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The Future Tuesday, October 2, 2007 • read strip Viewing 592 comments:

Philippe is five.

in 2019, ray becomes michel foucault


all he needs is a turtleneck

I had no idea Foucault wasn't circumcised.


A comment left by saint was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by riotdejaneiro, eatmorekix, Red_Dawn, ih8jonmayr, Setzkin, nutmeg, TheSoulBear, EvilPerson, retinarow, Dasuta, Darthemed)

thats a zinger is what that is!

Is this seriously getting lames because he implied Bill Clinton is a lil chubby?

What the fuck , people.

A comment left by atticusonline was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Dipstikk, Hal, lordofring, litfanbreastman, JimmyK, Wite_Rabit, nilehus, thefossor)

That's cold man.

That's implying that, no matter what I say, I'll be lamed just because I said it .

that ain't no way to be .

welcome to the asherdan lifestyle.

we also make condoms

in 2019, Philippe learns to fly.

So shall this strip be voted

Pro Tip: The description of this strip (on ohnorobot) is recreated in ASCII art:


Also, I apparently have a lot of time on my hands.

That is... really very excellent. You used all that time to provide a service.

A comment left by blastradius was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by kylank, habnabit, griggs_although)

I think I said this before, but Philippe happily playing his way into the sunset of the future and leaving his friends behind occurs to the music of Tom Waits' instrumental song "Fawn" from the album "Alice."

A comment left by soticoto was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by thomgreenwood, riotdejaneiro, Aaronb1215, HassanOLeary, BPMead, fosters, mania3, woodenteeth, atticusonline, SpinyNorman, Ciansy, yingkaixing, Appers, heeeraldo)

Weren't there like 3 or more Highlander songs by Queen? be specific!

Why Ultra Peanut... you cruising for some ass?

ultra peanut is philippe's Other. because all significant technological/cultural advancements in the western world have had often simultaneous doppledangers in china for thousands of years, and philippe is both of those things

Well...You could say...Ultra Peanut is Philippes significant otter ... YEAAHHHH

*Hands you the shades*

I read "doppledangers" with a hard "g" HaHA

Dang it until just now I did not have a bittersweet tear in my eye.

I can agree with you on this if you can agree that all of Beef's jaunts to the Open Mic at Laszlo's are backed by the title track to "Alice."

You know, the song so quiet and creepy the drummer plays his snare with tiny brushes attached to his brushes.

"I must be insane... to go skating on your name. And by tracing it twice... I fell through the ice... of Alice....


A comment left by mastronaut was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by mashisoyo, kenthegod, nonanon, mania3, RedGuy, Setzkin)

Oh Jesus, I am sorry. Damn twitchy fingers.

I like how the chubby:lame distribution of comment 1 is exactly the inverse of that of comment 2. It is perfect.

A comment left by iseedeadpixels was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Feste, kenthegod, NDCaesar, DrSkradley)

There is no Phillip here.

Much chubbies man, I have seen Ash's nodding head for a while before I joined. That was how I pronounced it back then. Now I know its phil-eep.

Why did his ears fall off?

My best guess is alcohol/drug-inspired misadventure at the London Olympics (or possibly during the End of the World, due in December of the same year).

I like to think Ray's speaking engagements warn the students against whatever foolishness he was attempting at the time.

Or it might be that he got hit by the most severe hangover ever - the big one .
See here

Who the fuck lamed this, this is a universal truth of breathtaking beauty

A comment left by jstegall was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by missbee, straw, randombeing, RaysDangNachos, riotdejaneiro, pmoney187, Luke_Johnson, mcowgill, kylank, mashisoyo, Pseudochron, ntopp, haff, odei, odaya, eric, DESTROY_YOU, Red_Dawn, Jeet, Ihmgard, RicNine, ravindra108, Hyetal, nutmeg, oniasyria, kenyot, EvilPerson, Doc_Rostov, yingkaixing, Audhumla, stoned_lightning, trawser, peterjoel, Dainbramage, Rawk5tar, Appers, natjo1986, Quartzblade, tragicone)

A comment left by jstegall was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by puadxe, Brody, blastradius, kylank, radarjammer, galbraith, seren_tremio)

A comment left by peterjoel was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by blastradius, kylank, radishes, shoethings)

A comment left by stoned_lightning was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, blastradius, kylank)

A comment left by wae was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ezcmac, blastradius, kylank, Absurdist, BPMead, radishes)

It's almost like misspelling "Jeffy" as "Jeffty".

I see what you did there.

...and judging by the chubby count, so did at least one other person

Jeffty is Five! Very clever, yes.

Man. Chubby for making me hit Wikipedia for some Harlan Ellison.

Oh dang. I mean "Elisson".

Today, no-one can spell names.

A comment left by eric was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by GSurge, NeoNaoNeo, griggs_although)


I gave you two chubbies because i was listening to Miles Davis and somehow your avatar was in sync.

Miles is double the chubby.

It's also in time with Beastie Boys - Heart Attack Man.

It is a very versatile avatar.

I chubbied your first comment and lamed the second just to ruin all this subtle chubby-lame politics.

Sorry dogg.

A comment left by madnes was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Anderian, mania3, lateadopter)

A comment left by jrpigman was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, GSurge, kylank, TheLoneliestMonkey)

A comment left by connellingus was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, GSurge, kylank, TheLoneliestMonkey)

You two are totally in my head. I could totally hear that song playing when I read the strip, and now I can't get the image of a crying Little Nephew driving away as the ghost of Roast Beef jogs in the rearview mirror out of my head.

Man, I was really confused for a second before I realised I was confusing Six Feet Under with Dead Like Me.

Crap, me too.

In the Achewood universe, Nate is still an asshole.

I have to say, Mr. Bear's exclusion from this chart makes me worried about his well-being over the next few years.

...and yet no one is concerned about what has happened to Pat.

The fruits of dickhood are bitter indeed.

I'm assuming that in this case 'dickhood' is not referring to the foreskin.

Nobody wants those fruits.

I do.

A comment left by earendil was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by GSurge, NeoNaoNeo, _cheesekayke, Doc_Rostov)

*wretches violently*

You absolute bastard. All I noticed was the picture and the word "cheesy."

Articles like this one should always have the option to view without images

Was that necessary? Was it ?

you utter smeg-head

Boys are so gross. Now i am going to have to be a gorgeous lesbian instead of a homely spinster.

Thank you?

Can I borrow your "Smegma Made Me Queer" t-shirt?

just don't get any effusions in it.

The best part of everything is that someone came through and lamed all your posts which express a distaste for smegma. Hard. Core.

Somebody is either very proud of their secretions or most ashamed.

If you actually read the article on smegma it says females have smegma too..so uh.. I think celibacy is your best bet here.

I... seriously? I don't know what's more alarming, that women grow dick cheese or someone actually read the article on smegma.

The fruits of dickhood are not bitter, they are salty, heyoh!

In 2019, Ray is actually lecturing on the dangers of deep-frying Tofu products which he learned firsthand on Thanksgiving of 2012. Sadly Pat refused to abandon his hopes of a fried Tofu-ducken.

It was obvious to me that he's lecturing high school kids about the dangers of getting your ears burned off but I wasn't sure how exactly it happened. Your theory has merit.

or lyle for that matter, who happens to be my fave character.

Well, as much as I love Mr. Bear, he's not really a main character, much of the time.

or lyle, i wanted to see what happens to lyle.

If you kind of blur your eyes and see Molly as an old lady in a nursing home, you can pretend she's saying "there go just a couple of knuckleheads from The Day". And suddenly the ending isn't so bad for Beef. Ray's new ears let him track down his "nutty" friend, but also made him insane because he could HEAR PEOPLES THOUGHTS. What a couple of knuckleheads.

dey justwo wild n'crazy guys, eh??

Today I saw a drawing of pills between two drawings of a cat and was sad.

A comment left by juanclaudius was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by phthoggos, kylank, snidedk, cthulhu, biff)


I fucked up. I was close though. SORRY EVERYBODY

Close to what? Anus?

Roast Beef gets hair so that he can loose it.

actually, Beef has been shown w/ hair multiple times in past strips ( Kissin' Molly Ringwald on the Titties is one of my favorites), so I've always assumed he shaves his dang head myself

Perhaps every now and then he has a fit and shaves his body like in The Wall

Roast Beef's rises, then recedes, but what it reveals in receding is not the same as what it rose upon, like the waters of Acheron in times of storm and flood.

A comment left by chuvak was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Soilentshuggah, opalleye, Darthemed)

I'm afraid Roast Beef is doing that to himself.

It is the saddest thing!


Only roast beef gets a BLACK death with a white X.

It looks to me like Beef might just go permanently missing, as he is not given a gravestone,

also, ray is not given an x, I guess because there was not enough room on the timeline?

because the strip ends with ray

And Philippe.
Always Philippe.
The little dude will watch the end of days with an expression of extreme horror, and in millions of years time, alien explorers from another planet will pick up a crackly radio signal that goes:
"... Here comes a special boy... Here comes a special boy..."

Wots the big deal, he doesn't turn bad for 20 years anyways. besides, I always knew thats what he'd become.

Jeezer I don't think I've ever been more depressed from a single comic strip...

We all get old. Most of us will die. A select few will someday have awesome head-antenna-things like Ray. I'm don't think that this is a depressing thing.

here here!

You are mortal! You have an end! Rejoice!

No. It's terrible to end, not to mention to end by rotting until you stop working.

oh dear...

Teodor dies as soon as he gets in shape...the poor bastard

they say you can never remove the fat from the brain.

A comment left by riazm was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, jeofredo, kylank, mortshire, Flaaron, Darthemed)

I was looking at this comment like, what? Why the lames? What's wrong with my hypothesis? Did I hit a nerve?

Then I saw it. Spellcheck can't always save you my friends, heed my words as one who is already damned. Spellcheck can't always save you.

A comment left by doc_rostov was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by daidai, atticusonline, griggs_although)

I hope he enjoyed his 1982 Mercedes.

It's cancer :-(

i see what you did there.

Roast Beef kinda looks like Kevin Spacey.

A comment left by killerlimpet was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by kylank, DeimosRising, opalleye)

Teodor from 2012-2019 resembles Marlon Brando in his fat years.

A comment left by randyleepublic was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, kylank, euphemisms, mania3, goodgravy, henrythecad)

Ray Smuckles, age 70 something. Fuck you, diabetes.

That's a pretty crappy grave for Ray Smuckles, though. Looks like he loses his money.
It's all so sad!

I was going to mention that... wheres the Smuckles Shrine? Aint no way he's going out without style!

The perspective is misleading. The Smuckles Memorial Monolith is actually 1.5 miles tall.

oh absolutely

What appears to be a small patch of rough earth in front of it is actually a six-lane drive-in cinema, where every night is Braveheart night

Sponsored by Ketel One.

this comment has one hundred chubbies. please don't chubby it anymore...unless you wanna try for one-fifty. okay, sure, i'll do it. chubby to 150. then no-touchy.

A comment left by jesler729 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by blastradius, Catachresis, peterjoel)

have you even read achewood before this strip?

I was not being entirely serious.

His body is not actually in there; he arranged for it to be shot into the sun in a ZZ Top Eliminator.

Nobody mentioned Ray's prosthetic ears? Daaaang.

totally looks like he went bonkers and did a van gogh, then got some futuristic six-million-dollar-man action rebuilt ears.

well, I guess the sling indicates an accident, rather than a sanity break

The picture sequence suggest that perhaps Ray got laced on Ketel one night, just tight as a damn corest, knocked over his artisanal ironwork candlebra ("Bought this on E-Bay. Did you know Kevin Spacey was a blacksmith, dogg?") and burned his fool ears off.

oh Fuck Me Tuesday. CORSET.

If Geordie LaForge was deaf and a billionaire cat he would have looked like that.

Yeah, but he'd still have an air filter on his head for style.

Ray shouldn't have tried to three-peat the Great Outdoor Fight.

if you notice, Ray's grave is by some of the sticks they used to mark the graves of those 3 dudes that challenged the jeeps at the Great Outdoor Fight

When an Achewood character's hair begins to recede, that character's hairline becomes artistically evident.

A comment left by randyjohnson was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, nighttoad, huskemonge, Audhumla, opalleye, Garyos)

No, that's molly hell of angry and walking out on him.

It's really awful to see Molly walking out on Beef - just the look of disgust on her face, like all the faith and hope that she'd placed in him is gone now, and she has to get out just because she can't look at him as he is now. I mena, she looks _pissed._ Not sad, not disappointed, angry, like she knows that Beef can do better, but won't.

yeah, thats molly walking out on beef.

Maybe liebot used it as one of his 'saddest thing' scenarios with philippe. it IS the saddest thing to ever happen to achewood, beef, or any other male to have lost a girl like molly.

sniff sniff.

At least Molly stuck around for 13 years after The Booze and The Pills moved in.

Beef's lyrics:

"Ohhhh Shhiiiiiiiit"

After 47 votes this strip's rating is still at 5. Let's hope it stays a perpetual five, just like Philippe.

It lasted 89 beautiful votes :(

A comment left by augeno13 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Shabadoo, Darthemed, fortunagolde)

A comment left by connellingus was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by madnes, Yamo, Zeal, KiloVictorSierra, Audhumla)

Dang. I ran out of chubbies. Am I... too old for this?

To be fair though, that kinda sounds like fun.

A comment left by j_a_s_e was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by zulko, goodgravy, dr_sexlove)

It actually looks like he has a lot of success as a singer/songwriter but, like so many before him, can't handle the pressure, can't handle the pain. So his world becomes drugs until Molly can't stand it. But we'll always have his music. His music will always be ours.

Awesome, Ray gets cyber-ears.

There is something so awful about the black box with a white 'x'.

Teodor and Ray are dead; Molly is gone. Roast Beef's funeral is when a fan drops by the morgue and places a photo of him at the Plan 9 premiere.

Roast Beef does not explicitly die; the X just means he does not appear in the strip during the year 2052. Maybe he falls into a black hole of depression and never gets out of bed that year.

No, he's dead.

Yeah. No grave, either. Maybe Emeril and Spongebath find him while each holding a drumstick.

And, of course, by that time Spongebath is an influential US Senator and Emmeril is head of the Korean Mafia for some reason.

Roast Beef wants to be thrown away

at the bowling alley.

The black box with white x means Beef went the way of Woman-Man and Mr. Tears...he suicided.

Oh sweet jesus, you might be right.

54 votes and still unanimously 5's

A comment left by evilchick was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, fell, FirePowa8, thalassocrat, huskemonge, anitrophaeron)

I see what you did there. :)

Saddest goddamn strip, but fucking beautiful somehow.

In 2052 the otter has no friends left but is still too young to really understand that they are gone forever.

This is the saddest thing.

Your name suggests that you enjoy this.

Wait until he realises that all his friends are skeletons now,

Where's the kid with the screaming Phillipe icon when you need him?



Yes, way to come to the aid of a friend. It is what Philippe would do. Unless he had, for example, stayed up way too late the night before (new shoes!)

I imagine he can still hang about with Vlad. And Lie-Bot, who now speaks only truth.

Or does he???

In America, the truth is now a lie.

in truth, the 'merica is now a lie.

Well, Phillipe seems sad around the time that Teodor dies. It takes eight years for a butterfly to cheer him up.

As the bunny jammies suggest, he's again wondering about the pronunciation of "potatoes", and can't understand why Teodor won't answer him.

What has happened to Ray's ears?

Great Outdoor Fight, EOC - 2011

Man, I can't wait until 2019! Beef singing, Ray giving motivational speeches, Teodor depressingly overweight.

Course, it all seems kind of downhill from there..

Of course, this now means that Onstad has to keep writing Achewood until at least 2052.

At which point it will just be Phillipe and the robots.

I was going to ask who watches Phillipe in the future, but I guess it's the robots.

That, or he gets passed on to a younger relative. Maybe they just keep doing that with Phillipe; his mom looks pretty old, but for all we know she had Phillipe when she was eighteen, and now she's aged and he has not. So she has someone else watch him, and when they age, they pass him on to another, younger relative.

Who says this hasn't happened already ?

Eventually, as the generations pass, Phillipe will be taught the ways of life, and will take on a unique and charmed, but never saddened, opinion of mortality and humanity. Just like Bicentennial Man starring Robin Williams.

And that's probably the last time that movie will be referenced. Anywhere. Ever .

We hope, nay, we demand that it is the last time.

The thing is, Bicentennial Man was really clever because it was about a man who lived for an incredibly long time and yearned for humanity, and the movie itself actually felt like it lasted two hundred years, and made you yearn for the sweet humane release of death.

A comment left by zippyllama was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Homepie, TombsGrave, midgetron, clintisiceman, Crimson_King)

Or this is a staged episdode, not a real life one.

Todd will still be around, intermittently. He has to go to hell from somewhere.

all alternating 'x's with scenes.

A comment left by caseyb3 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by GSurge, anitrophaeron, dr_sexlove)

It's Molly. The nose, people. The nose .

Yeah, I noticed that after I said it. I'm a fool.

For the follow up to the 6th birthday strip, this is kinda depressing. Its like an old man putting a toddler on his lap during his birthday and explaining to him that one day all things will die.

In the year 2012, 'HUGS' are considered an Olympic Sport for the first time, due to extreme lobbying by a five year old otter.

Perhaps Phillippe has also accumulated the lobbying clout with the Powers-That-Be to finally get the Mr. Poopytime earmark approved.

Ray is already writing columns for a newspaper. I fully believe that by 2012 Achewood will be so universally acclaimed that Philippe will be declared an honorary Olympic torchbearer.

It's not as though Future Ray is really in demand for speaking engagements - they were trying to book Doraemon and due to an office SNAFU wound up with Ray instead.



The butterfly is Téodor.

Ultra Peanut sticks a pin through it and presents it to Philippe in a fancy frame.

This page needs a much higher chubby threshold.

as evidenced by the fact that i can't give your statement a chubby.

I didn't even know there was a chubby treshold until threshold until this wonderful page.

And that's what makes Chewbacca the saddest wookiee.

The Teodor is voiced by Rachel Weisz.

You can really see aging take its toll on Philippe in how he spends the years trying to find the right height to hike his pants.

at least philippe stays happy. that's something, eh?

Philippe watches all of his friends die. And he is quite happy about that.

Phillipe finally realizes that hey, everything's going to be alright.

hands on hips as if to say "it's 2052... well ain't that something. "

A comment left by aperson was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Dovey, equinn2006, domini)

oh god, it would work. that terrifies me.



"Strip returns Thursday," Says the Achewood ticker.

I am looking forward to cheering Philippe on at London though.

I think it's Philippe's 2052 panel I find most disturbing. Where is he, a desert?

Post-apocalyptic wasteland. All life on earth has been extinguished. Dusty cars line the streets, the dessicated skeletons of their drivers still hunched over the wheels. The shadows of children are burnt forever onto the sides clapboard sides of houses.

Philippe is five.

And standing on it.

I feel awful. I meant to give your comment a chubby but my mouse slide and I clicked the lame button.

I am a horrible person.

Teodor has diabetes.

Bad times are signified in shades of grey.

Hey, yeah. And every time someone wears black, they start winding down for their final years.

Maybe this strip just shows the life each character sees himself going on to live. Really, think about it.

Good call.

Teodor's gonna see this and be all like, "Assure me that I yet may change these shadows you have shown me, by an altered life."

God, I hope you're right. All of it just depresses me so dang much.

well, they're cartoons. pick up a pencil and paper! their future is... in your hands!!

There are many ways to describe what you propose, including plagiarism, copyright infringement and a pleasant pastime.

Or... fanfic.


today i realized how much power i have given a stranger to hurt me with a cartoon cat.

Ray sees himself losing his ears?

I like this interpretation. Molly wouldn't really leave Roast Beef and Philippe, as a young child, imagines that he will stay young forever. It all fits with the characters' levels of optimism/pessimism and expectations for the future.

Check out the difference between Teodor and Beef in 2052. At least Ray and Teodor both get resting places when they die. Beef is just... gone.

Hella sad strip. But I find some comfort in the fact that Philippe is still wearing bunny slippers/pajamas in 2031.

maybe beef's death panel is black to denote suicide.

I thought it was black to denote hell.

This is not the only time that a time lapse in beef's life has been denoted with progressively darkening screens. Now apparently I have to spend the rest of the evening trying to find an example of that.

Here is a vaguely related one; I apologize in advance for it not being a clickable and also that this example doesn't have nearly as much in the way of time elapsing as i had thought. https://m.assetbar.com/achewood/uuagdZf3Q

Beef will not have a headstone because he is going to be thrown away at the bowling alley.

I wanted to chubby you, but I reached my limit. I let you down, and I am sorry.

peterjoel, you are rad! You... are... rad!

I see Beef's end as a parallel to Nietzsche's end.


It is a perfect...logo!

because if there's a better embodiment of the olympic spirit than a 5-year-old otter holding a torch, I am yet to see it.

amen to that

It's about a thousand times better than the actual one .

It is infinity times better

the word "rockin'" a piece of gear is no more typified than Ray rockin those Fake ears. It belongs in the dictionary.

and wait - Roast Beed doesn't die? he just stops being Roast Beef? Or is that the fourth wall?

He is buried in an unmarked grave.

possibly a mass one.

A comment left by rawk5tar was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Paperboy_2000, snoozebar, Afkpuz, Whiskey_McHaggis)

There is a lump in my throat, and a knot in my chest.

None of this is Gastric.

Would've been great to see this with a new character that comes in at the halfway mark, like how Roast Beef and Ray were created in 2002, and turns out to be the Scrappy Doo of Achewood, the other characters reacting to him throughout the years and everything falling apart as he is clearly hated and misunderstood, ending with his eventual murder/suicide/overdose.

Did you just Scrappy Doo Roast Beef?

It was a hypothetical, separated from what Onstad did in this strip. So no.

Heh. I figured. I just wanted to verb a noun as awkwardly as possible.

Verbing nouns is excellent, no question about it.

Verbing weirds language

Thus spake Watterson.

I cannot chub your solid reference, and for that I apologize.

I...I love you.

Onstad if you do not strictly follow this timeline I will not be mad.

Do you think Ray designed and built his own prosthetic ears, even after the best doctors in the country told him it couldn't be done...?

It probably cost a six hundo.

six hundred is the kinda amount that good prosthetics cost?

not on the black market.

on second thought you're right....considering this is 2031 and the way things are going we'll have to suck dick for health care

Don't we already?


Spray-painted foam spheres, with antennae.

Lie bot, what is the saddest thing?
...Lie bot?

I do not miss the future.

I cannot chubby this enough (at all actually -- my allotment ran out.) This gets the most obscure reference ever award.

My cup, also, runneth over with goodwill and chubbies for you, my friend. And sorrow for us all.

A comment left by biztsar was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Dovey, straw, _cheesekayke, trapperjohn, Bacter, Flaaron, Jujubeesforjesus, Boredom_Man, stormagnet, Darthemed)

A comment left by killerlimpet was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by hectik, mike24, SatelliteTV)

But it is painless.
It brings on many changes.

This strip is priceless.

I wonder what Beef's music sounds like?

daniel johnston.

mark everett

Mark Linkous covering Scott Walker

Leonard Cohen.

Scratchier voice though.

Mark Eitzel?

Or, say, how about a high tenor, a little bit Nico, a little bit Tim Buckley?

All of those are great answers. I say Nick Cave.

K.D. Lang backed by Kraftwerk.

yes, exactly. i am deeply sorry that i ran out of chubbies. you put it best about a half hour ago when you said, "This page needs a much higher chubby threshold."

I will pay money to see this happen.

Neil Young. Beef knows that it's better to burn out than to fade away...

...My my, hey hey

michael gira

an apolitical Thom Yorke

oh uh my songs are available online you can pay such as you think they are worth

it will probably just be embarrassing for everyone if you are seen possessing a CD of it hence the digital format

This is the chubby I give when I run out of chubbies.


The motion carries.

johnny cash


I was actually seriously debating this in my head yesterday, and I think the best answer would be Jandek covering Michael Gira.

Oh God! I wasn't the only one that thought Jandek! And what's worse is that 3 of us sorry souls thought of him!

Maybe Tom Waits Maybe?

So amazingly awesome, yet so very sad at all at the same time.

I've never commented on strips before. But I figure if I'm going to start, it's damn well gonna be with this one. Daaaang.

Ray begins smoking a pipe. 13 years later, BAM, lung cancer. This is clearly antismoking propaganda in its lowest form.

Was kill Ray worth the 30 pieces of silver, Onstad?

*killing. Damnit.

That's OK, I really liked your syntax the first time.

And as with diabetes, Ray was defiant until the end: "Gonna beat the big the big C in twenty fifty-three!" And then his new ears short-circuited.

I think a kill-ray is worth 30 pieces of silver. Maybe even more.

Depends on the size of the pieces.

Man, it's hard to explain why this strip makes me so sad, but is does. I want Roast Beef to be happy, dammit!

This is Achewood. By 2053 they are all in heaven, with embroidered 'knuckleheads from the day' badges on their white knitted cardigans. Apart from Philippe and Molly.

Beef arrives to a huge party with such as a banner etc.

Now: digest this and cry with happiness, you saps.

If Beef kills himself, he's going to hell, remember?

I always thought that the "suicide = go to hell" thing was bullshit.

So let it be so. Somebody wanna call the Catholic Church and tell them that I've made up my mind?

I'm talking in terms of Achewood continuity. The only time Beef's gone to hell (out of four past deaths) is when he killed himself.

Pure speculation that Beef kills himself. He could as easily starve to death after going catatonic in mid toast bite. KNUCKLEHEADS FROM THE DAY CARDIGANS damnit.

The weird thing is, it seems like once it's your time, you're dead permanently - all the times characters have died before they've been able to get back, but not when they die of old age.

Unless, um, heaven burns down or something.

Available soon in the achewood shop: The Physics and Metaphysics of the Achewood Universe . Includes pull-out poster.

It's like the Manual of the Planes, except instead of randomly encountering demons in the Abyss you have a percentile chance to commission the Murder Act from Trouble Man and No-No in the burnt-out ruins of Heaven.


Thank you for giving me this.

This is precisely what I am whimpering to myself right now as I huddle with my laptop underneath a blanket retching.


Ray is a Christian.

nah, his mom bought the statue. I guess she has been involved in the transhumanist movement?

Although it's a solid 5-plus, I don't think I'm alone in saying we were all probably better off not knowing...

Phillippe is unending .

Perfect icon/comment synergy, that is.

I believe that Philippe was discovered inside a monolith orbiting Jupiter. He was placed there by an advanced intelligence to give hugs to humanity.

What year did Achewood start?

why are there no more chubbies!? thank you sir

Was Roast Beef doing drugs because of his music, or because Teodor died? Because I never really got the impression that Roast Beef cared much about Teodor. I mean sure, they had a lot of mutual friends, but when did they ever really do anything just the two of them?

I don't think there's a major connection between Teodor checking out and beef's drug use. It's safe to say losing an old friend/acquaintance wouldn't improve beef's situation, but he was probably well on his way to wherever he wound up long before T died.

Yes, they re-enacted many movies using a robotic vacuum cleaner together.

man, Beef gets upset when he remembers that somewhere a little locust with her little horrible brood of locust babies got stepped on by a carefree farmer. Somebody he KNOWS dying? That drives the man UNDER.

Holy shit, Ray got space ears

Note, Theodor puts Philippe to bed every night. Now compare their 2031 pictures.

I-is it all in my head?

This thought has made me all sad now.

Whoa...now that is the saddest thing...

I had already given out all my chubbies for this page when I got down to this one. Sorry, man. I chubby you in spirit. (...ew)


oh my god it is sadder than finding nemo

Wow, I never noticed that before. I just teared up a little when i looked at it.

To me that single moment between Teodor and Philippe occurs to the background of Tom Waits' instrumental song "Fawn" from "Alice."

I'd give you if i hadn't run out good call on the background music.

Damnit mario, don't make me cry like that.

holy fuck, yesterday was just setting us up. This comic has massive replay value. We will be discovering new facets for years.

In 2039, the world is falling apart, but Philippe has his butterfly friend. So everything is OK.

2031 to 2039 were a dark time for poor Phillipe. Then he a saw a black butterfly, and all was chill once again.

You totally just stole my comment....

I can't believe Ray would let Beef go so far off the rails. Ray has Beef's back 'til end of days.

It's was all Molly's fault, you know.

Molly left Beef because he told her to get off the crapper, and confused her with some broad named Denise.

maybe there was a problem with the prosthetic ears, and Ray could no longer hear Beef...?

I wonder if they have a falling out over Ray's management of Beef's music career in their dark times of 2026. Ray playing Col. Parker to Beef's Elvis, allowing him to get all hopped up on goofballs to play that third show at the Sahara.

In the future, perhaps I will have more chubbies per page, and be able to award you one.

I too have been stymied by the chubby limiter.

Brothers in inconvenience, you and I.

I found out I hit my chubby limit after accidently chubbying the post BEFORE the one I meant to chubby.

This is sad! Not only will Teodor die young, but he will look absolutely creepy by 2012.
Roast Beef's future also looks rather interesting.


Why is the chubby limit so small, and not proportional to the number of posts?



A comment left by radchilies was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by johnnybaverage, stormypinkness, straw, Lolsworth, Mr_Pete, robotman, Catachresis, ntopp, Spenham, catgrl131, trapperjohn, gethen, Lumus, earendil, YossarianLives, Hyetal, nutmeg, dropkickpikachu, Audhumla, clintisiceman, aperson, flynn)

Obviously things are different in the future - otters can participate in the Olympics, for one.

Fuck you right back. It's called a literary device , dammit. Phillippe is eternally five. He's the only character in the strip that doesn't age.

Beef has no grave.
His last days are a black abyss.
What has become of Beef?

OMG, I noticed that too. He disappears the same year Ray dies. What if, all along, Beef was just a fractured part of Ray's psyche, like Tyler Durden from Fight Club??

"Who is Roast Beef Kazenzakis?"
All ominous and fancy tagline printed on the Achewood movie posters. Can I get an "Ooooooooh, shiiiiiiiiiiiiiit"?


too far?

Just far enough.

Thanks for making it real, bizznizz. Next time someone tells me everyone on the Internet is a jerk, I'll just point them to this comment...
What are they going to do? Argue with an URL?
Also, I know this may be a bit picky but I think I liked "Who is R.B. Kazenzakis?" better. I guess with the initials it is even more marketable. Hey, let's do this thing, we're looking at about a six hundo

Consider yourself chubbied (but in a spiritual sense, I ran out ages ago).

he also starts singing as soon as ray goes deaf



In 2019, Roast beef will finally dig up his new shirt .

nicely done, sir. I believe you're right.

He finds the strength to wear it through song.

Wow, nice

from 2039 on, new characters are slowly and gradually introduced while still focusing on the original characters. at 2052, onstad - having completed his life's work - disappears and is assumed dead by most. the fox corporation starts a spin-off strip ("Phillipe!") a few years later. the full-length animated motion picture (Phillipe! in Europe) will be the best selling children's film in history.

Did anybody else glance at this comic, tell themselves "Oh, I guess he's not updating today," click some other link, and then, while the next page was loading, realize that the comic was, in fact, different? Because I did, and I don't feel like searching all the other comments to see if I've been beaten.

Can anyone read what it says on Téodor's grave?

His last name, which I can't recall the correct spelling, it begins with an O


yeah my first thought was "oh man beef had a sex change? i really didn't see that one coming." but it's definitely molly, upon deeper analysis.

Philippe is an android, like Haley Joel what's-his-face in A.I.

Those are some long-lived cats. I guess Teodor's lifespan is more usual for a bear.

Beef in 2012 looks pretty smarmy.

In 2031 Roast Beef will be available in pill form!

Tell me, Onstad, are these the shadows of things that Will be? Or only the shadows of things that May Yet be?

Can I buy a big goose... or a bottle of Ray's hot sauce or something... to keep Roast Beef off the pills?

Ray smoking a pipe in his robes, while earless.

It's perfect.

teodor in 2019 = ted kennedy?

This made me feel a tad sad.

Oh, yeah? Well, it made me feel a lil' ill.

damn this is hell of giving me depression

also, considering that achewood is now six years old and 2012 is only four years away, these events could perhaps definitely come to fruition given onstad's fetish for continuity

2012 is five years away dogg... 2012 - 2007 = 5


2007 has less than three months left in it, though. It's closer to four years than five.

Except that it's the 2012 Olympics, which will be taking place during the British summer, ie July-August. So it's four years, ten months. Thus, closer to five.

actually i am from the future of sorts

Well, I am from.... History!


I have this feeling that Lyle is immortal as well.

Considering the amount of whiskey he drinks.

The word you're searching for is "pickled."

Get OUT of my head, you! They're my thoughts, mine!

Okay, you got me. The word I thought of in reaction to the previous comment was "pickled." I presumptuously took this word from my mouth and inserted it into the mouth of the previous commenter. I did not wipe off my saliva first.

Get out of my MOUTH!

I figured that Lyle would simply "disappear" one day. "Last seen stepping into a cab, December 26, 2013"

Looking at Beef's future makes me think of Johnny Cash, the cat in black that walks the line.

It appears Beef was never able to overcome his Circumstances. Sigh.

If Teodor doesn't scare you to get into shape, I don't know what will.

How sad.

Ray loses his ears, gets replacements but cancer catches him. Dead.

Teodor is a big fat slob, loses the weight and feels good about himself. 5 Years later? Dead.

Phillipe is eternal. That's not so sad.

Beef - Gets hair, sings, drowns himself in a booze and drug nightmare, Molly drops him like a bad habit and he's just...gone, man.

Beautiful strip. One of the best.

To me, Phillipe's eternal youth is actually pretty depressing, as all of his friends die around him, and he watches, uncomprehending, but so very sad.

Oh god no one has commented on the fact that in 2008 Téodor is pushing a stroller man, I mean think about it, THINK ABOUT IT!

It can't be a shopping cart, the handle would be shorter.

Huh! I figured it was a lawnmower, but a stroller is possible too.

Maybe he finally WILL meet Penny after all these years.

And they'll have a baby, and then run over it with a lawnmower.

I was under the impression he was just mowin' the lawn.

I thought it was a lawnmower.

Between drugs and Friendly's, Todd's timeline is going to look like a weird game of tic-tac-toe.

Like many others above me, I have already used up my chubby allotment for this page. Excellent point.


Here's a spiritual chubby, for I'm full up.

chubbied for those dubbed too friendly.

I hope we eventually get to see some of Roast Beef's musical career. It seems to be a brief bright spot in the eventual tragic tale of his life.

Phillippe is not only unaffected by the passage of time, but he is also unmoved by the success, loss of ears, obesity, transformation into pills, and inevitable death of his friends.

I'm sorry, but I cannot remotely cope with the notion of the future deaths of these two cartoon cats. I am therefore unable to rate today's strip.

I do like how cantankerous Beef looks in 2039. But why is there no gravesite for him?


(Good thing Onstad is ten years younger than I am.)

Oh wait, that's Molly in 2039, angrily leaving a pill- and booze-addled Beef. Still.

Notice how the last four panels for Roast Beef get progressively blacker.

Rustmouth's got nothing on Beef.

A comment left by philipmarschall was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Dovey, phthoggos, MrFlunchy, Zem)

you could have just linked the strip dude

there is indeed a fine line about when it is better to link or quote.

philipmarschall does not know where it lies.

I'll forgive him if he said that from memory .

By 2031, Ray is still hip. He has adjusted well to thew new Trafalmadorian style (after the invasion of earth, of course).

Phillipe in 2039 has apparently become Eustace Tilley.

Paging Harold Ross . . . Mr Ross, please pick up.

Just off screen, Onstad laughs weakly from behind his glass of Ancient Shenanigans.

To reiterate: Roast Beef is depressed. Teodor is depress ing .

I do love this strip, but that is just pickles on parade.

The year Teodor dies is the year Philippe points and looks like he might be saying "Look out!"

Oh god, this is too depressing

Wow that was quick! Guess I'm done! Thanks! :)

Congratulations. You're an official human being. I mean Achewood fan.

I thought I was an offical human/achewood fan the day I got some on the mayor.

I should say I was joking.

philippe will always be philippe and five

I'm sure I'm not the only one who would really love to see a similar strip for secondary characters? This has been my favorite in a long while.

Ray 2031 is what I hope to be like when old.

The most optimistic thing I can say about this strip is that in 2019 Roast Beef digs up the shirt Molly gave him and finds the strength to wear it publicly.

well spotted (again, still no chubbies left..)

Excellent observations like this make the assetbar garbage worth it. Too bad I'm such a deviant and will never have another chubby to give out again!

A comment left by anitrophaeron was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Dezufnocosem, crawfomp, Biggles)

A comment left by johnmatrix was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by madnes, twohundredninety, katsura, jerkface, catgrl131, earendil, YossarianLives, midgetron)

Am I lucky enough to have caught you with your lame-allotment down?

Yeah, but I didn't lame that and wouldn't have. I just feel that posters overuse the "circumstances" quote. I mean I like the quote, it's just that it's been repeated to a level that would put Family Guy fans to shame.

The Dude Has Got A Point

I suppose you have a point. You've also forced me to compare myself to the drunks who stagger across campus shouting "i'm rick james, bitch" at one in the morning. This thought shakes me to my very core.

After training to run with the Olympic Torch, Philippe obtained the strength necessary for a feat no man (or otter) had yet accomplished - the Achewood-Paris longjump.

Coincidentally, he can also jump through time.

I want to see Cornelius' time line now.

He didn't have the heart to draw that. Given Mr. Bear's age, he probably wouldn't last more than two frames :-(

Philippe has a half life of 5000 years.

A comment left by joeyramoney was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by blastradius, twohundredninety, mortshire)

Woah, i just realized the backgrounds represent whether the character is in a bad time or a good time. Roast Beef's trails off blacker and blacker as he spirals into oblivion, Theodore briefly gets grey as he struggles with weight, Ray also gets briefly gray, and Philippe is nothing but white. I know it's already been said but damn, that's a nice subtle touch.

Yeah, I'm dismayed by the coincidence of Ray and Beef's bad time. I'm thinking that it could mean that they had a break in their friendship. And Beef just sinks into darker and darker times, while Ray pulls out of his funk by buying himself some bionic ears.

I don't know about that. I mean, wouldn't losing your ears and breaking your arm count as a bad time for Ray? And yet the background is white.

A bad time, sure, but not comparatively; he's probably still a disgustingly rich dude with a bunch of friends who aren't dead or drug addicts or anything.

I like it, except that Ray's rad pic in the smoking jacket has a gray background. Nothing in the picture suggests a bad time.

Perhaps he's ruminating on Beef's worsening state.

Goddamn this strip is deep .

That seems to imply that Roast Beef was ever as happy as Philippe.

But if the shading wasn't offset to compensate, Philippe would be blinding and Beef would be invisible.

I like that through this teodor's death is given an accent of acceptance. Like everyone knew it was coming and they were all happy teodor was happy in his last years.

*virtual chubby*

In the end, Phillipe is standing on it (a grave?). His head is the same shape as a tombstone.
I'm not sure what that means.

I think we are seeing each character's view of their own future.

ray seems to have a trip to a haunted house planned in the near future then


As interesting as these strips are, I think I could have done without seeing them, and there is no way to unsee them now.

Hello spoilers! >:(

Man, Tedore. You really let yourself go. Future Ray, meanwhile, bears his disability with true class.

I...I'm talkin' physical therapy! Wheelchairs and stuff! Speakin' at high schools!

The way I see it, if you haven't fucked yourself up enough to warrant speaking at high schools, you haven't lived.


never before and never again can there be this much character progression among a group of characters without pupils

A comment left by irreverend was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Overmedicated, Jar, Boyd, dropkickpikachu)

Looks like it. Due to hair and the barely visible cleft of breasts.

And the nose. Look closely at the cat's nose and breasts and think where you have seen a cat with a nose and breasts like that before. Think hard .

Yeah, I guess that's Molly leaving him. Dammit, and a sex change for Beef seemed so appropriate.

is it just me or does roast beef age slower than everybody else (besides philippe)

GOD THIS STRIP IS SO DEPRESSING. When I got to Phillipe I was like "Oh, he has his whole life ahead of him, this will be better," but no, he just remains in stasis for half a century. Thanks for fucking my day up, cartoon animals.

Teodor lives his entire life without love, succumbing to weight gain brought on by depression and his love of foods. Finally, hitting his middle age years, he gets his life back on track. He slims down, takes up new hobbies, and finds the woman he has been waiting for all these years. Their courtship is happy and joyous, and Teodor feels better about himself and his life than he has ever felt before. He sires a child, pledging to be the stable, loving father figure that he himself never had. The boy is four or five, and he looks forward to a long and fruitful end of days spent watching his son mature into a man.

And then he dies.

This is fucking sad.

the future looks good

2019: beef digs up the black shirt molly gave him :)

And in the end Philippe is content.

As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be.

No really - T's hair in 2019. What's up with that ?

It's a toupee, I'm quite sure of it. If you check the 2012 picture you'll see evidence of the very short, almost shaved cut worn by the more fashion conscious balding man and bear. Seven years later vanity has overcome good sense, and seven years later still he's at peace with himself once again. Five years after that he is At Peace.

That was the style of the time. In the 2020s we look back at the hairsytles of the 10s and laugh and laugh.

Beef, like his icon Johnny Cash, trades his knuckles for dirt. He sings, finds the shirt, delves into booze and pills, Molly leaves him, and that is that. RIP JRC.

A comment left by estutius was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Overmedicated, killerlimpet, anitrophaeron)


A comment left by capnjoob830 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Overmedicated, Oplem, neitherman)

That's Molly in that panel.

On a tangent: Your avatar pleases me. (has listened to it a lot)

A comment left by oplem was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by GSurge, mortshire, Hexjumper, tropicana, anitrophaeron)

hmmm, the way that the deaths work in each of rows is that if a character dies, his resting place is shown first and then an X in the subsequent panel (i.e. you see ray's grave and then an X, you see teodor's grave and then an X). However, for beef's row, there is an X in the last panel, but in the previous panel there is a picture of Molly. Does that imply that beef is already dead in that panel and that Molly is walking out on his corpse? Does Molly stay with beef til the bitter end and then leave his corpse in a pile of pills, booze, and vomit? Does she murder him in a lover's quarrel?

The Xes seem to indicate a status of Sir Not Appearing in This Comic. (see previous strip where Beef and Ray have Xes in 2001.) Because we never see a grave (or bowling alley ashtray...) for Beef, I would guess that he doesn't die in the strip but Onstad simply found him too depressing to write about in 2052.

hmm, i would say that the Xes for beef and ray in 2001 would indicate that they did not yet exist, which would mean that the Xes for 2052 indicate that they no longer exist.

When I "read" this strip to my roomie (I always read Achewood for her, with voices and all, but for this I just made up a story for the pictures), I said that Roast Beef has a sex change and disappears; no one knows if he's alive or dead, hence the white cross on black.
But I guess we shall all find out in 2052; we'll re-talk then.

is your roomie blind

No, I'm just such a cutiepie.

I agree with you that this is probably the intent. But I thought about it a little more, and something occurred to me. Surely Ray and Beef did exist prior to 2001? Flashbacks bear it out, if common sense doesn't.

I think, though, that there was a subtle shift in form between the anniversary strip and this one: The anniversary strip highlighted evolution in the ways the characters were depicted -- information outside the universe being depicted by the comic. This strip appears to be showing real-world events and changes in the lives of the characters within the story.

So yeah? Yeah. I think Beef is dead in the last panel.

Prior to 2002 , that is. Close enough.

I'm just glad Phillipe finally got the Boys' Medley put into the Olympics.

What the hell does Teodor's gravestone say?


Teodor's surname.

A comment left by fjak was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by mr_lostman28, illgamesh, bixschmix)

Is Teodor supposed to be having a heart attack in 2012?

I more or less thought it was him getting told by the doctor that he's morbidly obese, and needs to get thin, or else he'll die.

I just realised that Philippe might be like that kid from the film AI. You know, that horrible film where there's a robot child that is strangely attached to his mommy, but then gets replaced for the real son and is let out into the wild? Only in this case he is taken in by the cast of Achewood.

I think it's probably more bearable for the other characters themselves to go through drugs, deafness and poor health, because it seems like the logical next step maybe, but it's so much more depressing for Philippe because he has to watch his friends suffer and die around him, with little understanding as to how or why, but remaining in a permanent state of youth where all his friends will eventually die around him in the same way. Therefore, Onstad has made Philippe the most depressing of all characters in this timeline.

This is the most dissatisfying alt-text of all time. Beeeeef, tell me about Rooaaasteed BEEEEeeeef, not Ray's speaking engagements!!!

and Phillipe wins it folks!

If it's still here, I'll still read it in 2052

I like to think that even when R.B. shuffles off his mortal coil maybe he and Molly can reconcile in the afterlife when he realizes he's been a big ol' tool for many a year.

I don't know why but panel two of his timeline really suggested finding god to me, like he may end up being the lead singer of some Christian Rock band that makes it big. He also seems to lose a little weight between the first and second panel.

It is equally sad to note Ray getting pretty thin towards the end. But maybe in his last panel the black side of the grave actually belongs to an off-panel Ray visiting the grave of his old buddy R.B.???? I would maybe like that a lot better.

If Molly and Beef got back together in the afterlife, I would really like that. Especially since that is where they first met and all. It would be nostalgic, like visiting the site of a first date on your fiftieth anniversary.

Wow, nostalgia for the afterlife. What an oddly appealing idea.

Phillipe....Forever Young.

I have never been so sad, gazing at my computer screen, looking at cartoon cats. Onstad- your solid continuity does not have to reign here. Don't do that to Beef.


In 2052, Roast Beef's Aibo-based system of organs crashes and, without Ray, Molly, or anyone else to stick a paper clip in the hole, he stays crashed.

Poor Beef...

Oh my goodness!
Is that the Olympics?!

Is this meant to indicate that the final year of Achewood, 2052, will consist of comics solely involving phillipe and Ray's grave? Also, can we safely assume that Beef kills himself after Molly leaves?

In the future, Philippe will become a Soul Reaper. In his 2039 picture, the butterfly is the soul of Teodor leaving for the Soul Society.

What kind of Zanpatou would Philippe have?

In its shikai form, Philippe's Zanpakutou would be a sword that receives phone calls from tomorrow, called "Tokubetsu Na Danji" and to call it, he shouts "Tokubetsu Na Danji, Koko No Koi!" It's bankai form is a walk-around butt.

damn, its "koko ni koi."

man what

I take it you've never watched Bleach?

No. Some people like to have sex.

With girls.

Two years later I can come back and admit that I would prefer to just watch Bleach.

i love Philleppe.
im glad his life is a fruitful one.

also, hes the only one alive when Ray dies so he can sing at Rays funeral.
but a funeral of the future.
so he can sing 'Rocketman' while Rays ashes are blasted into space in a tequilla bottle.

God bless you, Philleppe.

Beef apparently transformed into pills in 2031. Roast Beef pills sound good. I'd like some.

Cocaine is a hell of a drug.

A comment left by sneeeeeeeeeeeze was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by wittyname, gethen, Jeet, tropicana)

I hate my mortality

I am also haunted by said mortality, especially when I read this strip.

If this has been mentioned before, I apologize, but I don't see it in my brief review.

Look at the progression of the background color in Beef's row. Panels 1-3 (status quo through apparent vocal success) are normal. Then, when the booze and pills start to kick in, it gets steadily darker through Molly's inevitable abandonment and the final curtain.

A subtle indication of Beef's internal state?

I think it can be noted that Roast Beef doesn't appear to die in 2052, or even have the white box of Teodor's posthumous panels. No, Roast Beef seems to simply cease to be, perhaps he will simply will himself to a state of nonexistance.

I almost take this as a submission to philippe being retarded

Man how's that? I think it's a greater submission to him being Five. Like, as an all-consuming character trait. Retarded people grow up, and die. People who are Five, are... well, they are Five.

Further! Whether or not Philippe is retarded, is has been stated several times that he IS Five. Now consider Philippe's character. He is extremely clever for a five year old, he puts out a weekly news-letter, keeps a suprisingly literate blog (more so than Lyle or Little Nephew) and ran for President. If we've agreed that he IS five, I'd submit that he cannot be five AND retarded, because of the way he acts. He's too damn clever for a five year old, let alone a retarded one.

Good show! I don't know where this trend of "Philippe is probably retarded" started, but I do get the feeling the people spreading it have never interacted with a five-year-old in real life.

When you google Achewood, the description for the strip is "A cartoon of modern life as lived by a retarded otter, an alcoholic tiger, and two bears." Note that that was written before the appearance of the cats, or even the robots.

Well, I don't actually subscribe to the idea that he IS retarded, I was just noting that he happens to not grow any more, or mature, while the older characters age and die off.

this strip makes me really upset

Téodor's hair gets fat in 2019. What the fuck.

In 2019, your hair can get fat. DEAL WITH IT.

Teodor doesn't like going to the barber because he dislikes the sensation of having the fat-rolls on the back of his head spread apart to cut the hairs growing between.


Also, I bet it was Philippe leaving for France that sent Roast Beef over the edge.

How can a stuffed bear even die?

Yeah! And... wait... How can it talk and move around and cater weddings and... This comic is just total nonsense! I don't know why I'e been wasting my time reading it.

I will be so disappointed if the 2008 panels don't show up this year.

I will be relieved if they don't.

So sad to see some of those, yet so reaffirming of one's existence.

This is a sad strip.

To be honest, I think the worst part about this is seeing Phillipe standing bemused in the year 2052, while all his friends have died. I don't want to think of Phillipe, sad and alone, hundreds of years after we're all gone. I still give it a 5, mind you, it's just a 5 tinged with sad.

Phillipe's future is pretty depressing when you listen to Mad World.

To be honest, most things are though.

I think that Roast Beef's black box with white X implies that he is dead or missing and not buried. Everyone else that dies has a gravestone then the white boxes. I'd imaging that Molly leaving him is much like RB leaving gramma K. She probably just left a number for the government by the phone and he depressed himself to death on his own in the trailer and no one knows. Ugh...too depressing for 9 am

Philippe lives forever, yaay! Gosh, what kind of deal did he make with Peter Pan?

Teodor, man. Gotta lay off the Subway.

I find it highly amusing that Beef grows hair for the express purpose of losing it later in life.

We've got two months to give Teodore a child to keep this cannon.

In panel 3, Beef turns into Ian Curtis.

As I post this, it's the 3oth of December 2008, and I am tempted to locate the panels in the strips.

I'll probably do the same in 4 years.

Also, why is Roast Beef's X a negative? My guess is, his death will signal the end of the comic, since he is the life-blood of the strip in all its neurotic glory.

Philippe is actually trapped outside of the natural flow of time for sins committed in a past life as a betesticled crack whore with magical powers.

The only thing more disturbing than a strip where the characters age or a strip where they don't is a strip where some of the characters age, some don't, and some... turn into women?

did teodor get gastric bypass surgery? cuz i saw an episode of House where this one health bitch did it and her body went all crazy. is that what happens to t?

nah. i think he just gets fit and dies.

the end.
not much of a moral.

the last hurrah of Teodor's life kind of sucking.

"Health Bitch"

So are we to believe Beef dies a very tranny death, or is it implied that his end is met at the hands of a graying Molly?

he takes his own hand.

not pictured: the 2053 rebirth of b-ball.

roast beef's is the saddest by far...

2039 Ray is adorable for some reason. I have no idea why.

Beef an heros?

Phillippe is everlasting.

Roast Beef has no grave.
This makes my eyes well up with tears.

And then there was Phillipe.