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Roomba Cinema Presents James Cameron's Avatar. Thursday, January 7, 2010 • read strip Viewing 163 comments:

I would have enjoyed Lyle as Quaritch.
Or Tina as Dr. Augustine.

Or Liebot as Parker Selfridge.

Ooh fancy man who actually knows the characters names

Don't be such an Avatard, dude.

I know that this isn't really in reply to the above comment, but I think that this strip goes along the lines of what Teodor would like to experiment with...

Ray as James Cameron.
"We're looking at a revolution in filmmaking, dawg. The 3D will curve! Would I joke about this?"

I have opinions on Avatar, I tell everyone about them whether they like it or not.

Me to...here i go...

The Na'vi were Apple Zealots.
Because they live on a giant computer, and instead of developing apps and hacking it, backward engineer it and all other cool stuff.
They worship it.

YOU look me straight in the face and tell me that isnt an allegory for mac users!

You put Beef on Pandora and he'd turn the entire planet into kickass cyberpunkery!

I approve this allegory because it upholds that Sigourney Weaver was the biggest badass in the movie.

Well, next to Jake anyway. She was remote-desktopping into her operating environment, whereas he got himself a Hackintosh. You're not supposed to be able to put this OS into that hardware.

After 27 friggin' years in the Microsoft jail, I became a Mac user at 10:21 this morning.
I am in bliss (not the town in Texas).

Yeah... it feels good , doesn't it...

No. It's one of the worst experiences I've had, computer wise.


It installs on Apple hardware. There's still hope.

you can install that shit on a abacus, it be pointing its gun at Java saying "Dance faster, Java."

Papyrus is almost as awesome as Comedy Sans.

Is that like Comic Sans, only even shittier? Because if so I'm going to develop diabetes and have an aneurysm simultaneously.

Papyrus is used by the same people who use Comic Sans, but when they want something fancier, or older. In that way, they are brothers... two of the four horsemen of the fontacalypse.

What are the other two? I'm not very fond of Times New Roman myself, although I would probably have shoes thrown at me by typesetters for my heresy.


helvetica is jesus, saving us all

But Arial is one of the basic fonts, of no offense to anybody.

There is a font that is no longer spoken of in polite company called Dom Casual. To those in the know, it is only referred to as Dom Ugly.

Dammit dammit dammit. Up too late to remember name of widely reviled typeface, Comic Sans.

I honestly thought it was a font and not a mistake on your part. I was frightened .

You might say that you reacted... sans comedy.

Good recovery.

Highly Risible-san.

Its so bad its funny

Apparently there was a longer, much more graphic version of the sex scene that was cut for PG-13 but will be available on the DVD. Reportedly it will explicitly answer a lot of the questions about alien love making that the cinematic version raises.

Which version do you suppose is being played out here?

I always assumed it was to do with their brain-tentacle things, which would probably lead to a situation like that Oglaf comic ("Your cock feels so good inside me!", "That's YOUR cock you idiot!"). I can't see how it could NOT involve them actually, seeing as the film never shows what happens when one of the NA'Vi connects to another one.

Of course, if that's true, then to become a man in their world you really DO have to rape a dragon. Did anybody else find that scene a bit... disturbed?

I fully expected Neytiri to be all damn but you just straight fucked that horse

Yeah, putting the tentacles together is the obvious answer, but I think that raises more issues than it resolves. Firstly, yes, as you mentioned, horse rape, but also isn't the tentacle merge sort of a mind control device? Do you experience the sex from the other person's body somehow? Can you control each other? Does the strongest mind dominate? Is it like jacking into the trees - can you read their thoughts while you fuck? Sometimes whilst I am fucking somebody I am thinking uncharitable thoughts about them - is this why the aliens seem to avoid casual sex? And do they orgasm? What incites this? And how is the genetic material transmitted, anyway? Can their tails ejaculate? The women appear to have breasts to suckle their young, and there seem to be children around, but if the ladies don't have pussies then where do the babies come out of?

In summary, no, they don't put the tentacles together: that would be weird. They're just packing rock hard alien cat cock under those loin cloths. I fully expect the DVD to vindicate this opinion.

Alternative: you only see them kissing... maybe the cat cocks are in their mouths.

I don't see anything creepy about using the mind tentacles for sex. I mean, a bridle and riding crop can be used on a horse as well as in the bedroom, but that doesn't mean you're having sex with the horse. To use the tentacles for everyday interactions with the world, but then not use them for sex, just seems absurd to me. I don't know why they left it out of the theatrical release... it's kind of uncharted territory, but I guess it could be considered explicit enough to censor.
Then again, they might have a second, "special" set of tentacles in a different location...

I think you've got your analogy backwards - introducing a non-specifically sexual object like a riding crop to the bedroom is one thing, whipping a horse with your penis is quite another.

Actually, either way the horse is probably pretty unfazed.

Horse would be all "That's not a cock, this is a cock" and whip out his shlong at you.

If you're lucky you'll pass out.


he said "jacking into the trees" in a thread about sex

The main odd thing about Avatar for me was that Jake had no trouble finding blue cat people attractive.

James Cameron: Cryptofurry?

is this real?

Teodore! Why you got to do a thing?

Soon, T takes advantage of the situation:

I automatically read Roast Beef's exclamation sounding like Mr Slave from South Park. Am I a homophobe?

I actually had the exact same reaction.

What about Jakes real form...oh wait...lame from the legs down....DAMNIT!

Also...that would be ONE huge vagina to satisfy!

You know your Roomba has chosen you when it tries to kill you.


If you haven't missed the Roomba! then you are a communist pig dog.

Roast Beef is complaining now, but if Teodor were wearing some purple Easy Spirits he'd be on that shit like white on rice.

But those make Teodor look trashy!

roast beef isnt a rich man.

I'm so glad Chris Onstad put up a comic today.

Makes my day, too.


Looks like a tiny bit of blood is coming outta his nose.

those are artifacts of the process through which pixels shine through the hyperzone

Your icon clapped along to a drum fill in I Want a New Drug by Huey Lewis and the News. It made my day.


I wonder how history will view Avatar. Will future generations look at this strip as we might look at a Peanuts comic detailing the release of 'A New Hope'? Or will they say 'look, a weird old cartoon with some humping cats is making a joke about an old-timey movie. Avatar? Was that good?' And the old man in the corner will say 'No. It was ridiculous .' Because Avatar really is a ridiculous movie.

I enjoyed the ridiculous movie... but then I also enjoy ridiculous music.

All I am saying is that it might as well end with the line " Blasted Smurfs!! ".

I can't see why they couldn't have had a Gargamel like character using the word smurfs as a legitimate form of racism.

The Jews wouldn't stand for it.

There is one cat and one bear, not humping cats.

where is my alt? i miss the alt-text. and why is the strip scaled to a smaller size in the discussion, that is not needed.

Alt: They also did a good bit where a browned marshmallow stood in for Unobtainium, but Philippe ate it during a smoke break.

uh, anyone interested in writing faux haikus criticising Avatar? Join the 'Avatar Critique In Haiku' facebook group. (sorry, no links, FB's blocked at work!)

There's a war in space.
Which side are the clear bad guys?
It turns out it's man.

Futurama reference! LOVE IT!

oh god who the hell is gonna get this who even saw this movie

Not me.

What movie IS it? That picture kinda makes me wanna see it.

It's "Fired Up", and take my word for it, it is NOT like the previews or the ads. It's actually a really smart comedy, disguised as a really dumb comedy.

After seeing that movie at your recommendation I can now appreciate this thing a whole lot more, thanks.

did dat dood jus do teh viggo russian fork-neck to dat dood? is he gonna kill im?

I don't know, but the girl is thinking "He's got his arm around me. Is this the part where I take all my clothes off?"

eastern promises was bad-ass, huh?

This should answer your questions


Teodor will do this scene over and over until they get it right. Or until Penny calls him back.

I haven't seen Avatar yet. This strip is making me regret my decision.

I did see it and I regretted that decision.

I saw it and did not want to return to reality.

lets all become eco terrorists and make our own reality!

It's a really predictable underdog plot about blue people fighting back against The Big Bad Corporate Machine, except in this case the Corporate Machine is Mankind. It's like if you took any colonisation fiction about the good summerlovin people fighting back against the English or whatever. Really good visual though, especially the mechs. I always root for the humans in everything, ever.

Visuals*. If I remember correctly, there was in fact more than one visual.

It made use of a revolutionary MultiVis engine.

It is pretty much an 3d version of Fern Gully, but spiced up with guns, sex and explosions.

and blue nipples

And Ana-Lucia.

Oh man, I loved Fern Gully and I love guns, sex, and explosions! Maybe I will like this movie. If I do, will the assetbarbarians ever forgive me?

Dances with Wolves, but in Space and 3D.

I haven't actually been able to see it yet. The only IMAX in town is almost constantly sold out.

"You turned Injin, didn't ya?"

Wes Studi played the dad Na'vi. Talk about typecast.
At least he gets to be in one where the Injuns win.

Westside Story Star Wars Captain Planet.

All watching Watership Down, all like "Fuck Yeah!" when man starts killin shit

Fykc Yaks!

Is this the first time Roast Beef has broken character during a Great Moment in Cinema?

Roger Ebert gives it 2 Roombas down.

If this strip had been done last year it would have had 24 panels, Little Nephew, a cameo by Todd and a flowchart. Instead, it's good.

Awesome. Just awesome.

Who are you, and what have you done with lucidz?

As always, their set design is evocative yet minimalistic...witness the single potted flower doing the same job as a big fancy CGI forest world. Also Beef's real fear and disgust are palpable, far surpassing the saccharine heartbleeding of the original. Learn from these things, Cameron.


So, Cameron spends all these years crafting an entire world with its own culture, language, fauna and flora and the best he can come up with for the mineral is unobtanium ?

Man, why you gotta do a thing?

if you think of it not as Cameron naming it, but rather his stupid, overreaching humans naming it, it makes more sense.

Like how dumb are some of the current element names... Technetium? COME ON!


Unobtainium? More like MacGuffintanium.

Anyone got any love for Roentgenium? That's always been one of my favourites. That and Darmstadtium.

This tidbit of information alone has made me determined to go see it, so I can bitch with a higher intellectual standing about how fabulously fucking stupid that is.

You may want to read this, first, though: "Engineers have long (since at least the 1950s) used the term unobtainium when referring to unusual or costly materials, or when theoretically considering a material perfect for their needs in all respects save that it doesn't exist," et cetera, and so forth. from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unobtainium

yeah. what he said.


back to the depths of "IT'S JUST ALIEN POCOHANTAS" with me, I guess

Unobtainium from the Latin root: you ain't gettin none, Sweetie, so get yo G.I.Joe Honkie asses back on yo Cheesy-ass Spaceships an' get the fuck on outta here!

Engineers have long (since at least the 1950s[2]) used the term unobtainium when referring to unusual or costly materials, or when theoretically considering a material perfect for their needs in all respects save that it doesn't exist. By the 1990s the term was in wide use, even in formal engineering papers such as "Towards unobtainium [new composite materials for space applications]".[3] The word unobtainium may well have been coined within the aerospace industry to refer to materials capable of withstanding the extreme temperatures expected in reentry. Aerospace engineers are frequently tempted to design aircraft which require parts with strength or resilience beyond that of currently available materials.

There's a reason we don't let engineers write movies.

Oh shit, I was going to make a comment that, given the sorry state of scriptwriting, the name 'unobtainium' in the alt text could actually be the name of the precious mineral in the film, for all I knew.

You're saying that they actually did that? Damn.

I figure it's more than likely that the term "unobtanium" was just used as a smalltalk stand-in, and it has an actual name (and desirable characteristics) which were left out of the actual movie because really, the details are irrelevant.

I haven't been this turned on since John & Deanster.

Roast Beef was insistent that if they were to do this scene, he would be wearing his manliest shirt.

I was about to make the light hearted suggestion that he had just come home from work, to find Teodor with the whole Roomba theater set up and ready to go and he had to start on the scene without even reading the script. Then I realised RB doesn't have a job, and that seems kind of wrong. He seems like the sort of person who would need to work to avoid feeling terrible guilt, and also to distance himself from his horrible family. I mean, unlike T, it is hard to imagine Roast Beef dealing a little weed to keep himself in pocket money. Then I began to question the idea that Pat could have built a fully functioning rocket to the moon. Suddenly it struck me: this is a comic and I should stop worrying about Roast Beef's employment status and start worrying about my own. Long story short, do any of you want to give me a job?


isnt roast beef a freelance-computer-y-stuff-for-hire-type dude?

Jake Sully wasn't born with the gene that says, "Stop fuckin' Na'Vis."

That's how I used to dance at discos -- with women, of course, and the Roomba wasn't invented, just the rumba.

I now refuse to go see Avatar unless they do it on roombas.

How will you know unless you go to see it?

how do humans no when is time to mate? shit's obvious, dogg

Man Teodor went all out, he even put on the headband. His watermelon leg ruined it though.

"we don' go to french-canadia becuz is easy. we go cuz is hard" -- jFk Ri.p.

Its settled. french canadia to learn to be mime. not gona second guess, not give second thought, no stopping dat is wat am gon do.

needa mak a lil $ then go ove' n live it up. fuck teh rest

voulais-vous couchez avec moai?

With a moari? Are you kidding?

They're a weird human-bird hybrid of a Maori and a moa.
You DON'T want to fuck about with them...

Somewhere, Malvolio is trying furiously to figure that out.

Is it awful that when I saw that scene, my first thought was "Neytiri is a Stage 5 clinger"?

Fact: "realistic" or no, good plot or no, spectacle or no, I just can't bring myself to go see a movie with those fucking stupid-looking blue people. I'm sorry, I know it cost millions and is like a triumph of special fx, but they look fucking stupid. Am I the only one who thinks this? I mean, they look like fucking Shrek or something. How can I take this movie seriously?

Exactly dude exactly.

The ONLY problem the aliens seem to have is the eyes. The rest looks pleasingly realistic, but the eyes could have been made out of glass in a cheap hawaiian sweat shop and then glued on. For CUTE factor.

Aside from that... HORSE ON FIRE. That was cool.

See now, this is my confusion-- all these people I trust IRL and on the Internet keep saying it is good. Damnit am I gonna have to go see those blue people? Is it... the Deed?

It is not a Deed. It was one of those movies that feels like a really good dream. The plot is kinda sub-par, but the whole world is very immersive, and apparently immersive enough for the cheesy moments to kinda slide off and not damage your I.Q. to badly. But I had a half litre of beer, and a good coffee before I went in, so I was well prepped.

So you had to piss twice during the film and missed the bit where Michelle Rodriguez was wearing a needlessly torn wifebeater? The bit where the avalanche of cheese began?

Michell Rodriguez always has a needlessly torn wifebeater on in all her movies and she is ugly as sin, I ain't want to see her big ol caveman brow and carp lips on a 30 foot screen ever.

seriously, why can't she just be a woman and shut up about it?

No, dude you're wrong. She's exuding all kinds of sass (pheromes) wearin' that wifebeater and them pouty lips.

Some day you will understand.

Hey man, I like pheromones too. But I prefer to drink from a better vessel than that IF YA KNOWHATHimeanasdjianme

All she is exuding is singularity. She is one dimension in a monochrome of brown.

Well that's probably just uncanny valley right there.

HUGE SLAM on those fucking stupid-looking blue people out of nowhere!

They look very catlike. I greatly enjoyed the fact that they gave the Avatars human characteristics distinct from the normal Na'Vi.

The Na'Vi are black and the Avatars are white, you can tell.

You expected to take this film seriously? It's a film about blue people on an internet planet fighting space marines with bows and arrows.

best avatar summary ever

They are Entwined.

ill get back to you when class is over.

im back and i think this is average, but only because i (purposefully)didnt see the movie.

Bear and cat mock fuck. Cat's pissed, bear likes it.

Not exactly prime-time news.

Oh Teodor, you rascal.
PS. RB isn't wearing pants.

he almost never is. he is just constantly ready to have sex. all not letting a lower-body-garment get in the way, should a situation arise.

Indeed. I was just Reminding those watching at home.
"Situation." Teehee.

The best new short strip yet!

Teodor's "LAAAAAA!" is the best part.

Theodore's right leg in the last panel....

I enjoyed this strip so much more than Avatar , and it didn't cost me three hours.