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Done at Rudy Cava Friday, March 10, 2006 • read strip Viewing 72 comments:

To win the GOF you must kick more than 3 asses.

this strategy did make much sense at the time.

Slap, Dap

Pouf, Slif


chatter chatter chatter chatter...



sniff snaff snoof

Jesus H. Christ

that is not an onomatopoeia.

It can if you just Believe !




That is a sick move.

God damn this strip is heartbreaking.

For a guy with a Max avatar you sure do have an aversion to wanton violence.

That this comment did not even have a second chubby before I came along decries the foul state of our race.

Panel (counts slowly) 13 is beautiful. You can feel how Beef is being totally genuine. This is brain tape from small times, and he is finally here.

Are you raw enough to beat down your oldest friend? (I am not.)

My oldest friend can tear through aluminum cans with her teeth. This is not a question of my soul being raw, but of my spine.

Whoa. Hot.
Could you introduce me?

It doesn't matter; I'm not strong enough to beat down my oldest friend.

Fugue to Berserk- "That's like comparin' a lunatic to a pissed man with goals."

this is the greatest achewood line

The goals of a pissed man (English US): turning the men who beat up your best friend into cowboy sauce
The goals of a pissed man (English UK): chatting up the pub owner's daughter and passing out on top of a half-eaten kebab

This strip taught me a new word.

Was it "goals"?

In panel thirteen beef uses punctuation !

That's a thing right there.

A comment left by cleave was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by katsura, Ariamaki, _cheesekayke, Wulvaine, yingkaixing, STUART)

Beef took a spare set of woodwork goggles to plant on the ground so that Ray would think he has been taken out.

The kid had this whole damn thing laid out.

I think it's the same set of goggles. You can see that it now has the cracks in it that first appeared when Ray found them on the ground.

That's a pretty extensive statement to just "let slip".

What was your childhood like?

"Well, in my youth I had seven sisters who would pin me down and dress me in a pink frilly tutu- I MEAN DIDN'T HAVE"

I would be so honored to have Beef as my best friend. He's loyal to the max. A true blue dude.

That kick is actually largely ornamental, the psychologically demeaning lines preceding it are what really destroyed Cava.

If lightning strikes a rotten tree and it collapses, it's not the fault of the lightning

Sure, blame the victim.

Yeah, but the kick has some style


Nice combo!

A string of Verbal abuse followed by a well placed flying roundhouse... the crowd would go wild.

he didn't even look pissed about what ray was saying.

just sad.

that's shock

The verbal blow Ray dealt him was the equivalent of a metal baseball bat with nails welded on to the temple. The look you see on Rudy's face is the look of a man dead and standing.

Why did this post instantly remind me of the part in "Ender's Game" where he cold kills that dude in the bathroom? Chubby for random memory spike.

Same here, man! Although I did reread Ender's Game a few months back. I cycle back to it probably once a year. Totally a defining book for me.

I love how Beef calls defeating Ray last a way to get "much style points," like a skateboarding video game. And Onstad, as if reading my mind, immediately has Ray use the word "tricky" in the next panel. I think that's from SSX or Jet Set Radio Future or something.

I love Beef's definition of "berserk". I can definitely see charging vikings as pissed men with goals.

i feel pretty sad for Rudy Cava

Ray has his left hand in his thong while giving Rudy Cava a flying roundhouse kick to the face. Rude.

I see that as a sort of kung fu hand thing.

I just noticed the JESUS H. CHRIST in the midst of Ray's "chatter"s. cool.

...does using it as onomatopoeia count as "in vain"...? I really don't think that's ever come up before...

The fourth row down is just...elegant.

Ray and Beef are the so rude in this arc. I've given every strip a 5.

Reminds me of Fighter Hayabusa's deadly Back-Brain Kick.



I don't know. I am a full-throated advocate for Ray, but there is something special and different about a final fight. Dude such as Rudy Cava comes up, face caked with the blood of lesser men, eyebrows all aglow with determination. It seems like that last match is just straight up about beating the shit out of each other. No words. No strategy. No intellectual feints. Just one final, clear act of brutality.

Offering to dress someone up in the hopes that their father will molest them isn't brutal?


I'm Miranda and i don't like commenting because im a lazy woman

Ray is a master of cruelty.

There are some places you just shouldn't go, especially when you're just going to kick ass in a second.

Ray maligned his manhood and then kicked him in the temple. His body may recover, but his pride is on life support and slipping fast.

5 for dap

Harsh! What the fuck, Ray!?

Ray's patter is TOO harsh

That picture of Beef from behind with his arms raised is used several times during this arc, but I'd never really noticed until I read the book. It becomes very obvious when art is reused, and a lot of art is reused in this arc.

Not that I'm criticising Onstad or anything. It just interested me.


Like comparin' Charlie Manson to Lee Harvey Oswald.

Huh? Neither ever killed anyone.


Rudy, Rudy, your hair is a mess

Rudy, Rudy, you tore your dress