If you appreciate Achewood, please support Chris Onstad (shop; gallery art.)
Téodor the Téletubby Thursday, January 5, 2006 • read strip Viewing 98 comments:

Why does a stuffed bear need to wear a furry outfit to entertain a baby?

Because babies like Teletubbies!

A comment left by rainwolfj was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Unright, kenthegod, Ariamaki, dullard, NDCaesar, foetus_punch, ravindra108, Doc_Rostov)

It's evolution!


The guy who wrote (?) Teletubbies was on RadioNZ National radio this morning. Apparently they weren't expecting the huge adult fan base.

There's a huge adult fan base?

Probably the same guys who hate Barney. Love and friendship don't have as much appeal to the adult audience as getting high as kites and custard fights.

Why does the baby in this comic have antennae?

That's Dagwood hair. The baby is a descendant of Dagwood, which is probably why the parent is drinking.

I always thought it was more like Hoo hair. The baby kind of looks like a quadruped Cindy Lou Hoo.

I know the alt-text practically by heart on this one, is SO good. "Agree with me friend, that in a perfect world there is an inexpensive whiskey named Ancient Shenanigan"

In a perfect world, my shelf is stocked with

-Old Windmill
-Ancient Shenanigan
-Liquid Banjo

Help me out, doggies.

at least you can stock up on blue nun in real life

I was just trying to see if I missed any made-up Achewood likker.

Well, Onstad only mentioned it in his blog, but I would totally by Old Fuckall

Why not get all punked up on Jupiter Oil while you're at it?

How about mixing yourself a tequila mockingbird. Equal parts triple sec, tequila, and moxy soda. Disgusting as ever, but with a name like that you have to try one.

other fantasy whiskies:

Will 'O The Wisp
Antebellum's Reunion


Shat Yer Fackin Mooth

Shat Yer Fackin Mooth would be a great name for anything, from band to human child

Shatjer Fackinm�th.

And the father is ... William Shat Yer!

All of these are excellent.

Thank you for your effort.

I could really stomp some Bron-Yr-Aur.

This should not have been lamed for any reason whatsoever. It is inexcusable.

A comment left by achilleselbow was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by riotdejaneiro, Belgand, Axhoola, LeChatBotte)

You think differences in musical opinion justifies laming?

A comment left by foea was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by riotdejaneiro, chaesar, pogo)

Hyperbolic respect for the Zep reference, naught more than that. No elitism intended (is it possible to be elitist about Led Zeppelin?).

It is possible to be elitist about anything , trust me I go to art school, I know.

Seconded. Anyone can be elitist about music.

Yes. Have you listened to Coda? Ugh I can't stand it.

Wall Street. ("vodka" and "whiskey"- we just used to call it clear and brown). The funny part of it is that you can be all "I took a fall on Wall Street".

midnight hobo whiskey
mad train fortified wine
domesticated turkey

midnight hobo... qc fan?
i'd love to have me a night with faye and a big bottle of midnight hobo

Ancient Circumstances


... Breasts of the Gold?
Have I missed something?

I'm guessing it is something more akin to "Golden Teat".

Please direct yourself to Physical Graffiti, Side 3, Track 2. =)

To be utterly correct, Led Zeppelin III, B side, Track 4. That's where I know it from. I just thought an interpretation of the name would be important.

I wasn't ragging on you, fellow Zephead. My comment was directed towards Soticoto, as I'm not sure he gets the reference.

Ah. My apologies. Martini?

It would be a most delicious whisky, best consumed in your own plane above the Atlantic somewhere

I would maybe lame this for misspelling but the idea of my own plane of existence being located somewhere above the Atlantic is an attractive one. I'll choose to believe that that is what you meant. Have this chubby.

Please explain how you would rather he had spelled that contracted form of the word aeroplane.

I was probably high. At least it took five months for someone to notice.

Is true.
I didn't get "the reference" ... but I do speak Welsh, hence the confusion.

It's probably a good thing that there is no whiskey named Bron-Yr-Aur (or Bron-Y-Aur ;D), because if there was, I would already be in a booze-induced coma from it.

Don't forget the Whiskey a la Mood Sampler!

There used to be a whiskey called "Old Museum." That's a good one.

i used to drink a whiskey called 'The High Commissioner'

I've draught my share of "Old Crow".

my friend used to say "The High Commisioner wouldn't spare the whip, why should we?!" then we'd get inappropriately drunk at a social gathering.


Old Oscar Pepper.

That is all.

I wish my friends were cool enough to say such a classy sentence while getting drunk. A chubby for my friend, deancain!

The Commisioner would go straight for the Red Phone with the light on it.

If I had a phone linked straight through to Adam West, I would have it surgically grafted to me.

*sniff* I cannot give you a chubby. Have a reply instead.

Old Crow is what we call Poet's Whiskey, along with such faves as Old Granddad and Old Favorite (I am not making those up).

I'll drink to it. Ancient Shenanigans was a major chapter in the story of my life.

I actually prefer Ancient Situation.

If I ever brew a fine whiskey, I will name it Ancient Shenanigan. Yes I will!

And we will give Ol' Baileys a run for its money. Yes we will!

And I'm a tea-toddler!!

I am imagining a toddler made out of tea, which is way more awesome than a teetotaler.

You get a chubby for invoking weird imagery, my friend.

Ever notice how most toddlers are teetotalers? And yet, no one ever makes them the designated driver.

That is probably because they are way too aggressive with their driving. All having tantrums when somebody cuts them off, etc.

That could be! I always thought it might be the way a car puts 'em to sleep like magic. Great for a rider, not so hot for a driver.

Agreed: This strip is totally a 5 for the alt-text.

Every man with a new baby stands in that last panel.

A comment left by petro was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by mattfish, UConnHusky, Jyuu)

oh, teodor. another reason why you are one of my favorite characters - you can tap into the mind of a child but still retain your cynicism.

Teodor is just doing the Teletubbie dance so furiously .



i rated this strip a five for the little 'gub'.

It is the basic onomatopoeia of being a baby.

true dat.

A comment left by jackparsons was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Dovey, peterjoel, foea)

That's not his package, that's the line on his pants where his zip is.

wtf! You are getting completely the wrong things from this strip.

I agree.

crap, i mean about the whiskey, not about onstad's package. geez

Hello, my name is mister Freud.

I find your desperate brushings off of anything that could be deemed as homosexual in anyway to be hilarious.

I've been giggling for like two minutes here.

I imagine someday I will do this, as a new father.

Yes. Yes, you will.

I fear for the psychological state of many of the current and future children of Assetbar posters, based on comments I've seen. Then again, at least I know they'll be brought up loving the Gospel of Onstad.

the fifth panel is just so great

'boy is that gonna be a big theme in your life'

I think you mean the seventh panel.

The kid is just looking at Onstad like: 'put another quarter in the thing!'

Our first look at the On-Star baby?

He should have finished the dance with this head-throwing move.

Maybe for Nice Pete's first born!

On the one hand, it makes me secretly pleased that Teador debases himself like this in order to earn money. On the other hand, I'm sad we haven't seen him getting into worse.

Anyone ever have Ancient Age? Or its slightly-more-expensive sibling, Ancient Ancient Age? It's a good, cheap whiskey with the word "ancient" in it. Seriously, at my local shop it's $2.99 for a fifth. "Is SO good."

Ancient age is pretty good stuff. Also, by a fifth do you mean a flask, cause a fifth here is one of those bigger bottles.

5 for the alt-text alone.

I'm not sure which is funnier: Onstad drawing himself as a thin man, or Teodor actually thinking he has somewhere better to be.

I probably didn't need to post that, though.