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The Party: Day XVI: Vlad Tuesday, April 2, 2002 • read strip Viewing 43 comments:

It's a good thing Vlad is a robot, or he would be having mad diarrhea right about now.

My favourite thing about this strip is how Vlad gets so close to Lie Bot to tell him that he ate the soap.

I think we've all been in Vlad's shoes

his mod, mod shoes.

ha, again onstad's proclivity for the mod style.

Robots can't eat dinner, but they can drink beer.

Robots run on beer.

There is another option:

Lie Bot was lying about that.

chubbied for the avatar.

As if in some kind of bizarre negative reaction to approval, I almost immediately decided that what I really wanted was to replace Withnail and Marwood with Vlad.

I'm going to give your avatar chubbies untill you change it to something no-one could possibly chubby (even in an ironic sense).

*disclaimer this is an empty threat

Eating the soap in the shower. I've been there.

Me too. Eating the soap's a metaphor, right?

in Firefox your avatar is really rocking his ass off, but in internet explorer hes just casually plucking away as he slowly stumbles around.


I just saw a few days ago there's a new Catbank cartoon. Someone should make a Snugglesworth avatar so we can have a cat/counter-cat discussion.

The last 2 pannels sum up Vlad so perfectly

Phlod's accent comes through very clearly in this one, I like that.

I wanted my name to be 'igotsohornyiatethesoap" for this assetbar thing, but someone had taken it already. And they never even post.


It's fine "untilyouaresonude" is pretty good too

Vlad leans in to emphasize just how horny he was. That's a good way to make your friends really comfortable around you.

It works for Ray, too.

He ate the soap. As far as I'm concerned, there's no need for emphasis.

Uch, God, I can practically *smell* him in that panel - beer, Aqua Velva, heated metal...

Alt text: "Tomorrow: Vlad, the make-out king" Yes, a repeat of the previous day.

Tomorrow's recipe: Chicken!

my, my, do robots get horny. Eating soap is an unfathomable level of arousal.

That is hell of horny.

We have all been this horny.

I... Incorrect.

You're looking at the wrong kind of ladies, SN.

The kinds of ladies that aren't dudes.

Hey guys SpinyNorman is a homo pass it on

Lie Bot is wearing the shoes he got from Michael J. Fox.

Man I haven't been that horny since I...EVER really.

It's unsettling to witness Lie Bot amongst his own ilk. All genuine. All affable. I kind of hate him for that.

I love that the alt text for the previous strip was also "Tomorrow: Vlad- The Make-Out King".

I was that horny once. It's actually a pretty good remedy if you have a severe enough case. Once you're focused on how bad it tastes and can't stop vomiting, you're suddenly a lot less horny.

Well, most people are anyway.

Ya, eating soap really gives a guy the rough chuckles like nothin'.

That's not a beer that Vlad's drinking. It's a pint glass of pure mouthwash. That make-out machine never switches off.

If it's a dollar for a shot of Scope, how much would a pint of it run? This is left as an exercise for the reader.

A comment left by belgand was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by tasteful, Omegatron, Satyr)

Wasn't Penny from Vegas? Did he...?

I like the idea of Vlad furiously gulping down beer, all: "gulpgulpgulpgulpgulpgulp". For all we know, he's still worn out from all his horniness.