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Hair In Ray's Nachos Friday, August 1, 2003 • read strip Viewing 54 comments:

A comment left by asherdan was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ezcmac, twntysevn27, Zefiel, madnes, stanshall, daidai, Unfun, Overmedicated, Thorfinn, subactuality, Deusoma, Bielebog, Gompo, katal, Catachresis, chochacho, shammack, bug, Kleptonis, antecen, NDCaesar, Fermatprime, Sweetlips, biacat, JuanCarlos, Sargasm, Cracklewater, mustconcentrate, CanusDivinus, DrSkradley, luckypyjamas, fmercury, aHatOfPig, LaserBlade, cognitonaut, Fcannon, diplomat76, thechio, last_tuesday, revfitz, FinnS, Circadin, alejandroadam, Sneakernets, Epicurus, Doc_Rostov, littlefatdog, Wolfslice, dropkickpikachu, heatbag, FunkMessiah, mastema23, AmonRunsAmok, havenless, Mastronaut, Rakadin, tragicone, flynn)

The death of what and the birth of what ?

As far as I can tell this asherdan guy is from the tedious bitter board of people who love Achewood but are still unaccountably pedantic dicks
There was some drama of which I am vaguely aware

A comment left by alejandroadam was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ted0phile, Nurdbot, NeoNaoNeo, Deusoma, tttt2, DougTheHead, mystkmanat, suprememongoose)

A comment left by asherdan was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by twntysevn27, madnes, mikeronomicon, ColonelColostomy, anticitizen, jay_wish, NDCaesar, tehloki, JuanCarlos, Sargasm, luckypyjamas, cognitonaut, earendil, therealsnazzle, profbobo, Afkpuz, Zem, last_tuesday, alejandroadam, Sneakernets, littlefatdog, Mastronaut, Rakadin)

A comment left by catachresis was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by chochacho, JuanCarlos, STUART)

It's just that so many of his comments deserve more than one lame per person that you can't help but lame a reasonable one to make up for it.

A comment left by caduceo was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by NeoNaoNeo, salvagebar, odei, ajg, AtlanticCity, Audhumla, nilehus, peterjoel, pulkbaby)

A comment left by ih8jonmayr was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Bielebog, Lionheart, mnemodomi)

yeah, I kind of agree with you. with the comments, and the lames, and this one dude who cares about message boards and wants to let us know, all right below each strip, it makes me associate achewood with the internet. that's not a good association. I also worry (probably unnecessarily) that with the comments right there, Onstad can't help but be influenced by them in some way or another.

I like the rating thing, though. Especially combined with the "highest rated you haven't looked at" links, which have helped me find a lot of great ones I haven't seen in forever.

Let me get this straight...
Are you saying you do not have mad respect for the Internet?

You don't have to read the comments.

I posted that a year ago for those of you paying attention. It was more different then but not much. yes. you don't have to read comments. and I don't. unless I feel like talking about the comic anyway. so yes.... /agreed

Of course you do have to read the stuff on 4/25/08 when the world changed.

I try and respond. you know... owning nerds lives.

and it never did die.

A comment left by juancarlos was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by NeoNaoNeo, last_tuesday, whoppin, valuedan, QuietWyatt)

The fact that there is anyone, anywhere, who knows what this means and cares about it makes me sad.
And yes, this strip is an unremitting hostlie verbal assault on whoever is the victim here.

"'Stad". Hah!

Philipe never quite adjusted to the life of a child star. Little known fact: three "Philipe"s have assumed the role since the original Philipe (Pictured here, real name Franklin Dupree) turned thirteen and discovered pot. He now lives in a home in Pittsburgh, and receives a small but steady income from "Achewood" royalties.


The saddest thing is a child star who lives a life of gruesome excess and never reaches any state of self-realization beyond "I've never been more loved than when I was five."

Every child star should die when they turn 10, to spare us all the unpleasantness of their puberty.

NPH is pretty badass rockin'.

Your avatar/ comment combo is truly a force with which to reckon.

This might as well be canon.

This is indeed a gristly portrait of the future Philippe. He's become so disillusioned that he actually grew legs!

And I have been to this "Touamb" that Asherdan speaks of, it is a terrible place run by basically this clone of Pat, for real.

it is a shame the readership didn't care about Ray and his hairy nachos.
Sigh. the story arc that never was.

wow! THIS COMIC pissed me off, and then, THE COMMENTS kind of NULLIFIED me with some kind of awkward dialouge!

You are Zippy the Pinhead, and I claim my five pounds.

I don't know what the fuck your comment means, sir, but I laughed so you got a chubby

Haha, thanks! The following links may be useful if you want to learn more. Judging by your username, you'd probably dig Zippy.

Zippy the Pinhead
[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/You_Are_X_And_I_Claim_My_Five_Pounds]You are X and I claim my five pounds[/url]
Understanding Zippy

zippy has been a cult icon since the '60's.

it must be some crazy internet drama going on to make everyone talk about it instead of the amazing jokes in the last panel. WATERMELON SCHNAPPS, people!

philippe's legs are CREEPY. :(


whatever, fag

Chubby soley for that coming from Jareth.


I wouldn't be above believing that Philippe's entire "naive five year-old" character has been developed just to give his lines in this strip maximum impact.

The only time Phillipe will ever age.

Not so.

phillipe's 'stache is full of mega win

Ray handles his dismissal with much grace.

The narrator is wrong, anyway. I'm an avid fan of all of Ray's nacho drama.

Which readers would say they're tired of seeing Ray in the strip all the time? Tell me.

"I laughed so hard you got a chubby"

lamed myself for misquoting.

or attempted to...

is Watermelon Schnapps good?

Asherdan's posts can be summed up by the John Gabriel greater internet fuckwad theory. Internet reasonable person anonymity = fuckwad

I miss Philippe....

Beep bop boop
bop bop bwoop

Those are the video game sounds I miss hearing the most. If I could get games with those sound effects now, I think that would be better. All Call of Duty Seven where when you shoot a gun it goes "Boop bip boop-boop." That would be so awesome.

That was just depressing.

Phillipe turned into my brother.

Well, no, OK, my brother wouldn't call anyone "fag." Still uncanny.