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I'm deformed Monday, December 3, 2001 • read strip Viewing 44 comments:

All the best road trips start out in a manner simillar to this.

Can't imagine why Teodor picks now, of all times, to talk like a pirate.

I think the question you should ask yourself is, "Why wouldn't he?"

I think he beleives this is what someone scary should sound like.



I realize that I am 11 months late, but your reply was begging for the follow-up. My sincere apologies.

I think future historians will note that the XFL ran its one season in 2001, and the player who named himself "He Hate Me" (and was allowed to have his uniform display it) was about the only thing the general public heard about it.

teodor's just getting into the spirit the only way he knows how.

The Pirate Way.

...laugh out loud funny...

and how did Lyle get that high up? hes too fat for acrobatics.

It is obvious that Lyle is doing one of the many karate ninja moves he knows, this one being the one known as "karatake no jitsu do oku"- the technique of jumping in the air while hitting a pizza delivery man with a baseball bat.

He just fights, man. He fights like crazy.

Not only is teodor a pirate, he's a pirate who talks in spoonerisms

Spoonerisms? What, is he really trying to say, "He mates ye"? I don't understand.

Could be a chess metaphor.

i think it's pretty clear that lyle is standing on chairs piledon top of eachother

let that be a lesson to all you humans.

me hates ye too.

Imagine being hit on the head as you deliver a pizza, the last thing you see is a talking teddy bear screaming ME HATES YE!


I would certainly be regretting all the times I made my teddy bears engage in mock combat against one another. Especially so since the monkey always kicked the bear's ass. But he had such longer legs and arms and a tail!

in my mind this is what Onstad looks like. a pale outline man.

I thought it was Steven the strong, nice waiter, working his night job.

Ever since I first read this strip, "Me hates ye!" has found its way into my normal speech. I just giggle every time I read it here.

seconded. best thing outta T's mouth ever.

"Me hates ye!" ranks about equal with "Food chain! Deal with it!" on the "uncalled for" scale.


this made me laugh until i soiled myself.

People with avatars of Phillipe always seem to post comments that gel with said avatars in an incessantly comic way.

I laughed for so long at Teodore's line, then became really confused. I thought I'd best give it a five, just to be safe...

First appearance of a human?

Steven and Stanley Tucci would have something to say about that.

Stanley Tucci never actually appeared.

Noted with a capital Dangit.

And as the poor delivery man slips into concussion, his last thoughts are a false mental image of his attacker.

Crafty, that Teodor...

oh, but he did not slip into a concussion

read on...

You know, someday I'm going to make a habit of cracking the door for pizza deliverymen and telling then to leave it on the doormat because I am terribly deformed, just because I can .

That's okay, but what's really fun is getting your whole apartment building to start doing it.

You don't even have to crack the door if they can hear you yelling with the door closed because most places take credit cards over the phone now.

And so the onomotoparade begins.

Teodor is sassy and has hella sack.

A great beginning.

Goodness, how high can Lyle jump? Is he standing on Teodor's head? STAY TUNED TO FIND OUT

classic gag revamped