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A dangerously good haircut Tuesday, December 18, 2001 • read strip Viewing 32 comments:

This strip is in fact too awesome for many people, which explains its relatively low rating.

I originally gave it a 3. But it was so awesome that I came back months later to give it the 4 it so richly deserves!

strips with Todd are automatically 5s

Never did understand why Archie had a huge goose-egg on the back of his head. Maybe from all the underground street fighting?

the side of his hair looks either like it's been scuffed or woven 'pon a loom.

reminds me of Cindy Lauper's 80's haircut.

..aren't 80's movies so funny? It's like... ha ha! The hair! They're so funny!

Yeah, except Rain Man.

What about the scene where the dumb guy doesnt want to get on the plane

no your thinking the big black guy

A comment left by natashamarie was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, Jesler729, godfatherofsouls)

yeah mr t wasnt in rain man iether

But. If He was. Think on it.

What the hell happened here. You guys are nuts.

Five minutes to Judge Wapner.


He wasn't in it. He was standing on it.

No Teodor, you can NEVER be too awesome.

impossible to be too awesome.

Er, has Todd ever HAD a girlfriend? What does he know about women?

todd has never had a girlfriend per se, but has dedicated his existence to getting mad rutty.

a noble endeavor

Don't forget getting fresh with the fine women

I think so

Also his extensive hip service at night school.

I love how hard he has to think about that last question... eyebrows all furrowed, hand on chin like the damned Rodin sculpture...

He doesn't remind me of The Thinker . He just looks like he is scratching his chin.

I gotta agree. Comparing that pose to Rodin is a little overwrought. It's like saying I look like as timeless and discerning as Lincoln at his memorial just because I'm sitting in a chair

Ya, I guess not literally like the Thinker, just that he is thinking really hard, and it is a hilarious question to be thinking that hard about.

chubbies for culture

archie hair does drive the chicks wild. especially super-fine chicks that the only distinguishing feature between one being superpopular and the other being a tomboy bumpkin is their hair color. archie comics were all about one's personality defined by the length, style, and color of one's follicles.

The final line of this seals it as one of the greatest, underrated,

he looks more angry than bemused in that last panel, as if he's shot himself in the foot by being too awesome.
"godDAMMIT Teodor, you've done it again! now put on these too-tight yellow lycra shorts and don't wash your hair for four days, it is time to do Penance."