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Baby Just Come Clean Monday, May 5, 2003 • read strip Viewing 27 comments:

the lines roast beef relays are like my favorite things ever.

There is nothing one should be realer about than one's beef with variables. Bitch-ass tricks, those things.

Algebra rap, properly produced and marketed, could really shift the paradigm in music industry.

Should we think of Algebra Rap as some sort of dark underside to Nerdcore? I mean, it ain't nerdy to hate on algebra, but that knowledge is tight.

When I was in elementary school in the ghetto, we had "Multiplication Rap" cassette tapes we listened to. Those seven times tables were kickin' .

In my elementary school we had to memorize the capitals of South America with this real cheesy Latina lady singing with maracas and a bell. After every name, a maraca shake; after every country, a bell. Bells still make me want to recite, "Buenos Aires, Chile. Lima, Peru."

But, but... Buenos Aires isn't the capital of Chile!

ARGH it's Argentina. I am a fool.

ha ha apparently it did not work very well

My boyfriend sings this song, I think. He always says "Lima, PERU. Lima, PERU. Bogota, Colombia. Lima, PERU."

Of course, he may just be insane.

I just got halfway through typing "Oh! I think we had that too!" and rattling off a bunch of lyrics before I realized all I was writing were numbers. Lyrical genius.

algebra is not straight forward is what they are saying

he hates pronumerals so he claims they are unnecessary

straight up

Between this strip and the next, Little Nephew's material goes from number-crunching to bozack-flaying.

Plus his rhymes are extremely tight


Ray is old fashioned; he wants to defend algebra even if he doesn't understand it. I have to say that the rhymes in the last panel do tickle me sometimes at innapropriate moments and I have been known to chuckle!

A woman is more like an argument.

underchubbied comment.

The concept of a woman / can take it in the dumper.

guaranteed that lame is from a chick AMIRITE

thats hot, yo.

If Little Nephew went on tour, I think these guys would be the opening band. https://youtube.com/watch?v=BipvGD-LCjU

You know, just for pro-math, anti-math tension.

I think I just tried to beat up my monitor for its lunch money. That's some dangerous clip you linkin' to.

5 is what's on my mind.

"a woman is like a variable" is one of the most strip-enhancing hypertexts ever.

What I like about the lyric that Beef quotes is that it makes algebra seem like a duplicitous, unstable wreck that LN is trying to gently help out... for its own good.