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Walk the Walk, Talk the Talk day II Thursday, August 22, 2002 • read strip Viewing 23 comments:

Nerdspeak for "you mean the lady that I......BONED?"

Two things that set Roast Beef on the warpath:
dissing his robot dog
computer lingo double entendres involving his mom

The two paths to Roast Beef Hog-Fluffery

I first read that as Hog-Floggery .
And it intrigued me.

i'd rather flog a hog than fluff one to be honest
hog fluffing is distinctly nastier tasting or so i imagine

Why would Roast Beefs mom be calling? Isn't she at best absent and at worse abusive?

Not yet, it's still early days. It all changes with Achewood 2.0

what is the start date for 2.0?

thats a bit far, ray.

A comment left by cousinted was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, NeoNaoNeo, Jesus, scraggg, windfish)

Perhaps I should refer to my girlfriend as a subroutine. But then she would leave me.

That's because we girls prefer to be referred to as "load balancers" as the alt text so graciously corrects.

Agreed. Actually, we don't like being referred to as anything that uses the prefix "sub".

GOD all of these generalisations are making me SO MAD. You can't speak for your entire gender! Stop pretending you can!

I like to imagine that in Ray's book, "Windows again , huh?" is the default phrase for anything involving Windows.

Beef's face!


I think this is my favorite strip.

i reckon Beef just sat still in silence for four seconds and then let out a flemmy sort of "Huc, what?"

I work with a ton of computer nerds, I'm gonna have to try that line.

Did you do it?
What did they say?

Even though Beef's mom is a ruinous mess, that's still a little too forward, Ray

oh, God, I can't believe how well he times the filler-hemming-and-hawing of the stuffed cats...

they are alive cats.

and yes.