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Dinner With Cartilage Head Wednesday, September 14, 2005 • read strip Viewing 40 comments:

Oh fuck I hate it when guys have to do a thing.

A comment left by asherdan was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, mikeronomicon, NotGodot, DiamondMonster, unquotable, NDCaesar, atticusonline, the_dingle, littlefatdog, goodgravy, Pigs)

I'm pretty sure that the person who hands him the dinner invitation is some sort of lagomorph in a beanie.

"I'm a lagomorph, Sam. Look it up!"

Chubby for Sam & Max reference


a coat over a turtle neck will always make me think first of Fry from Futurama and second of Carl Sagan. I'll try and squeeze Ray into this process in the future.

The weeping mucus man would enjoy your presence for dinner:

Turn to Page 35 if you accept the invitation.
Turn to Page 50 if you go home instead.

Pg 35: He touches you and you die. You die of horror.

Pg 50: You go home but he is in your house. He touches you and you die. You die of horror.

You turn to page 50. There is no page 50. Then you feel a clammy, trembling hand touch your shoulder.

that made me shiver

Each of those were chubbied for greatness.

i concur!


I laughed so hard it started to sound like ray's "Abloo bloobloo"

Thank You.

okay i love that avatar



Probably the greatest string of chubbies known to man.

Page 300 : Finally he stops moving, and you breathe a sigh of relief knowing it is all over.
Also, you know that you cheated. There is basically no way to reach this outcome in the adventure and you have been caught cheating.

Turn to Page 1 if you hang your head in shame and start over.
Turn to Page 142 if you just don't care.

Page 142: He is on page 142. He touches you and you die. You die of horror.

The horror.

The horror.


Even his tie is melting

Look at ray's eyebrows on that last panel. The back of his head , man.

wow man holy crap now look at ch's eyebrows in the last panel

He's passed from baseline remorse to being slightly ticked off Ray isn't sitting down.

I was looking at the second panel of this right while the end of the first movement of Brahms Symphony No. 4 was playing on my iTunes.

It was... wow. If you have that piece somewhere in your house, man, do it.

Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata, First Movement.

Do it.

I'm wondering if there's any significance to his being in seat Z-1. Maybe I'm looking for references in the long places, but that seems like an Onstad move.

I think what it means is that Ray is sitting as far away from Cartilage Head as he possibly can.

I can't decide whether that makes Z-1 the best or worst seat in the house.

and the number 1 is always an isle seat. which is some good detail, as the usher walks by Ray to hand him the invite.

Alt Text: "!"

ray is in the last row

Cartilage Head looks like a misplaced Dali painting. Poor guy, no wonder he feels so distraught.

That, and his face has no bones.

Damn. Ray gets no complimentary gallon of single malt to wash down that dude's complexion? That is directly bozack killing.

Also is that a flop-eared rabbit dressed in a cardigan with a kippa/yarmulke in panel 3?

Looks like an orthodox beagel with nasty psoriasis in an itchy woolen suit jacket.

With a stunted right arm.

Holy Friggin' God Christ I only just noticed Cartilage Head's pupils in the second-to-last panel.

Gelatinous effluvia.