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Click Robot adjustments Thursday, February 3, 2005 • read strip Viewing 103 comments:

so sad


But not the saddest thing.

I learned how to play this song and recorded it onto my computer just so I could get the full experience of this strip.

It was mind-blowing.

So, you're just going to tell us about it and not post a link? Some of us are just drummers, you know. We need help with these things.

Drummers need help with everything.

Now that's just not true. I just recently learned how to tie my shoes by myself

being a drummer myself, my natural response to disparaging comments regarding my choice of instrument is rage.

however, I recall vividly the time I tried to twirl my drumstick and it flew out of my hand, and I watched (time always seems slow when you fuck up indescribably badly) as it gracefully arced and stabbed my girlfriend in the eye

oh hell
I guess what I'm trying to say is "drummers need help with everything"

Except, as we see in your story, the ladies. At least there was a lady to get stabbed in the eye. Perhaps there was still a lady there later.

perhaps she needs help worse than he does.

When you play bass there is no lady there. There never will be either.


This man disagrees with you.


This man would likewise agree with your position.

It is not a hard-and-fast rule.

I play bass, drums, and guitar. That means I get no ladies, I need help with everything, and I have an enormous ego.

with one eye

one eye, but both her legs

Since afastidioushat isnt going to. Also, it is a G, and the B is actually Bdim6

Thanks. It was worth the wait.

I tell a lie. Fuckyoufriday is right, it is Bdim7.

Technically a B half-diminished 7. Technically.

no, it's fully diminished. B, D, F, Ab

No, it's ya'll some nerds.

Yeah, well. Shut up.

... hmm, I need to think up a better comeback...

No. That one's good.

I'm not sure if half diminished is a real term...

It's kinda sorta a real term...

that seemed like it toasted a little hard to be the song up there.

Well, I thought the first half was a faithful reproduction while the second was just him....toasting.

Who doesn't love toast?


Not rowboat. He posts toasted.


I thought the hard edge made it even cooler. This is what I want played at my funeral march the next time I'm a 1970s British punk rocker.


A comment left by saint was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Cyberbob, clintisiceman, boswelljn)

What Queen? Which son? Your comment intrigues me.

Is Phillipe wearing Ray's "gettin rutty" crown?

He brings it out when gets rich, and demands of Cornelius a pleasing dance.

I was just thinkin'. It's the exact same crown.

this one goes to a real weird place

Is that the same crown Ray wears during blog entries after sex? That is disturbing yet interesting if so.

I like the B? and G-ish chords used.

Click Bot is hardcore azn gangsta.

the B is a B diminished chord with an added sixth. (the song's in the key of A melodic minor, i believe.)

clarification- B diminished 7th.

A comment left by fuckyoufriday was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by dayvancowboy, joeyramoney, Unfun, salvagebar, SatelliteTV)

amen to that man.

A comment left by joeyramoney was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, apocowarg, saddestking, qleblat, sandswipe, Cracker, Audhumla)

I have no idea what you said but I am positive it was excellent.

now explain G-ish.

Ya'll some nerds.

. . . said the drummer.

...to the nerds.

And the whores like a choir

go "uh!" all night

The G-ish is just a regular ole G major. The B string is just on the fifth instead of the third like most people like to play their G's.

It's saying stuff like "I bring the pain, white boy".

It's G, but meant to be played in the style of the first Smashing Pumpkins album.

The G major triad is G-B-D; this is a plain old G chord it just doesn't look like it because you can fret 0 or 3 on the B string and make a G.

the Bdim takes a long time to explain (see above); but that monster paragraph really just means "if it sounds good us musicians will find a way to explain why we can do it" even though it's not neccasary.

I... I can tell a guitar apart from a flute.


All i got out of that was CHING CHONG WING WONG

Chubbied for awesome musical knowledge, but just to further the point about music being totally convoluted, it technically has to be an Ab instead of a G# since it is the 7th of B.


All played on a Rick by Teodor. Whose Rick?

this borders my favourite strip in the entire archive. i could not tell you why, but. yes.

I have been known to yell:


Before getting my drunken ass kicked to the motherfucking curb.

Is the background for when Phillipe buries click robot drawn differently to the normal style because it took place in his head? That is kind of my understanding of it after I saw the two panels in the next comic where it shows click robot in the ground and then just on the floor.

is phillipe on the road to nice pete-ness? it seems he is sorry that he had to kill click robot because he didn't like him. does he feel that he has to kill people he doesn't like and then feel as though he is burying his baby son?


holy shit this comic makes so much more sense when you play the actual tab alongside it

I know this strip is old, but here is the mp3 for the full experience

I can't get the file to start downloading, which is so sad, because you thoughtfully provided it just 38 minutes before I knew that I wanted it.

Good Lord! Stupid file hosting bastards! Well THIS one should work.

awesome, it suits the strip perfectly. all my chubbies good sir

That actually improved my opinion of this strip. Outstanding work, Blank.

Glad to be of service, Dr House.

This is amazing.

I love you.

that is a perfect...song!

this file is the only reason i've fived this strip.


Here comes a special Chubby for mrblank.

You, you are awesome

I somehow managed to lose the original file for this, so I have replaced it with a digitally re-mastered version.
Coming soon: A King is Burying His Baby Son... The prog-rock version!

I don't think I'm playing it right. It sounds more like what I could best describe as an angry, yet apathetic, dog.

Well play it like a king burying his baby son, not like a man doing wrong things to a dog. SHEESH

Try to play it like Donovan would if he had just watched "Dragonslayer."

Today's Blogs


Charley Smuckles speaks the truth: CGI is one of the leading causes of cancer. And he has surprisingly good taste in stand-up comedy.

I'd just like to point out, Téodor has a capo at somewhere around 6 or 7, but there's no direction in the tab to capo anywhere. So really Chris could have tabbed it relative to the capo, and you're all playing in the wrong key.

I capoed at 8th and 7th and it as the same feel of course. It's just a little different. I liked the B capo.

Philippe is definitely bringing the pain here. Laying it on with a trowel in fact....
Sorry =/

This strip is twice as hilarious if you imagine Click Robot speaking with the voice of that robotic greeting card from that episode of Futurama.

Imagine it.

the B? chord looks cool; makes me chuckle.

also, i am adding a series of strips to my "automatic 5" club. it now contains: roomba, tab.

Isn't this the Sullivan's Bear and Dried Duck song? The child who goes insane staring into the shop that never opens?

Bird, i mean Dried Bird!...

wet floor

i... i didn't mean to post that :C

Wait so the robot hated Philippe so much it died while hurting him? That's intense.

Having read the very next strip, I can confirm that I am a faggot.

that's an e7 in bar 2

Actually that's a E7Aug/B. And the G chord is in fact a G chord with an added fifth.

On A Rickenbacker!