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Page 2 from Beef's Zine Thursday, June 1, 2006 • read strip Viewing 40 comments:

A comment left by asherdan was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, riotdejaneiro, Thorfinn, DiamondMonster, Carpetbag, chivalress, NDCaesar, tommycrashwreck, caduceo, HolyQ, michellemarie, adonkon, luckypyjamas, mistlethrush, aHatOfPig, LaserBlade, cognitonaut, profbobo, ravindra108, Afkpuz, mashuren, dropkickpikachu, heatbag, trawser)

Most of the content in the 'zines is funnier than this preview. I recommend them.

A comment left by asherdan was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, UntilYouAreSoNude, riotdejaneiro, Dusty, cryztal, Thorfinn, DiamondMonster, Carpetbag, chivalress, clancine, tommycrashwreck, caduceo, michellemarie, luckypyjamas, mistlethrush, cognitonaut, profbobo, ravindra108, Afkpuz, YossarianLives, dropkickpikachu, heatbag, Madoushi, trawser, slalvation)

by the way- I have my lame-limit turned up to 50 for the specific purpose of not missing out on asherdan non-dickmode posts.


Chubbied because I did the same thing, lol.

mine is at 300. If i ever have to readjust this i will know for sure that humanity is a failed experiment.

whoa, shit. Me too and for the exact same reason. exactly 300, too.

mine is at 1587.

I don't have much faith in humanity left.

You haven't already reached this conclusion?

i got an account and set my threshold at 200, just to see what all the hullabaloo was about

Same here.

Man has a sense of humour about his own failings, gotta respect that,

and furthermore,

A comment left by chaesar was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by karljw, riotdejaneiro, StoatLad, Thorfinn, NeoNaoNeo, goocifer, ohmygooses, ajg, godfatherofsouls, Doc_Rostov, I_Love_Kate, Satyr, emgee, Archon_Divinus, peng33)

I'm not super keen on comments-board bullying but I have to say I agree. Most people try to post decent comments that make Achewood even more enjoyable for everyone, but Asherdan wants to hand out 100% vegan, potassium-enriched, carob covered prunes.

I have no strong feelings against asherdan. Yes, he's a dick sometimes, but he knows this. He's also cool sometimes. At least he's reasonably eloquent, and doesn't have a broken caps-lock key. Think 'socks'. I'd rather have 4 asherdan's than 1 socks.

Socks is basically not much of a problem. He's too ridiculous and his posts are too infrequent to cause problems. Asherdan firstposts tripe on most strips and causes a fight. It starts every assetbar dive with a bad taste in the mouth. Four asherdans would render assetbar more or less defunct. Four socks to displace one asherdan, I say.

After living a quarter of our lives on the internet, I'd say we're completely blind to posts like socks's - all caps, bad spelling, little to now logic, frequently obscene... That's like the chaff of the world wide web.

Yes, exactly.

It is remarkable how often Mr. Fry makes me say these words.

I think we have more of a problem with this poing person... Although in all likelyhood they are one in the same.

cuervo and sunny delight, then warm MGD? jesus christ beef, might as well shoot him.

VERY terrible might in fact be the only way to describe MGD.

A little passive-aggressive there, Beef. Thank god for the healing power of pool.

Onstad snuck in a little salute to Iron Chef at the end there...

A comment left by aaron_haynes was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by pkitty, professorhazard, goocifer, waldo913)

If you don't make up your own comment, are you doomed to repeat lines from the strip above?

I am so sorry for doing that 1 years ago. I must really have ruined your whole day.

Oh yeah completely

Magic underpants narrative returns next.

This year, the Historical Rapping Society at my university lost its funding and was forced to dissolve after 23 years of bringing quality iambs to the student body.

Meanwhile, the Yale Historical Raping Society continues full-speed.

I want to see Ray's paintings please.

My favorite part about this strip is the fact that Beef has diagrammed how Ray talks for the audience, to simulate the experience of the interview.

I'm surprised he didn't flowchart it.

Beef is kind of a smart-ass here.

Does it really need to be restated that Beef has got mad sass?

Sorry, but the image set, how Ray talks makes this for me.

This interview brought to you by Elizabot.

This and the previous page are 5's and should be rated as such.

Ray paints, apparently.