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The Party: Day XXII: No is Philippe. Is Vlad. Wednesday, April 10, 2002 • read strip Viewing 32 comments:

We all wish to be at least half as classy as Vlad the King of Makeouts.

I wish, but I'm only the Earl of Second Base... and I think Norfolk.

The mental image of Vlad making out with Philippe's mom is too much to bear.


this comment... owns!!!

To quote Teodor, EEEEEEEAUUGH

Poetry in motion. Vlad, we love you.

She blinded me with science!

Dolby ref: so bad, it's bad. consider yourself chubbed.

Hey, aren't you the guy who was yelling at me about Wings?

A comment left by rotating-dog was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by johnnybaverage, Cycerin, Overmedicated, godfatherofsouls)

Didn't you learn

A person who still quotes the Simpson is like a cowboy who will not shoot his crippled horse, and instead keeps it in a kiddy pool under a giant beach umbrella, and brings it blended up oat smoothies.

The puf heard around the world.

Philippe has a cell phone. And he is five. And Vlad is totally using it to mack on his mom.

I imagine that his mom bought him the cell phone, and it can only dial her number, and can only receive calls from her. This is what I imagine.

hmm, i wonder why philippe's mom appears to be very old when philippe's only 5. guess i gotta hit up wikipedia for some otter reproductive system info.

ALT text: "No is Phillipe. Is Vlad."

ALWAYS happens, in the middle of a ma, hot party, MOM calls. "Kill the music, guys -- and stop that screaming!" Don't make her come over there!

Ever notice how much Phillipe's mom looks like Sondra Smuckles (Ray's mom)? It's the hairdo.


We don't know Philippe's last name, or the identity of LN's parent (Ray's sibling), and have you ever seen Philippe's mom and Sondra in the same place at the same time? I didn't think so!

There may be more to this!

maybe I missed something along the way, but why does phillipe not live with his mother?

he got kicked out didn't he...

Because Philippe's mom lives in Ohio.

Vlad: keep an eye on that mechanical Polish fucker or he'll become your new father the first chance he gets.

Philippe's mom is the most hilarious-looking lady in the universe.

With an outfit like that, how could she NOT get retirement breakfasts at Denny's?

i don't get what vlad does in the last panel. blowing? whistling? trying to sound like a summer breeze?

Is beink wind of thousand memories.

Does this vaugely imply to anyone else that Vlad is Phillipe's father? No? Just me?

If Phillipe was half robot, it would explain why he doesn't age...


This is exactly how my parents met.

Phillipe's mom sure got old in the last eight years.