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Todd's Flowchart Wednesday, April 18, 2007 • read strip Viewing 69 comments:

You must remember to fear Ricky Nihoha. It's so...important.

He's the only example of a remotely normal Squirrel in Achewood. In other words, yes. We will easily remember Ricky.

I dunno, Blister seems pretty normal, aside from the fact that he's dead.



Lesson : Do not anger Tongans. Respect they salad.

I like the idea that the only bad thing Todd has done around Ricky is eat all the salad.
You can tell he's on his best behaviour to impress everyone in the club.

He had to do extra jobs to pay for his van afterall.

I never knew squirrels were believers in bean salad before. It goes against everything I was taught.

A comment left by closefriend was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by apocowarg, sevenarts, Ketters, ThreeBong)

I wish to see more of this Ricky Nihoha. He deserves better than to end up a Milklin-esque one-off character.

"Milklin-esque" haha. Chubby.

Todd is under appreciated.

Todd is brilliant. I think we need to form an Achewood union and lobby Onstad for a Todd t-shirt.

Todd's sokay I guess....

I know todd.

That's Todd.
I know him.

Todd is completely addicted to horrible drugs.

You mean wonderful drugs.

Someday, sir, you will have all the chubbies you gloriously deserve for this.

A comment left by wino was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by FineMusk, bug, cryptfiend85, nutmeg, usversusthem, TheQuietYou)

A comment left by huber was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by riotdejaneiro, FineMusk, bug, mrtatulas, nutmeg, usversusthem, TheQuietYou, dr_sexlove)

No way, that stuff sends oyster shit down my throat, makes me puke. I would never betray my beloved brown liquors for it.

i find the two work well together

A comment left by sredni was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by jlynes, snoozebar, ford, Madoushi, spicyponyhead, STUART)

Wikipedia brings up nothing on the Renault Iditarod. :(

A comment left by jdhenry105 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by karljw, riotdejaneiro, Spoon, pwb, Deusoma, aargh, fosters, cryptfiend85, NDCaesar, IrishGuy, Firehawk, godfatherofsouls, ethelthefrog, killerlimpet, Huber, wehavemagnums)

I enjoy Todd Todd Todd Todd Todd T. Squirrel's contributions to the Achewood universe immensely.


todd's blackout progression is illustrated beautifully. it's like chris ware good.

That time Jesus beat Simon Peter's ass for hogging all the bread He made for the third Sabbath in a row is legendary; I think it was the first instance of the piledriver, even

"i'm havin' a fantasy!"

i need to remember to say this next time i'm stoned

The RIcky Nihoha sidebar is amazing.

Todd is surprised whenever he wakes up:

"Holy frick! I woke up again!"

It's the most amusing part of the flowchart to me: That Todd's continued existence comes as a shocker to him.

... I get the feeling he severely caught the "live every day as though it were his last" meme - and although, occasionally, this happens - it does explain why he spends most of his waking hours high as a kite in a tornado on Jupiter; only listens to DOUBLE MUSIC, and why his method of STD handling is "Not Giving A Shit." Who cares about festering sores when you could very well be dead tomorrow and can have fun today?

...And then back in a couple months by answering a riddle on the back of a menu in a cheap restaraunt in Hell.

...Well, at least he's not taking his functional immortality for granted.

No, the funniest part is that Todd takes bets as to whether or not he'll survive until tomorrow morning.

Does that bong thing really work?

Maybe it does if you weigh a 1/3 lbs, or whatever it is Todd weighs.

i say "oh wow i'm having a fantasy.. it's so frickin' sweet... it's so... important" all the time when i'm drunk. it's kind of embarassing.

Todd's a world-class genius when it comes to shanking, cusses, and scrounging up free highs.

Todd strips are like an old Indian man stopping you on the sidewalk, reaching into a nearby dead tree and pulling out an orphaned baby bird. Only with drugs.

I...I don't know what you just said but...say more of it.

Fensler Film GI Joes. If you haven't seen them, you may miss the reference here. Go and find them. Oh god please go RIGHT AWAY.

"hey kid... I'm a computer."

stop all the downloadin'

I do no much bout computers cept this one I got at my house an my mom put some games on there an I play em-


Oh there is no way in hell I was cribbing off some tired internet thing NO WAY

Oh. Well then. Sorry that your image there brought back fond memories...

oh great....

now unsentletter is [i]crying[i/].

Your tears they are... the rain of all of our fears?

*a rose petal falls into a dying man's bourbon*

he looks up to see the naked teenager of his twisted broken dreams writhing on the ceiling of the bar.

Todd would run a weekly show in which he is given a number of strange objects, and he must find a way to get high off them.

Yay! I love finding new jokes/levels in old comics. I just realized the reason those fuckers owe Todd five bucks is that he made a bet with them about sleep death.

Wow. You just took me to school in the SCHOOL BUS OF KNOWLEDGE... sigh.. I'll work on that one.

Yeah, I like noticing new things the second time around. I just realized what Todd meant by "now no one gets the bean salad" after vomiting.

Todd has come back from heaven addicted to horrible drugs.

todd is like the squirrel from ice age if he was a modern squirrel and not neurotic about acorns.

Todd is the Macguyver of gettin' high. Imagine if he aplied himself to something useful!

All roads lead to [dense black square]

Except when it leads to nobody getting the bean salad now.

which really is a dense black square if you think about it.

not a huge fan of these flowcharts, for some reason...

It is lame to not like everything.

Todd's fantasy illustrates perfectly why I hate Todd.



Sometimes it's a small metal Ratt that everyone forgot about.

Todd is the man, yes, but how dare he have a terrible cocaine addiction at Philippe's birthday party.

But then it turned out he didn't!

I love how completely enthralled he is by the imaginary giant metal flip-off. Actually, after much introspection, I realized I would pay a surprising amount to have such a flip-off on my lawn.

I imagine Todd to have this medium-high pitched voice with a strong New Jersey accent, all stuttering and being a spaz.

"It's so...important" sums up my thought process every time I did drugs