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Waking Up At Home. Thursday, April 15, 2010 • read strip Viewing 214 comments:

It seems as if Philippe has started playing that other game... the only game in town.

Atleast with Lyle the day would have been more fun, would have started with shoving fruits down Philippes underpants.

Even if home is boring and crummy, it's still home.

Home is where Dan Banana is.

Where's home? Philippe is standing on it.

philippe's going to invent masturbation just in time for his mom to get home from early mass and catch him doing it

That's not Phillipe. That's not even Achewood.

Well yeah, it's 8 hours away from Achewood, CA.

And it must be Phillippe, because he is an otter that is 5. And that's exactly what I see here.

Also- you don't get into heaven by leaving mass early. I'm pretty sure Philippe's mom is wise to this.

Getting there early does help though.
I have this on good authority.

That's not even Mexico!

fineoakstructure for the win!

Really tho, scoring chubbies off a response to Dr. Manflesh that references the Simpsons? I don't know if I found a new calling or a new source of shame.

I know, man, I know. Us 33 year olds have to stop quoting the Simpsons. It's tearing our lives apart. I've largely quelled the habit.

Tearing your lives apart? What lives? The ones where you spend your leisure time watching the Simpsons? Oh, the humanity.

It is similar to, and let me coin a phrase here, Epicurus Syndrome. When everything you say comes from something you heard someone else say, between the internal shame the the hell of real life lames heaped on you, it does limit your social outlets.

The internet-styled paranoid schizophrenic wannabe-sociopath with sexual identity issues is worried that I used to watch a TV show frequently.

I'm not sure how I should feel about this.

heh. normal, you left out normal. Sometimes I can be a little normal too.

I know, man. But it's not your legacy on here, remember?

Yeah, it'd have to involve rock hard cat cock. Not rock hard otter cock, and especially not a child. Not when that child is Phillipe .


Otter chubbies?

Maybe some more?

Basically you'd have to be as stupid as a 5 year old to get caught masturbating by your parents if you knew they disapproved.


Seriously, what? I'm sure that even those of us who have parents that don't disapprove of masturbation are just as motivated to NOT HAVE OUR PARENTS SEE US MASTURBATING.

But things happen, man. People open doors even though it is night time and they are clearly closed. It doesn't make you as stupid as a five year old if you get caught.. unless you're diddling under the kitchen table at dinner, in which case there are probably bigger issues than stupidity at hand.

Oh, I had a much bigger "issue" than stupidity at hand when my parents caught me goin' at it under the dinner table.

I get it.

I get it at hand.

Dude, I was caught a few times. It was just awkward. But like if I knew they would go complete Catholicism on my ass, I wouldn't have been caught at all.

Thank you for sharing.

The only time I was ever caught was by my best friend when we were about nine. He snuck down the stairs. He was trying to catch me at something. Maybe he wanted to catch me stealing from him, which I never did do even though his parents were loaded and he had tons of rad shit to steal. Maybe he wanted to catch me crushin' the Russian to Victoria's Secret in his basement, which I did do pretty often.

He yelled "You're gross" and ran upstairs and wouldn't make eye contact with me for about an hour. Then we went into the woods and made machine gun noises while pointing sticks at trees.

Nine seems awful young.




Interestingly, studies show that nine is actually a bit late for New York Seltzer-fueled reenactments of the My Lai massacre.

This is funny in the regular way, but it is even funnier if you imagine that this is Rowboat using another euphemism for masturbation.

Oh, dude - my bamboo hut is in flames! I...I gotta go take care of this.

the other reference went over my head; all that remained was a very intricate euphemism.

When I was nine, I was aware of Paul Reubens' misadventures and I had learned to identify the "jerk-off" hand sign. Being nine however, I misconstrued it. I thought playing with oneself involved mercilessly cudgeling your one's with one's own clenched fist. I wanted no part of it.

*edit* ^^should read "cudgeling one's dick with one's own clenched fist"

I would give you a chubby, but now I'm worried what you would do with it...

I would not mercilessly cudgel it with my clenched fist.

here cums a special boy!

I have shoes that play that song.

Yes, we saw.

He's five, five-year-olds lives are (normally) constrained by their parents, and we can all remember those "boring and crummy" moments where the 'rents weren't catering to our every whim.

Thing is, the initial feeling yesterday could have been summed up in "You can't go home again." Considering Phillippe in his "short" life made friends with a cat that went to the moon and fought a bunch of guys and won, wrote for himself several novels, was posessed by the spirit of Billy Idol, and rode on Airwolf, and so on...it's not that he can't go home again, but it's "How can you keep 'em down on the farm after they've seen Paree?"

The link works if you delete the final "/". Appropriately old-tymey and stuff.

Excuse me, a die and a pad constitutes a whole vortex of giddy diversion.

Or it did, once.

Before the internet stole your innocence.

He does have all the tools he needs to invent D&D...SATAN'S GAME. Philippe's mom has just done the Christian equivalent of leaving a child in a sunbaked Oldsmobile while she wanders the strip mall aimlessly, attending to her slipping memories of every chore.

No one has ruined it yet.

It's still hours of fun, but only if you include booze.

Since when did Catholic moms send their kids Chick Tracts? Since when did Catholic kids back talk Roast Beef pretending to be the pope?

Aww come on, heresy is cute when kids doing it.

Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned...

Fucking love you.

The best lack all conviction, while the worst, are full of passionate intensity

...in bed.

Love is a battlefield

Your mum is a battlefield*

* Recently had this screamed at me while both myself and friend were incredibly drunk.

So I told him his mum was Pat Benetar.

Good times.

A great story in three acts.

Hm, good points.

Philippe may be too young to understand the finer points of christian sectarianism. He probably believes in Mom and God, in that order, with the Pope coming a distant third. As it should be.

And perhaps the animal community has its own version of Jolly Jack Chick who writes illustrated hate-screeds from a Ratzinger perspective...

Nope, just checked, and Gomez Worships Idols is one of the tracts he was sent.

Maybe Philippe's Mom is slipping, and has simply forgotten which flavour of Christ she prefers. Or she attends all the local churches, just to be on the safe side.

You have raised dangerous questions.

methodists have mass too

Do methodists have special wednesday cake... because I'm still trying to figure out what that is.

don't they have kool aide thursdays or have I been misinformed?

Do methodists believe in transubstantiation? In "The Death Cookie" Jack Chick argues that such beliefs constitute idolatry.

Nope, but we do believe in provenient grace, which allows unbaptized babies to go to heaven. In Chick's eyes, that's probably just as bad.

Don't ALL Christians believe babies go to heaven, even if they don't have a name for it?

No. In Catholicism, at the moment, unbaptised babies 'maybe' go to heaven. Otherwise they go to limbo.

Limbo doesn't seem that bad to me (eternal happiness and contentment apparently), but if you're into this kind of this, then you're going to want your dead child to be in God's presence, and experiencing perfect joy - if it wasn't bad enough he kills your baby, he wont even own up to it and let them on the top table. What a prick.

Q: How do you keep money from a spiritually doomed little baby?

A: You hide it in the baptismal pool.

This is a good point. Chick hates the Catholics.

If he were to be honest, Jack Chick probably pretty much hates everyone.

except... JESUS

True... Jack Chick does hate himself some Catholics. He also hates freemasons, which I can get behind. Fucking freemasons!

And Mormonism is "Modern day Baal worship". ("The Visitors")

Words I never thought I'd say: I liked her more when she was just a Christian fundamentalist.

The die is to roll for initiative.
Seems Phillipe got the drop on Phillipe.

Roll for initiative otterboy!

The die is also a spectral die; it lies on its corner !

Here comes a very special die! It's a 12-sided die!

MINE is 100 sided I KID YOU NOT!

The infamous Centurion-die, commonly referred to as the D100. The D100 is a dual-edged sword in the D&D community, and many of its players have a sort of terrified-but-awed respect for it.

Very few have been unavailingly fortuitous with the die and have reaped tremendous D&D fortune from it, but countless others have fallen victim to the merciless Centurion-die.

You write all that in third person but I have the feeling that it's a personal thing for you.


Innovations such as Harrowing Dice (dice with an inset area that actually needs to land on a table edge or straddle an agreed-upon pencil in order for the interior surface to be playable) are among the game's many contributions to celibacy.

A comment left by tetsujin was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by woneLOVE, HonestTom, gothfae, wjon, aHatOfPig)

Damn. Sometimes I like to stick up for the dissenters here, but shut the fuck up, tetsujin.

Complaining about the update frequency a few months ago? Understandable, though probably unnecessary.

Complaining about the update frequency as of late, when he's been putting up strips pretty much every other day, like back in the good old days? Completely asinine.

Was... was he doing that?

Uh, I'm pretty sure he's complaining about the comic in general (I think this guy has been doing this a bit lately), and I assume that his talk about this other comic "having an update today, too" was meant as a jab at Onstad's general tendency towards not producing strips as often as he used to.

Maybe I'm wrong. I...I'm not sure if I care anymore.

They also have RISK, but

his mom is standing on it.

The bed part is strangely reminiscent of the end scene in 2001. HAL also played draw after draw in Noughts & Crosses.
That's what I get for playing Sprach Zarathustra last night

am i missing something? Is there a meme where this is true? Am i committing noobicide calling him on this?

I vaguely remember a sparse bedroom in the end-delusions of 2001, but no tic-tac-toe -- of course, there were drugs involved, so what can I really remember but the thrills?

There is a scene I remember from 2001 , just after the focus of the film shifts to the Odyssey, where either Frank Poole or Bowman are playing tic-tac-toe with HAL. Possibly right before or after the part where Bowman is running around the ring with that gorgeous tracking shot.

Clarke also mentioned in the book that HAL played chess with Bowman and Poole and was "instructed" to lose half of the time.

But a heck of a catch Troy's memory made, picking out that one brief moment from the forest of byzantine eye-fuckery that 2001 is.

I just assumed he was referring to Wargames

I think he's thinking of that other fun-loving horror, Joshua .

nice couch


Nice humor.


Many more entries in this vein and I'm going to end up calling my mother, yelling "DON'T DIE MOMMY" and then hanging up.

To make matters worse, she'd probably just assume that I was drunk and wouldn't take the advice to heart. Which is a shame, because that's quality wisdom.

Alot of people don't follow the golden rule on not dying :(

I intend to live forever or die trying.

I didn't know it was depressing comics week here, too.

This is going to go on for at least five weeks - once or twice a week we'll get a new comic with Philippe discovering another way in which life back at home with his old mummy just isn't what he'd hoped. We will get a steady stream of poignant, sad moments, until finally we all just move on or kill ourselves.

a bloo bloo. a bloo bloo bloo bloo bloo bloo.

im not being waited on hand and foot by a poor elderly woman how sad

you either? that suuuuuuuuuuucks

it's his mom bro. dont be like dat wat wit u spittin ur nonsense bullshit errywhere

Word up, man. If you were 5 and that was your mom, that would suck

Philippe has been away so long that when he wakes up in his bed he is terrified. I feel the same when I visit my parents.

Also, I don't know what the hell is going on with his legs in panel 16.

Tighty-whiteys, my friend.

our boy wears high-heels with his underpants. what does it all mean?

It means that his mom is probably going to be pretty disappointed.

"Here comes a special transvestite!"

I wonder if Steve DeNeuve has taken Phillipe's cross-dressing into account for his equation.

It means he's still 5.

All 5 year olds are transvestites?


How do you get him being a transvestite? Those are his regular shoes, and I assume, his regular briefs.

he wears shoes because drawing ott is more trouble than it's worth.

i think the important thing to notice is that he goes and finds the games before he puts on his pants. this kid has priorities .

Or that he puts on his shoes before his pants...or possibly sleeps with his shoes on.

Gonna get me some Jersey Splash-Casters.

What's the saddest thing? Playing Tic Tac Toe by yourself.

He might come up with another big $ idea. He might invent Tic Tac Craps.

or Crip Crap Toes.

Almost spit out my water at the idea of Crap Toes. You've been ChuB'd DUDE!

For sooth, the very poetry of the game merits a chubby.

Is this a gangster game?

This is not going well.

I am delighted.

Why am I being reminded of Raymond Briggs' "When the Wind Blows"?

do you think it is rad to have radiation sickness Philippe

phillipe is still alive. shit.


The only way to win is to not play.

ur so hardcore

Are you John Galt? We've been looking for you.

I haven't. Dude's overrated. So is the book. Crazy batshit wing-nuts are bad on any side of the spectrum, and her writing ain't even much more than decent.

If belief in a market economy makes me batshit then give me HEAVY meds, a fruit cup, and some puzzle pieces for dinner.

I believe in market economy. Ayn does not JUST believe in that. She is also a wingnut. I am a moderate, and I still think market is rad. You seem to be assuming that anyone that isn't HARD right is a commie, or socialist, or anarchist. That is not cool.

You brought the bat shit to the party, not I; are you a radical centrist revolutionary? Mediocracy Now!

The revolution will not be televised, cause noone will care.

Queue up Cry Me a River, as performed by Ella Fitzgerald, and re-read this strip.

Queue up "Cry Me a River," as performed by Justin Timberlake, and re-read Revelation 19:18.

And that's not even the most revealing one!

Dude, he doesn't eat the flesh of kings, he drinks King Piss. Unless there's some sort of accenture that I'm missing from the original Aramaic.


That Svenhard is taking a long time. Maybe he's trying to calculate pi to an infinite number of places?

Steve's a pro - the arithmetic is done, the Svenhard is eaten. He's on to the next job.

He doesn't get involved. He doesn't kiss on the lips.

Panels 1-14. I think we've all been there.

Here comes an especially heartbreaking boy!

... damn it.

crank the car steve, someone's going back "home".

holy mother of pussy *hits self, pulls on face*

I like the '05 style paneling

I thought I was a jerk ass for knowing well the trends of Achewoodian panel construction. At least there are more jerk asses.

it's good to see phillipe so often. it's appropriate for spring.

and the otters are in bloom

Yes, spring is the appropriate time of year for a young whelp to realize the mortality of his parents. As the flowers bloom, we die inside, yay spring!

New name for boxers- Dixie Thigh-Shiners

New name for boxer-briefs- Orlando Douche-Containers.

Atlanta Shit Sack

Oh my fuck, this arc is depressing.

This is the day a young otter's childhood innocence is lost, and thus starts to age appropriately.

if that is how you lost your innocence you did it wrong

It is lost by degrees. Philippe has yet to approach the confusing but compelling obtuse angles of adolescence.

I lost mine at scout's camp. At age 25.

Note: It was a girl scout camp!

Like that makes a difference.

Phillippe plays a mean game of Tic Tac Toe, opening with Herzoff's Gambit, then immediately countering with the Padssky defense. A young Bobby Fischer.

And then pulls a beautiful Chekov's Final by rolling a one directly into the center square.

I presume these to be fake (especially since Tic Tac Toe is a Solved Game), but I desperately want them to be real.

A Solved Game? Tell that to my mentally retarded father.

Cal, how can you tell it's not the Marinov Opening countered with a modified Reczi defense? Can you tell for sure that he is playing X-first? After all, it's not impossible that he painted himself into a corner by messing up the defense scheme with the X, rather than sticking to the correct set of moves.

You're giving him too much credit. He is five, after all.

You are forgetting that all five year olds want to be X all the time. How does it feel to be an adult?

I presume from the lack of hyphens between the words on the paper (Tic Tac Toe as opposed to Tic-Tac-Toe) that he's playing the Standardized American version, in which Circle always leads, in which case the Marinov Opening would be incredibly hazardous, due to the tendency for Cross to immediately capture the North-East square and force an early resignation. If you truly believe I'm giving him too much credit, look again at the piece of paper, and remember he is playing against himself. Toe is four moves away but its there, he has it.

Aw, man, waking up and getting scared because you don't recognise the room. Onstad, you never sin against me more so than when you make me regret growing up.

The dude plays toward emotions !

At precisely the point where I begin championing this story arc as one of the most emotionally affecting in a long time.....

.....I read the alt-text.

when i sleep in my room my feet are towards the far wall with teh door on the right. the bathroom is to my right aswell and my headboard is up againsts teh back wall. i was asleep, and, as sometimes will happen i awoke n teh night for some reason. when this happens i try not to open my eyes, lest i lose some of the sleep id worked so hard to generate, however, i do blink about sometimes and when i did this i saw something strange. i saw a TV, flashing UPC lights, stuff all around that wasnt in my room, i get startled and look back n it takes me like, 2 minutes to realize i wasnt n my bed in my room i was sleeping in the basement again. like i had been for 2 years now.

it was pretty weird i cannit describe teh feeling. when i m able 2 convey dat ill no i hav achievemented sometink with english but for now that is truely my best crack at.

i am no longer interested n you women.

Even though the bed should be comfortable, it ain't yours so it just feels wrong. Damn.

Philippe does not wake up in the morning feeling like P.Diddy, clearly.

Completely confused, wearing naught but underpants, in an unfamiliar place?

How can you possibly feel more like P. Diddy than that?

i hope that he didn't brush his teeth with a bottle of
Jack, so that when he left achewood for the night, he is coming back

someone is evidently a huge Ke$ha fan here!

or someone finds that song so irritating that they lame comments just for bringing it to mind.

or someone finds someone elses small mind and impotent opinions about onself lame and therefore does so

I will never, ever call underwear that. New Jersey doesn't deserve the compliment.

New Jersey doesn't even deserve the land.

Not after what they've done to the air and water.

I'd be afraid of that freakin corner too. Look at it. Is it pointed inward? Is it pointed outward? Do the laws of space and time even apply? Who knows man. Who knows.

the WHUMP of despair haunts us all

Hmm...a table with half-ass games in it (and there is no game more half-ass than a pad of paper merely suggesting that one play Tic Tac Toe with it) isn't a mom thing; it's a GRANDMA thing.

Philippe didn't start against himself with any of the stronger tic-tac-toe openings, I see. I always go with the Templeton Stonewall, or perhaps the Moscow Split Canard, that is if I'm playing with an opponent from the Eastern School.

It's funny, I always get that feeling when I go home and sleep in my old bed. For a while, I have no idea where I am, and I feel like I'm sleeping backwards in the bed or something. I have the impression that it's the curtains that often bring me back.

oh Philippe, that is the saddest thing.

The x in one corner, o in the other. That sums up how close he feels to his mom at the moment, very sad.

It is saddest game, played on ugliest sticky-notes.

Phillipe's nose looks different to me somehow... more lke a chocolate button or something.

Because of a problem?

Philippe has no need to be mopey for he is endowed with a piece of paper, die, pen AND a paper clip; he should be set for life.

(theirateturk has no plans to spoil his newborn child with trifles like clothes or medicine.)

(nor does he intend to discuss his girlfriends desire for copious amounts for football penis in her vag)

I'm not sure if you're confusing the sport involved in theirateturk's old basketball team anecdote, or if you're actually thinking of a football-shaped and/or -sized penis, just completely pounding his wife's vag.

That's what his girlfriend desires, his wife is uninterested in it. He let's her have her way because he's afraid that otherwise she'll tell his wife about his mistress, and if they were to meet they would probably be able to work out between their combined knowledge that he has a second family, and once that got back to his girlfriend all hell would break loose.

Phillipe is playing with himself.

Looks like Phillippe's bed doesn't have the "ropy afghan" he was talking about, either. Sad for the little guy.

In fact, Phillipe's mom didn't check to see if he was sleeping soundly at all. She just left.

Is phillipe staying 5 because his mom is ageing for him? Damn, bitch is old!

Maybe that's the arithmetic that Steve had to do?

Wow, this is pretty miserable, and reminds me of my visits to my own aged parents. (I'm afraid you will have to read about those visits in my memoirs, and you will need to buy them in hardback if you want the illustrations.)

spoiler. nboday givs a fcku

And you thought the doomed cat was depressing...

Why does nothing happen when I click "Rate this Strip"?

I want to say the arc's shift from pathos to bathos is hilarious, but I'd be slightly misusing "bathos" . . .

Am I the only one who gets really, really hungry reading this arc? I mean damn, all this talk of burgers, pork chops with hot buttery rice, and chocolate chip pancakes and motherfucking bacon...
I'm just... I'm just so hungry.