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I Love My Fat Son Wednesday, January 2, 2002 • read strip Viewing 38 comments:

Silly Lyle, there's never anything good on TV in the early afternoon

I think I would actually watch the last one.

A comment left by saint was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by FuckYou, ButterMoths, Dezufnocosem, rowboat, farqussus, godfatherofsouls, lux, nutmeg, domini, dr_sexlove)

I know it's horribly wrong but I chubbed this so hard.

...Join us next time, when we meet the 10 people who took this comment personally, and introduce them to an amazing medical professional who says he may have a way to pull the sticks out of their asses.

A comment left by nexus was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by FuckYou, joeyramoney, ralgnar)

I only wish there were more opportunities to use "slurp [oneself] free" in real life.


I gave that a chubby, but only because I initially read it as "I only wish there were more opportunities to slurp onesself free in real life".

hey me too!

wow, it took me like five reads through to realize that it didn't say that. Thanks eyes. Theyes.


omg i love u both <3

omg 3sum <3

Years later, historians would still be trying to unslurp the tangled mystery of why dejavroom didn't just write "I only wish there were more opportunities to slurp oneself free in real life" in the first place.

forreal its jjust a typa waths teh bgi dlea

Because when editing a quote, you put the edit in brackets. Initially it was "himself" which was changed to oneself, and thus requires brackets.


Maybe it's from living in the UK, with all the "LOL fattest man alive" and other such shows, but this is frighteningly similar to real-life television.

Is that an excuse to do the same joke as a Loserz strip, Mr. Onstad?

(You do not need an excuse.)

Alt text: whatever. It was late and a friend was over.

A comment left by hendetta was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by tttt, farqussus, howl, crumpetsandtea)

Not the first, but close. Anyway, I love that the whole alt text phenomenon seems to have been born from Onstad's need to sort of apologize for strips that were obviously just thrown together.

but its the first time before it's used consistently thereafter, right?

a chubby for being correct

This is the Internet's chief strength, that it is not beholden to a schedule. Any time you want to know about Donny Osmond's turn-ons or what fat losers think of your favorite band, there it is waiting for you.

i like that he actually gets angry. tv makes me angry too.

Even better is how he gamely checks the next station, fully expecting it to provide him with an edifying viewing experience.

First alt text except for the bonus strip a while back.

The last panel is Lyle clicking furiously, as though the more he clicks, the further away he gets from that last show.

There's never anything to scratch your balls to on daytime television.

Except maybe The View.

I wish I had the tools to make a Photoshop reply to this. It would have that panel where Todd does cocaine while pointing at Ray, except that he would be scratching his balls while pointing at the TV. Inside the TV would be a cut-and-pasted picture of the ladies from The View.

This strip is way better than the alt text would suggest.

I wonder if there's any way for it to be twice as off.

Looks like somebody spent half a sick day trying to find good daytime TV...

Bring back the original People's Court!

Lyle's biceps are rippin

This is usually what I do on New Year's Day. I always sleep past the damn Rose Parade. Not like that's worth watching.

This strip is twice as great before you realize those are three separate shows.

tv is trash. SHOOT YOUR TV!