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The Party: Day X Monday, March 25, 2002 • read strip Viewing 52 comments:

Contrary to the lying lies of the alt-text, this strip is very funny.

I agree, I think the character development comics are the best ones.

This whole arc has a ton of character development. I dare say its the perfect introduction arc for someone new to the comic.

There are so many whales.

...And all of them so excited!

until you are... SO whaled

I just realized that she looks like Ray's ex gf, Tina.

She was a blonde at the start.

She is the kind of lady that bleaches her hair, and is not the kind that makes it look good.

This nameless lady has a bear-mouth, however, whereas Tina has a cat-mouth.

(It is, of course, possible that Tina underwent surgery to this extent. Would we put this beyond her? I posit we wouldn't.)

oh, god, this reminds me of the whale chapter in moby dick. *sings* SKIPPED-IT.

That book was the biggest tease ever created. You're reading about things are starting to go bad for poor Ishmael, and right when something's about to happen-BAM, you're now reading about whale biology. Cheap shot, Melville!

i have a multi-tome fantasy epic that has an essay on the villiany of AIDS inserted right into the middle. that was one that i wasn't expecting.

I read a similarly-themed book with a one page glossy ad for cigarettes in the middle. With the cigarettes priced in pounds (N.B. I live in Australia).

Was it by Storm Constantine or whatever her name is? The Wraethu (sp?) Cycle?

The villainy of AIDS? How exactly is an illness a villain here? Like, does it write from the perspective of HIV? Does it describe tiny mustaches being twirled?


What? You think AIDS is merely misunderstood? Dat it shood haf been encouraged ass architectural painter?

You know the only thing worse than Moby Dick? Billy Budd. "I hope the reader will bear with me while I spend an entire chapter talking about something completely tangential to the plot!"

Billy Budd... oh God. I remember seeing that book lying around backstage in the theater at my school and just thinking "How gay is this shit?!"

Answer: Pretty Damn Gay.

Disagreement box!

Just put some heat under the sucker. Then you'll see.

A comment left by saucy_jack was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by tekende, mashisoyo, lux)

all of which are sodomy.


I like Dorian Gray.

Oh, I think it's a wonderful book. It's just, that bit really dragged and is worth poking affectionate fun at.

Teh stewdeo, it has big roses ritch smell, an teh lite summr wind, it stirs in teh gardn trees, an teh lilaks hevee smell, or teh pink-fwowers thorns moar delicat perfoom, it come thru open dor.

On Perzan saddul-bags deevans kornur, Lord Henre Wawtun lies. He has inum- inumabul- many cigaret, he smok liek he do, an he can jus cach teh gleem of teh luhburnoms honee-sweet honee-colord blosms. Luhburnoms brantches: dey is trem-u-lus, dey hardlee seem dey can ber teh burdn dat is beutee so liek flaym liek ders; now an den teh flyin brds wif fantstik shados flit-td acros long suhssuh-silk kurtans dat strech in fwon of hoog windw, prodoosin kinda Japanees efekt for teh momen, an make Lord Henre tink of palid payntrs in Tokyo dat has jayd-fase an, thru teh medum of an art dat can no be mobel, seek too convay teh sens of swftnes an moshun.

I do not understand what you were trying to do here.

Well, heck, A rebours was nothing BUT things Des Esseintes is interested in. Including but not limited to nutritious enemas, unwanted dentistry, and murder by extremely distant proxy.

Man, you can't beat out Robinson Crusoe for sheer, tedious irrelevance. Or that bit where we are treated to a journal of all of the things that happened in the first twenty chapters of the book all over again.

That's one of my favorite books...

War and Peace has a bunch of chapters that are basically opinion pieces on how history should be written (Tolstoy contends that it focuses too much on individuals, and that everything is a natural movement, ie; France would have invaded Russia even if Napoleon had never come to power).

These chapters get more and more frequent and heavy handed as the book goes on, until the epilogue where they make up basically the entire thing (NB: The epilogue to War and Peace is about 300 pages).

Or, in modern achewood parlance, So Much Whales .

hella whales, yo

Do I still remember how many whales? Oh how could I forget. There were so many.

Alt text: "It's not funny, it's character development."

Hmm . . . So you write children's books when you're, say , 30. At Age 50 or so, your fans are now 30. And you have hella pickup lines, mad coin with younger ladies. I always thought the original Jeff from BLUE'S CLUES will be doing serious business with the chicks in about 20 years . . . all younger and adoring and doing his laundry . . .

I have my doubts as to the enjoyment a ten year-old would glean from "So Many Whales". What kind of books does a ten year-old girl like to read? I suggest you write them early, if thirty year-olds are your taste.

"So Many Non-Threatening Adult Males Who Can Recognize You as an Intellectual and Emotional Peer"

I'm pretty sure the original dude from Blue's Clues killed himself, actually, so I don't think anyone has to do his laundry these days.

He's measuring out the washing powder in heaven, now.

No, he didn't. Which is okay with me.

Oh. I heard he did. Perhaps it was an urban legend.

It was broadcast on a lot of actual news reports a few years ago. I read an interview with Steve Burns in which he described his bewilderment at seeing an announcement of his own death running across the news ticker on CNN or something. I think it's actually pretty funny.

Man, first of all, it was Steve from Blue's Clues. And second, I'm already doing his laundry and fornicating like mad.

Hella jealous. Chubbied for the possibility of it being true for you.

before i read the second two panels, my impression of the first was that cornelius was politely admitting to his own fart.

All music notes in the background

When I consider the possible contents of this book, I can think of nothing but Shel Silverstein. This would make Cornelius even more badass than I dreamed.

So Many Whales was just a dumbed-down version of Whales Weep Not.

There is a romantic tone to the stuffed bear as he begins his mackin over a book about whales.