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The Murder Commission Friday, June 18, 2004 • read strip Viewing 63 comments:

Fast fact, "krik" is the all purpose noise Onstad uses for neck-snaps. Example, see the Todd Creation Myth when he drops a stork.

Someone ought to make an Achewood tally along such lines. Number of necks snapped, bozacks shown, number of times Phillipe has been brought to tears by the aforementioned or other.

That's one of the things I hope for most from this Acheworld thing. If they add meta-tags or the ability to search these comments, we could build up a catalog of themes and tropes just by pointing them out as we notice them.

yeah let's care about weird things

Some ain't need to be stoned to have strange cares.

what else is there, really

Channels 3 and 4 are awesome.

They're the multi-purpose channels you'd set up your Nintendo to show up on. An area can have one or the other... but not both .

A comment left by epicurus was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by JimTS, Fielding, yomimono)

It would be a little bit wrong if you were reading achewood, while not being a little bit fucked, now wouldn't it.

The truly sad thing is that, looking back, I can't recall if I was actually drunk when I posted that or not.

Well, one comment was 9 months ago and the other was 6 months ago, so unless you were claiming to having been so FUCKEd right now for three months... I'm not really sure your defense made sense.

Haha I rhymed. She Gets With Ladies But In The End They Do Not Like Her!

I probably shouldn't bother with this, but my possible explanation is that I was sober when I wrote "channels" and then later got home from a bar or something and achewood was open and I came across the comment. In other words, there is probably no connection between "Dude I totally said "channels" " and "I am so fucked right now" - those are just two different observations made by a drunken man.

THAT is AWESOME. God. Whe i introduce friends to this comic, it will have to be whole they are stoned or drunk.

All looking over their shoulder taking the mouse, clicking through the archives randmnly, saying "Wait wait... you gotta read this one... this one is... wait wait... this is life man... this is HOW IT WORKS... wait..."

Clicking onto the next comic before they even get a glimpse of the last one. "No wait... this one man..." All laughing without seeing anything but blurs.

Sir I commend you!
also a shiny new chubby from me to you

If you get rid of the grey box and wire it straight from the nintendo, You can get 3 and 4 at the same time. I found this out when I didnt have that connector so I had to make do with paperclips and speaker wire.

No-No has slippery little hands. They're like eels. Snappin' eels.

Panel five scares me. A lot.

No-no is just so... expectant.

I bet No-No sized Beef up for murder the moment he saw him.

Oh, wait, I can't say that. That's the alt text.

I didn't notice how really creepy that is until I read your comment.

But damn is it ever. I love how atmospheric Achewood can be.

My mind shut down in terror after panel 4.

See guys, the only thing required to get out of heaven is OH GOD WHAT ARE YOU DOING

Trouble Man commissions the murder acts, and No-no delivers the goods.

No-No is one who also Gets Things Done.

Different things though.

Is No-No wearing a diaper, underwears, or is his business bandaged?

It looks to be underwear, in the "tight-white" style.

Could be a Jesus-on-the-cross loin cloth.

his foot is bandaged from kicking too much ass

Murdered in heaven. Seems kind of redundant.

Hey, uh, what DID Molly die of the first go-around?

too much ocean in the lungs I'd guess

Water poisoning


dihydrogenmonoxide poisoning is no laughing matter.

I love how blurry the line between life and death is in Achewood. And how strange are the gateways that lead back and forth.

How Strange Are The Gateways is my favorite Yes album.

The addition of eyebrows and movements lines turn No-No from vaguely humorous-looking into a thing of which nightmares are made

The slow, sinuous creeping of panels 4-6 creeped me out far, far worse than the culmination. Something about the way those frames translated to movement in my head...

I know, right. Those eyebrows are the scariest damn things.

No-No is like a Jim Woodring character.

no-no was ready and willing

Check it out. As No-No preforms the act of murder, he suddenly is wearing a tie.

I think it's the side of his body

Nah, I prefer Paco's way. We're going to go with that.

Yes, I agree, he is wearing a Magical Murder Tie.

Was there ever an official strip wherein Trouble Man and No-No were named?

This one.

I didn't appreciate it before, but looking quickly from the before-last to the last panel, the motion and violence of Beef's (reverse?) death are pretty well-conveyed.

The sudden appearance of No-No's vivid white eyebrows terrifies me.

Still horrifies me.

There's an insinuation of speed across those last panels and it's stomach turning... you can almost hear No-No's breath on Beef's neck.

Chilling. =5

Brutal man, just brutal.

No-No creeps me the fuck out. Honest to god bad dreams resulted from this strip. No-No all just slithering up behind me.

Who knew there was so much Math in death?



Rob Halford is the current vocalist for Judas Priest. Funkmessiah is saying that he was listening to the song 'Night Crawler' as he read this, and song & comic synched in a creepy way! I think.

Oh! Thank you.

Either that or Rob Halford snuck up behind him while he was on his computer, put one clammy hand on his neck and whispered it into his ear. I prefer to think it happened like that.

I like how these strips have been alternating between Phillipe's campaign and Beef's creepy experience. It's a good balance here

It makes me wonder if Trouble Man & No-No burned the place down...

I just realized that No-No kind of reminds me of a giant version of Todd. Maybe that's why I like him so much. Also, his cast is hilarious looking.