If you appreciate Achewood, please support Chris Onstad (shop; gallery art.)
Fetching Cornelius Thursday, April 17, 2008 • read strip Viewing 531 comments:

A comment left by margargaret was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Dovey, straw, Norsef, apocowarg, unklmnky69, waddie, superunknown, JTTuba, Hal, flazisismuss, cmjhogan, blacksheepboy, lamelliform, NDCaesar, shades, aHatOfPig, lateadopter, nutmeg, littlefatdog, Frankreich, Appers)

A comment left by nice-on-water was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by unklmnky69, waddie, smarve, dasilodavi)

A comment left by dangelder was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, randombeing, Lonis, vheissu, Toast, MrSlickster, GregChant, theoneyouwant, thescrivener, thatskotkid)


What does that have to do with anything?

almost $250?

how close are we talking here?

A comment left by dangelder was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by thedice, straw, masterofmetroid, vheissu, smarve, retinarow)

In what way would BBCode have any bearing on your inability to type a period?

its... alive

What just happened in this conversation?

Hur hur hur...

HTML Pride

Could one of you please get things right for <[({i})]> once <[({/i})]>???

It's Code Art!


(The bracket art looks lke a crude vagina (that is the joke))

why did I type what I did?

I don't know, but I can only hope there will be more.

It was born, and then it started hurting people.

Much like this comment thread

...What did you think I was talking about? Sorry, my reply just got a little... seperated.

I love that you get 9 lames for donating $250 but only 3 lames for donating $2.50. We don't approve of charity here!

For some reason this made me laugh out loud.
I know of no earthly reason why.

Screw it. Chubby for nonsense and for interrupting everyone's train of thought.

A comment left by evolume was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by tekende, Gudamor, FineMusk, Doc_Rostov, Pigs, aperson)

Yes, because human compassion is truly a partisan affair. Thanks for clearing that one up, evolume.

A comment left by thorfinn was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, 21echoes, pantscomeoff, orvel, scriblerus, timjankowiak, LaserBlade, Sortelli, alejandroadam, iidebaser, abe, Audhumla, SurelySmack, Pigs)

Stop it! Stop it! Oh God, I HATE IT WHEN YOU FIGHT!

*Claps hands over ears, flees*

Be careful! I popped an eardrum doing that once!

My father once knew a man!

I know a guy. Call Me.

is he pretty well greened up?

A comment left by achilleselbow was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by qwertycat, timjankowiak, byronix)

A comment left by thorfinn was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, Snooba, DougTheHead, dirtyonethirty, Audhumla)

I was going to write what achilleselbow did, but he did it better. Very chubbied. Cynicism is fashionable and fun, but don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Also, one should consider whether breeding cynicism and disengagement in politics isn't exactly what the ruling body wants.

Don't ignore the ruling body when they come for your freedom, your money, or whatever. Become the ruling body.

Your mom has a ruling body.

A comment left by jollysaintpete was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by mjfitzge, megadan33, alejandroadam)

why don't they just make one party out of all the good things?

I want a raibow for president!


Man his name is Obama . Get it right.

Oh that is wonderful! V-chubby!

It's heartachingly depressing that you conclude with "life under one of these parties is significantly less odious than life under the other". Like, no other way is even imaginable.

You can vote for one of the two wings of the Business Party, or you can stay home.


You came back :)

way to make that snide bitch look like she's in the right by showing back up two days later, jay z

She won't be singin after I make her choke on Mister Dracula

I'm sorry I can only chubby this once. D:

(HINT: I'm with this dude right here.)

A comment left by possums was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by flyterminator, Magb, byronix, Doc_Rostov, notsure, Pigs)

The Eagle cries when you are a dick about terms.

Guaranteed, every time I make a comment, someone will say something about the crying eagle.

Well, it is the most eye catching avatars I've ever seen. plus it's like twice as wide as any of the others. you are like that Onion headline: "area women wishes men would stop staring at her breast implants".

wow, there are so many typos there, i need another beer.

If it was dancing and changing colors, we'd lose our shit.

Avatar Triple Threat Match: The reigning champion Miku224 will do assetbattle with newcomer Techiebabe and old favorite Possums .
Three avatars: One Winner
Will the status quo be disturbed? stay tuned.

you know, like a crappy version of what maximus did further down the page.

I think the hypnotoad should be included, because all glory to the hypnotoad and then it can be all glory to the hypnotoad two matches with the winners of each facing off in the final.

I can only hope people hit each other with folding chairs.

Or, even better, dip their bandaged fists in glue and then in shards of glass.


bet your ass i will from now on

My pleasure, communist.

More like people who found the non-sequitur funny and people who found it annoying.

do you like the smell of your own farts?, because it sounds like you do.

Is she for sale?

A comment left by spinynorman was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by waddie, blastradius, theoneyouwant, Latterman, saucy_jack)

That is because that emoticon is basically the look on Vegetable Brain's face all the time.

Naw, his is definitely half a cringe or so, like he's trying to tell you, "I will grovel at your feet if you laugh at my joke. Please love me. The only drinking container I own is a half-washed jar of mayonnaise."

It's a pretty expressive face.

There are some emotions that cannot be expressed with block text.

A comment left by mrslickster was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by the_voice, lamelliform, NDCaesar, dasilodavi, perhapsmaybe)

That looks more like a X> than a XD to me. But now I'm being pedantic.

A comment left by billylk was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, The_Prophet, wneal, the_voice, dangelder, Overmedicated, TheGrouch, flazisismuss, Pseudochron, ntopp, lamelliform, scrumpton, mortshire, catgrl131, trevor328, NDCaesar, SatelliteTV, Lumus, aHatOfPig, Magb, Setzkin, DanS, Boyd, Circadin, mrblank91, abe, perhapsmaybe, Panserbjorne, alchemicnirvana, opalleye, ouroboros)

A comment left by abe was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, Pseudochron, BillyLK)

What is your icon, anyway? Something filthy?

Oh man, you've violated one of the primary rules of Assetbar. You're in for it now.

You're not allowed to tell people they've broken a rule that you just made up.

Is that a rule you just made up?

Touche, Hypnotoad.

Awwww shit. For a minute there I thought someone was paying attention to me.

I was!

A thousand curses upon the insufficent width of my browser window.

A comment left by miseryandthesun was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by trevor328, milkpants, thacO, Zebra, perhapsmaybe)

A comment left by straw was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by the_voice, trevor328, miseryandthesun, perhapsmaybe)

Being pedantic is my job.

Dude, if you keep posting I'm gonna run out of chubbies. You have been chubbed.

If I see that FUCKING Emoticon one more time...

You'll sit on a fig?

No, he'll sit on a cake.

What... what will you do ?

A comment left by evolume was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, invidious, ntopp, steev_dayv, bixschmix, Doc_Rostov)

evolume, you are seriously on the path to ignoresville.

population: snicks

and socks and asherdan and retardo and poing.

He'll eat his hat.

A comment left by achilleselbow was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, plummet, littlefatdog)

A comment left by plummet was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by tekende, The_Prophet, ntopp, HSE, RitardoMontabum, trevor328, NDCaesar, Gumfish, Crev_Gibax, aHatOfPig, Sortelli, opprobrium, mrblank91, lazarusloafer, usversusthem, snooky, Doc_Rostov, perhapsmaybe, ubersplat, Myre)


that hat is so poorly conveyed

nice hat. Is caviar pretty good stuff plummet?



love your avatar too. it's like "what the fuck are you talking about..." where is it from may i ask? (i assume it is from a manga?)

A comment left by plummet was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by The_Prophet, hellofyellin, trevor328, NDCaesar, Sortelli, opprobrium, mrblank91, snooky, Doc_Rostov, wingspan, perhapsmaybe, Darthemed)

Manga: What the fuck, basically.

Manga- where rape is like saying hello.

Never ever ever ever admit to male friends that you don't know what hentai is. I learned this the hard way in college...

College is a learning experience.


I am nothing if not consistent.

What are we laming here? Anime? Is that what is being lamed into oblivion?


No, anime is animated, manga is static, printed, in a book like. If you want to criticize all Japanese cartoonish art, I'm not sure the general term is "anime."

The color picture up there appears to be from an anime, though.

Looks more like fanart to me.

God, whatever. Who cares.

it ain't even a real animeeeeeeeee

it's just a piece of artwooooooooork

/ goes to watch Spongebob while drunk

That is Spongebob's house.

man what the hell .

Do a urine in a Caddy today!

why is teodor angry about that observation about toilet seat behavior?
Do old people often behave strangely about toilet seats, hence the cops sympathetic demeanor?
I have a lot of questions but I still feel positive about this strip!

i love Ray's response expression though

The old spin 'n grin.

It was probably Teodor, because Ray looks quite amused afterward. I HOPE it was T.

That's definitely Ray's "I just made you look at a penis I drew" or "I just tricked you into hearing a drop of urine fall from my dong to the urinal" face.

If Ray is making that face some tomfoolery has gone on with nether regions, no doubt.

It doesn't matter who leaves the seat half up, Ray does much worse.

Much, much worse.

But he's also done pretty good .

And at least he's a lady about it.

But most importantly, this isn't actually a link .

Crap, that was supposed to look different. Oh well.

I still was a tard and tried to click it.


your avatar is definitely my favorite ritardo

DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT! For a moment I thought he was back!

I just figured it was a conspiratorial nudgewink over besting the coppers by convincing them that Mr. Bear is dafter than he actually is.

I'm thinking Teodor was the one leaving the seat like that. Either that, or Ray was doing it and just passing it off on Cornelius. Either way, Ray knows a 45 degree angle when he sees one.

None better. Ray, snookered on Stellas, head resting on the rim of the Flushmaster XE. He has only two joys at this moment: the blue of the 10,000 flushes that helps to wash his mind clean, and using his arm as a protractor.

Can ye not see it?

It's so vivid.


[scrolls down the page]

Dang... Trevor328 clearly Photoshops a lot faster than me.

Yours is still very chubby-worthy. Echidnaboy awesome 'shop, great job!

Echidnaboy, you are rad. You...are...rad!

Man, exactly.

A comment left by hedonismbot was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by blastradius, amandulence, shoethings)

There are some controversial posts on this comic. Chubbies and Lames fighting to the finish on some of these posts.

Funny thing is, I'm not so sure what's controversial about them? But they're dueling it out, that's for sure.

Noooorrrrmmmaaaaaan! Someone broke Acheworld. Make them stop. This used to be fun, now there's... well... just loads and loads of shit. Moreso!

yeah there is. There needs to be two discussion sections. One for deep discussions about >XD and such, and another for discussions about the friggin comic, for discussions that don't suck. Maybe some option to move threads in and out of the 'special discussion area' at will, per popular vote, oh, and one other thing... voting rights need to be allocated by invitation only.

Otherwise, with virtually no controls like you have now, it's only a short matter of time before fat lazy stupid homo bastards spam the place into oblivion with pedantic and ignorant blather to the point that no one in their right mind can stand the place any more, and the next thing you know this turns into Utube with kids whose minds are fried on X typing all like Little Nephew and such:H.M.S.X.U.E.L.Z. SUMR.CAMP, aka CHRIS ONSTAD, raunch fogeyed tha dope, straight lyyed 2 me about gettin' paid fo' my p[oems]. Word dick had me all junk-firm on publishin' my heartfeldtt wordzz bout CURPETER tha most modern gangsta since EMINEM.

This asset bar is a friggin recipie for anarchy.

It's like a sci-fi flick where there is a total breakdown in all of society and it's every jerkwad for his and her self.

there needs to be editorial control !

I don't know about that. I don't mean to pat ourselves on the back, but I think Achewood tends to attract intelligent readers 99% of the time. A YouTube user who stumbled onto the strip would look at it for a second and be like "wtf i dun get it lol" before moving on to graze elsewhere. Once in a while you get someone like kelis_navidad or that gladi8orrex guy, but they usually stop posting after getting lamed to oblivion (and actually those are the only two real offenders I can think of). Assetbar has been around for a while, and it's been policing itself pretty well. It's often harsh, haphazard, and over-sensitive, but there is a general collective wisdom that emerges between the extremes.

The other problem you mention - that of pedantic, long-winded discussions - is one we're contributing to RIGHT NOW EVEN AS WE SPEAK. Yea, they're fun for some people, but I can understand not wanting to read through a vertical mile of this crap.

I dunno I think you're wrong.


When people like gladi8orrex turn up, I just think that they can't be for real. Maybe he is, but it is just so jarring, it almost seems delibrate. I'm probably wrong, I'm just not used to actually seeing retarded internet comments much.

Does anyone remember Asherdan? What ever happened to that guy?

Aww, man. Did you miss Asherdan appreciation week?

Yes. On purpose.

Oh hells nah. Assetbar is still fairly civilized. If you want to see what accurate anarchy would look like, take a trip into /b/ on 4chan.org

A comment left by alreadyinuse was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by steev_dayv, RabbiDPanda, foea)

I think I might ignore you. I think I might just do it!


If it makes you happy, it can't be that b-a-a-a-a-d...

Well there was hella "discussion" of XD yesterday, but mainly because of the fears outlined in your second paragraph. There is way less suck today, but yeah, the sheer volume of posts is kind of out of control. [b]We are all guilty![b]

voting rights need to be allocated by invitation only? you are having delusions of grandeur, you don't deserve to post here more than anybody else for any reason. shut your face

all posts are not created equally. some posts suck, and some posters suck. Except for my posts. My posts are all the best. And you're just jealous. and I don't expect you to admit it. But deep inside your subconscious, you're jealous.

a jealous jealous little girl. in your subconscious.

Hey, guy, the lame allotment for most of us is rather sparse, but why not take a break, have a cup of coffee, and reconsider your attempt to 'ironically' create shit posts. Is this really how you want to ingratiate yourself into a web community?

MUST KILL COMMUNITY!! ERADICATE!! ... sorry, I went into Dalek mode.

A comment left by alreadyinuse was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by tekende, andyfaewatford, abendsonnen, RabbiDPanda)

I'm sorry that last word wasnt intentional it snuck in there at the end I was editing and it was left over and I didn't see it because this browser's implementation of the text area sucks it wasn't scrolling correctly. asshole.

That sounds like a pretty amusing prank, despite the fact that I don't like you

Buddhism teaches that the concept of the self - the "I" - is an illusion.

Hey, alreadyinuse, my illusion doesn't like your illusion

that would sure be funny if we didn't even realize we were chatting with each other on the internet and it turned out later on we find out that we are already sex partners in real life.

Actually, if you were really stalking me as you claim farther down the page, you would know from a previous post that I have never gotten "mad rutty", and I am not planning to until marriage. So... *ahem* PWNED.

that's just gay

only ugly girls save it "for marriage", i read that in a book about science and facts

Actually that kind of practical joke is funny. The first time. But you seem like the kind of person who would keep doing it over and over long after it stopped being funny, FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE of annoying said passenger. Which makes you, clever though you may be, an asshole.

Don't accuse people of "taking this too seriously". No one is throwing their collectible Spawn action figures at their computer here. People might be just mildly annoyed that you've arrived in a community where people come to casually talk about the comic and exchange similar humor and are hogging the board, treating it like your personal canvas in some performance art piece. We get it, you're clever. So are plenty of other people here. Just chill already. Otherwise you're no better than snicks.

A comment left by alreadyinuse was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by tekende, hellofyellin, trevor328, Lumus, bixschmix)

American cars are terrible. idiot.

You're wrong about ingratiate. You're also not as unique, clever, witty or sardonic as you seem to think you are.

I'm sorry... I was lashing out. That was uncalled for. Obviously I have some subconscious self _ loathing I need to work through.

Your the the kind of guy who thinks the best jokes are the ones that only you laugh at. I bet people get a kick out of you at work, or whatever.


you spelt "certain" incorrectly in your post.



You .

Yes? What is it?

Ehh, nevermind, I was fighting pedantry with pedantry to valiantly defend what I hope was a typo on your part.

Oh, sorry. I thought you were talking to me.

YOOOOOU! YOOOOOOOU! Soulja Boy tell 'em!

Sweet lord, tell me I did not provoke that.

I'm sorry to say that you did. Hah, you did. YOU! YOOOOOOOOU!

Oh man, Mr. Boy is a marketing genius. He's turned the ninth most common word in the English language into a quote of him.

A comment left by joeynarcotic was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by GeyserShitdick, theoneyouwant, trevor328, RabbiDPanda)

I think the strip in question is "Ray Gets Sorta Stoned", in which there is a panel where ray bisects a 90 degree angle with his arm, thus forming a 45 degree angle. I'd link you, but I'm not a bad enough dude to take on assetbar that hard yet.

Assetbar, don't fail me now

Ray gets sort of Stoned


If one gets all Geometrical about it, one could conclude that the arc with the arrow on it is denoting the right angle, and therefore Ray is incorrect.

But I am a professional mathematician, and I say that such an interpretation would over-parsing the situation, and perhaps even dangerous.

Besides, cut him some slack, he is sorta stoned.

Shit shit shit.


Chubby for being a bad enough dude to take on assetbar.

Yep, that's the exact strip I got lamed for interpreting correctly. The world hates a pedant.

45 degree angle? No mystery. Hungry Gus is simply in mid-chew.

I'm pretty sure Ray's is a shit eating grin to say, ''who cares if i tell this stuff to some cop, man''


Hey (this is cool by the way) does anyone know the name of the font Onstad uses to write the dialogue?

A comment left by chuvak was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by The_Prophet, invidious, NeoNaoNeo, falseprophet, steev_dayv, Comrade_Tom)

Interstate Regular, I believe. It's a $40.00 for-pay font, though, so you may have a bit of trouble procuring it. You can attain the same general effect with a small, condensed, and mildly warped Verdana in a pinch.


I have Blue Highway...what does this mean for me and my font related needs?

Dude! I love Blue Highway! I'm not even kidding! We should be friends or some shit!

Shit! Alright!

Six versions of weird uncles.

You what?



in response to you what, I looked up a photo of Blue Highway, and they are six guys you would not like to see outside. Or inside.

Perhaps, but I was actually talking about [url=https://www.dafont.com/search.php?psize=m&q=blue highway]the sans serif font.[/url]


I thought it was Futura, but it may be Interstate Regular as posited below. I sure like it since the letters are all round and friendly-looking.

A lot of people spend a lot of time making fonts, but good country helvetica and verdana will pretty much top you off every time.

oh man that helvetica documentary was SWEET

also, i am a big NERD

Futura's a lot blockier and more pinched.

I think he is just pissed that Ray came up with such an absurd "example" of old people behavior.

best achewood since yesterday

A comment left by thelastwhiteman was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by tekende, MrSlickster, mrchee)

Being a dick about terms is pretty much what all humanities courses are about.

Better than being a dick about molecules I suppose.

Better than being a dick to a stranger. Ever.

Ray's expression in panel 9 is fantastic. I can't tell if he's mocking Teodor's anger or just really pleased about everything.

I'm going to go with mocking Teodor's anger, kind of like after he drew T a picture of a "Nintendo."

I kinda wish I knew a guy like Ray.

With an avatar like yours, I'm guessing you USED to know a guy like Ray but he lost a game of basketball..

The iKill totally tossed dwodles an alley-oop to win the game.

Teodor has a history of getting offended over Ray's toilet antics.

and ray has a history of getting offended about teodor's vocabulary.

I would just like to say that I would go see a band called "Toilet Antics," but not a Performance Troupe.

They no doubt will have formed from the ashes of the legendary and influential "Sexual Antic"

There's an old Harvet Pekar story about seeing a performance artist clown in a diaper who sings opera while peeing in a glass. The clown then drinks the urine and runs into the audience, trying to kiss them. The audience flees the theater, yelling at the folks standing in line for the next show "DON"T KISS THE CLOWN!".

[insert "the more you know" graphic]

mother of god

The Aristocrats!

The man in that strip is a performance artist dressed as a mermaid , to be utterly correct.

Chubb for American Splendor reference, dogg.

I stand corrected - don't have the issue anymore and you just can't google comix like other stuff. I remember the image of the toilet and the guy singing - I suppose one could make something of why in my addled pate I turned a mermaid into a clown. "Don't kiss the mermaid!" is hella funnier.

Wait, how would a mermaid piss? Wouldn't it just be all tail below the proverbial belt?

Performance art, dude. You thought about it, and that's enough for them.

Same way as a fish does, I would presume.

Ray rides so dirty when he has to pick up someone from jail.

And he didn't even have to give away a Hummer. this time.

They try to catch him, even.

A comment left by iidebaser was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by theoneyouwant, catgrl131, Johnnyrocker)

I imagine the alt text as being sung to the tune of "Relax, don't do it! When you wanna go to it!"
Is it just me? Am I horribly mistaken?

No, that's the one I got, too. Frankie was much underrated, especially by use straight guys from The South.

i'm sorry, but i don't see it. and i tried. i think it's the fact that even if you slurredly pronounce his name cor-neel-yus, it still has 3 syllables and relax only has 2. i can't really get past that, it just sounds funny. and it seems like onstad wants us to hang on to the dooooo for a few beats, and that doesn't really match up either.

unfortunately i don't have a better suggestion as to what the melody might be.

I was imagining it as a Steely Dan sort of thing. Not any specific song, just, you know, tricky chords, Michael McDonald harmony vocal, maybe a girl group singing counter, then Skunk Baxter strolls in with a ripping guitar solo.

Teodor rolls his eyes, but has to admit that Aja sounds fantastic in the Escalade.

I was singing it like Aquarius

Theme from "Barretta"

"Cor-neeel-yus" made me think "Cecilia," but it kind of broke down after that.

For some reason I thought of it as a greek chorus, which in most productions I've seen as just a big old chant, no tune.

I saw it as being the lyric "Bobby, don't do it, don't throw your life away" from the song Bobby, on Jerry Harrison's second solo record. Onstad has already proven himself to be a Talking Heads fan (in the alt-text during Beef's first heavenly escapade, he sings the lyrics to Heaven), so this reference is not impossible.

I would like to hang out with some boss lesbians. I usually give some pretty enthusiastic high fives, and this offends some people, due to the strength and the magnitude of the fiving going on. I just want people to remember the thing we were high-fiving over, and that it was a thing of respect and remembrance, and the best way to do that is a hand that you cannot feel a whole lot of stuff with for about a minute. Anyways, I bet bomb-diggity dykes would not blanch at the mention of a serious high five, also I bet one or two can do armpit farts as good as me, but that's just a guess, and I'd prefer not to be a dick with terms.

I had a boss who was a lesbian. Also a girlfriend who was a lesbian. The job was good. The realtionship, not quite so OK.

Hey were your boss-lesbian and your girlfriend-lesbian two mutually exclusive people? Because that could be a reason?

Also, are you a lesbian? Because if not I can see how that would lead to some compatibility issues.

/Deductive reasoning.

I haven't met many 47-year old male lesbians in my life. Perhaps I need to expand my social circle.

Talk to Eddie Izzard in about a year.

Eddie Izzard's sexuality has a short half-life.

No, boss-person and sort-of gf were not the same. Ad I am a straight guy from The South. I attribute the relationship troubles to the the lack of experience and optimism of youth; this was 25 years ago

In before someone who's never met a homosexual in their life thinks this is because they must have been having an affair.

"Nice layup!"

fuckin' A!

The most boss lesbian I've known was a radical socialist nun that got kicked out of the Catholic church and later became an attorney. Making fun of Catholic theology was hell of fun when she was around since she still believed in all that shit, but hated the hierarchy. Getting her conflicted and pissed off was easy but luckily she had a good sense of humor.

I like your thinking. More straight males should be longing for friendships with boss lesbians. Straight women have had their fag hag relationships for ages now - let's even it out here, society.

It's true- LesBros do not get the respect they deserve, due to their small numbers.

Chubby for the term "LesBros."

That sounds like a label that a good 3 minutes of Seinfeld would be devoted to debating over.

"He's not a LesBro, he's a DykAmigo!"

Les Bro!!!
DykA miii go!!!
Shudyap, both of ya!

My friend from Oklahoma put in a bid for "Diesel Weasels"

Is that your own? If so, nicely coined!

No, I only heard it recently. Before then I was using "Dutch Boy", which is less funny and somewhat misleading.

A comment left by lamewad was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by cyberia, bixschmix, foea)

The fuck?
How did I end up down here?
That was meant for Brian's avatar.

My sophomore/senior high school english teacher was the coolest lesbian ever. It was like hanging with one of the guys, she would teach us about Great Expectations, then start ripping on us about our straight relationships. Good times.

That...that actually sounds like good times. We have a female friend who's just "one of the guys," all sharing in guy humor and making fun of everyone around. Except she hooks up with like every dude in a ten foot radius of where she happens to be standing.

I am with woman. I cannot partake.

Is that like being with child? The woman is inside of you, growing?

Also, can I hang out within a ten foot radius of you and your female friend sometime?

You will regret lying with the harlot, my son. But then, how will you know this unless you do it? Ah hell, fuck whoever you want.

PROTIP: For good high fives, focus on the other person's elbow.

From one high five proponent to another, it leads to some amazing hand slapping.

This is completely true. Rotate from shoulder to elbow and the whole room will wince.

My best friend is a hella boss lesbian, but I don't think we high five very often. We should work on that.

Why does one have to be a lesbian to have serious high-fives and armpit farts?

My friend Daniel has one of the strangest talents I have ever heard of (besides the clown drinking his piss out of a wine glass -- scroll up to see). No matter what, his high-fives are ALWAYS perfect. They don't hurt, but they are loud as hell. I can't figure it out -- unless you consciously sabotage the high-five, it is garunteed to be in the top ten best high-fives you have ever recieved. His hands are apparently genetically formulated to have better acoustics than Carnegie Hall, because force is not necessary for a totally bitchin high-five.

It is a useless talent, but fun nonetheless.

My guess is he has concave palms that catch a lot of air in his claps.

Or he's a mutant.

As far as mutants go, Daniel was of little use to the X-men.

Is cancer considered a mutant power? Like, the ability to grow malignant lumps on your body?

What, uh, no. Well. Maybe? I mean...cancer is a mutation, so I guess if you can control it, then...maybe. Why?

didn't Akira have that superpower?

Cornelius is probably going to have to urinate soon. This is not nonsense.

It's Ray who makes pcikles at inopportune times and in semi-public places.
Still, I gotta admid, there's nobody like Ray. He's always the first to respond when trouble strikes. Of course, he need Beef or Teodor with him to act as the brains of the operation. But when you need the stupid deer shot, call Ray.


Are those triceratops mating, or am I showing my gutter sensibilities? These avatars are so small...

Many are blurry or otherwise hard to tell what they are, but that there is just one triceratops. Not mating.

^ However, some avatars are clear as day and cute as Hell!

techiebabe, your avatar may be the new PNDT (Psychedelic Neon Dancing Tyrannosaur). As such, I believe you may soon have to face miku224 in single combat, according to the rules of kanly.

Jerry Garciasaurus vs. Cat on the Cob in a 15 round, no-holds-barred showdown! Monster Trucks! Free Hats and plenty of old refrigerators for the kids to play in!

for a while i was under the assumption that i had one of the best avatars here.

and then i saw the PNDT... i'm mediocre at best.

Yes, it is just one triceratops. And this triceratops would like to say that your avatar is the cutest thing I have ever seen.

Aww, thank you. It isn't the first one I've used on here, but it does seem to be everyone's favorite so far. I do find it rather mesmerizing myself.
And for the record, I've also sat and watched that dancing T-Rex avatar for far longer than I'd wish to admit. I love that thing.

Try tiling your desktop with it - ommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

that avatar screams "OH NOM NOM NOM"

They're icons, fool.

Does Ray even know any lesbians, boss or otherwise? He is Fantasizing pretty heavily here.

I have thought for quite a while (so I guess it has probably already been stated here or by Mr. Onstad himself many times) that Teodor is the character that most resembles Chris Onstad and, by extension, us (I' assuming many of us here appreciate Achewood because its humor breeds a certain internet-meme-cliqueish-I-possess-unique-understanding-and therefore-kinship-with-greatness kind of thing). His strengths and weaknesses most closely resemble a Gen-Y, artistic kind of guy. It's his sensibility and reactions that often help bring Beef, Ray and all the others into sharper relief.

A comment left by cromar was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by phthoggos, TxJim, aHatOfPig)

You definitely need T there to occasionally say, "Okay, just to check, you do know this is retarded, right? You do? Okay. I just wanted to make sure that you knew what you're doing is completely retarded. Completely."

Also important instructions like "Don't have a dildo in the house!"

Actually, Mr. Bear does more of that work.

I think this amounts to a tautology. Onstad has never indicated this before, and has actually said before that all the characters speak for him or stand in as him (I'm not sure about Nice Pete). Many Internet People have attempted to equate T to Onstad, but I would say that this is more a reflection of the readers' self-image.

I've always thought of Pete as more of a running gag than an actual character. Maybe I should rethink that though, I mean he does have a blog. According to the internet he is just as real as I am...

Not entirely. It's clear to me from interviews and the strip that Onstad paints a clear connection between himself and TĆ©odor. TĆ©odor's a graphic designer, Onstad was a graphic designer. TĆ©odor's hobbies include cooking and playing guitar, Onstad's hobbies include cooking and playing guitar. They're not identical, and the other characters represent more outlandish facets of his personality, but TĆ©odor is the character whose day-to-day life most closely resembles Onstad's.

Actually, he said in the Onion AV Club interview that his favorite characters to write are Teodor, Ray, and Beef, because each represents a facet of his personality. If I were to make a further guess, I'd say Onstad has some of Teodor's sassy wit, Beef's bouts of depression, and Ray's penchant for random speculation and digression. It's just that Teodor is the only one of the three who doesn't have some extremely ridiculous characteristics that you know Onstad couldn't possibly share, so he seems the closest in that sense.

I think he also uses Pat's blog as an outlet when he wants to be a dick about stuff.

And Nice Pete to indulge his macabre Faulknerian fantasies.


How can a toilet seat be at a 45 degree angle? I feel like I'm missing something here.

Well, the hinges would have to be tight enough for it not to fall down.

Perhaps the hinges are exceptionally sticky, due to either poor design of the plastic or poor cleaning practices of the users. I have lived in houses with toilet seats much like this before.

Indeed. Learning to hover-squat is highly recommended in these circumstances (and also a fine way to test one's sobriety).

When the toilet seat is so sticky its like a giant yellow life saver that someone spit out where the awesome pillowey tiolet seat used to be but you dont know this because you didnt look before you sit down because its your house and you are never have drunk people over again.

heh. pillowey.

yee gads! Another set of jostling jubblies!
Is there someone in the house with a pair of counter-rotating tassles??


I'm going to miss the previous pair. Sigh... I swore I would never be the guy who inquires about breasts on the internet, but... whose were they?

Yeah, they were less pixillated, and I could imagine them bouncing over me as she, well, you know. These new ones are juat waving in taunting manner.

As a girl, I must say I don't find this pair of tits very goooood.


Still not as good as the original pair. Those do at least appear to have a somewhat realistic jiggle to them though. Don't mess with the classics is what I always say.

Is your avatar now a tit-punch? What is going on here?

I don't like it. The original boobies were just bouncin' around, havin' a grand ol' time, but these are just... I don't know...not having fun I guess. They are tits that are jiggling to pay their tuition. The originals, hey, what can I say?

chubby 2 times.

You sound like Emeril.


Oh...I read it as meaning that Cornelius gets off of the toilet with his back at a 45 degree angle... The toilet seat itself at a 45 degree angle makes more sense I guess.

Those must be some rusty hinges for the seat to remain at such an angle.

If I had the technology i would make a the pic of Frank Zappa on the toilet married with Cornelius' head


You Sir...have gone above and beyond the call of duty.

CrƩation pure! CrƩation dƩgoƻtante pure!

With that hair I can't help but think of James May from Top Gear.

What? Oh, you're referring to Mrs. Agnes Ronay ...

This is so chubby not even light can escape its pull.

This man deserves at least 173 chubbies for his brilliant use of the infamous "Zappa on the Crappa" poster


Man! that is the most perfect thing someone has ever said!

But i'm out of fucking chubbies.

I think it is mainly Ray's presence that does it for me. All having to indicate the exact angle of his back. Now all it needs is Phillippe, happily informing them, "Hello! I am the toilet! Nobody should smoke!"

Then, they don't listen.

A comment left by imitationcrab was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Thorfinn, invidious, dwodles, ntopp, mortshire, trevor328, milkpants, verplanck, aHatOfPig, raynach, alchemicnirvana)

Comic Sans...

Do your patriotic duty and feed Toby Kieth a goat.

Is...is that dog's penis sticking out?

You're doing a good job down there.

He loves that bar.

Will everyone on here that owns photoshop kindly delete it from their hard drives? No one will never top this.

I am just-

I'm ready to call it a life.

what is the deal https://m.assetbar.com/achewood/profile_public?user=yingkaixing you marked this Lame. Defend yourself before the Ad-Hoc People's Defense Of The Best Assetbar Photoshop Ever Committee! You are accused of Treason Against The Revolution!

man, why you keep linking your achewood reading program in your "!"? Are you just being devious?

I_has_no _ idea_what_yous_talking_bout_willis

That thing doesn't even work. Stop linking to it. That post is worst song, played on ugliest guitar.

Hey, alreadyinuse, I DON'T LIKE YOU.

Most gender stereotypes don't.

Yeah that's right! I'll take all of you on!

*drunk punches*

Please explain. How am I a gender stereotype?

girl is in your handle, and your avitar. So, your self image is somewhat entwined with being a girl. And I guess, by definition, right, a gender is a stereotype. Or something. Anyway you don't like me. So you must be a stereotype. Only unthinking reliance on wrotely memorized personality traits and interactions could result in not liking me. What the fuck is not to like! There is so much to like in me! So much!

Well, if you must know, my user name comes from a joke between me and my (non-internet) best friend, about furries. Also, I happen to like Ultra Peanut. And, yes, I happen to enjoy my gender, thankyouverymuch, so as confused and self-hating as you apparently are in regard to your gender, I guess you have to accept that. *Sigh* Why the fuck am I trying to explain myself to the internet?

I'm genetalically ambigious, thank you very much for reminding me of it! You don't know how lucky you are at least you *have* a gender!

I'll have to check out Ultra Peanut.
well I'm logging off now I have to continue my language studies. Nice chatting. Sorry I'm such an asshole. don't take me seriously... I'm only 3% with it at best

Well, Ultra Peanut is a character in Achewood. I suppose you would know that if you actualy read it instead of having a bot do it for you.

that's friggin weird.. I was net stalking you to find out more about you.. wondering if you were perhaps the author of https://catandgirl.com/ and I found out the answer is no. So you say that cat and girl led you to Achewood. that's weird. me too. In my case, the reference was more direct. It was this one: https://catandgirl.com/view.php?loc=562/

It took me reading many achewood strips to get over that negative reference from Cat & Girl, as I hold Cat & Girl in very high esteem.

*ahem* https://catandgirl.com/view.php?loc=562

...That's more than a bit creepy.
...In fact, some might say that that is extremely creepy.

I prefer methodical.

I don't think that reference was especially negative.

How is "very well done" a negative reference?

You, sir, are a god. I regret that I have no chubby left to give, but my admiration is yours.

My toilet does this. If you just gently flick it downward, the plastic catches somehow in the hinge. The seat itself does a bounce and rests at a 45 degree angle, much to the perturbation of the ladies in the house who have a bargain to clear the numbers on the microwave if the gentlemen put the lid down. The numbers have been cleared but the seat is not down.

So wait, I'm not the only guy who gets perturbed when the microwave numbers have not been cleared?

I feel so normal when I read Achewood comments.

I know what you mean, wotown.

the only correct way to use a microwave is to press the nine until you can't anymore, microwave your food until it's down, open and close the thing and keep using it as needed until the time runs out

Only one hour, forty one minutes and thirty nine seconds before the microwave must die.

This is the most bizarre microwave use idea I've ever heard, and yet it makes a lot of sense. I can't stop laughing. Virtual chubby.

Same. 'cept it's mainly 'cause it's my only time reference in the house.

Wait, you have ladies in your house? Like, plural?


Unless you just live with three aunts or something.

abendsonnen's three aunts are in a coma.

I think I missed out when that particular quote originated.

Well, originally it came from an episode of Seinfeld, the end of a ridiculous insult-fest between George and some other dude which was sort of repeated by me and some other dude a few weeks ago on some strip or another, and it keeps popping up.

Well then at least he doesn't have to worry about leaving the seat down.

I am a lady.

Surely you mean: "I am a lady, you see" (Surely you do not mean that) [Shirley, do you mean that?].

This is the best possible response. Thank you.

What, like... three seperate aunts are in a single coma? How the hell does a coma have three people in it?

That's got to be the mother of all comas. It's like someone hit their head so goddamn hard that two bystanders were caught in the coma.

I am one of two ladies of the house, yes.

A startling twist!

In my drunk state o' mind, your avatar is quite intriguing. I am bold enough to say that it comes second or third to the infamous dancing T-Rex

Am I the only one that immediately thought it was because Cornelius' leavings are of such quantity that the seat rests atop them, stopped from ascending a stinky pedestal only by dint of a couple of hinges? Sort of like if Andre the Giant needed a bathroom visit.

Yes. Definitely yes. Pariah.

Yes, you are basically the only person on Assetbar that thought this.

I originally thought it meant he was getting off of the toilet seat at a 45 degree angle because he is old and has back problems or something. I did have quite a time trying to imagine this, though.

chubby for your avatar

You could have a custom seat with a cam in one or both hinges. Some kind of over-center locking mechanism. Ray could make this happen.

I once saw a toilet seat that would stay at whatever angle you set it in. I didn't like it. It just seemed wrong .

Chubby for the excellent use of italics, sir or madam*.

* I am too drunk to check your gender. But does it matter? AssetBar is a fairly open community, yes?

T and Ray's car seat posture tells us almost everything we need to know about them.

Alas, it appears that there will be no German cellmate to welcome into the Achewood family.

I really want to see what the nutty old bear's special area looks like

That statement is hell of misleading.

or maybe nickgranger said exactly what he wanted to say ...

Well how's that for fudge

Aw nickgranger you are a cutie

At my 11-year-old stepson's school they have these self-supervised projects that each kid must complete, and they are grouped together in one corner of the class, called the Special Area -- so he comes home and says, "today me and Ted did our Special Area together."
I said, "I though they told you in Kindegarten that nobody is supposed to touch your special area?"

Neither my kid or my wife thought that was funny.

That was just...that was just so specific

it would seem that teodor is of the questioning variety in panel eight, and then they both have some realization, which angers T and surprises Ray. This could either be that it was T who was leaving the seats up, or T is simply angry that Ray would spread such as private information about one's toilet seat particulars to the shirt-lifters at the police station.

I'm pretty sure it's the second one. Why on Earth would T be angry at Ray for pawning off embarrassing information on a sitting duck like Cornelius? The police officer doesn't know that Ray might be misattributing that information, and Teodor knows that the officer doesn't know. Regardless, Ray's face is hilarious.

Hah, love the look ray gives when he realizes T left the seat up.

I bet Ray's car still smells like New Car.

That's because he gets a new one every month. Can't have a player in a raw car, man m' man.

And the band played Fetching Cornelius

...Was that a Pogues reference? "Waltzing Matilda"? I've been listening to that song a lot lately.

Do you have a Live Journal under the same name?

I do.

I saw you over at Kate Beaton's thing I think, either that or it was John Campbell's, I have been frequenting both recently.

Yes, I comment on their journals fairly frequently.

...and they turined their faces awaaaay....

Gets you every time.

"Who are they marching for/And I ask myself the same question"

Hella poignant.

More like an Eric Bogle reference, friend. Still a good cover, though.


A day later, and I have confirmed my creeping suspicion that I sounded like a dick. Sorry about that. The Pogues are a bit more prolific afterall.

It's cool, I didn't think you were a dick.

This storyline presents behavior that is not consistent with that of a man who has won the Badass Games. I am confused.

I was initially feeling that, but I like the idea of even the winner of the Badass Games being rendered vulnerable by the need for a kindred spirit, which the Boffin clearly exploits. Cornelius is a Badass, but he's not without tender sensibilities.

You deserve the Nobel Prize in explaining comic strips.

Well he certainly deserves a No Prize of some kind.

Sadass Games 2008
1. Forensics: Lose an argument with a picture of a skeleton
2. Disrespecting Montalban: Make a urine in an expensive automobile
3. Tubes security: Destory computer data in the least practical fashion
4. Christo of the bathroom: Turn an everyday toilet into a conversation piece

Aw damn. Where were you earlier?

"Disrespecting Montalban" by itself was worth the chubby.

"Soft, Corinthian leather..."

(yes, it was "soft," not "rich" or "fine")


this makes me think of homestarrunner
5. Endurance: Listen to the Smiths complete discography in a darkened room.

Man, that actually sounds like fun.

Oh don't tell me you don't listen to the Smiths in the dark after a breakup or whatever. Don't even.

I love the Smiths

Almost as much as I love CLITS

At first I didn't make the connection and thought number one was a non sequitur, like a person so sad they lose an argument with an actual picture of a skeleton.

I think I'll continue to think of it that way.

When it comes to Rey's mouth opening as wide as it could possibly open, I am an easy date.

Rey? Rey?!

A drop of golden suuuuuun!
Mi! a name, I call myself,
Fa! a lon long way to ruuuuuun!
So! a needle pulling thread,
La! a not to follow soooooo!
Ti! a drink with jam and bread!
Which will bring us back to do-o-o-ooh

A couple summers ago I was a stagehand on the flyrails for a community theater that did that. I had to sit through so many rehearsals of that song. Thanks man. Thanks making me relive that. Child actors, dudes. The worst.

Sorry about that. I build sets myself, and I know how it grates after a while.
But really, what else could Ii do, with a set-up like that?

All is forgiven for a fellow crew dork. It is a rare breed that can haul lumber, screw 10,000 braces to legs that some schmuck cut 1/8" too short, and belt out the chorus for "Oklahoma", and I'm happy to count myself among them.

Do, the stuff that buys me beer
Re, the guy who sells me beer
Mi, the guy who drinks the beer
Fa, the distance to my beer
So, I think I'll have a beer
La, la la la la la beer
Ti, no thanks, I'm drinking beer
and that brings us back to D'oh! (upon realization that there is no more beer)

Apparently being drunk on Assetbar merits a "you're too friendly" pop up. Just know that I sang this aloud and laughed to myself in the privacy of my dorm.

Oh, wow. I have a friend named Rey who lives in California. That is my excuse for making a mistake.

That's how you say King en EspaƱol.

i think that in panel 8, teodor is responding to the idea that the toilet seat _could_ be left at a 45 degree angle. In panel 9, ray's expression conveys: "I am effective at communication without need of your concepts of precision and rationality"

Oh snap. That makes the most sense.

Or maybe just "Hot-cha!"

Yeah - what you said. For this arc Ray has been on one of his "I'm Master of the Universe, don't bring down my deep observations with logic or facts" tear.

Yes, this is not the first time that Ray reminds me of another fellow, who allegedly looks a lot like Reveen.

Man, the italicization of "terms" really makes this strip.


Ray has been holding that "can-do" arm position quite often lately. He seems to be filled with a certain unbreakable jovial nature lately, even in his darkest moments.

He looks like he's getting ready to break out into a sea-shanty.

Ray is definitely high as a kite.

A comment left by gladi8orrex was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by tekende, orvel, aHatOfPig, I_Love_Kate)

I saw the first panel, with Ray leaning gangster style in his Escalade talking about rude lesbians, and that's what I thought too: Classic Ray .

I think we all know our feelings on this user...
Please, BBcode, pleeeeease wooork...

Hopefully this won't start his usual schenanigans but hey that's what collapse ignores is for right? I'm sorry is this happens

Had to fight to get that damn image to display, but it was worth the wait.

Uh, what am I supposed to be seeing? And how? Because now all I see is a white box with a red X in it, like your avatar.

This is for 'iseedeadpixels':

And this is for me (for anyone who can't see it):

Thanks, I'm too much of an idiot to use photobucket so I had to put it up on my blog . My flickr account ran out so I wasn't going to waste an upload. I guess I have to be logged in to blogger for people to see it?

no problem. creating an account there has opened up a whole new world of things I can fuck up on the forum! And apparently I haven't fixed my avatar so everyone can see it--(works fine for me, but I'm on a computer which basically has Aids.) Thanks assetbar!

To the community--all chubbies for the above mashup strip about snick should be forwarded to 'iseedeadpixels' comment!

Computer AIDS sounds like a very sad condition.

It is, I made it with micrografix and it kept crashing when I pasted between images and I finished with paint. I worried that the screenshot wasn't going to turn out right so I sharpened it,(a bit too much I think).

Cornelius is conflicted like anyone else, folks. Just like how all those straight guys want to joke around and high five boss lesbians. But for Connie, it's "Toilet seat: up or down?"

"No! No. Forty. Five. Degrees."

The answer drops down like the Monolith in 2001.

I think Onstad is a great person and i award him with prizes!

Mad fived for the first four panels alone. As a lesbian, I agree with Ray.




That face always makes me happy. I think I'll print it out to stem the depression in the morning.

5 for nutty old bear and Ray's face.

I love the Mortified Ray face. Every time.

I think there's some layer to the 45-degree toilet seat thing that everyone's missing. First of all, why is their goddam toilet seat on so tight it can hang at 45 degrees? Frankly any seat that is thus is not worth the effort required to PUSH it the extra way down. The whole thing intrigues me

Actually, no, I'm pretty sure that avenue of inquiry has pretty much been exhausted already.

I don't understand Ray and Teodor's little moment.

There is meaning between the lines .


I think it is that ray has been leaving the toilet seat at the science-defying 45 degree angle, and is blaming it on Cornelius, but Teodor obviously realizes it is Ray. Why Ray is doing this at Teodor's place is anyone's guess. This is my guess, not even a theory, barely a hypothesis.

Either Teodor is angry at Ray dissing Cornelius and Ray doesn't understand, or Onstad needed to fill two panels with something.

My thoughts were that Teodor was the culprit, explaining his quick angry glare and Ray's look of mild confusion followed by surprise.

It is a private moment passing between the two of them that we do not have the right to intrude on, like Bill Murray and Scarlett Johansson. All we need to know is that, in this cold and confusing world, Ray has reached out to make Teodor's life just a little more annoying.


man something about that suv turns ray into kind of a dick

Oh yes it's an trait intrinsic to SUVs in general

Goddamn straight.

Folks, I would like to sincerely apologize for my terrible first post earlier today. I knew it was wrong even as I was typing it, but the urge was too strong for me to overcome, having always been one who blurts whatever comes to mind. The especially happens when I somehow miraculously get the timing right for a comment, instead of talking over other people, or being misunderstood. I just hope that someday you too understand the power of a "post a comment" box with an endless whiteness beneath it, and that you have the sense to post something relevant and witty.

Thank you,

A lame already? No one will ever take anything I say seriously ever again, will they? Because of one bad decision. The internet is unforgiving.

Perhars if you had posted:

I gave you a chubby to balance it out. I just can't see good sincerity go unrewarded.

Classic Ray-driven comedy. This strip was just fun, and dammit if that ain't needed sometimes.

I dont think anyone is under 3 percent crazy once you get to know them

Something new has been added!

I have yet to warm to the new chesticles.

All big chesticles are good chesticles.

Until they get old and hell of sag.

They are fake.

Really is a noticeable difference in jigglification, ain't there?

Yeah, there's a sort of... lynchian disturbingness to that. It sort of looks like one of those things that in silent hill that you have to kill with a board with a nail in it.

The left breast becomes pear shaped as it moves. This is disturbing.

Her left or our left?

I don't like them either. The others were mesmerizing; these are just distracting.

Then again, I'm a lady.

Sometimes I feel like the only pleasure I derive out of life is telling Safari to force quit :(

the only thing I don't get is the picture of a skeleton. where is that coming from?

That is a reference to This strip.

Dude, it was only a day ago. :3

oh, duh. that obvious.

i have several lesbian friends. none of them are of the type Ray is describing, but i wish they were.

anyone else read the alt-text and decided that it is a parody of Simon And Garfunkel's "CECELIA"?

Oh sweet lord what has my brain come to that I misread the title as " Felching Cornelius"?

Panel 10 captures the precise way I do handwriting whilst standing, it pleases me to see it drawn so accurately. Panel 9 captures the way I am looking at panel 10.

every time i see your avatar, i think it's a real bug for just a second . every time.

Cornelius is digging his escape tunnel out behind the policeman in panel 10.

I think there's some water in what Ray is conjecturing. My favorite characters from Azumanga Daioh, a fine comedy series, happen to be a lesbian and two girl friends who happen to argue like an old married couple.

The fourth panel is the hardest I've laughed at Achewood in a long time. I want a signed copy of just that panel blown up to the size of the rest of this strip.

Only good strip in like 2 months.

Onstad is messed up. In a good way. he's capturing the experience of having one's old age completely misunderstood by everyone around you. He just takes this story and goes wild places with it.

Ray shouldn't worry about Cornelius doing a urine in the Caddy. Ray will change his pants and chew his food. 'Cause LIFE'S A BITCH!

Ray's look... priceless.

Panel 9 deserves a 5. So many times.

The hell kind of a noodle-y-ass steering wheel has Ray installed in his Caddy (first panel).

I feel for Teodor here. I would react exactly the same to Ray.

T always seems to have a bug up his ass. This time the bug is terms.

i was wondering if it was the bug in latterman's avatar

I keep reading the title of this strip as "feltching cornelius."

I dont have time to read your stupid comments.

Did anyone say that Teodor's face is looking scrunched up?

The 45 degree angle thing is tough on most toilets but I'm thinking of making it my signature move.

I have mixed feelings on how a toilet seat, regarding mainstream physics, can be left at 45 degrees. Could Cornelius be using a "side saddle" method or maybe straddling the bowl such as John Lennon straddled Yoko on that famous Rolling Stone cover?

You need to get one of those really light seats made out of foam. Then tighten the hinges so that it makes this goddawful creaking sound when it is lifted and set down. The friction should hold the lightweight seat at the desired degree.

That is a hilarious amount of work for such a useless result.

When I first read the strip title I thought it read "[b]Felching[b] Cornelius".

I really should learn to close my tags.

Cornelius Bear:
He can leave the seat down .
He can leave the seat up .
He can do BOTH .

Panel 9 is where it's at!