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The Materials We Discussed Tuesday, September 10, 2002 • read strip Viewing 35 comments:

No rude titties for Beef.

That "Magic's Mysteries Revealed!" show is pretty good, too.

I think it's natural to want to flee a world where people would tape over porno.

I concur thoroughly. Unless it was lame vivid-type porn.

It's Roast Beef's discomfort at being hugged that makes this one work. Hell of character establishing.

I figured it was because he was aroused about the porn and didn't want to rub against a fat cat in a thong.

Yeah but who hasn't done that?

Am I right?

I really hope you are secretly Tom Waits

Life is a parade of terrible disappointments.

that is something that Tom Waits would say to be mean to me.

I can basically now dream that this is a rare public outing by my favorite person ever

Do love beautiful poems telling you terrible things?

A comment left by achewoodno1fan was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by korukyu, indiglow, whoper, HeyMan, farqussus, luasn, snoozebar, Lumus, ASaltySalute4, slalvation)

You must realize that you have called "panels" "strips." The things that are boxes are called "panels." This is not a mistake that you will ever make again.

That's the main problem you have with a comment that stated that this strip makes the commentor need to use the toilet?

Magicians' assistants have rude titties, sometimes.

That's how my parents get my crazy Grandfather to come home for Christmas.

Grandpa! Wait! Nooo!

Ray is such a dick for not even bothering to back up his lie even a little bit.

that hug. it hurts me inside.

Roast Beef spoke about the porno as if it were a drug deal or some other such business transaction.

"...there is the small matter of the materials we discussed?"

I think Ray has had to say "Nooooooo!!!" to a rapidly retreating Roast Beef more than he has to any other character.

That was cruel. You can't promise Ruuude Titties and then fail to deliver.

it turns out that ray was the rude titties

The 24 hours it takes to travel from the moon to earth is certainly enough time to make a quickie run to the back room of a video store. Ray clearly didn't try hard enough.

You don't get the RUDEST from a video store


I don't want a hug! Stop! I'll wound you!

Charchar will gut you from crotch to sternum like a rainbow trout if you give her a look askance.

It is not cool to joke about rude titties.

Yeah I mean, it's rude .

I would harm someone for tempting me with rude titties and then taping over them. Bastards.

Man, Roast Beef would totally accept Ray's hug.

^obviously he would accept no such thing

(this is a blatant lie)