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Kissin' Molly Ringwald on the Titties Tuesday, January 27, 2004 • read strip Viewing 77 comments:

A comment left by umbra was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by SSDDR, Connellingus, cryptfiend85, we_eat_vitamins, Cowey42, J-Man)

Ray's an awful friend I'd love to have.

im sure that ray, even moreso in his youth than currently, had many instances of inconsideration for the feelings of others. even his best friends. sometimes, even a good friend is a dick.

I'd be a dick NOT to share this with you: Molly Ringwald's rack is awesome . Proof? Check this snippet from 1995's Malicious .
Duckie (Pretty in Pink) would DIE of envy.

Duckie was kind of an arsehole. I don't feel sorry for him. I don't know why everyone loved him.

Molly Ringwald gave me the horn, and I share some of it with you for your insightful post.
1 Chubb.

Terrible! Just terrible the things he did to Beef.

A comment left by notself was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, SSDDR, bug56, Connellingus, cryptfiend85, HellaEdgar)

And the young Ray shades are fuckin pimp. I want those because a cartoon cat looks fly in em.

Those are fairly standard issue Locs from what I can tell.

A comment left by djclarke was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by DiamondMonster, SSDDR, Connellingus, cryptfiend85, Howard, Boyd)

God I was always so afraid of situations like this as an adolescent.

Everything was really Important back then and I am glad I did not have a blog.

God. I had one. I read it recently. I wanted to punch myself in the brain.

Reading this comment inspired me to go find my oldest blog. Why... WHY... 13-year-old me was such a turd.

Are there any 13 year old kids who weren't turds?

Anne Frank?

FUCK Anne Frank.

Shut up, dude. Anne Franke conquered the Moon Nazis.

Anne Frank also conquered the Moon Nazis.

she's kind of a one trick pony

Exactly man, exactly .

I don't know about that. Just because she didn't write anything incriminating in her diary doesn't mean it didn't happen.

Please please please let this be the day somebody calls me an anti-semite for thinking her diary was mostly boring! PLEASE?

you're an anti-semite. for thinking it was boring.

(i've never read it. and don't plan to. it's probably boring.)

i read it like nine times in third grade. i could probably stand to do so again. i definitely don't remember it being boring.

Thank you for making my dreams of yester-year come true!

Tell me about it. When I was 7 there was this boy I knew who had total lack of respect for cussing in front of your parents, and one day we were on the way to chess club and he totally said "Britney Spears' boobs" in front of my dad . I almost stopped living there and then in my tiny corduroys. My dad didn't turn around but I knew from his silence that he thought I was scum.
For months afterwards, before we made the weekly trip I had to remind Thomas not to say boobs in the presence of my father, and no matter how many times he said yes I was always terrified he would work it into the conversation somehow. To make sure he wouldn't, I would just not stop talking about what we were going to do at chess club for the whole journey; which was difficult, in that we didn't do a whole lot more than partake in games of chess.
Those were stressful times for me.

kids !

beef's board is hella decrepit.

All just a plank nailed to a longer plank.

he's got 4 matchbox cars for wheels.

Beef's homemade skateboard may be an autobiographical reference.

That is an awesome call

Anybody else notice that the Bluetooth logo is like the Dead Kennedy's logo in reverse? Just me?

some ads guy at Bluetooth was totally a Dead Kennedy's fan and new good logo when he saw it, then he ripped them off.

Ray watching the Cosby Show is so damned appropriate

The question is, does Ray want to watch The Cosby Show , or Cosby ? Given what time period it appears to be, I'd say the former. But you never know.

woo i just watched the overall rating go from 4.4 to 4.5 when i gave this a 5!


this is what i hope secretly when i choose a rating.

I have only changed the fate of Achewood once.

The rush was great and terrible. Now I am forever chasing the dragon, waiting for the thrill of altering the rating of a web comic among an insular internet community by one decimal point.

It is a heady thrill indeed.

God bless you, sir, for doing your part.

Alt-text: Roast Beef Tender Moments Week.

(But it only ran three days before Philippe For President started.)

Ironically, Beef grew up to become a man who kisses a woman named Molly... on her titties.

Good observation, although that is not at all ironic.

No, not ironic. Not even if it were to rain on the wedding day.

I think he meant "coincidentally".

But it's hardly that, because this is a comic, written by a person, who gets to give characters whatever goddamn names he chooses.

In fairness, you don't get lamed, since it was a worthy observation let down by being expressed by an intellectual peer of Alanis Morissette. (spelling? -Actually, who cares)

ok guys it's dramatic irony, which is a different kind from alanis'

Alanis' type of irony is the type of irony that has never been and never will be irony ever by any definition.

The fact that a song called "Ironic" doesn't actually contain any irony is, itself, ironic. I'm assuming she didn't do that on purpose because nothing else she's ever done has blown my freaking mind.

Fuckin' prescriptive linguistics is bullshit. Usage, my droogs, Usage.

Oh god does it count as ironic that I fucked up BBCode when I was trying to be all up on my high horse? No? Pathetic? Yes? Ok.

She gets to bone Ryan Reynolds, that blows my mind.

Dude Ryan Reynolds is married to Scarlett Johansson is he not? Unless you posted this before they got married. In which case, past-zapatos, please stop the wedding. PLEASE.

It is sort of ironic. You'd think this emotionally scarring childhood event would have scared him off women by that moniker. Monika. hahaha. My moniker is Monika.

Oh shit it's 2 AM.

It's ironic in an Alanis Morrisette kind of way.

Women named Molly are probably the best for titty-kisses. But now I can never have a normal conversation with a Molly ever again.

Do you know anyone called Molly? I certainly don't.

I agree. There are no women called Molly.

i preppie bitch that was in my class in HS had that name. her last name? boozer. i dont know her address, so if you want to stalk her, youre going to have to do the rest of the work yourself.

No, that was enough detail to support a servicable masturbatory fantasy, thanks.

look at beef have the happiest time on his skateboard.

Oh God the fear; the fear of the other guy speaking loud the secret thoughts of shame.

i watched it just to see A. M. Hall hold up her panties.

I'm terribly confused. And as this question has probably already been answered someplace, I apologize.

But why did they have tails in the last strip and not in this one? Basically I wonder why as cats they are anatomically incorect? The tailess breeds?

Love Ray in the young days.

It's okay, Beef. We all do.

All I have to say is..


Crushing on Molly Ringwald (back in the 80s) was NOTHING to be ashamed of...my personal opinion.

Man, Ray is such a dick. Even more than Pat sometimes. At least Pat is consistent.

Yay! I have the 666th rating for this strip. I am so going to hell when I die!


That look on Beef's face is the exact look i would give.

In young times Roast Beef is far cooler by today's standards than Ray, he listens to Dead Kennedys, he made his own skateboard, he wears grandpa glasses, he wants to kiss Molly Ringwald on the titties.

Ray is rich, tells his mom that his friends want to kiss girls on the titties, wears skater gear.

it is hip to be square

it's square to have hips.

So Cosmo says you're fat? Well I ain't down with that!

I love Beef's pose in the first panel, but why is he skating in the dark?