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What are you in for Nice Pete Friday, April 4, 2003 • read strip Viewing 98 comments:

A comment left by afastidioushat was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by mortshire, the_dingle, chaesar)

Throw in Ted Danson's skeleton, and you've got yourself a goddamn deal.

I like the way he tilts his head from side to side

I don't know if Chris knew or intended this, but it's actually a very common kind of body language in rural West Virginia, from whence Pete originates (as do I).

I'd give him the benefit of the doubt.

Yeah. Achewood is incredibly well-grounded in literature, culture, etc. for a comic strip.

and that's just part or Onstad's genius with Achewood.

I feel like you guys are about to tell me how I can get it all for just 3 easy payments and cancel any time with no obligation.

In all things, when you're alone in a cell with him.

I really thought it was very common body language for a murderer

*Tilts head to one side*


*Tilts the other way*

Is that so?

he always looks like he's explaining something to child...even when he's mutilating himself in front of them.

A comment left by spinynorman was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Bartleby, unquotable, Bootsy)

And you know Nice Pete got hell of Chiblains. Picked most of them up in El Paso that one summer he doesn't talk about.

1997 was a strange year for Peter H. Cropes.

I always think of Nice Pete having the mannerisms of Dana Carvey impersonating George Bush Sr.

"Ain't gonna give another man kisses. Wouldn't be prudent."

I can kind of see him bobbing his head forwards and back to emphasis words. Not necessarily in regards to the words importance, mostly in a sort of sing-song.

This is the description of Onstad's true artistic vision for achewood if only he didn't have to bend to demands for rock. hard. catcock.

Please, please tell me rock. hard. catcock. is not Achewood's first meme already.

First? Nay.

A comment left by hollis was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by featurelessvoid, ButterMoths, jdhenry105, erributtz, thunderbat, trout, aHatOfPig, mugi, bixschmix, Doc_Rostov, peterjoel, pulkbaby, STUART)

A comment left by overmedicated was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by shammack, Afkpuz, SotiCoto)

A comment left by stuart was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ButterMoths, Jesler729, jezebel, Crater12, Badgerus, vucubcaquix, tellumo)

i signed up for the messageboard strictly to see what everyone thought was so lame. my lame threshold is at 50 just so i can catch asherdans comments.

That was exactly my reasoning as well.

I joined expressly because the above commenter is ENTHRALLING.

Who? You don't mean me, do you? Please not me. I have enough Assetstalkers, I think.

Nah, not to stalk you - just to chubby your comments and also to read those of Asherdan.

That... that is one of the saddest kind of stalkers I have ever heard of.

The internet is horrible .

Mine's at 500. Just in case, you know?

Mine was at like 99. And then I saw a comment that had more than 600 lames. I set it to 999999 after that, so I would only see comments that a million people think are lame.

I wonder what nice pete sounds like.....

I picture his voice nearly identical to Senator Jim Calhoun's.

YES. It is also the hands, but that is immediately who I think of when I see Nice Pete now. Also, I think it is Tim.

Kind of a higher pitched but still mellow Christopher Walkin.

I always heard something like Emo Phillips, myself.

JUST TRY looking at the second panel and blinking. Pete's death stare will keep you creeped.

The stare was the best part of the early Pete strips. Something about him staring at you and not responding for several seconds rings eerily true. Like he's trying to deduce your motives and figure out the appropriate response (which might be killing you).

In that second of silent time there's an almost audible CLICK as Pete's brain has to first formulate a response, then figure out how to express it, and then begin.

What you are hearing is the switch that goes between HUMAN <--- INHUMAN

Or in this case CAT <--- UN-CAT

God, i cannot chuppy you enough for these.

also, for future reference, should he ever make the mistake again, daidai's avicon for an Age has been panel two of this comic, Nice Pete's stare. an empty comment speaks for itself in only this manner.

This comment is in dire need of chubbiness.

I just burst out laughing at my desk.

Holy shit. My eyes watered up. I... I had to look away.

Jesus, when I read your comment I thought, "yeah funny, but hell of exaggerating", but you're totally not.

Chubby for being so spot on.

It is especially unsettling to consider this is a drawing of a cat with a moustache yet it has this effect on people. Thank god Onstad uses his powers only for good.

Showing this strip to someone is a good test to see if they have a real sense of humour or if they are Lame.

What if they just think you're telling them you're a murderer?


My friends at college totally passed.

I like how there is a pause before he begins to speak.

Such timing. Beautiful.

Nice Pete is awesome

I think creating said picture would make an excellent Achecontest.

Show us all your best murders guys

Oh fiddlesticks, my BEST murders are on another memory stick.

What, ALL of them?

Mine are all in a slideshow organized from normal to triple-A style.

I, for one, am shocked and saddened that none of you photoshop savvy people are on the ball with this. We computer idiots depend on you for these things. We got, like, twenty pictures of Selma Hayek's tits and not one fully clothed child saying a picture of murder. C'mon people!

It's because I prefer to delegate the Google Image Searching for "murder" to something my roommates do in their spare time thanks

Nice Pete kinda looks like Ben Affleck to me, for some reason.

My favourite part of this is the way Nice Pete slowly cocks his head from one side to the other, like a crow sizing up a sparrow.

The crazy cat explains things as if he is explaining them to a small child.

I love how there's some time missing from the when Nice Pete asked Pat how he feels about two men kissing. Now it's open for speculation.

That point makes me recall when Pat asked Philippe about his political platform. I imagine pre-curse Pat got righteous about homosexual rights, but he used it as an awful insult when he got angry.

Alternately: He hated gays.

Pete shows too much emotion nowadays. These early ones are genius.

Nice Pete's hand gestures make this strip so much more awesome.

He has a serious case of Bill Clinton Lecture Hand.

Man, I am now the dude who said "this is the first achewood strip I read and have been hooked ever since." Oh and I have been reading the archives too much, my girlfriend said something funny this evening and I told her I gave her joke a chubby. It took me awhile to explain.


Did you demonstrate by literally giving her a chubby?

Nice Pete's every action is a glorious art.

The introduction of nice Pete turns the entire strip up to 11... so creepy yet SO hilarious!

roooooough chuckles :(


Most excellent. perfection. wait for everyone to find it and your chubby count will sky rocket.


gwot da fock


It would be right for me to give Gregory Peck kisses, don't you think

As long as we can play basketball

and I am the winner

Has anyone considered that Nice Pete might just be an ornithology enthusiast?


Murders, not birders.

Group of crows. C'mon, man.

why the fuck is this creepier than atticus' murder one??

I imagine the child screeching. It works that way.

I imagine the child is screeching with the voices of a thousand birds.

Lain got nothin' on this kid.


ohigetityouweretalkingaboutagroupofcrowsnotthetakingofanotherhumanlife. a stretch for that pun i think

Hey! I never saw this down here! I never got a chance to thank you! Thank, you atticusonline!

Nice Pete, for my money, is the most consistent Achewood character.


kitten thinks of nothing but murder all day

Yours is a literal interpretation. Nice Pete is a cat, so when he says "child" he means "kitten".

Damn. If wearing tube socks and a tank top AND NOTHING ELSE during a murder doesn't just make it the worst then I don't know what does.


He looks like the little clicky head creatures from Mononoke. The name escapes me at the moment.