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Ray's Magreaux Dog Wednesday, September 6, 2006 • read strip Viewing 68 comments:


A comment left by thereminhero was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by randombeing, joeyramoney, Darthemed)

While I love Achewood to death, this is one of the few strips that I would consider buying as a signed strip - just 'cause of the way that the dog tries to be human. Bonus points are scored for the fact that it starts crying once it can't walk, as if facing the horrible truth that it's just not human.

I'm not trying to be an ass, but isn't it trying to be a cat?

Yes. Actually, I like the way cats are human in Achewood, but dogs are generally still dogs.

But can still rock a sweatshirt.

> While I love Achewood to death, this is one of the few strips that I would consider buying as a signed strip - just 'cause of the way that the dog tries to be human. Bonus points are scored for the fact that it starts crying once it can't walk, as if facing the horrible truth that it's just not human.

Holy crap; yes.

It's enough to shake a dude.

And immediately after, the strip also reminded me of the Mr. Bungle [/url song "[url=https://www.lyricsdirectory.com/index/M/Mr.%20Bungle/Mr.%20Bungle%20-%20Stubb%20(A%20Dub)%20lyrics.htm] Stubb (A Dub) " =

" Do you really think you're gonna grow into a human being? "

Crap, my bad; here's that part with no BBcode stuff:

And immediately after, the strip also reminded me of the Mr. Bungle song "Stubb (A Dub)" =

" Do you really think you're gonna grow into a human being? "

Damn that song forever. Sad as the dickens.

Sometimes Onstad does this thing in media res and you gotta just hang on and trust he knows which way it goes. Such as this.

A comment left by asherdan was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Zefiel, MR_Wilson, SenseiHollywood)

It lightens my heart to see that people have restrained themselves from laming Asherdan into oblivion for no reason on this comment.

i cried a little watching this dog try to be so human

... so feline, you mean.

I remember after this strip Magreaux Dog had its own, separate Wikipedia page. This was such a wierd arc and yet I could not criticize it because it was also hella funny.

I remember that too. I'm glad I wasn't the only person who tried to look it up on Wikipedia.

I loved this story arc so much that I animated the magreaux dog. It's crappy, but I wanted to stick it up here. Bask in its microsoft paint-esque glory. (that is if I can get the BBcode to work)


I feel like this is possibly the weirdest strip. I remember when I first saw this strip Ithought it was funny, but at the same time i didn't really get it, it's like it was making reference to a true thing that i didn't know about. Achewood does that a lot and i think it's great.

A comment left by agika was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by silver_lake, nutmeg, Darthemed)

Most dogs are not like the ones they used to show on America's Funniest Home Videos . Most dogs cannot walk on two legs very well.

Panel ten to eleven, Magreaux dog's thoughts...

Oh man oh man I about to walk this thing OH GOD NO PEOPLE ARE AROUND

I am sorry that was lame. Thank you for your time and patience.

I think the dog failing to walk indicates that dogs are way lower than cats and teddy bears in the Achewood/Underground pantheon...the anthropomorhization just never took...

Evidently Onstad is a straight-up cat person.

even though he owns a dog?

Well, how could he own a cat if he saw cats this way? That would be like owning a midget or something. Not cool.

Wrong. Licensed midget ownership is the coolest thing ever.


You make them battle.

With a little round bed with their name on it...

He owns a dog, not a cat.

The Magreaux Dog is one of my favourite pieces of Achewood folklore. It's like the uncanny, the doppleganger, but filtered through the awesomeness of Achewood.

This strip came along about when I started reading Achewood regularly . . . I have great affection for it.

It is probably not classy to respond to one's own comment 10 months after the fact, but I was just wondering, how many people who hate on the Magreaux Dog get their giggle on for the Mexican Magic Realism camera? I mean, the concept of a Magreaux God is hell of Magic Realist.

Magreaux . . .. dog .

Of all the late-night-induced errors to make . . . what a strange one to chance upon . . . (he says while nervously looking over his shoulder)

Freudian slip. Nice canonical theory, though...all Lacan's Mirror Achewood.

I tried to write a song about the Magreaux Dog once. I couldn't get the lyrics to come out as non-shit (my fault, not Onstad's), but I liked the chord progression, which is a I-III-VI-I in a melodic minor key. The augmented III chord makes it.

Beef's dialogue in the last panel is classic.

Magreaux sobbing is almost as sad as Philippe running home to avoid a any more bad luck related happenings.

That dog is seriously the best bad knock-off of Ray.

I keep laughing more and more as I view panels 6-12 over and over again.


One of the most famous death omens of British folklore is a large. spectral demon dog called Black Shuck. A death omen is something that comes to collect souls. It is a British belief that if someone envisions the Black Shuck they may expect death to come within a year. The large, all black, demon dog is about the size of a calf, with large eyes that glow yellow, green or red as if on fire. These spooks are often headless, with large glowing holes for eyes. They mostly haunt graveyards or enter the homes of their victims. When the Black Shuck comes to claim his victims!
his bone-chilling howls can be heard rising above the wind. His feet make no sound, but people can feel his breath on their necks. There are many names for this unwanted visitor, such as, Galleytrot, Old Shuck, Shug Monkey, the Hateful Thing, and Hell beast. Hopefully this superstition does not exist, but if it does, it's characteristics will not go undetected. (Guiley 43)

Thanks for that. I love being freaked out at 3 in the morn.

Holy fuck!

Death omens from overseas... awesome .

I feel positive that all those various Black Shuck names have been used up by British metal bands over the years.

Shug Monkey \m/

It's daytime and I am now afraid to go to my car, that dog is going to get me. I think I am paranoid probably?

Well, considering that they can enter the homes of their victims ... you're not safe anywhere, my friend.

I still have under the covers, it's safe there right........

Yes, under the covers is always safe. Well, as long as you're alone there.


Someone's got a thing for laming reasonable posts from Alzuna. How... queer.

That's fucking metal.

Something about Ray sniffing that way is so moving... And it's the real kind of crying, like when a wave kind of raises up through your throat into your tear ducts, instead of his usual "ABLOOBLOO AH BLOOOO"

I've been trying to look the origin of the word Magreaux, and I'm getting nothing but references to this strip. How did Onstad come up with it? Is anyone here good with etymology who can take a crack at this?

I am good with etymology. I am not that good. The closest cognate I could find was French: Maigre-eau ("thinning water.")

I just sort of strung words together until they were pronounced Magreaux and sounded ominous. Magreaux is also a name given to French dudes.

How much do you want to be it's pronounced "McGruff"?


Well I'll be damned.

The Magreaux dog trying to walk almost had me on the floor - oh the hilarity

The dog sees an audience, licks the straw and makes his move. Awesome.

If only there was a roller skate somewhere in this strip.

Man, Onstad is hell of unsettling when he wants to be. This magreaux dog thing already scares the shit out of me.

It tried to walk . Christ.

Seriously. I don't know why everyone else is laughing; that thing is CREEPY.

"we gonna cheat this"

very good.

Panel 16: "A BLOO BLAH BLOO"

I just... it... This is the saddest thing.

This is the saddest thing.

Dammit, scratch that comment, i didn't see carlyle's.

Man that dog is a hell of bastardized Ray.

the magreaux dog is a stupid idea, onstrad. just so's you know.

I'm intrigued by Onstad's creation here.

There have been very few cartoonists (if any) willing to produce an entirely new piece of mythology and build a joke around it within a single strip. It shows skill and a general lack of ego.

Onstad could have easily paraded the Magreaux Dog as an example of creative genius but he instead chooses to make fun of it and potentially soften its impact. This could have been the start of a serious, introspective story-arc about death and coming to terms. Instead it ends with a video colonoscopy and a reference to Lyle's "acting".

The fact that Onstad does this kind of thing REPEATEDLY throughout Achewood is pretty incredible stuff.