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Nice Pat Wednesday, September 24, 2003 • read strip Viewing 68 comments:

It is a remarkable transformation. Pat had his dick electrocuted.

Pat had the dick electrocuted out of him.

The same dick that makes him charge his friends money to borrow things they don't want to borrow.

You can take the dick out of the man, but you will never take the man out of the dick.



It changes a man.

A comment left by dirtyantaeus was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by johnnybaverage, AlEwing, PurpleRose, RBisme)

No way dawg I been electrocuted before. Changes your perspective. I mean, in a way it's like you die. But boy howdy are you ever reborn.

so the pikachu avatar has sentimental meaning?

That comment is a really big contrast to your avatar.

i'm an enigma, brah

"Electrocuted" means to DIE from eletricty. You were shocked, that's it.

Hey, the Intarwebs say Dirty Antaeus and Pogo are right, even though I thought they were wrong! That's a neat concept!

Drop Kick Pikachu is correct insofar that waking up on the floor with a brand new exit wound and a boner the size of Apollo's is rather perspective-changing, though.

Is this true.

Is it true that a strong electrical current will give you an erection.

Absolutely. But there's no arousal . Don't go asking me specific questions about the human nervous system, but after my bad shock, I was dazed, disoriented, experiencing gaps in motor use, and had a bigger boner than I've ever had before or since, presumably triggered by something south of the conscious or subconscious mind. Hell of boundary-challenging.

Man, maybe a certain part of your brain just got a pretty big dose. Might not be a reliable thing.

(He said, hoping to stop Pogo before he got any ideas on how to save money on Viagra.)

So if I just wrap some aluminum foil around my Johnson, and then jigger this here nine-volt batt ... OUCH! FUCK!!

"Electrocution" is my favourite 20th Century marketing-word portmanteau.

It's a snazzy combination of "electric" and "execution", first coined to describe the purpose of the electric chair.

Why settle for stuffy old executions when you have the wonder of ELECTRO-cution to kill people?


yeah I got electrocuted by a Ms. Pacman machine once. When I came to I had pissed my pants and my initials were in the high score. True story.

HA! aw, fantastic.

I got zapped by an electric fence by mistake once. I was insulated by my sneakers, but someone came up a poked my in the back with a stick before I realised what I was touching.

Did you really have to add "by mistake" to that sentence?

In the context for this story, yes, I do. My younger brother flat out refused to believe me, and decided to find out for himself. The difference between being zapped intentionally or by mistake was a Big Thing in my childhood.

It electrocuted his DICK.

A man who charges guests to use his bathroom deserves to have his dick electrocuted.

That should be the minimum penalty.

"Smells like someone sauteed a raccoon"
When a pithy and accurate simile is required, just call Roast Beef.

i LOVE Beef's face in that panel.

So what does sauteed raccoon smell like, and how does Beef know? (!).

Times were tough growing up.

How would he carry an amulet in his pocket? He doesn't wear pants!

shirt pocket? marsupial?

I don't think it needs to be 100% logical, it being set in a hyperfictional world and all. Jesus.

Same way he was able to unzip.

my vote of 4 beefs is soley for "sauteed raccoon"

Roast Beef seems to be looking at the camera in panel 3, which I liked.

Noam Chomsky = an American linguist, theorist, and political activist.
Noel Shempsky = A Star-Trek nerd who works at the radio station in the hit comedy series 'Frasier'.

I actually commonly confuse Noam Chomsky with Klaus Nomi of novelty music and your avatar fame. And I'm a Linguistics major. I've had a lot of embarrassing conversations with my professors.

i do miss that show.

yay, Fraiser.

Wouldn't a Chomsky video have only three minutes of him and then three of Zinn, or might Dr Chomsky be ACTUALY talking about lingustics for a change?

Man Zinn is awesome so I don't know how that is a bad thing.

Chomsky is basically like one of those academics who is all heck of unsuited for the discipline he's actually trained in but used the post-sixties homogenization of the humanities and social sciences that resulted from the migration of continental philosophers into the aforementioned fields immensely. It's just that unlike most of them his actual areas of interest relate to explicit constructs instead of implicit ones.

This reminds me of the time I made someone borrow FF7 from me. Even though that game rules, and I didn't make them pay for it, I still give myself a lame on principle

Pure love for Beef's "what is that smell" face.

A comment left by dasilodavi was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by EM2, rowboat, Cracklewater, Lumus, Jesus, idsyen, last_tuesday, nutmeg, hellofditties, kenyot, stormagnet, RedSalesperson)

That's exactly what Pat would have said.

Post-It exposition sucks.

That work better?

I wouldn't go off on a rant like this but I agree and it is also why I don't think the great outdoor fight is as fantastic as people say it is (it is good but those "AND SO ..."s take away from it)

All rodents are featureless.

lagomorphs, too!

Allright, you finally made me look up that word. I was kind of dissapointed, I thought it was gonna be like some mixture of mongoloid and maladroit and that sort of thing.

Dude, wtf. Just because a chick was dumb enough to get knocked up doesn't give her the right to go traipsing all over the road whenever she pleases. I fully agree with the old Pat regarding this matter.

Pat has a real problem with personality-altering spells and curses, doesn't he?

A...different nice than "Nice" Pete.

I just saw your new avatar for the first time here and it caused me to go "WHAAAAAT" in a completely out-loud manner.

What's funny is that I'll change my avatar eventually and the future generations of achewoodians will have no idea what we're talking about.

Okay but for now WHAAAAT

Also what's the animated thing at the bottom all about?

It is the corruption of dkskradley's GIF.

The avatar symbolizes the 4 best posters on assetbar.

You are...The Syndicate.

I...wow. Thanks.

My god, is this what achieving something feels like

Your posts have received so many chubbies that you are now all one collective being.

Please feel free to remove your clothing.

Mr. Bunny completely hates clover.

it was a real turning point in my life when I could read about a cat's dick being electrocuted, activating a magic talisman that he keeps on his person, in a pocket that doesn't exist, which subsequently turned him into an upstanding citizen and have no qualms whatsoever.

Nice Pat totally reminds me of Steve Dallas, post-Gephardtization (or was it Dolezation)
Excepting of course Pat kept his iconic glasses on .

The amulet Pat was carrying may have actually been a bolo tie ring he got in Taos, according to Ray . (Scroll to the last letter to read the details)

I used to do right-of-way for power lines and I got a nice four-pulse once. Knocked me the fuck out, which sucks since I had a running chainsaw and was 30 feet up in a tree. Woke up with boner the size of a main mast and a new perspective on life.

Oh yeah, I still had all my limbs when I came to as well. That part of the story is important. To me anyway.

that is good to know.

I desperately want to feed clover to a happy bunny now.

once upon a time my father got his brother to pee on an electrical fence.

this brother is still alive but has MS like my dad who is in heaven now.