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Fuck You Friday, January 7, 2005 • read strip Viewing 94 comments:

I was not glad that I did this.

Fuck you.

Your icon totally wraps that up in a nice package it does.

A comment left by zefiel was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by thedice, ShemmJacc, riotdejaneiro, Thorfinn, trisha, Kleptonis, aquamuffin, Sweetlips, MortisInvictus, aHatOfPig, plusigot125, mystkmanat, Doc_Rostov, LiquidCruelty)

And then kicked one of us in the chest plate.

A comment left by overmedicated was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ShemmJacc, ezcmac, karljw, StoatLad, Thorfinn, ohmygooses, solobuttons, hcaz, king_of_pwns, trisha, NDCaesar, aHatOfPig, Magb, Zem, Methadone, LiquidCruelty, Appers, kestral)

A comment left by overmedicated was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ShemmJacc, ezcmac, karljw, StoatLad, Thorfinn, redion, ohmygooses, solobuttons, hcaz, king_of_pwns, trisha, NDCaesar, aHatOfPig, Setzkin, Zem, LiquidCruelty, Appers, kestral)

A comment left by overmedicated was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ShemmJacc, ezcmac, StoatLad, Thorfinn, ohmygooses, solobuttons, hcaz, king_of_pwns, trisha, NDCaesar, aHatOfPig, aesop_punk, Magb, Zem, Methadone, LiquidCruelty, HomeSkool, kestral)

A comment left by zem was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Lolsworth, Sweetlips, ohnoadeathray)

Fuck you.

A comment left by pogo was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by kenthegod, zpa, jezebel, kestral)


The Crucifixion is observed on a Friday actually. Good Friday was the original Fuck You Friday.

What's so good about it, then?

One man died to save us all from sin. That's pretty good.

woah. i just imagined you posting that in a heartfelt way. it made me shudder.

jesus that's actually pretty terrifying.

I had to lame 2 of them so that all 3 would have the same number of chubbies and lames. i am proud of this.

I lamed "IS" just as a Fuck You ;)

I love how he responds to the drive-thru person..."No. Fuck you." In my mind, he says it all as if telling the person "that's all," and the tone makes it all the better. Come enjoy how it sounds in my head with me.

Fuck you, I will.

i don't like it that way. i'm more a fan of him saying a blunt and low 'no, fuck you'.

"Fuck along, now".

fuck yes. No .. i mean.. fuck no .. i mean, fuck you, yes, i will.

Perfect avatar, dude.

Unlike most of us, Ray is able to emote a polite congeniality whilst dropping the closing f-bomb.
Let us all celebrate the "Fuck You Friday" each and every week.

This is important. A fuck you is a fuck you, but there's no need to be rude about it.


Again, strange going through the archives, reading your posts, and then suddenly, today, everything CLICKS.

A comment left by theoneyouwant was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by norm, davidbs, Zem)

Fuck you Friday has become a tradition at my job. It has expanded to encompass every day of the week.

My 21st birthday party, which fell on a Friday, was officially a Fuck You Friday party. Nobody understood why I was saying Fuck You to everyone, but it was worth it.

Pat's trail mix always deserves a Fuck You.

"I'll expect you in five minutes" Fuck You, Pat. And anyone who would ever say that.

Man, I bet the drive through person was thoroughly confused. "All I did was offer that dude some cheesecake!"

Ray is showing some wicked sack, all saying "fuck you" to someone who's about to handle his food. I wonder if Meal # 2 got the arms and backs treatment...

Goddamnit, first post ever and I forget to mark it "pro" to accurately reflect how this asset made me feel!

Fuck me.

No, fuck you, buddy, fuck you.

With pleasure.
Sorry, it's "With pleasure" Thursday around here.

A comment left by soticoto was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Mangtastic, jezebel, Doc_Rostov, tellumo)

Some people are just not fuckin' fans of cheesecake. At hoity-toity bru-ha-has all over the place, the hostess has practiced her smile in the mirror hours before, because she knows when she spins through the crowd with little sections of brie and the odd piece of cheesecake a guy might eyeball the cheesecake and respond with a semi-apologetic, "Nawp. Fuck you." Guy could be a chairman of a hosptial, it don't matter none. That's just the workins of cheesecake in action.

It was so fucking hard not to write "cheesesteak" through all that. Fuck all y'all.

Oh holy crap. Oh my God. I've heard of cheesesteak before but never knew what it actually was or looked like. I finally decided to Google it and see if it looked as bad as I imagined it would, and it is so, so much worse. Augh. Auggh , I might vomit.

A cheesesteak sandwich is actually really good.

Not the Philadelphia way, though. They make it with Cheez Whiz, which is just no good.


I mean, it ain't health food, but it can be damn tasty.

Can you prepare milksteak?

Looks to me like a steak sandwich with cheese in.
They sell those in Camden, and they're delicious.

If I ever get rich enough to where I don't have to work again, every day will be Fuck You Friday, no matter where I am, even at a family reunion or before a grand jury.

"Ladies and gentleman of the jury, allow me to speak for my client when I say: fuck you."

"We, the jury, find the defendant... guilty. Fuck you."

too literal

Lack of this is what's wrong with the justice system.

It's always a good day to take old Fuck You out for a spin. It makes a good converstion complete.

It may not be Friday, but I think I may just go on a good old fashion Cussabout anyway.

This is one of my favorite strips.
I keep it on my desktop and open it secretly whenever need be, read it over, smile, and relax.
I am a schoolteacher.

Damn! So school teachers do have personalities, they just keep them hidden?

Speaking as a high school math teacher,

Fuck You.

You teach high school math? Fuck you, man.

I like high school math!
Fuck you!

Everyone, please note that this was my first attempt at using BBcode.

Also note that I kicked it's goddamn ass.

[i}Oh yeah?[i] Wow! [b]Big round of applause for vweep![b/]


A man of lesser scruples would say something along the lines of pwn.

Instead... fuck you!

You keep your scruples to yourself!
Fuck You!

And then you had to go ruin your triumph by inappropriately using an apostrophe.

Its , vweep, not it's.

Plus, if we're getting really grammatically correct, it's "goddamned", but then no one gets that right anyway.

Gorrammit! Fuck youuuuuuuuuuuuu

This is a very therapeutic practice.

I gotta try this sometime

It would seem you could interchange "Namaste" and "Fuck you", if you're the sort to say Namaste, or if you just want to. I think "fuck you" is clearer and more friendly than "Namaste" anyway

I sure was glad i did

this is the first achewood i ever read. now im hooked

The beginning of an era...

I'd say fuck you to someone too, if they offered me something made from stawberry, EVEN IF IT WAS THE POPE.

Fuck you.

But strawberry popes are delicious!

Maaan, so much more delicious than the catholic ones!

Hey, it's Milkin!

Erm, i mean Milklin.

Oh hey, I never realized that Milklin does in fact have two Ls in it (I thought you added the only missing L).

This exchange is why Milklin was rescinded.

Mikin sounds like some asshole Zelda NPC who wouldn't let you heal because you didn't have a certain sized wallet.

As today is friday Fuck You!

Ray gets some late fast food, goes to bed, changes his mind and gets up to grill a steak, all in the time-frame of one glorious Friday.

Looks like he's grilling up a Spaghetti's Dad to me.

Pour some out for one's homies who are having a Fuck You Friday!

Thursday Blogs

Ray: What is it with eggs?
Onstad: What happens when you go on a walk.

This is just one more comment in a sea of other praise, but there really should be a feature here that bumps your post to the top of every comment section.

Fuck you! Spider Jerusalem wouldn't say that to his Filthy Assistant! I know it's not Friday but I'll say it again: Fuck you!

If it would make you feel any better, fermatprime, you could always kick me in the head and demand more drugs after I've been posting blogs for five hours straight.

"Take old Fuck You out for a spin today."

Life is a highway. Drive often.

Ray is wise beyond his cat years

One of my local radio stations has Fuck Your Friday. You call in to an automated recording thing, give your Fuck You, and they play them every Friday. I actually gave a Fuck You once, to an ex of mine. She actually heard it. And we worked together.

Not my finest moment

DiSaGrEeMeNt BoX

sorry fella, fuck you.

This is another one of those things that oddly stuck. Judas Priest Friday, no. Fuck you Friday, yes. I guess FYF is just more accessible to the general public.

When Pat is around, every day ought to be Fuck You Friday.