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Ramses Luther, Rodney Leonard Tuesday, March 14, 2006 • read strip Viewing 50 comments:

God damn, Rodney just looks tough as hell. Totally hardboiled.

Also, he looks exactly like a cat Tom Waits

Doesn't that amount to the same thing?


'I remember 's if it all were a meal ago...'

5 isn't enough, goddammit. Is there like a 7?

I think everyone should get a certain number of extra points they can give to strips based on your member status. So everyone would get 1 point per month of strips you've read, and an additional point once Onstad has posted a new month of strips. You could save them up to just cold dump high-ass points on just a few strips higher points, or parse them out gracefully and judiciously like a tooth fairy with Stanford standards.

Damn dog that comment made me look like I am from circumstances.

...like a tooth fairy who doesn't believe women and blacks should be in grad programs?

You just took me to school in the car of pain. I am unaware of any racism at Stanford since I did not attend that establishment. I only used it for the wordplay alliteration and off-rhyme of the phrase "Stanford standards."

I've been told that, while there's nothing particularly racist or genderist about their admissions department, the grad schools have an unusually high number of tenured racists and genderists from previous eras who wish to live a very long time, and enjoy encouraging the sort of white male students who will be as racist and genderist as they can get away with. But mostly I think one should make fun of a cartoonist's alma mater. And this is my favorite blog entry.

That simile at the end is simply beautiful.

"With him there's no inbetween"

Absolute classic

Rodney has a medallion, too.

Aside from that, Ramses must be disappointed as hell in his son's choice of attire.

You have to admit she looks just like an angel

I'll be the first to admit I have a huge crush on her, that's for sure.

You must be a truly bad-ass man to have a rhyme that denotes your arrival...

Did the Smuckles family attend the Harrow school, or is this just a snazzy style of family hat they got going on?


I notice Pat wears one in the strip [url=
https://m.assetbar.com/achewood/uua6B65PQ]Sandwich Humour[/url]

Dang BB code.

They attended the Harrow school of beating the asses of three thousand men.


These are straw boaters. The hats in the strip are manly pork-pie hats: narrow brim.

I'm pretty sure Ray is wearing one specifically as an homage to his father.

Beef is the fist to admit he has a huge crush on Liv Tyler.

And I'm right behind him in line.

Given the Space Moose avatar and the word "fist" instead of "first," I really don't know how much is gonna be left for you...

When I first read this strip, I thought Rodney was supposed to be a ghost.

So did I, until you ruined it just then D:

I only just now understood that Rodney is speaking to them through the fence - I thought those lines around him were like, majesty lines to convey how hard he is. Or that he was a ghost or something.

chubby for ' majesty lines'

fuck i'm tearin' up

Like any real man would, godfather, like any real man would.

Notice how Beef identifies Ramses by his description given in the epic poem that details his exploits.

Ramses Luther Smuckles is such a badass.

I love ham


Is 'Christian Brothers' a real Brandy? I imagine priests and deacons toasting each other in the Lord's Name, starting Crusades on a drunken truth-or-dare gone insane, regretted nights and mornings when the Brothers repeat over and over to themselves: "we were just...experimenting".

Yes, it is a real brandy, and the bottle looks exactly like that.

Ray's dad is hot.

It's some kind incredible bottle of Brandy that never, ever runs out. It always has a little bit left in the bottom, like the pot of flour and bottle of oil in some old story in the Bible that involves Elijah, I think.

Last panel - in the top three of all-time 'Son Meets Estranged Dad for First Time' moments

Chris Onstad has strange ideas about what crossed arms look like.

I think the shift from Beef's thoughts to Ray's stuttered question in panels 7 and 8 is interesting. Sure, there's not a lot of background going on to begin with, but in both panels the character is facing the left, looking at Rodney, eyebrows up in the shock of amazement and recognition. The only difference is that Ray is a little closer%u2014as if a camera has zoomed in on him, paralleling the path Beef's thought process takes as it arrives at the inevitable conclusion that Ray voices in the next panel. The seamless jump from Beef's "It's%u2014" to Ray's "D...Dad?" sort of underscores the fact that Ramses has been a father to both Beef and Ray. In both cases, an absent father, but a father nonetheless%u2014a spiritual father to Beef, who understands the fight and the tenuous nature of the peace between any two men%u2014and a biological father to Ray, providing him with the bloodline necessary for a body than could go on a rampage and actually have a shot at winning the fight. Rodney's links to both of them are apparent two strips later on, when he communicates directly with Beef as a means of communicating ultimately with Ray%u2014"Roast Beef, do I have to hush him?"%u2014highlighting his differing relationships with each of them. Oh god someone put a bullet in my brainpan please.

And a few more for the butchered m-dashes if'n you don't mind.

For reasons I don't fully understand, the fact that Beef wears the goggles throughout the GOF makes the whole story arc so much better.

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