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Ray sees Téodor as intellectual Tuesday, November 8, 2005 • read strip Viewing 73 comments:

How could that not make sense?

Roast Beef, voice of reason even in Ray's mind.

This is the sort of bond that really good friends have. When I have difficult decisions instead of an angel and devil on my shoulder I have one of my more reasonable friends and then one of my drinking buddies.

Where's Ray's Brother/Sister? I mean, "Little Nephew" implies child of sibling...

I'm assuming it's Ray's sister, and she's strung out on blow. Ray's mom enables her habit.

Like most ladies of taste and class, Ray's mom has a few skeletons in her closet.

Jack Nicholson was raised thinking his mother was his sister and his grandparents his parents.

It would account for a lot in old Jack, and it would make sense with Ray.

Have you commented on each strip?

Nope, don't think so. There's a lot of them.

I need to know now how Ray and Jack Nicholson and fundamentally different. Aside from being a cartoon cat. This is because they are not.

His mother. His sister. His mother. His sister.


haha, awesome.
also, your avatar kicks most asses

See, if a spaghetti's dad can be a steak and no spaghetti, then Little Nephew can be not a nephew.

It was my understanding that Little Nephew's NAME is Little Nephew. There've been similarly unusual monikers in Achewood.

There is an answer to this question just a few comics earlier, and also on Little Nephew's bizzlog.

The answer? Is Charles Smuckles.

Surely "blizzog" is a more aesthetically pleasing fuck this sentence?

I'm assuming it's Ray's brother, cause Little Nephew's last name is Smuckles.

LN is his son, but Ray can't cope with the loss of his wife's passing. So he just goes with Uncle Ray and has never told LN the truth.

A comment left by epicurus was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by chagment, Pseudochron, fosters, goocifer, tttt2, rascaldom)

The important thing here is that you're trying

What exactly would constitute a bite?

Hitting something with both halves of your mouth at the same time.

I like this comment a lot.

I like how you only ever comment on comments.

i like how you researched that.

I like how you guys keep commenting on that comment

I like





orange tits?

Yes! I do like those.

those titknives. sorry

These orange titknives?

AH HA HA HA. Yeah, still funny.

The look on Ray's face as he is about to sit on the nozzle is so good.

A perfect mix of horror and determination. He's gotta do it!

What does it for me is that Ray's analogy is even more brilliant than Teodor's vocabulary. Ray: the Cat's a genius.

Teodor's all sweaty. does that upset anyone else?

Hey, YOU try doing parkour for a while and not getting sweaty - especially when you have to jump over cars and shit but you're only like two feet tall.

He used to be a stuffed animal. How can he sweat? Maybe a wizard did it.

If that is your biggest problem with the logic in Achewood, then you aren't paying much attention.

Yea, there are several strips where T�odor is doing things that are decidedly un-teddy bear-like. For example, in this one you can see him walking around and talking !

Sorry, I meant to link to [url=https://achewood.com/index.php?date=11082005]this one[/card].

Wow. Too bad you can't lame yourself because it would make me feel better.

there you go. glad to be of service.

A comment left by molesticide was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Bourbonsamurai, jthompson, endstate)

mmm good ol steakfuck

i think you mean "steak FUCK"

Lean, ground fuck steak.

Man, how do I always forget about this arc. Every read through, I get through this and am like "This is hilarious! I should quote this all the time!" and then I end up making some mention of worms being tiny little steaks and hit a total tangent.

Anyway. Favorite strip of this arc.

I love that Achwood has never once shown a child being raised with anything approaching responsibility.

I beg to differ

I don't see the responsibility.

Hey, that ukulele might be Baby's college fund one day.


'This waaaay...' made me spurt tea onto my keyboard. Totally worth it.

I love how Onstad writes Teodor as TACodor in alt texts

I've been seeing that a lot; I think it's an encoding issue.

The dialog in this plotline, especially anything ray says or people try to say to ray is incredible fiction. It's hard to remember that this is just a comic

'No teenage boy has ever done anything wise near a lake'


I laughed so hard at this it hurts

Beef all inexplicably in a shirt and tie.

i hate to do this, but can someone please explain this to me?

When Teodor uses logic and long words, Ray feels like he is receiving a Yale enema. In other words, the intellectual elitism of Yale University is being forcibly introduced into his body. Via his anus.

thank you. heres a shiny apple:


What's in the tank? Douchebaggery? Long words?


racism. noblesse oblige.

racism. noblesse oblige.

This strip just made me laugh until I cried, and I have read it several times before. The last 2 frames are golden.

Whenever Pat talks at all, I feel like I'm sittin' on the nozzle of a big metal tank that says TALK LIKE A DICK SCHOOL.

I know I've seen this gag before. What other comic is "I feel like I'm sittin' on the nozzle of a big metal tank that says Yale."?