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Guest artist: K. Thor Jensen Tuesday, March 25, 2003 • read strip Viewing 18 comments:

eehee.... I love this.

A comment left by groman was marked as spam and excluded. groman: What a douche. (reported by hellofyellin, mortshire, m1st3rbl4ck)

I like to think he carried it round the corner but drove it on the straights, 'cos he does what he's told.

I like to think he's still walking the van in a straight line to this day.

Nowadays I don't think anyone would even slightly care what Todd does once he's left the house.

not even Todd.

later, he forgets to turn off his signal.

"i maybe don't think"

I love kthor and I love this strip.

whatever happened to kthor, anyway?

It's creepy how everyone's just sorta standing around, silent and straight-faced.

I know a Thor Jensen. I wonder....

this has a nightmarish quality.

Now this one I really like.

I like this much more than the previous guest strip. I love the way it doesn't occur to any of them that they could just carry Todd home, or leave him to sleep it off.

I like this one too, but I get a nails-on-chalkboard feeling when I see Philippe's name misspelled in an actual strip. As if it didn't get mutated enough on these boards.

that blinker had me laughing a good five minutes.

This is what it feels like when you're a kid and an adult gives you a task that they didn't really think through.