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Robert Johnson at the Best Western in Hell Wednesday, December 3, 2003 • read strip Viewing 48 comments:

Ok, I understand that this strip has no meaning if read on its own - but just quietly... how awesome is Robert Johnson

Extremely is how. I have now turned my musickal device to his songs, and I am listening to them.

dude, try slowing down your robert johnson records hey - by as much as 20%. It sounds kinda awesome. (Chuck Berry also sounds pretty ace slowed down)

I'm kind of liking it. Gives it a more familiar, delta kind of sound.

Congrats on making it all the way through the archives!

Haha. My avatar still says 1219 but I'm completely certain I've been through ever strip (some others, like yours, say 1220). I don't know if one didn't register or it's a bug or what.

I'm thinking it's a bug.

At one point there were bug-pages you could view, and they would raise your count. Those seem to have been dealt with, though. I'm suspecting this one has something to do with viewing a comic on the main page and then viewing it in the archives.

There should be a secret club for those who have viewed the entire archive. Sort of a Platinum Reserve thing. We could have a drink!

And sit around with a delighted expression on our faces.


do we get a key to the executive washroom?

V.P's don't piddle with the piffle!

HA HAAA! Vee...PEE!!!

I would piss in your mouth. I would call it "Robert Johnson's magic fountain".

We should have all the drinks!

I'm currently on my second tour of duty. I'm enjoying it as much as I did the first time around.

I used to set my 33s to 45. I tried it at 78 one time, and it made Robert (Smith, in this case) sound like a chipmunk. It's a secondhand vinyl, and I'm pretty sure I'm the first person to do that without being high.

Naah, my brothers and I had a Fisher-Price turntable when we were kids and we'd sometimes play records at the wrong speed. Playing a Chipmunks 33 at 45 is what made me decide that those guys were no-good losers; playing a Sesame Street 33 at 45, I believe, contributed to my current liking of Sonic Youth.

Another great person to slow down is Geddy Lee.

How do you people slow it down? What software?

Nabeel84 has been lamed for not knowing something about technology.

God, I hope you're kidding.

I am not.

Record players were switchable between speeds. On records to be played at 45 if you instead played it slower at 33 it would, naturally, sound slower.

I knew that, I was hoping someone had some music software where they could do that.

Sound Recorder - I meant to lame that post..

Awesome, I thought I was the only one who liked some stuff slower (Springsteen Born in the USA, particularly "I'm Goin' Down") or faster. I also found something amazing doing this: if you slow down the Pointer Sisters, it sounds just like Billy Ocean. If you speed up Billy Ocean, though, it doesn't sound like the Pointer Sisters. What the hell?

what the hell

my goshes 'n' gadzooks, you are so right about this! it is indeed a strange universe.

What we need more of... is science! (Meaning: the science Mattylite practices.)

A good friend of mine will often bust out a Gracie Fields 45 at 33 speed to his blazed guests. It's quite an experience to hear "The Biggest Aspidistra in the World" sung by what sounds like Brad Neely's Babycakes.

One time I made up an imaginary super-hero league the members of which were Rasputin, Edward Teach, and Robert Johnson.

1. great music; 2. last name is johnson. he is indeed awesome.

This is a fine strip because it makes me wonder if I were pulling up a Best Western in the Aboveworld and Robert Johnson were playing in a bar would I notice? Such contemplation is fine for a man, like the whisper of memento mori.

I think this and Wristcutters are afterlives I can deal with.

This arc almost makes you want to live in Hell for a little while.

I love how there is nothing in the background... no craggy rocks, no burning brimstone... just nothing.

A comment left by saint was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Sakana, Connellingus, Howard, Boyd)

A comment left by saint was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, SSDDR, Connellingus, Howard, Aaron_Haynes, Boyd)

That is what happens when you sell your soul at the Crossroads. You end up playing Best Westerns in Hell for the rest of time eternal.

Robert Johnson is the shit. Rather, was the shit. Ray's a lucky man.

If hell is full of all the cool guys and heaven is full of fundamentalists, where would you rather go?

This is kind of at odds with earlier achewood depictions of heaven, though...

Maybe it's coming full circle and Robert Johnson sold his soul for his own wicked talent.

Hell is apparently a bad vacation. I wouldn't mind visiting.

I work for a Holiday Inn Express.

I'm sorry.

I, um, yeah. I'm specifically sorry. I didn't mean nothin' by it. Can I send you a tip?

"Frederick Clarinet on Clarinet" was my MSN personal message for a while. I found it really hilarious for some reason, but it didn't really make sense to anyone else. Boo.