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DID YOU THINK I'D STOP AT "RAD CHILIES?" Friday, July 26, 2002 • read strip Viewing 59 comments:

A comment left by nsrdude was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ted0phile, sirhan_duran, ishuta, ButterMoths, saddestking, riotdejaneiro, Overmedicated, Hipjiverobot, Jesler729, Manxome, 7th_shot, decagon, Jhunter, Connellingus, furysama, cryptfiend85, rhymesforkids, farqussus, ActualTaunt, Howard, Sweetlips, MortisInvictus, DrSkradley, luckypyjamas, aHatOfPig, LaserBlade, Magb, shoethings, diplomat76, TheSoulBear, FinnS, Boyd, echidnaboy, Saint, afvbs)

PHILIPPE IS FI- ah, screw it.

This comment would've been much improved if not for the "Lol,".


I wish just once I could use the phrase "wicked sack" in conversation and people would not look at me funny.

A comment left by saint was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ted0phile, ishuta, riotdejaneiro, Overmedicated, NotGodot, goocifer, cmjhogan, farqussus, the_dingle, ConnorMc, Zem, FinnS, cailetshadow, trawser, Carten)

I think you need new friends centipede.

people who cannot accept the term have no wicked sack

A comment left by saint was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Sakana, Overmedicated, NotGodot, fosters, hellsfruition, farqussus, the_dingle, ConnorMc, Zem, trawser, Carten)

I believe it.

you'd better

How else can Phillipe pedal the Sex Bicycle, but with his wicked sack?

His legs sure ain't long enough.

I believe Phillipe's sack is wicked.

How can I work the phrase 'wicked sack' into a conversation?

Easy! Next time someone's talkin' noise be like "you must have some pretty wicked sack to be talkin' that way." I cold used it yesterday.

But what if their response is "You'd better believe that I have wicked sack"? I mean, how do you respond to that?

You can't.

A respectful nod and grunt, as befits your Fellow of Wicked Sack.

Those with wicked sacks don't consider themselves fellows. They are competitors.

Learning to work wicked sack into various things is a rite of passage.

I remember when my parents tried to tell me about working my wicked sack into stuff. Like, I know this stuff already. Gross!

I like how Philippe's sunglasses don't rest on his ears.

Wicked sack entirely trumps rad chilies.

"You'd better believe I have wicked sack" should be on a t-shirt.

Maybe a button or patch. Then you could button/sew that onto a backpack and go to school with your books.

I... what?

Well you get a button or a patch with "you'd better believe i have wicked sack" and then you take that button or patch, and attach it to your backpack. The backpack being a wicked sack. Or you pin it to your balls? I'm not sure.

Oh. I was mostly confused about the school thing. I don't think they'd appreciate it if I just turned up with some books.

Yeah, it is kind of weird chillin' on the elementary Big Toys, readin' some Palahiuk.

You'd think that the sex bicycle would have training wheels.

It's always wise to take precautions.

Training Wheels aren't dangerous or sexy.

They are if you're a pedophile.

No, they still aren't. I'm down for the thrill of the chase.

Todd is shown here in the classic Jerry Springer "Oh no you dit'int!" pose.
But even this is no match for Philippe's wicked sack.

Oh snap, Philippe has gone BAD! Awesome!

This is like when Angel lost his soul. Damn.

Oh man soulless Angel's about a trillion times better than regular Angel.

the bit where he smokes a hooker's cigarette through her throat ranks up there in the list of best tv moments

His chasing and killing Miss Calendar and then leaving her for Giles to find is like one of the most harrowing, hard-to-watch-but-can't-look-away things ever.


It would be physically impossible for Philippe to properly use that bicycle...er, Sex Bicycle.

clearly you are unaware of his wicked sack

A comment left by nucleargeranium was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by phthoggos, the_dingle, shirt145)

Man I'm trying to be judicious with my strip ratings this time through but this whole arc just earns five after five.

This strip is made so much better if you imagine Philippe talking with Billy Idol's voice.

It's like Billy's soul rocked Philippe into puberty.

I tried to not touch the Sex Bicycle.

I have not looked at ducks the same way ever since.

I personally have not looked at ducks the same way ever since I saw this

Holy shit.

That is a pretty neat bicycle.

His sack is so wicked it has horns and smells of brimstone.

i'm not normally one to comment on meta-features of the strip, but the combonation of bravado in the strip title and meekness in the alt-text just slays me every time

BELIEVE that shit, Todd.

buh-LEE' dat!

If achewood were made into a movie, the last line of this strip would be one of the lines that flashed by in the trailer for it while dramatic music plays (because achewood wouldn't be a comedy, but rather a serious movie with funny parts) Leonardo DiCaprio would play Phillipe, at first I know this sounds offensive, but watch "whats eating Gilbert grape" now imagine a portrayal halfway between that and his acting in the man in the iron mask, which by the way, gave him experience playing a character named Phillipe, so when you're watching it and someone calls him Phillipe and he looks, you would be like "I really felt that his name is actually Phillipe."

In this installment of Achewood it is subtly revealed that Todd no longer wears a thong.

You ever read your own comment from sevral months ago and think "hey that's what I would have said" before you realize it was you? Alcoholism lets you enjoy life multiple times over, it's the pictures that are a bitch.

I'm puzzled as to why I can no longer change my votes.
I gave this a 4 last time, but want to promote it to a 5 now. Why can I not? =(

It is heart-rending to see Onstad so embarrassed by the alt text.