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Wall Of Tough Guys Friday, January 3, 2003 • read strip Viewing 76 comments:

A comment left by asherdan was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, ezcmac, UntilYouAreSoNude, fosters, Moraiat, helikaon, chatterjee, dropkickpikachu)

In the intermediary period between this strip and this post, Fedor Emelianenko made the wall, and Mirko Crocop made it and was then kicked off.

there is nothing Vague about the Easternness of those names' Extraction.

Hope Mariusz Pudzianowski's still on it.

Chubby for extensive MMA knowledge.

Oh jesus look at Phillipe in the last panel oh christ nothing should be that adorable

Philippe feels like Chicken Tonight.

i don't even understand what the association between his action and being a tough guy is.

but i'll be damned if i don't love it.

I think he is flexing his biceps. Or, the otter version of biceps.


He's performing the Howard Dean Maneuver.

A comment left by centipede_damascus was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ted0phile, dismas, GeyserShitdick, godfatherofsouls, Pie4me6, fmercury, Magb, Boyd, Rapid_Roy, mattylite)

You don't know that


He does after all have that Chuck Norris poster in his home.


In another room he has the poster for the sequel: Crazy Sunday 2: Sunday Harder .

I like how utterly baffled lie bot is when someone says something bizzare to him.

Yes! He finally gets a dose of his own snakeoil.

Come to think of it, Vlad lies almost as much as he does, although usually towards an apparent purpose.

his purpose usually seems to be self-interest, whereas lie bot lies just for the hell of it

Said the T-Rex to the little beige dinosaur.

Said the cat with his tongue lollin' all about.

said the man in the hat covering his face in shame


I was going to say the exact same thing, except I was going to use "flabbergasted" instead of "baffled."

I think Sly Stallone would be afraid of Philippe.



And then when you call a friend, they just think you're having a bad acid trip and they won't come out and help you unless you say nice things about their junk.

Your icon...ha ha. Ha! Ha ha ha!

This is what you call near-perfect avatar to comment synergy.

Because Philippe is both a tough guy AND a special boy!

Aw. Vlad is such nice robot.

Or he is trying to persuade Phillipe to buy 10 sandwiches.

Lying to five year olds is a tactic commonly employed by the shrewdest of businessmen.

and parents

I have an ex-girlfriend who, to this day, holds it against her parents that they lied to her about Santa. She is serious and she has a very strong code about never inflicting this crime upon her own children.

That Christmas my mother got her a hat that said in festive writing "I STILL believe in SANTA!".

I love my mother.

Is that gift the reason the girl is now an EX-girlfriend?

No, that was because she used the words "I want to give the customer a pleasant shopping experience".

Maybe the least attractive thing a person could ever say.

Aside from "I have recto-vaginal fistula".

That sounds like a euphemism for giving a customer a blow job. Was it?

From memory that would have been giving the customer a "who the fuck cares about my wife and children I don't really need anything else" experience.

she's not that good!

You sir, presumably, have not had her on your business end.

And you break up with her? My god man who do you think you are?

...Unless she dumped you, then i'm sorry dude god do you want a hug i'm so sorry man.

No. I dumped her. I have had much amazing consolitory head since then. I have been a lucky man in that department. Would like a left over. I'll grab my address book.

Well... you do come across as a modern day Sam Malone.So uh I'll pretend you're lying about all of this, just so I wouldn't kill myself for being a lesser man.

I would, however, love some left over!

I don't think it's a display of shrewdness on parents' parts to lie consummately to their five year olds, more of a kneejerk reaction.

Lie-bot is angry his job is being outsourced.

A comment left by deancain29 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Overmedicated, dominus101, Tragic_Johnson, miaou, Darthemed)

Damn! I guess a couple of people really hated knowing that this was your first strip! How dare you!

SCREW you for reading this strip! FUCK you!

The issue is that he has about four or five "first achewood"
A dude doesn't hog those, man.

Could be every strip feels like the first one.

Every strip makes him feel

oh it makes him feel

shiny and new

chubbied just in defense of the lames.

Does anyone else have a weird sensation that Lames and Chubbies are given out by some collective Achewood Entity... and then get angry at Acheworld for being overly-generous/harsh. Then I remember that Acheworld is the Internetzorz and it takes one click and little thought to convey an opinion.

Lie Bot in the seventh panel makes this a five. And Phillipe's muscle flexing.


Your mom

In which Phileppe fires up the ol' jostlin'-arms.

This seems more like something Liebot would do.

I think if Lie Bot told lies to make money, it'd be really impure somehow.

Liebot uses lies for tormenting children. Vlad uses falsities to somewhat repair the damage untold deceptions have wrought upon Philippe's psyche. All is as it should be.

Liebot lies because the First Rule of Lying Robots is that Lying Robots lie.

Appropriately, the Second Rule is that Lying Robots tell the truth all the time.

Lie Bot makes this stip an easy 5.

A comment left by kickstart was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by trialandterror, getawaykettle, Girdag)

Lie Bot is in this strip. Count the panels from left to right on the first row (you should get 4 ), then advance 3 more on the bottom row (4 3= 7 ). Lie Bot is in the seventh panel. He is facing the left side of the panel, and is speaking the text "What?" , in his phone conversation with Vlad .

I seriously want to cry for what a crappy girl i am.

So who is James Brolin?

Robots calling each other on the phone, no caller I.D. Inveterate lying robots at that. My god, a new genre of hilarity.

Oh man, I just watched the Dark Knight again and now I can't hear Vlad's voice as anybody but the Chechen guy in that movie. "Who stupid enoff to steel from us?"

Vlad is willing to go the distance in order to close a sale.

that's a buttload of comments for nobody to have referenced the Chuckle Bot inscription under Charles Bronson

Panel 2. Empty frames. Vlad speaks, Phillippe imagines.

The joke is that Philippe is not actually that tough.

Also Lie Bot gets a taste of his own medecine. Vlad must have loved that.