If you appreciate Achewood, please support Chris Onstad (shop; gallery art.)
Taking Pat and Rod's Vacation Mail Sunday, April 26, 2009 • read strip Viewing 341 comments:

A comment left by fingerthumb was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by 21echoes, MelloClello, Vondicus, NeoNaoNeo, DarkerNorm, MortisInvictus, nutmeg, shaggy23, usversusthem, campincarl)

what? are you being sarcastic?

probably just a lonly Greek man expressing his happiness over the fact that his culture is being evoked outside of 1)The context of a introductory class discussing the bygone glory days of ancient Greece; 2) The epithets of two Turks fighting; 3) Any reference to pederasty

Don't forget the Olympics, and falafel! Which I think is Greek!

Isn't falafel more of a Middle East thing?

I just looked it up; it's from Egypt.

The Greek ones are gyros .
Protip: "year-o"

A comment left by sje46 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Livingston, 7th_shot, fakedaisies)

Your face is not that good.

You've seen yours? Dickhead .

Congratulations, This Thread of Comments

you are

The Most Mediocre Thread of Comments on AssetBar Ever.

mediocre? but i hardly fucked her!

oh wait....

Strangely this last comment both makes the thread mediocrerer and raises its level to pretty okay overall.

Also I know a couple of good Lebanese falafel places and a kick ass Palestinian one.

are you just going to brag about your knowledge of these fine establishments, or are you going to point us in the right direction?

the tasty direction

[url=https://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=119 macdougal street nyc&sll=40.730543,-74.000001&sspn=0.007724,0.019312&gl=fr&ie=UTF8&ll=40.7316,-74.000258&spn=0.007724,0.019312&z=16&iwloc=A]Achewood is a website[/url]
[url=https://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=56 rue de lancry paris&sll=48.87245,2.363176&sspn=0.003006,0.019312&gl=fr&ie=UTF8&ll=48.87331,2.363176&spn=0.006704,0.019312&z=16&iwloc=A]I had to street search those it's fun but I can't find the address for the other one[/url]

Length of the addresses makes it look like possible major bbcode failure pre-post-button hitting.


chubby for the prescience

Test: (my guess is it's screwing up on the spaces)

... ha, you were so sure it would fail that you didn't bother changing the default link text from the BBcode how-to page.

Thanks for the tip on the spaces, and for the corrected version.

For the record, I just kept the default text because I like how it says 'this is a link'. But on some level I may have known and had given up already maybe.

You should probably just pass something like this through TinyURL first. Which is exactly what I was going to do before I noticed that raticus had found another way to make it work. Good for him.

I work in an IT help desk. That workaround with the hyphens worked this time thanks to google's smart handling of the search string, but yeah, tinyURL would be the way to go overall.
Double-checking - the original link actually uses plus signs to represent spaces, and assetbar messes up the conversion.
Test: (original BBcode link has plus signs)
[url=https://maps.google.ca/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=assetbar fails at plus signs&sll=48.224673,-93.955078&sspn=45.716347,78.75&ie=UTF8&z=4&iwloc=A]no go[/url]

... and replacing plus signs with percent 20 (%20): joy

i thought percent 20 meant space.

Isn't that whole area a little... iffy?

... in terms of food taste?

No, I think their crunch patties with flavor sauce are delicious.

(I'm just gonna pre-empt any problems that may arise by saying that I was quoting the Simpsons. ya know, that one with the Pretzel Wagon? Yeah.)

it's still in reference to 4) greek style

Well the strip did inspire me to try peeing on my toes...

A comment left by fermatprime was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by liams511, nice-on-water, mg7810, rowboat, amp269, Maldraedior, fancypants, skoora, willt, Hatstand_McQ, dracer2, Qnstad, Ciansy, usversusthem, morbo)

A comment left by fermatprime was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by liams511, nice-on-water, mg7810, rowboat, Maldraedior, skoora, willt, Hatstand_McQ, dracer2, Ciansy, usversusthem, morbo)

apparently it was lame of you to help people

He is being lamed automatically by accounts that clicked on wim9k's profile. It is, as the kids say, h4x.

Assetbar is officially an insecure pile of crap.

It's nice to feel like you belong isn't it?

You callin' me an insecure pile of crap?

No! I'm calling all of us an insecure piece of crap! Take THAT all of us.

HUGE slam on the Assetbar community out of nowhere.

i think you and I should probably lose some weight

We all have body odour.

I bathe in rose-scented water, all sippin' Ketel One and prank callin' stay-at-home moms.

I believe the late, great Isaac Newton put it thus: fuck your theory.

I believe that Isaac Newton was a twat. Clearly we differ on some key issues here.

The dude had gravity , we can say that much.

plummet, I had you on ignore but I took you out just to say that I'm pretty sure you do smell. Sometimes no amount of prissy girlwater can mask that aroma.

Your voice is chunky , are you eating well ?

a mother just knows.

How would it identify which comments are helping?

Oh, he explained it.
the rateAsset script is a script that is part of assetbar. It is the script that is called when you rate the current strip.. 1 2 3 4 or 5.
so far I have gotten it so when anyone mouses over my avicon and my status is displayed, what happens is that user automatically rates the strip as a 999999 (which shows as a 5) and also the user automatically lames the above comment by achilleselbow.
it was a real bitch getting it to work without crashing the browser in an endless series of recursive redirects. but I put in that effort for you guys. because I am nice.
ignoring me won't help because I'm going to be creating lots of accounts that do the same thing so there will be ample opportunity for everyone to mouse over affected accounts.

javascript is a real bitch when you don't know what the fuck you're doing, all googling to find out what the functions do and such.

Quick! Everyone out of the universe Assetbar!

I apologize to all the people that ignored him, but you should know what's going on.
I doubt he put any malware on anyone's computer. Quote:
okay, I fixed it... damn.. I had to really load in the 9s... -999999999 and such, to get yesterday's strip derated back to the relative obscurity it deserves. the downside.. it is now undoubtedly the lowest rated strip ever. I removed the rating thing out of the script. yesterday's strip's rating is screwed, but the damage is limited to that. It's just lucky it didn't crash the database with a buffer overrun or some such.
it'd be nice if you could give achileselbow 9999999 lames, but, it looks like lames are probably more of boolean type variable (lame OR chubby OR spam) so I'm not gonna even try to fuck with that. as it is I'm pretty satisfied with it. Dr. Manflesh would be proud of the animated gif I think.

Never has so much effort been expended on causing a minor inconvenience for so few people. I guess he really is just desperately bored.

A comment left by wim9k was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by UncleRifle, Snuffdigit, jake11)

It's nice to know that all this hax0r fuckery stems from a sort of playful ingenuity rather than any real malice. Lately I've come to think of you as a kid who, on seeing the other children playing happily in the sandbox, barges in and starts pissing on the sand. The other kids flee to their mothers, who mutter under their collective breath about things like parenting and Ritalin. But now I realise that your goal was not to stop the other children from enjoying themselves, because you're still there, sitting cross-legged in the wet sand, building sandcastles. You plunge your grubby little fists into the mud and cram handfuls of the urine-soaked dirt into your mouth. You smile; a beaming, gritty grin.

I will try to remember you this way.

Best part is, if some of his urine manages to dribble onto his feet, he's getting double the urine action for double the urine fun!

For him, urine fun, maybe. For the rest of us? Urine trouble .

(I am so sorry.)

Urine luck: I feel the exact same way.

Urine Luck. Wasn't that the name of a THC masking agent sold to people who had workplace urine testing? God I hope I didn't just dream that.

Urine you'd be proud to take home and introduce to the folks!

No, YOUR in trouble!

No, YOU'RE in trouble.

AHA! But I know something you don't know-

You say, "Oh, really?
What is that?"

"I. Am not left-handed!"

you say this as if bein diifreunt its a bad thing


man, you are tremendously butthurt, aren't you

i am amazed at how butthurt this stupid script kiddie got you.

Who, me? I was trying to say that I used to think of wim9k a.k.a. alreadyinuse as a vindictive little shit who pisses in the Assetbar sandbox because he hates the idea of other people having fun. I have now adjusted my opinion and think that he just likes playing with his own piss, which is, to my mind, a far more positive way of thinking of someone. In any case, his antics are only a minor annoyance. Clicking "ignore" is no great hardship. My butt is unhurt.

"The Assetbar engineers" would suggest a modicum of design went into the design of this dysfunctional website.

Rod Huggins' last name is the best since Apu's.

Nicodemios could definitely do better. He's slumming it with Pat.

Nicodemis and Pliars... am I remembering that correctly?

"Josh's Story" is probably more terrifying than "El Sepulcro del Malinterpretero"

Might it involve an electric fence? Or maybe he unwittingly peed on a rattlesnake.

Maybe he used the miracle power of pee to cure his grandmother of Alzheimers. "I'll never forget what you did to me, child" "Success!"

hey stereo, are you a gorilla?

i'm not sure, man

it's hard to tell.

i think he's a grizzly

Oh dear, his avatar is back to normal and now I just look crazy.

That is totally why I did it.

Well played, stereo.

Well played.




(he's a sardine)

the damnedest little fellow!

Don't forget to put a dollar bill under the flaps so Cunty can decide to win the big race!

Maybe she wasn't cured, but he pees on her every day anyway because she'll never remember. "Success!"

Pat doesn't seem like the type of guy who would want Beef to touch his mail while he's away.

Better than Ray or Lyle.

Pat protested but Rod gave him a bit of: "Listen Beetle Cheeks, Beef has so little self-love that curiosity would kill that cat, shut your cake hole or you'll be getting nothing but self-love".

Beetle Cheeks! Beetle Cheeks! Beetle Cheeks!

Pat's still an asshole.

i love how benito juarez is used here to conjure up images of cheap mexican serialized literature.

"ooh, i'm fancypants, i can recognize the former president of Mexico on sight!"

(I'm sorry I played it huffy over the internet. It's just that I had to wikipedia who Benito Juarez was.)

Oh man at first I didn't realise that was his username. I just thought you were saying that his knowledge of former Mexican presidents dubbed him a fancypants.

i think knowledge of former mexican presidents would more fittingly dub me "dustypants"

Are you saying that you have sex with former Mexican Presidents? Because that is what I'm getting.

He is implying that Mexicans are dusty.

I heard the president of Mexico's plane has dirt floors.

I thought more like Dusty Bottoms. What does in -famous mean?



yeah I think that's really racist that people are calling it the "swine" flu.

"And then they called us scum-suckin pigs! Us! "

Nicodemios' turbo secret is not his well-documented interest in race car lessons(Bare Huggins V. 17 N. 12) but his rock hard cat cock (Abaisser Paillard- A Bare Huggins International Special, Winter 1997).

citation: WHY FIND OUT.

I'm gonna put that on this paper I'm writing.

Rebuttal: No thank you, Meatbag

Pat thought it best for a vacation for the two, as word puzzles were not going well.

Barbers are also a rare breed in Aruba.

man pats givin queer folk a bad name we need some more positive representations in this strip no?

That was quick re: aviconitard.

Who's joining the Homeo-uropodiatric League with me?

I didn't know that they had an organization, but I am sad to say that is totally a real thing. Some people out there are all about thinking that the best cure for athlete's foot is to piss all over your toes. That is totally the sort of thing that Pat would be down with.

People are horrible and can never disappoint you enough.

That seems like it would be more likely to cause athlete's foot than cure it.

It is good for blisters. Urine has a number of antiseptic properties. When my grandfather was in the navy (WWII) they were told to spash piss back onto their members after a brothel visit. It may well be helpful, but I'll stick to Betadine myself.

How clever Onstad is - rather than just story arcs, he creates strips where we can continue our conversations on the virtues of piss from one installment to the next.

Actually it was about cum, not piss. Prior to that we discussed the eating of fecal material.

Assetbar: Tackling the hard topics!

The stuff Truth and Beauty Bombs won't touch!

Haha! "Whoops," huh Assetbar?! Yeah!

meow? huh? wha? coo coo?

I lived on Grosvenor Street, in Montreal, for about 10 years in my youth. It ran through Westmount, one of the richer neighbourhoods in Canada. Pretty much everyone on that street was either Pat, Pat reincarnated as a soccer mom, or a young Pat-in-training. It seems as though Onstad has done his research when it comes to street names.

If you lived on Grosvenor Street, what would your Porn Name be? Please tell me that your first pet was a hamster named Mr Tweedles.

that would basically be an awesome porn name.

Using the classic rules for porn names, my porn name would be 'Cattie Walker'. I'm not sure whether or not I should apologize for that. (I know now is not a great time for mousing over people's avicon's so I will just out and say that I am a dude.)

Mine would be Chalkie Fitzjohn which sounds rather more like a P.G. Wodehouse character than a pornstar.
"Did you hear about Chalkie Fitzjohn? He's landed himself in the bally old chokey. He and Bungo Bungerford stole a motor for a lark, and ended up running over an Archdeacon's niece."

Robé Kane

My name is Simon Rockwell, and I'm here to rock you very well

Hector Melrose at your service.

sounds like a buttler.

Nobody wants to watch a porn star named Eloise Larsen. I sound more like the holder of records for a porn production.

I'll always love mine. Kitty Kilby? It's like I was made to be a porn star!

I'm sure we've all done this already on the strip where it's brought up, but nonetheless I feel proud enough of my own to flash it again. Snowy Queens.

Tuffy Kahookele.


Goldie Rankin. not too shabby

Sampson Percy, perfect for the UK and Australia. However I don't know if North Americans refer to their penis as percy, as in point percy at the porcelain, or not.

Stromboli Silverheels.

Awww hellzicious , yes!

Whiskey Wood. *coughcough*

Man, I drank so much I rocked a Whiskey Wood all night long!


I know I'm late to the party, but I am Max Rockwood. Nobody ever believes me.

Sally Dumont. Class.

Ironically, Babelfish has no suitable translation (or even partial translation) for "ohuy 'vastavisiones' camalo".

ironically, Babelfish is no longer owned by Altavista.

and i still really miss their audio/video searches.

I can imagine somewhere, some poor country with a very little english knowledge in the population.

Where pirated litterature are translated trough babelfish and printed on an old deskjet printer.

well kids it's been funny
the following users have conjured up the script which auto-lames achilleselbow:
dangelder, liams511, nice-on-water, autrepoupee, rowboat, amp269, utv, fancypants, psykeres.
(the comment in question is towards the top of the strip previous to this one.) okay maybe more people conjured up this script, but only the above users actually had any lames to give.
hey but I don't really hate you achilleselbow, I'm just bored. I know you don't care about people laming you and neither do it, it was just one of those things that had to be done because it could be :-)

oh shit... I should have programmed it to give me chubbies... I forgot all about that! Okay... updating it now...

I just realized why Rod LaVerne is making that face...

why's that?

oh... I see

wow - if you log out of assetbar, and then click 'discuss', on the sidebar it will show you the highest rated strips of all time. (if you're logged in it only shows the highest rated strips that you haven't seen yet.)

and it appears we have a new winner:

Highest Rated
» The Carcinoslippery Slope.
» Ray gets sort of stoned
» The Math.
» Spy-Ware
» The Mountain and the Motorcycle

that's just wrong...
I've reprogrammed the script to give "The Carcinoslippery Slope." a -99999 rating... so if you mouse over my avatar again you can vote it back in the right direction, thereby giving all the other strips their correct ratings relative to each other without "The Carcinoslippery Slope." usurping the rightful place of "Ray gets sort of stoned."

okay, I fixed it... damn.. I had to really load in the 9s... -999999999 and such, to get yesterday's strip derated back to the relative obscurity it deserves. the downside.. it is now undoubtedly the lowest rated strip ever. I removed the rating thing out of the script. yesterday's strip's rating is screwed, but the damage is limited to that. It's just lucky it didn't crash the database with a buffer overrun or some such.
it'd be nice if you could give achileselbow 9999999 lames, but, it looks like lames are probably more of boolean type variable (lame OR chubby OR spam) so I'm not gonna even try to fuck with that. as it is I'm pretty satisfied with it. Dr. Manflesh would be proud of the animated gif I think.

Crikey, I knew assetbar was some weak-ass crap, (user-not-friendly UI and all), but pants-around-ankles hackable?

Dear Onstad,

They may be your friends and all, but you need to either dump them or give them quite the harangue. They are doing a most amateur job. It's gone from annoying to embarrassing.

A fan.

A comment left by sje46 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by fallow_fields, gladi8orrex, jake11, Frankreich)

To be honest, though, I'm sure that the premium editions probably aren't that bad. We're just pretty much neglected. Poking around the free parts of the susbriber area, it seems pretty nice.
I think that Onstad should keep premium and either have a forum or a better messageboard system.
Sorry for the huge macro.

The issue, SJE, is that assetbar is not only rubbish in many ways - we got used to that, and assetbarista helps clean up after the rubbishness - it's that it also lets people inject javascript into their frickin profiles. THIS IS SERIOUS BUSINESS.

I said 'SJE' in a whiny sarcastic voice there.

I'd appreciate it if you didn't capitalize my name.
Yeah, that is a not good thing. Users should not be able to input javascript.

Sorry sje. I'm just angry because AUI has used javascript to steal all the chubbies from my profile page. I had thousands.

There there, aperson. They're still there in spirit.

AUI did it, eh...
Alreadyusein? or... ASSETBAR USER INTERFACE!!!

Maybe the right thing to do would be for each of us to chip in a chubby, just out of solidarity. It'd be like assetcommunism in face of hostile javascriptitude.

(This is so not going to work.)


Please stop reminding me of Mouse Hunt . I mean, yeah, it had Christopher Walken in it, but really is that the sort of thing I ought to spend my time remembering?

Sorry dude. That was real douchey of me.

This is one of the funniest things I have ever seen.

It's from the Assetbar blog, by the way. I'm not sure if anyone recognized it.

i love this

personally I get, in some but not all respects, a good vibe from the Assetbar people from what little I've seen of them via their industry-facing web site and from what I've been able to infer about them from their assetbar UI. They seem to have some sort of vision and some technical capability. they may well be using a secure and stable platform, but their ad-hoc interface to said platform is riddled with classic security problems which they've been sorting through as the need arises. But I mean, security is a moot point here. Assetbar is not Face Book.

You never know, the Assetbar folks might key into a good idea and invent the next twitter, but I don't think that this is something that Onstad should be hoping for... He needs to invest in technology to interface him with a community (and create that community if necessary), and this is generally a different sort of endeavor than providing venture capital for some folks who think they can/will come up with such a thing... Onstad should not be in the venture capital business... even if Onstad isn't paying these guys anything, even if Assetbar is paying Onstad, Onstad is still giving Assetbar considerable publicity. "Onstad uses Assetbar" is a lot of good will that these guys can channel.

If I'm gonna criticize Assetbar, I'd say that these guys are trying to invent the wheel, and while this particular wheel may not yet be fully invented, it is quite probably a sort of thing that is going to spontaneously invent it's self, and it's ridiculous to expect that any given small company can stay on the cutting edge, can keep on the crest of this wave of wild convergence and this exponentially collapsing information float, without falling off along the way... No... 90 percent of startups like Assetbar are destined to be bit players, (if they don't go bankrupt entirely that is) contributing some small piece to the puzzle of the emerging information infrastructure, in many cases being bought up and absorbed by larger companies who in turn only play a bit role...
Onstad, as does any artist, needs to stay on the cutting edge, needs to ride the crest of this information infrastructure wave, without falling off. So really, I'd say that Onstad's strategy should not be to bet his chips on this or that innovative company or futuristic technology, but rather, to invest in developing his presence in the existing players, in the existing technologies, such as they are... meaning develop a presence on facebook, twitter, and whatever the fuck all it is the kids are using to coordinate their exchange of STDs these days.

Looking at Ray, though, Onstad seems to have a fondness for small start-ups for big hopes.

i know i do.

The picture on the "Pee on Your Toes" magazine is totally not suited to this type of magazine. How does one pee on one's toes when they are curled behind the body in such a jaunty manner?
Also, Beef, it's pretty not cool of you to let Ray look through Pat's mail when that is obviously what he was trying to avoid.

i believe the cover of POYT is meant to exhibit the footloose and fancy-free joy that comes after a successful (6 day) treatment. despite the title, it's not all about the act, it's about building community.

That picture showcases the "double helix" flying junk technique. You pee in a perfect spiral and catch it on the bottom of your feet as they go past.

You forget they are Knuckleheads From The Day and Tight Since Small Times and that Pat is a Dick.

I will NEVER forget that Pat is a Dick.



Nice-on-water, you don't even KNOW.

I wish I did.

Someday you'll understand.

Pat was so worried about Beef (and knowing Beef, Ray) looking at his mail that he had all of his mail forwarded for a month (with a week before and after the trip just in case Beef might be a bit too diligent) to a PO Box. In order to make it look like he wasn't doing this he also subscribed to a number of other "safe" periodicals just to throw them off the trail.

Beef is picking up the mail that Pat wants him to be looking through, not his real mail.

Oh shiii-

I have a very slow computer, 240 RAM. It's quite irritating. I was told that Chrome is lighter than firefox, so I downloaded it. I've been using it for abotu a week, maybe ten days. And then I visited Firefox again because I missed it.
Firefox is faster than Chrome. And a lot less irritating.

I think Chrome creates a new process for each tab that you open - not exactly lightweight.

Whoa whoa whoa. Apologies to all the uteruses that just snapped shut.

Seriously, let's be careful here. I'm a man, but I'm pretty sure I just grew a uterus for the sole purpose of having it snap shut.

II would like to go on the internet just once without some fellow talking about growing a uterus.

Clearly you have picked the wrong internet.

Daaang! Uh...um...Oh!

"Windows again, huh?!"

The most perfect nerdish thing to say ever.


Onstad always does good covers.

Rum chiffon double-mousse Oreo pie! I'll have one very small slice, please...no, really, that's too much, a smaller one.

"Cure Athlete's Foot in 6 Days" seems like it would be the cover story for every edition of Pee On Your Toes.

I insist that we see what Pat and Rod are up to in Aruba.

I insist that we not.

Some things are better left unseen

What? Two men can not anally make love with one another with a giant rubber fist without criticism?


it's only some kinda super sexy weekend.

Manflesh would chime in about it.

I love how Reznor-Beef is criticizing his own idea here.

"Man how could you be so stupid why don't you ever just stop and think before you say out these stupid ideas !"

The twin Beeves are being restrained by the anthropomorphic penis. Without achilleselbow it would be just like that scene in Spider-Man where Willem Dafoe argues with his mirror.

A pleasing Achewood. I have no complaints, and even as a woman I can imagine myself squatting to pee in the woods, balanced on my toes.

Thanks for that mental picture.

Dear Assetbar:

So I was at a barbecue with my roommate and some other people, all of us having been friends since high school, when we got into a theoretical moral discussion. One of the questions that arose was what you would do if you had a retarded child, to which another friend and I both responded that we'd give it up for adoption. This caused my roommate to flip out and call us both selfish, immature, etc. After this he sat silently poking the fire with a stick for half an hour before suddenly getting up and leaving without a word. He's been ignoring me for two days now. Is this normal?

P.S. Having known him for 10 years I am reasonably certain that he has no retarded friends or family.

-Baffled in Brooklyn

You're supposed to love your children too much to ever abandon them. I personally don't see the appeal.

Are you asking whether it is normal for him to react this way when you have a disagreement? You would be best qualified to answer that. If you are asking whether it is normal theoretical ethical discussions to devolve into personal antagonism then yes, it definitely is. Count yourself lucky that he didn't insult your own personal hose.

Giving him up for adoption?

Bit of a waste of food.

"I grant this food may be somewhat dear, and therefore very proper for Landlords, who as they have already devoured most of the Parents, seem to have the best Title to the Children."

--Jonathan Swift, A Modest Proposal

Damn you 3 hour nap!

Dear BiB,
This is probably a stupid thing to say because outside of Assetbar you're in all likelihood a real person and presumably a decent guy, but don't do the thing that we do on the internet, where we just stick to the moral high grounds we think we have because when incorporeal our rationalizations make sense.
Maybe you can try and tell him you're sorry you said something he found offensive and take it from there?

Plus it may be time you have that talk when he tells you he is your retarded brother.
Also, if this happened anywhere near MacCarren Park, 10 year friendship or not, it's perfectly normal, and your buddy is going through his brooding poseur phase.

It's quite possible that your friend had no idea, after 10 years, that he would differ so entirely on something he found very important morally. I've had that moment before and have discarded friends for it. Hopefully that's not the case here.

Really? That's crazy though. I have friends who are anti-abortion and friends who are hardcore Zionists. I have friends who are libertarian , for crying out loud. I wouldn't be in a serious relationship with someone who differed on basic moral issues, but do you really need to hold your friends to such high standards? Besides, this thing came up so randomly that we could easily have gone another 10 years without it ever being mentioned. Craziness.

If any friend of mine had voted against Prop. 8 (removing the constitutional right of same sex couples to marry in California after the courts determined that it was, in fact, a constitutionally protected right) I would not speak to them again. I can tolerate some things and various disagreements, but when you vote to take someone's rights away you are just the lowest piece of shit on the planet.

This case just sounds kind of fucked up though.

If any friend of mine had voted against Prop. 8

You mean if they had voted for Prop. 8, right?

Yes, yes I do. It was one of those weird sorts of things where, at least among those I know, using the wrong phrasing happened all the damn time. You were voting against something by voting for the proposition.

lol yall r twokin' abot " dumping " man-frens. fuckin' outragious lol

Bros to the End Glad?

innes "Howse" derz suntink balled ' bromance ' bitee ndr. grocery howse n' dobber will-son. dem so gai . is so obv. my shiv a tack to finish up. (i men star')

When did I ever imply that most of my friends were men? Right now it's about even, but I've often trended towards having more female friends than male.

i've def had more friend girls than friend guys all my life.

i don't know why!

Same. I refuse to make any analysis of this.

I always end up dating girls who have far more male friends than females. I don't know why this is. I myself have more male friends than female.

I can't be certain, but chances are you have been dating sluts.

I recommend you read far too much into it and then write up a quick summary of your mental state afterward. This is entirely healthy practice*.

*This is not an entirely healthy practice.

translation: you always end up dating friend sluts

what if they voted for Prop 8 in an ironic way?

I guess that's OK, as long as they roll their eyes at Belgand when he expresses his outrage at them. The eye-roll will indicate that irony was used during the vote.

I would have far, far more loathing for someone who voted ironically. It is bad enough that I cannot currently destroy hipsters through sheer force of will.

I just could not be happier at the outcome of my ironic reply to drivewhere.

And I am glad that I live more in Nerdville than Hipsterville. Good luck on developing your will-based hipster-destruction weapons platform, Belgand. If I'm up in SF and see a hipster's head suddenly vaporize in crimson vapor, I will smile to myself, knowing that you have done it.

proposition 8 type of stuff is not about someone being a piece of shit. It's about someone having their wind warped by religion and culture to the point where that someone's mind is programmed to believe that shit is actually mocha-almond-fudge ice cream with sprinkles and marshmallows. Many many many people's minds are warped in this manner on a variety of issues (gun ownership, gay rights, birth control, abortion, foreign policy, immigration policy, workers rights, etc.) Someone's mind may be warped on only some of these issues, so a person could for example support gay rights, or at least not actively support taking away gay rights, yet still have their mind warped on other issues. This does not mean the person is a piece of shit, it just means the person's mind is infected with a virus.

If you don't ever talk to that person again, you are just helping to socially isolate that person from ideas that might, in the long run, be inhospitable to their virus, or that might, at the very least, mitigate the damage done by their virus.

Hey, someone with the same opinions as me!

Although it's not just limited to the religious. Secular/apatheistic/atheist people hold a lot of these stupid beliefs too.

I don,t want to be a dick but most atheist i know are less "warped" against gay right and abortion. For the rest yeah they also depend on other factor so religion or lack thereof is less important.

I must know what you regard as the correct, non-warped thoughts and ideas about gun ownership.

Yeah, that one seems to be the odd one out.
I'm not saying that the laws should tighten or anything; I'm actually pretty ignorant/apathetic on the matter.

Irondave... I imagine you taping your knuckles virtually gagging for a fight here. I'm against gun ownership in general, but mainly because I live in Australia where the laws are far, far tighter than in the U.S. Still, didn't stop that boy in Tasmania (Aust. State) from breaking the world "single crazy guy going on a rampage killing fuckers with a semi-auto" record.

I think private ownership of semi-auto's are banned here now.

I'm basically saying, I've heard arguments on both sides of this one, and I'm emotionally against gun ownership but intellectually not so.

I'm not interested in a fight, but I am interested to know the reasoning by which gay marriage is a self-evident human right and self-defense by means of small arms is not. Assuming that's drivewhere thinks, which is a safe bet but not a certainty.

Cause self defence by mean of gun is nowhere self defence. You give access to something that can end a life to everybody. I expect few people to have the necessary care to use them "for self-defence". it's way easier to shoot whoever threaten you, or you believe threatens you.

Also, if you have ready access to a gun, you won't take the time to think it over. People act rashly under anger. It is not a panacea, they can still buy a gun on the black market or use another weapon, but i know that this delay can make some people realise what they wanted to do and make them realise how stupid it is.

Frankly, i never understood why you would need a gun to defend yourself in the first place. Unless your a policeman, a hunter , a park ranger or whatever, you hardly will encounter anything threatening.

It seems that self-defence can be maintained by other means other than that which will generally bring about the death or serious maiming of others.

Please elaborate.

Before I continue, I suppose we should discuss what you mean by self-defence (i.e. do you mean from other people with guns). This kinda discussion could possibly continue on facebook. Through tekende's profile, look for G.S.

Fair enough.

I see your point and it's one I've heard many times before, but sometimes you have to give up. Someone who has been indoctrinated into a belief system since birth isn't too likely to change just because you're friends with them.

You do what you can, but at the same time you have to be willing to let go. Not to mention why in the hell I want to hang out with these people when we are so diametrically opposed. I mean, we just wouldn't make for very good friends. I'm not planning on inviting Fred Phelps around for a casual picnic or anything under the assumption that he just needs some good friends to change his mind.

Not to mention how both sides would likely feel this way. Are they going to suddenly cause you to change your mind and realize that you're wrong and sinful? Are they going to somehow minimize the damage caused by you thinking people deserve equal rights?

It's also about the dividing line between thoughts and actions. They are entitled to their opinions, but when they start using them in an attempt to make everyone act like them or they actively oppress someone else who disagrees they have crossed the line.

Well, in my case, there were other preciptating events definitely. If he was a nice guy in all other respects it wouldn't have been a problem. But he was a racist, used the moniker "gooks" without irony, and there was nothing I could say that would bend his opinion. He wasn't THAT close a friend obviously. I just realised that I don't want to be around people that are that diametrically opposed to me, it's too much work and life is too short.

I'm just saying, maybe this dude has been slowly slipping out of your friendship circle for various reasons for a while, and those comments were the main precipitation. Maybe he's going insane. There's many reasons and quite frankly me postulating all this shit and drawing an analogy between my friend and yours is probably useless unless you fill out your story a little more.

Could be the guy just got the impression achilleselbow is monstrously intolerant of people with learning difficulties. Elbox, maybe you should assure him that you simply feel unqualified to raise such a child and adoption would be the kindest option for the poor tot (I'm assuming that's your reasoning and you don't just hate retards).

Tay took ar yerbs!

Dear BIB:
Does your roommate nurse grudges in general? If so then perhaps he should seek counseling; maybe he is a lunatic. Irrespective of your roommate's psychological footing, one possibility is that it is starting to dawn on your roommate that he is thoroughly perturbed by one or more aspects of your personality and/or ethical makeup, and, your theoretical waxing about 'tarded babies was, for your roommate, evocative of these simmering sentiments he is nursing.

In any case, it would seem that your roommate needs some distance in your relationship. There are times when one's pattern of interaction with another person slowly becomes a sort of amalgamation of routine and habit with each person's role in the interaction eventually becoming a sort of cliche stereotype of that person. This happens when one or both of the individuals in an interaction changes substantially, but one (or both) of the individual's respective interests in the interaction does not change. I.e. you're way into punk music and dick avacons, you meet a charming young fellow who fits the bill, you develop a man crush and you both spend endless hours together fascinated and entertained by your respective interests in this realm, until, eventually, gradually, somehow, on some level, for your buddy, this isn't enough anymore. Your buddy changes, and he wants you to come along and explore his new interests (e.g. country western and vagina avacons?) with him, but clearly, this can never be, because you're a dick man, and you always have been, and always will be, and your buddy is naturally upset and mad at you, even though it's not your fault, he basically hates you for being you, and it's basically only a matter of time before he secrets a 55 gallon drum with fertilizer into your studio apartment and detonates it while you're asleep in an honorable murder-dorkicide, because he loves your interaction the way it once was, and he never wants to move past those fun times into a frightening new reality of making new friends and growing up and possibly even growing old and boring. (Thelma and Louise costumes and makeup optional. I just didn't throw those in there because I don't know what kinda relationship exactly you're talking about here and you weren't too specific)

No, that's weird. He's probably adopted.

In my life i used 2 b able 2 njoy it reletibly e z, but nah i fine myself in such situatians as deh followin' mo' 'n mo'

I was leavin' a store 'n as was headed 2 car i took a stranger route so if i were 2 b filmed deh shot wuld b better

i was twokin' 2 my dogg n ee says somefink profound 'n candid, somefink relly form is heart 'n all i culd fink was man what a powerful scene

i woz twokin' whiff my moms 'n she say somefink 'n my smiles 'n say yea momsy ur the best mom ever YALL SHOULD START LOVING YOUR MOMS MORE

ps. eber since i felt dis weird motion towad azns i ben try 2 comb my life backwards 2 find where dis all stotted becauze i used 2 h8 dem pretty hardcore so m really confu. will keep u updated on my research

Gladdi, bud, have you been going to your tutor? It is very important you do this. Not just for us, but for yourself. We care for you and want you to get a good job.
I really love my mom too. When I am sad she lets me eat cookies. I miss those days . .nevermore.

I miss you mommy.

I knew it! Glad is just a shill for the caucasian greeting card companies! Don't spam our assetbar with your nazi mother's day spam you shill.

you spreadin' rumors about me you piece of shit? huh? is that your M.O. you curd eating no good son of a bad haircut. why i oughta pulverize your lousy two-timin' dumbass

i m so sorry abot dat but man u crossed a line but on other han' i shouldn't have flown off deh handle lik dat at u man.

we coo'?


if only i could find a curvy homeboy in this mad ol' world who would by okay with my turbo secret


Baby, I am ready to be the only man who looks at your turbo secret.

Babies, I am ready to be the only man who films her turbo secret so that he looks at it on the internet.

Also, while we're on the topic. I have recently been thinking about the concept of The Least Watched Porno Ever. I don't know what that is, but you've got to think in such a large industry, even the ones that aren't amateur pornos have got to be ones that people just don't watch. Sure, if you're a porn star who's just starting out, nobody watches you do your thing, but when you start to gain notoriety, people start going into your back catalog. But if you never hit it big, in fact, you are the one who hits it the smallest, then it is basically like you just had private sex with a stranger you don't like for no money . Man that would suck.

I think it's called "being in a sorority".

They're not compensated for acting?
Also, Ron Jeremy has been in at least 1900 movies.

No-one in the porn industry is paid for "acting" they are however paid for "performing".

Yeah but if you are in The Least Watched Porno Ever your director is probably going to be all "Hey listen you'll get the check soon we're just waitin' for the returns from Denver..."

but the returns from Denver. They never come.

Autrepoupee's turbo secret is that she is made of the New Flesh .

My turbo secret, on the other hand, is that I will cut you and never look back.

My turbo secret is that I despise... all things.

My turbo secret is... please insert 500 credit token

wozzeck's real turbo secret is that he is also regretting the timely death of J.G. Ballard!

I... I confess that not a fortnight ago I expressed in passing a concern that he was advancing too far in years for us to be secure in expectations of further works of his genius.

Have I... have I jinxed one of our finest?

I thought that "turbo" was more of a reference to his desire to drive a racing car than it was to how secret the desire was.

Come for a ride with Autrepoupee and I. We shall show you where you ere.

But this is all moot in autrepoupee's case - a smell cannot be filmed.

witnesses have reported a faint smell of sulphur followed by a heart of woody oriental notes top-noted with a delicate crystal of vanilla-frosted, pave-engraved oud.

truly a smell that cannot be filmed.


I still think that a viable business could be constructed for porn star fantasy sessions. You pay the company and in turn they let you pick out your co-stars and film you performing. You are then provided with a complimentary copy of your completed film.

Basically I am wondering how this would not be a way to make prostitution more or less legal. I mean, aren't there some producers who shoot and star in their own films? They are paying people to have sex with them in order to make the film. How is this significantly different from prostitution except they're making money by basically visiting prostitutes? If, instead of payment for sex, if it payment for the filming of your very own porno and you receive a copy of the tape (thus proof that there was a good to be produced and not just the sex act) this would seem to skirt the necessary laws.

Haven't you ever wondered why most porn is made in Florida and California? This is because these are in fact the only states that make a legal distinction between porn and prostitution. In fact, I'm not even sure about Florida, because there was recently a case where a producer of orgy films was tried on some charges relating to prostitution. So yes, people see your logic - unfortunately, they're using it to push the other way.

The moment I lost my childhood innocence was the moment I realized that our society does not consider porn to be a legally protected basic right.

Achilleselbow's dad muted the video while explaining this to young Achilleselbow.

He also loaded up his 50's dad style pipe while explaining.

with crack cocaine

Yeah, I forget the exact case, but I read some interesting articles on how California has legally defined porn production.

Agreed that it ought to just be a basic thing. Of course, I also strongly support legalized prostitution.

At the same time SoCal is basically the ideal place for the porn industry as well. You have the resources and overflow from the mainstream film industry as well as weather very conducive to spending a lot of time outside nude or wearing scant clothing.

Even if they passed all the right laws I don't think North Dakota would suddenly explode with porn production.

i second this e-motion.

In Britain it would be the other way round. The act of paying or receiving payment for sex is legal (although as soliciting and pimping are illegal it is more or less impossible to practice prostitution on a commercial basis) but production of pornography would render you liable for prosecution under the Obscene Publications act.

I thought it was legal to operate as a prostitute basically through ads and Craigslist and such. You just can't, y'know, open a brothel or solicit on the street or such.

The whole anti-porn law thing always strikes me as weird.

A similar case is Japan where prostitution was legal since, well, just about forever IIRC, but was then made illegal post-war (and I wonder what prudish occupying country probably rammed that down their throats). Except, and this is the interesting bit, they were very specific and it only applied to vaginal penetration. Oral and anal sex are totally legal to sell in Japan. Showing genitals though? Hell no! That would be obscene!

I guess a big problem for me is also the concept of "obscenity". I just don't really get it. I guess I would need to massively overhaul my moral system in order to be able to any sort of word or image being capable of that sort of offense. Crass or poor taste, yes, but not so much obscenity.

I've always held the simple principle that adults should be allowed access to whatever the hell they want to watch, period. If I want to watch a video of people cutting each other, shitting in the open wounds, and then sucking the blood/feces mixture out through a straw while swimming in gallons of jizz, and someone is willing to make said video with consenting adults, then it is no one else's business. No exceptions. I don't understand why this is such a difficult concept for people to grasp.

Well, that's sort of the basic libertarian line right there. As long as everyone involved consents to it they ought to be allowed to do basically anything they want.

[mydad]As long as it's not a black man and a white woman, I ain't got nothin against nobody expressing love to each other in front of a camera[/mydad]

I am sorry for your lots

Actually I'd say that a lot of interacial porn, specifically the whole blacks on blondes sub-set, is pretty damn racist.

What does this have to do with e-

Wait. What?

I think the least-watched porno would be a porno called "When World's Collide", starring really fat people and Powerman 5000 doing the soundtrack.

Oh man, I remember the music video for that song.
I must've been like ten.

Why is it that 'curvy' is so rarely seen as a euphemism for male adiposity? My mind somehow knows that 'chunky' or 'heavy set' are inherently more masculine descriptions, but I can't work out what is causing it to reach that conclusion.

Marisa Tomei likes funny short balding husky men.

could you reach dat 4 me, luv?
dang rogaine is definetly and opion 4 me now due 2 my current hair situatioshians
woof-woof turn don dat thermistat, bebe i m col' weather dawg
i hab penis 'n powertools 'n a likin' 4 fast caws

!!! i'm her man!

well i'd say on a serious tip that it is because men never become really "curvy" as the gain weight, so much as they sort of just jut out in specific areas, namely the stomach.

although technically, that is a curve as well, isn't it?

riddle me this, conventional word usage, riddle me this

oh wait, i totally forgot tons of dudes get big asses before they even get a belly.

Nooooo thanXxX, men should not have child-bearing hips. Every science teacher I ever had did, though.

Don't forget moobs.

Note to self: homeo does not mean homo

It more or less does. They both derive from the Attic Greek 'homos' meaning 'same'. 'Homosexuality' means being attracted to somone the same gender as yourself. I assume that the 'homeo' prefix in 'homeo-uroptic' comes from 'homeopathy', which is so called because it treats symptoms with very small doses of substances known to induce those symptoms. 'Pathos' is Greek for 'suffering' or 'disease'.

Homo Erectus.

Nope. Homo- in homosexual is derived from the greek for "man."

The Greek for man is 'andros' ('anthropos' is also sometimes translated as 'man' but it is not gender specific). 'Homo' is 'man' in latin, but it is not the origin of the word homosexual, which is a term that can be applied with equal accuracy both to gay men and lesbians.

Homo comes from humus. It means like, an earthly thing.

It still means "man" too.

In a biblical kind of way

Hummus is gay? I knew it!

Homo Erectus.

Correct. I want to cum

No chubbies. The meme has finally spent itself.

This has been a blessed day, brother

We are truly free now that meme is dead

Correct. I wanna cum.

Ray immediately makes it clear that he is not into Mexican literature.

He has had his fill.

Of Mexican products in general? I'm sure Belgand would have something to say about that.

I would defend myself, but I need to go to the U-Haul station and pick up some day laborers to perform sexual tasks.

Swine flu gonna getcha, belgand!

Grimaldius Mensch, he sounds like someone you could trust.

Yes. He has a very interesting ponzi Hedgimus Maximus Fund you should peruse at your ledger leisure.

Grimaldius Mensch of Grimauldius Place

Ironically, Grimaldius Mensch is the only subscriber to the newsletter, and he writes all the articles himself.

This topic may have already been discussed in an assetbar thread; apologies if it has. The current Achewood business model seems based on having a loss leader cartoon which draws people to purchase items and subscriptions. Perfectly valid. However, I don't see why the website could not additionally support paid advertising. I know that some people don't like the idea of being bombarded with adverts, but I don't think anyone would really object to Onstad making a little extra dough. In a best case scenario Onstad might decide to end the subscription service and publish all new comics on the main site, to increase website hits and hence advertising revenue, resulting in happy comic writer as well as happy readers (in fairness subscriber archives should probably remain the preserve of those who have actually got their checkbook out, and can remain in existence as a treat for those generous enough to gave donated). It is possible that I have just woefully overestimated the amount of money that a website can make from advertising, or underestimated the number of people who subscribe. If people do object to tasteful advertising (i.e. no links to dogging websites) feel free to shout this idea down, though I'd be interested as to your reasons.

I do not believe that the dogging trend has really caught on over here. A shame really.

For a comic where just recently the disgusting nature of tobacco-infused semen was addressed I do not think we need to worry too much about "tasteful" either. If anything I think it would be greatly enhanced by the right sort of advertising in that vein. An invitation to purchase the latest volume of Hot Tub Brawls, for instance, would doubtless be very well-placed.

Hot Tub Brawls is more of a disney sort of thing, whole family can enjoy stuff...

Gay magazines and Mexicans are clearly not family friendly

Not with the flu and stuff anyway

this is why . At least, that's what the folks at assetbar say. And I would guess that Onstad agrees.

I don't really agree with the notion of the 'corporation' which seeks to homogenise the media it advertises in. Barring terrestrial television, most people choose which media they consume, and can be assumed to be tolerant of its content. By reading Achewood I show myself to be relaxed about depictions of the consumption of cannabis and pictures of rock hard cat cock. Therefore why would an advertiser try to restrict the creativity of the writer, when it was that very creativity that bought in the audience which the advertiser seeks to reach. The idea that money prevents restricts artistic expression would have been quite alien to Thomas Nashe or Shakespeare.

Blah! The recent Achewoods have really done nothing at all for me. I am sad about this.

i give shits what u fink? go dig an egg, my bitch

Gladi8orrex has no qualm calling an old lady his bitch.



Look, i cant wait for anew strip, so i just have to start here!




wim9k is not aiu.

Science becomes stronger when a hypothesis is disproved. Well done sje, Champion of Science.

sje is aiu this has ben deh cases 4 2 long nah. lol is so obv lol

He's using AIU's webspace to host his mp3s and jpegs.


Wake me when the cum/pee/porno threads die down, the Java crap ends, and there's a funny strip.

I will. Bye bye.

first they came for the cum threads
and i said nothing, for i was a non-ejaculator

....she mimed frantically...

"That curvy homeboy packs a turbo secret" is future Assetbar gold

I'm still trying to figure out if there's a sex act Rod engages in for which "run chiffon double-mousse Oreo birthday pie" would be a solid euphemism.

I tried gay porn once, but I clicked on the link which sent me to the one for people turned on by middle aged middle Eastern men, and not the one to which guys would actually be desirable if I were a woman/gay.