

Chuck Norris <3s Huckabees

Under Chuck Norris' beard, there is not a chin, only Mike Huckabee.

Wrong. See that look on Chuck? He's plotting his demise.

But that wouldn't make sense. Chuck does not plot. He just demises.

and, that is an actual photo, as in; no photoshop.



this was the first and only thought that came into my head as i digested this picture.

*awaits a Birdhouse board for Smuckles/Hawk 08"

Ladies, gentlemen, there comes a time in every man's life when he must stand up for what he believes in.

Since the day that Juan Ponce de León set foot on the mass of land now known as Flordia, only to be gnawed into small bite-sized pieces by herds of both aligators and crocodiles, this "state" has been nothing save for a bastion of corruption, Space Centers and theme parks dedicated to children that attract a disturbingly large number of chemically-imbalanced adults. This fetted marshland of putrid, licentious abhorrence was an entry in the Thesaurus for all of those words I just looked up. It is that bad, people. And ohhhhh how the stench of death hangs low over the huts of the aged.

Thus, ladies and gentlemen, I offer to you a new grass-roots movement for the only candidate willing to speak the mind of the people . Raymond Smuckles is the only man with rad enough chilliehs to do what *must* be done. Please, before it's too late for America, help us in swelling the ranks of President Smuckles' faithful by joining One Million Strong for a Firm and Mighty Independence from Florida !

Your avatar needs to be animated. Every once in a while Roast Beef should open his mouth just a little bit so we can see his cute lil' fangs. That would be ideal. Just sayin'.

A chubby for your idea. It has been made so.

Chubby for quick and decisive action.

That's so awesome!

This man, here. Give him all the chubbies.

So many great ideas floating and swirling around, incited by this strip,
yet all I can think is;

"gee...that one microphone looks like a little dancing man"

A comment left by flash1087 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by evolume, eatmorekix, michellemarie, flandango, Comrade_Tom)

So basically Ray and Tony Hawk compliment each other as running mates since Tony is a vert skater, while Ray knows about things such as the streets.

Obvious-style is the worst of styles.

Is he decrying Steve Baldwin in the last panel?

Holy god I just read through all of Achewood today. I should have been working =/.


You're one of us now *chants* ONE OF US, ONE OF US.

Don't be an ass.

Gooble-gobby-gooble-gobby ONE OF US!

Ray should give money for Diabetes prevention

Onstad just throws those little things out there (like "Youtube, Youtube on the Dell") that are like ten times doper than most other internet comics put together.

This arc sucks Major Balls.

Trivia Fact: The "his peers" referred to is 99% likely to mean the legendary Christian Hosoi . If Onstad don't skate, he's done his research.

I like this description of England. Usually when fat people who can't speak our language talk about us it makes me sad that they used to be Londoners before they ran away and discovered a penchant for hypocrisy