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Lyle's Longshoreman's Heimlich on Téodor Monday, May 2, 2005 • read strip Viewing 89 comments:

A comment left by notself was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by _cheesekayke, bo, yaegmenthor, STUART)

What really gets me is how afraid Lyle is that Teodor's pants fell down by themselves.

He is also startled to learn that Teodor is hung like a cranberry

What really gets me is how Lyle knows how to kick an asleep dude's ass. Apparently this isn't something anyone can do.

he knows how to kick an asleep dude's as without waking them up, unless they are in fact choking dead dudes

He can kick peoples asses Asleep Style.

It is the Supernatural. Lyle and Squirrel know not to mess with it.

A comment left by ghostd was marked as spam and excluded. ghostd: What a douche. (reported by Patware, heatbag, stoned_lightning)

Mr. Bear is excited by the film in a professional capacity. Hilarious.


If anyone is interested, Diis Aliter Visum means The Gods Decided Otherwise.

Thank you!

That's a tattoo waiting to happen.

Capital idea. I will be getting this tattoo.

I'm serious. Serious as hell. You have no idea how serious.

Update: Attempting (with little motivation) to find a good Latin translator so as to get a twin Latin phrase on my other arm of "Choose your own adventure".

The graphic below those words is going to be fucking insane. The Choose Your Own Adventure books always had covers like the publisher loitered outside an art school, picked up the rejects as they stumbled out, then took them home, dosed them with crack, and made them paint while tripping balls.

Seriously, two six year old kids riding a puma over a rainbow, chasing a solid gold robot with bottlecap eyes, as some mafioso below them drives through the Everglades as he fires at the viewer from a thompson submachinegun.

What the fuck.

This just made me find the best ever website:
That opening Flash animation got me so motherfucking pumped .

"Numerous talents." "Enormous intelligence." They really overestimated us.

Choose Your Own Adventure CCG? Truly, nothing is sacred.

I didn't look at it much, but on the world map they display there are graphics over several parts of the earth. New Zealand has one labeled "Forecast from Stonehenge."

I don't know if they think Stonehenge is near New Zealand rather then the near exact opposite side of the Earth, or it's ironic, or the forecast is being received by someone in New Zealand, but it makes me sad anyway.

Race Forever was the best book ever when I was a kid.

Oh my God, you are so right about the opening animation. It caused me to go "Oh man!" and stop slouching in my chair. I'm super psyched right now.

God. That thing zoomed in and up like it was the opening bars to THX SurroundSound.

Silver Wings Problem

Due to our own mistake, Choose Your Own Adventure #23 %u2013 Silver Wings has errors on every page. The directions at the bottom of each page (telling you where to turn next) are incorrect.

Errors on every page .

There is no longer a Flash animation! There is only a storefront and a link to 'Ray's Blog' (not, apparently, our Ray).

This makes me very sad, I was really looking forward to it.

drskradley, you probably gave up on the tattoo idea long ago, but in case you just haven't quite got round to it yet, it should technically be 'dis aliter visum' (not 'diis'). 'Choose your own adventure' is basically impossible to translate into Latin, it would come out as something like 'Pick a disaster for yourself!', which doesn't have quite the same ring...

While it doesn't have quite the same ring, it's a pretty apt description for my every experience with the books. I think every choice I made ended in my death, mutation, or disappearance.

Try as I might, I cannot find this book. Anyone know what it's called?

However, in my searches, I did manage to find this wondrous cover.


Only two chubbies?

I think panel ten would make a pretty good epitaph.

Many a time have I felt like panel ten, upside down, pantsless, separated from the world of the living and fully, utterly confused.

I've been looking for the perfect tattoo to commemorate the 8 year anniversary of surviving what should have been a fatal car crash (the police on scene could think of no logical reason I should be alive now). I think "DIIS ALITER VISUM" tattoo'd down the scar on my leg would be just about perfect!

The Longshoresman's Heimlich is one of the best pieces of terminology I've taken away from this strip.

For that matter, the idea of Lyle being a sailor makes a lot of sense.

Not so much a sailor as a Maritimer.

a sailor scout?

Lyle isn't proud of knowing how to kick asleep guys' asses... it's a simple fact.

Lyle rewards himself with imported beer, but it's obvious looking at him that his regular, non-reward beer is Steel Reserve.

i had lyle down as a pbr man. mind you, i've never heard of steel reserve. is that a milwaukee blue collar beer as well?

A comment left by cdl146 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by nbgreene, Beverage, Darthemed)

Let's try this again, without sucking this time...

Steel Reserve is high gravity malt liquor.

Anyone got beef with the Steel?

Is this a porno that mister bear captioned? I assume it is.

Some information on the history of the word "Fug" is avalable here .

'Sorry, This image is no longer available to public'


It was just the "The more you know" image from NBC. Fucking imagesocket.

So does this mean that Lie Bot was indeed lying when he predicted Teodor's death?

it just wasn't the whole truth

Those are the best lies.

some call it unfull-disclosure .

i wonder what lyle was rewarding himself for

tracking down a copy of 'breast attack on fuck mountain'? i'd be celebrating too.

Oh, and what a Flut it was!

this is one of the few strips that makes me laugh EVERY time i read it. the pants coming down, todd and lyle running scared at the thought, gratuitous cock, the fact that lyle is experienced at kicking sleeping asses, the fact that he doesn't want to, the fact that he DOES, the fact that mr. bear is yelling at teodor for something that is obviously extenuating circumstances, the state of the coffee table.

everything is golden.

It also has a good callback to Mr. Bear's Gilmore Girls obsession though I can't recall if that was a blog-only revelation.

And hell. This is covered a few comments down. I really need to read the full page before commenting.

Does this strip hold the title for Longest Alt-Text Ever?

It may say something that I peered close enough to notice this, but Teodor's upside-down wang changing angles in freefall (panel 10) is the funniest thing I've ever seen.

Thank you!

This strip gets a five. The reason: Onstad knows to put excessive explanation in the alt-text as opposed to a giant post -it on the strip.

My alt-text cuts off after 'showing,' even in the Properties window.

The alt text is amazing! ALT: New to the strip? The idea is that the bear in the ascot was once shot by a cat who was coughing on grappa and thus briefly held a job writing closed captioning for a pornographic cable channel. Little does he know that the television is actually showing a DVD!

I really like the fact that even though it purports to be a primer ("New to the strip?"), it really isn't helpful at all.

The alt-text made me laugh a ridiculous amount. I had to re-hover over the comic about four times because it was so damn long, and it disappears after a few seconds (does this happen to everyone else?).

I usually have to scroll and replace my cursor. I wish the alt text would just Stay there.

Why the fuck has no one mentioned that Cornelius wants to watch Gilmore Girls

That's a very good point blarghamagarky, That was probably the aspect of the strip which most stood out to me. It's odd how people can get lost in the comment-o-sphere that they forget to mention the comic itself.

He mentioned his love of the show in a blog a month or so previous to this strip.

Weekend Blogs

Ray: I ain't gonna lie %u2014 I need to get SCREWED, man!
Pat: Why do I carry a dry-erase marker? I'll tell you why.
Philippe: Bath Day!

Today's Blogs

Lyle: nother tranny fux

Everyone, if I could have your attention, please.

That blog up there, the one by Philippe, entitled "Bath Day!"?

It is the cutest thing. Read today!

Ohhh it's so heartbreaking! Philippe's blogs inevitably make me go "awwwww ohhhhhhhh nooo", in varying degrees.

Lyle is disappointed with his job of having sex with recent male to female transsexuals.

Don't do it Connie! Its one of Ray's stealth pornos!

He strode upon the cliff face betwixt a cadre of augmented nymph-beasts, caught unawares by the salubrious cavortment about his weathered device, weary as he was from his last five enterprises.

Wouldn't the DVD of BAoFM have subtitles to be activated anyway?

Possibly. But I have two points to make:

1. You might be expecting a little too much from porn production companies. But then again, it's normally the porn industry that has instigated and adopted the latest trends of home video technology.

2. I think what Chris is trying to note is that Connie did work for the Spice Channel, not whoever made the porn; the captioning that he did might not be what winds up on the actual DVD release.

I'm getting paid right now to do something else, but I'm doing this instead .

Some may have noticed it, but apparently no one said it:

The rollerskate strikes again!

molesticide mentions in his (what is 'bottom'?) comment "the state of the coffee table." Other than that I can find no direct mentioning of the rollerskate and I am appalled. It is, of course, the harbinger of achewood death (or in this case, near death experience).

You know what? I'm a jackass. It's finals week.

Shit I just realized Fuck Mountain is from Arrested Development (Gob's pitch to Stan Sitwell that morphs from Singles City to Fuck Mountain). Onstad you sly so and so.

Eh, hard to say, though, right? Fuck Mountain was from season 2 of Arrested Development, which might have been on around the same time as this...?

I hate being so nitpicky but:
The episode Switch (which I'm 92% sure that came from) January 05, so it predates this by a few months.

Switch Hitter*

Aired in January 05**


That's okay, be nitpicky; I would've looked into it further, but I was at work and didn't have the time.

Whenever someone asks me to explain Achewood, this is one of the strips I show them.

I like to believe Cornelius doesn't actually want to WATCH Gilmore Girls when he enters the room, but instead wants to engage someone in dialogue in the fashion of the show.

nice latin

Man, if my mother bought me a stuffed bear in the style of Teodor when I was but a sprout his legs would have given me just the worst nightmares.

Also, the dick.

The last line of the alt-text always gets me.

Mr. Bear is easily distracted. I love how you see the little line where his head spins round.
also, even if someone else mentioned it: *FLUT*

