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Turd Murder Thursday, January 30, 2003 • read strip Viewing 60 comments:

'Making pickles' has irrevocably entered my vernacular. Thanks.

I like "Did a Roseanne" even more.

A comment left by neonaoneo was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, twntysevn27, stanshall, professorhazard, Thorfinn, Deusoma, CK421, mustconcentrate, fakedaisies, aHatOfPig, rational, Doc_Rostov, clintisiceman)

Because the Achewood experience is made out of concentrated awesome. There's a couple of people that take the "I SAY THIS ALL THE TIME" a little too far though. Every other word out of their mouth would have be an Achewood quote which would either get them punched in the face or revered as a genius.

Yeah it is awesome I completely agree, but still, it's annoying as you said to read every comic and find four or five people saying 'I use this line EVERY DAY' or 'I use this line to my MOM'. They probably don't, but think that saying it makes them somehow cooler to the Achewood crowd.

I ain't bagging on Achewood though, hear me out, I'm on your side.

I'll give you a chubby to balance out your lames on the first comment.

All driving with the cat turd steaming up the windows.

Oh man, I cannot stop laughing at the idea of shooting that sheet in the woods.

Anyone else think of that scene from Miller's Crossing when it came to this?

Actually, yes. Sheet all sobbin and cryin. Beef all stoic and Irish.

That's it. I will no longer be able to think of John Turturro without imagining two cats smuggling shit out of a cheap motel.

And I like Barton Fink, too. :(

Number two with a bullet.

My mind turned to dust just there.

You're a bad, bad man.

...brings whole new meaning to "shot the shit" doesn't it?

I wish I could hear batman yell that.

A comment left by centipede_damascus was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Thorfinn, goocifer, aquamuffin)

I'm pretty sure it's okay to do it in a motel bed just not a hotel.

motels expect it

I nearly shot milk out of my nose. Chubby.

"Police may have found a new victim in the Sheet Shit Murders. Story at 11"

I know people who would be copycat criminals.

Beef knows Ray. Ray's question in panel one could only mean one thing.

It's surprising he didn't smell it first.

The last line is golden, one of the best Achewood one liners

Ouch, Poor Beef must have one hella bad credit card rating.

I think it probably had more to do with the L.I.N.C.O.L.N. getup he was wearing at the time

the fact that the car drives away into the distance as he says "a turd with a bullet..." is comic genius

I mean imagine if you're walking through the woods on a summers day just as a family outing and just to the side of the path you find a shit covered sheet with a bullet sticking out the top. You would have to ask yourself questions.

Also why the hell would you shoot it?

You want to make damn sure it won't come after you.

That was succulent.

"Making pickles" is not, nor shall ever be "succulent".


The bearded cat is so angry. So disappointed.

Packin' Dream Lunches.

Ray's instinctual response to this situation is flight.

Beef's is to hide the evidence.

It is excrement, in a sheet.

I REALLY like that once Beef decides to shoot the turd, he sticks unwaveringly to his choice- there is really no other reasonable thing to do.

I thought Beef gave all his cash to Showbiz.

this is what should've happened in Trainspotting when Spud shat himself.

What the hell 5 O'Clock news does Beef watch?

I guess that is the sort of misconception you get about local news if your TV is PBS.

"It's wrapped in a sheet and left in the woods. Find out what hot new fad is threatening the lives of your children tonight at 5."

I heard somewhere that Val Kilmer does the same thing to his hotel sheets.

pickles! hahaha. why would he call it pickles.

I think it's because Ray not only pooed (cucumber) the bed, but also peed (brine) in it.


Turd Murder would be a good name for a punk band.

Crust Punk all the way.

Oh man - the realisation that your partner in crime was so blinkered last night that he left his brown mark all over the hotel sheets - it's awful. Stanky boy, that Smuckles.

The last line is comedy gold!

Roast Beef of all people should understand the fear of having his turds DNA-tested.

So Hilarious.

"Man, let's get outta here!" made me laugh so much. it's straight out of a movie or something.

Ray looks so hung over in this strip. I feel for ya bro!

The Turd Murderers would make an excellent band name.

FUCK. Someone beat me to it.

animals think
they're pretty smart
shit on the ground
see in the dark

The thought of driving out to the middle of now where to put a bullet in a turd made me laugh loud enough that my boss had to talk to me about "work appropriate" behavior.

The wine so bad that it made a turd that made the news.

I just started reading from the beginning, and I've been ambivalent about creating an account. This strip, however, removed any choice I had in the matter. It brought me, literally, to tears. Tears of hilarity.

Not, you know, the other kind.

Anyone like me who thought the bags Ray has under his eyes actually were his eyes?!

Between the two grand (and change) he gave Showbiz and paying for this hotel room, Beef carries a LOT of cash.