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Meeting Lonis F. Edison Monday, October 9, 2006 • read strip Viewing 48 comments:

This was the first achewood strip I ever saw.

Weird place to start...but then again, just as good as any other! Why does this comment get lames or chubbies?

because it is at the top

If you think that's weird, my first one was the day the Achewood Machine broke.

The first one i saw was in the bath-house arc. I was SO CONFUSED

Todd's been sitting on this little nugget for some time.

Little free steaks. Gross.

Alt text: "Todd's on this thing so often he should have theme music and bumpers."

This is stone true, talking label or no talking label. Todd deserves branding.

A comment left by k_buttsworthe was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, sarmatron, NDCaesar, Taidje_Khan, cailetshadow)

Notice that the framing of the bottle label mimics the framing of Achewood panels to an astounding degree...

Otherwise the director is wasting a lot of space with the shot of Todd.

The director has no concept of mis-en-scene.

I wonder if this is where cartilege head got his inverse wine bottle...

A comment left by joestork was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Rhadamanthus, jyri00555, Scorpio_nadir)

The little old-school countdown "2" is such a nice touch

A comment left by ringwoodcomics was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Norrec, TonyHighwind, snitchy, Spenham, slickshoes3234, farqussus, NDCaesar, Xerol, godfatherofsouls, trawser)

A comment left by slab64 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by apocowarg, TonyHighwind, Lumus, Axhoola, ringwoodcomics, shortside40, Satyr, gnjdfsgk)

Thanks! Such civility.

A comment left by slab64 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Mangtastic, Lumus, cailetshadow)

but there you are

The words of a stoned cat.
Not in his right mind.
Being a dick to strangers is justified if they ain't done nothing for you and ain't going to.

the todd and T conversation is great and reminds me of the episode where they're listening to a police scanner and happen to pick up beef and molly ordering at a drive thru

I didn't really think much of this strip until I realized it was the "worst" conversation. (would I be on that beer label? Probably.)

I think I understand the source of the magical realism.

I think todd's entire presidential campaign was broadcast live from that bottle!

I want a poster of panel #3. Oh my gosh, do I want a poster of panel #3.

Exactly. Best expression of his.

hahaha. good call, man...i want one too.

OHHHH the "Perceived Goods." Aristotle always sets my lady-parts on fire.

I'd buy such a bottle.

Edison freaks me out even more than Cartilage Head for some reason. I think it's his mood swings.

is it just me or is this guy straight out of a tintin comic?

Man you're right. Like the gangster from Tintin in America.

Gotta say, I've like this arc better now that I'm reading it through a second time. It's got some pretty wicked photoshop, too.

Lonis F. Edison is both the creepiest character ever, including Zell and Cory. Of course, Lonis is also the source of hundreds of fantastic quotes. So I am forced to love his comics.

I actually find Todd's argument compelling.

Everything about this strip is awesome.
From the surprised door, to the absurdity of a beer bottle talkie, and then tying it together with Todd's little gem as the worst conversation being had currently..
This is fantastic.

I really like the ideas and the writing in this whole arc, but something about Lonis F. Edison doesn't work with me at all. Something about the way he's drawn makes this whole thing seem all... wrong, somehow. Something keeps me from liking him, no matter how hard I try.

these feelings are natural, after years of evolution your body still holds natural terror in the face of the Lord

I wonder if he picked up Todd's interview for Vice President. Man that was rough!

I had totally forgotten about this brilliant, brilliant punch-line.

it's the first time reading this strip in about a year for me, and it just struck me that lonis invented a parallel youtube but on a beer bottle

i was just thinking that this strip is in black and white, and then i realized that all of the strips are in black and white.

this one just does so in a particularly pointed way. like the cartilage head arc.

The alt text alone merits a five! How does Onstad consistently make good strips?

And I would so buy that bottle. I don't care what the price would be, I want one.

boy am i glad it just plays worst conversations in english, otherwise it'd be me on that last strip (cuz i'm mexican)

since i started reading this storyline, courage the cowardly dog has been on cartoon network, surreal...?

Todd's gesturing with his arms as if the answer should have been obvious. The next thing he might have said would be ", schmendrick!"

As terrible as Todd can be, I have a feeling he is at least equaled in his time on the bottle by Showbiz.

...Camel fuckers!

I think Lonis is Onstad's most well crafted character from a completely visual perspective. Minus the fuzzy outline and that's an awesome looking dude. Very distinct from the other characters, obviously on purpose, but still.

Good lord. If I could give this a 10,000 I would. The world's worst conversations beer bottle is just wonderful

Considering so many of the worst conversations happen while imbibed, I'd think eventually someone drinking this would end up just watching themselves for the duration of the drink.