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The Man From C.H.I.V.A.S. Thursday, May 8, 2008 • read strip Viewing 707 comments:

Comeuppance. Or rather, comeuppance is to come.

new money? that's gotta be ray. ray is old money. old-selling-your-soul-to-the-devil-for-ass-in-your-pants-money, but old money nonetheless.

The speculation will be rendered irrelevant by the next strip, causing an amusing spectacle for future viewers of Assetbar

However my vote is for Showbiz

A comment left by farqussus was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by blastradius, RedGuy, Wolfslice)


Teodor has been berating Beef's failures to be a good man to Molly at every opportunity in the past coupla months, so maybe this is where his jealousy will finally come to a head. He will look upon Beef's massive Pythons and think "How is it that this fool can type some damn greeting cards and get massive muscles but I've been exercising for all this time and can't lose pound one!?" Also, Teodor is kind of fat.

Or actually, to be clear, those feet look too large and cat-like to be Teodor's so unless he came with someone else then maybe that casts a shadow on my THEORY .

Yeah this is definitely backlash from Teodor and Beef's fight from a few strips back.

I feel like it's Teodor as well. For what it's worth (not much) there are claws on the feet.. I don't know if the cats walk with detracted claws or not..
As much as it saddens me, the emotional charge of this arc is pretty commendable. I like it in a terrible way.

There better be a Friday strip ... or else.

IT'S THE BOFFIN. The newly sentient computer virus that only could have been made by one man: The Quiet Digressor.

The whole reason he wanted onto the FBI database is to obtain information and facilities of their research into homunculi, in an attempt to finally attain corporeal form. He has means, he has materials, and he has manipulatory cunning and mastery. Enough to set up a scene such as this.


This is the most satisfactory theory, but I fear also the least likely.


Screw Occam's Razor. Up with Boffin assassination (ps can I smoke some of that?)

those feet are obviously ray's; look at the professionally pedicured nails.

But the girl is Teodor in disguise.

no way, unless T got some major surgery done

Go to the comic where he took off his mouth.

Put on a wig, a fake mouth -- same eyes and structure and boom! A prude airline hookup.

Plus he is hung like a cranberry.

Considering he is less than three feet tall, I would say he is built to scale.

I dunno, if you double his size, that's still just two cranberries. What are you saying about yourself man? What are you saying to the Internet?

There should really be an option for giving a chubby and a lame simultaneously. Or at least half of each.

what i'm saying is, it's not that i'm torn on what you deserve so much as i know exactly what you should have and technology won't allow me to do it

That is the story of my tenure with AssetBar. I started posting like a month ago, and every decent post I make gets chubbied up until it turns green, then lamed until it disappears. It is very hard to calibrate to the level of clever/nasty of this crowd.

You just have to accept that hedonism is a controversial philosophy, especially when expressed by robots.

"I apologize for nothing!"

I guess what I am saying is;
"Thank you for reading Achewood today."

but teodor wears those funny black tights.


I think they belong to the stewardess. she was planning to slip beef the proverbial mickey (in chivas form), and has caught him trying to escape before she could get her mitts on his wallet.

Which means she must have the powers of teleportation that only an alien seeking the genes of a greeting-card writing cat would have!



A comment left by irondave was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, randombeing, perhapsmaybe)

Nuh-uh - no quod erat demunumnum. To be Flawless includes the use A.H.B.P., a la Leon Sumbitches (B.W., A.H.B.P.) That is Achewood Scholastic and therefore Flawless, A.H.B.P

Thanks for not being humorless.

It is Showbiz, who is her pimp? Theory supposed!

Birkenstocks? I'm thinking those are the crappy disposable shower sandals one finds in hotels. Meaning that that's probably Showbiz.

It could be Molly, having followed him on his trip to surprise him at his hotel, only to find a nasty surprise of her own when she gets there.

That is a slender leg, such as to belong to a lady, but I just could not imagine Molly saying "What's up, new money."

Okay. Then that's a crappy flip-flop on the Beast's right foot. Prepare to see some toad technique rained down on Roast Beef's ass by the Evil God of the Fiery Cloud.

You can't go wrong with the Kung Fu Hustle references. Chubby!

The purple pumps would also be in order to express the tragic irony.

Birkenstocks are a Pat thing. Most definitely not a Ray thing. Ray wouldn't be caught dead in Birks.

My vote is that she wants him for his money.

Interesting? Not really. Logical? Very.

yeah, that seems the simplest resolution of this strip. she's in a prime spot to blackmail beef just when he's starting to make a name for himself in the card biz.

I could see it. Showbiz being a bellhop or some such. Finding out about the near tryst and then blackmailing Beef for a good portion of his "new money".

Kim Jong Ill fo shizzle. You can't publish a card like Beef did without some payback. For the record the North Korean strongman is built like a cat and has, like totally grody toenails, so it fits perfectly.

I agree, that is definitely Showbiz. And he stole those Birkenstocks

I think those are Mephistos, which cost about a hundo, so it wouldn't be Showbiz. Showbiz probably wears old white Reeboks from the early '90s which were worn a few times, got sent to Goodwill, etc.

I'm with the perpetually centrifugal canine on this one, I believe it's Showbiz.

You even sound like Teodor

What an icon!!

perhaps (if it is ray) what he means by the term "new money" is that roast beef is a stranger to the player's game. As I'm sure you're all aware, Ray is a player. He demands that chicks french him.

I would say 'new money' relates to the fact the Roast Beef is wealthy, but hasn't been for long. Like nouveau riche, but a much less pretentious term.

Also, if ray were on top of his pimp game, he would be getting chicken hookers with mixed raced children.

Fuck me...would not be getting.

pfft, yeah right.

I don't think it's Ray. Something smells like... Hunt's Ketchup?!

I'm with you, ntopp, you....cat wearing a British law-talking guy wig?

It's a cat thumbing his nose and sticking out his tongue. And it's a hoodie, rather than a barrister's wig. It's promotional art from the DFA Records website.

Chubbied in agreement.

That was my initial thought as well.

Butters' memory was erased. I can't think of any particular reason for a no-longer-evil professional dancer to be fucking with Ray's friends.

Chubbied for foresight.

Ray ain't wear some crass pharmacy sandals. He was mayor for fuck's sake.

i totally disagree. ray is a walking, breathing incarnation of new money: all hard-ass business skills but way poor on asset management. onstad probably knows a lot of gregarious nouveau riche types from the dotcom boom. old money does not drive escalades or constantly refer to people as "chochacho".

Ray isn't "old money". Old money means you inherited your wealth. Little Nef will be old-money, if he doesn't gets his ass whupped first.

why isn't it obvious to everybody that this is a classic honey-pot con? we have never met who just tripped beef, a new character who is working with the stewardess to scam beef out of his money.


I wanted to say bensington

i win.

what if she's not wearing underwear? what then, beef?

she muft be wearing underwear

I chubby almost everything you say because I love both your avatar and your name, as well as the shows they're derived from.

I believe I am not alone in this.

I submit that you are not.
Chubbies are to be shared.

You got a chubby for having an avatar from my favourite comic book series.

I have no idea what shows "numberkiller" and hypnofrog are from. And I don't care.

Here is a hint about the frog. I am from there too. So it that guy eating a pineapple on a string. It's the new facehand.

Pogo doesn't care. He is proud of his generation gap.

Also, he is benevolent but firm.

I try to imagine everything numberkillinger says with a raspy sort of voice. Almost whiney. And he knows why.

This is my magic murder bag.

Just gotta represent reality for the aging Boomer. My head is already full of assorted cultural crap, and it's hard to cram something new in. But last night, we caught Basia Bulat opening for Devotchka, and that's something new.

The time is running out, Pogo, a guess? .... FUTURAMA?... Yessssss! I have actually watched part of a couple episodes. I like the woman with one eye.

Hypno-Frog is from Futurama. It is truly a fantastic show.

Is there an echo in here ... in here?

Sorry. It's been a day.

Hypno-TOAD, damn you!

Mah bad, for serious. (see above comment RE: Day)

A comment left by alreadyinuse was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, apocowarg, lawbot, hastooo, mortshire, brian, loneal, mira, ethelthefrog, Genkisudo)

No...as long as you watch programming such as [adult swim], but not for shows like Robot Chicken or Family Guy. Also, the Discovery Channel, History Channel, and Sci Fi can be cool from time to time. I have given up on Sci Fi because they no longer air MST3K.

Alreadyinuse: Yes, it makes you a snot , and the worst kind of snob at that - one whose snobbery is based on completely facile and unjustified assumptions. So you don't even get to claim the title of snob, really. Anyway, from your previous posts you've generally proven yourself to be out of touch with reality and kind of naively proud of this because you seem to think the whole rest of humanity is made up of 'idiots who support George Bush'. If that makes life easier for you, sure, why not.

Steev_dayv: After Futurama and possibly Harvey Birdman, Family Guy is the most clever cartoon on television. I will argue this to the death against the people who have lazily decided not to like it because a) South Park (which is third-grade level shit about half the time) told them to, or b) because frat guys happen to also like it for entirely different reasons.

Whoa, I meant to say "snob" in the first line, but I'll be damned if that's not a Freudian slip of some sort.

A comment left by alreadyinuse was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, apocowarg, lawbot, falseprophet, Julia, kendieatsbabies, Cane_5, lux, shinsengumi14, Methadone, cailetshadow, smilebuddha, Genkisudo, Doc_Rostov)

I didn't mean to get into a postmodern debate about the nature of reality. All I'm saying is that from your various posts you come off as a guy who sits in his living room wearing a collander on his head and shouting at the upholstery while smearing himself with turkey gizzards, and thus may lack the adequate information or perspective to make judgments on the relative value of cultural phenomena.

A comment left by alreadyinuse was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, apocowarg, KaMeT, Steerpike66, falseprophet, mortshire, Julia, lux, bixschmix, achilleselbow, smilebuddha)

I like the way you assume most people on Assetbar and in the world couldn't comprehend your ideas of reality. Somebody's an intellectual snob.

Have any of you folks ever seen the currently cool 'webcomics' made of taking Garfield out of Garfield comics? If you put alreadyinuse on ignore, it's exactly like that. People complaining about what a douchebucket he is, without the context of why he sucks a sack full of baby dicks. Hilarious stuff.

That is very insightful. I am not kidding.

Yeah, I'm having a good time with it.

Yea, this is exactly what I'm talking about. It doesn't matter how much you've traveled, you're obviously sheltered by the confines of your own somewhat warped (as you admit) mind. And you're wrong, wrong, oh so wrong. Yes, I'm in grad school, and unlike you I find almost everyone here to be pretty much on the same level as me. I have no idea on what basis you could possibly conclude the opposite unless you're just drawing your speculations out of thin air. Your reasoning is completely self-absorbed and circular. You've withdrawn into your own mind and you create justification for this by deciding that everyone around you is stupid and that their engagement with social reality and the surrounding culture makes them stupid. And then you argue that they're stupid on this very basis.

The very fact that you dismiss everyone here in the same breath as George Bush and rednecks shows both how absolutely deluded you are (I doubt there's a single person on this board who supports him) and a certain degree of paranoid obsession, since you bust this out as some general proof of your superiority even when the argument has nothing to do with it. Hating Bush is neither something to be particularly proud of nor something that puts you above others when you're in a social circle where it's pretty much taken as a given. Not to mention that your political arguments come across as naive and simplistic, since you seem to just be parroting the whole meme of Bush = Redneck = Fundamentalist. I mean do you even consider the influence of the PNAC or AIPAC? Do you know where the neoconservative movement originates? You're not that enlightened, trust me.

Anyway, if you think the majority of users here are 'ghetto', why do you insist on sticking around? I think I've been more tolerant of you than others (perhaps too much so) because you sometimes say something witty or insightful when you're not being deliberately obnoxious, but lately the ratio's been pretty low. I'm very sorry that your lack of a fixed upbringing seems to have caused you to become self-absorbed and unbalanced, but this board is not a psychiatric outlet. And if you think everyone here is beneath you, then why not leave? It doesn't matter to me one way or another, but I think by now a majority of users would be happy if you did.

Why do you care so much though?

Don't be drawn into a belly-button lint-picking contest with the emo. That way madness lies. And not the fun kind of Madness, with the saxophones, and the Suggs.

Everyone you know has been lying to you your entire life about how interesting you are.

I think I kind of love alreadyinuse, & you seem a little boring. Maybe it's just hormones.

I'm just attracted to the different & the unusual, flash-in-the-pain, while you preach all the nonsense my daddy talks, quote pop culture, and drop "stuff white people like" links. Booooring...

That's ok! That's a perfectly fine opinion (though I'm not sure in what way I resemble your daddy and I only dropped the stuffwhitepeoplelike link because it happened to be relevant not because I'm a fan of the site). The point is that I'm not the one claiming to be on a higher level than everyone else and saying that everyone is too stupid to even begin to understand my genius.

Different and unusual? Dude, I think we all know about 20 guys like alreadyinuse. Snobs who oversimplify culture and politics are not rare.

I don't...


(The above post was meant to be in response to alreadyinuse. Assetbar is dissing me.)

Freudian slip of some snot?

I heartily agree with achilleselbow here--on snobbery fueled by "facile and unjustified assumptions, on alreadyinuse, and on Family Guy. Three for three--you have a way with words, sir. it is appreciated.

TV: Sure, 99% of it is crap, but then again 99% of everything is crap. That other 1% is worth it.

I think you have stretched Sturgeon's Law a little. Wasn't it more like 90% of anything is crap?

I heard it attributed to Phillip K Dick, and heard it as 99%. Perhaps PKD was more discriminating. My life experience would lead me to conclude that 99% is far closer to the real ratio, as applied to anything worthy of conversation.

I say this all the time and I never heard or read anyone say it before i started. It's just good solid logic.

Why you lazy ass. A simple Google search would reveal:

Sturgeon's Law is the name given to two different adages derived from quotes by science fiction author Theodore Sturgeon. The first is "Nothing is always absolutely so", while the second, and more famous, of these adages is: "Ninety percent of everything is crap." Sturgeon himself commented that Sturgeon's Law was originally "Nothing is always absolutely so"; the second adage was originally known as Sturgeon's Revelation. However, almost all modern uses of the term Sturgeon's Law actually refer to the second adage, including the definition currently listed in the Oxford English Dictionary.

https://f8d.org/?c=2 <-Clicky-clicky, it's relevant!

Pretty absurd, and sort of funny. Thanks.

I disagree with your general assertion on Family Guy, however, and I don't draw my dislike of it currently from what another animator told me to like nor am I racist against fratboys.

What is the non-sequitor? What is its purpose? In the past, the non-sequitor was used to cast aspersions on whatever was already being discussed -- either to distract the flow of thought away from the subject or to bring to the fore something horizontally related the subject that would not have been brought to attention otherwise; this is so whether this was the intended purpose of the non-sequitor or not.

One can agree that the humor of Family Guy is an ironic humor: a setting is presented, a familiar trope is presented, a character behaves with or without cultural references (usually with) to a situation in an unexpected manner, i.e., it is ironic that the character under the circumstances and within the expectations proffered by the setting should behave or reference as he does or what he does.

But while, I feel, Family Guy was an exemplar of ironic culture, it was operating on an intellectually - I won%u2019t say higher but perhaps more aware level than what was more common around it. However, irony for its own sake has fallen by the wayside in the six years since Family Guy first aired, and it%u2019s a bit tacky now; ironic t-shirts are the domain of hipsters and were always a bit tacky, now it is my opinion that they are moreso, displaying and advertising a proudness of how much the wearer %u201Cgets it.%u201D Even in the hyper-referentiallity of the post-modernists this was seen as somewhat tacky.

And this is where Family Guy finds itself today: in the arena of the post-ironic. However, since it never genuinely relied on joke writing or plot development but rather the juxtaposition of the expected and unexpected, it now relies on presenting the viewer with the unexpected contrasted against the unexpected of the unexpected. In other words, it%u2019s a series of non sequitors without purpose; a rolodex of referentiallity without any mooring to reference. If that%u2019s what you find funny or entertaining, that%u2019s fine, but to me it%u2019s sophomoric, bland, and frustrating. It%u2019s lazy writing. It%u2019s pulling plot points out of a hat, filling all spaces with irrelevant or otherwise nonsensical pop cultural references (and the references are now purely pop-cultural rather than how it behaved before with self-created or obscure references that stood on their own; to do that now would constitute effort) filled with stock dialog from either earlier episodes or other sitcoms (another layer of pointless referentiallity) and calling it finished. It can%u2019t even be labeled absurd because it%u2019s so clearly trying to pander to a particular mainstream body. Lazy writers writing for a largely lazy audience.

Cool, you can totally tell when I decided to start typing in Word!

Yea--I watched it probably 6 times now, and I just think it's inane and not very funny.

Everyone loves it! I don't get it.

South Park kind of disgusts me.

I don't own a TV, but I'm not a snob. I just don't enjoy the few things I've seen.

I have TV because I prefer watching sports to listening to them on the radio. Since I have this thing laying around anyway, I watch other programs too.

I think it's telling that people haven't watched much of Family Guy when all they can find to criticize is the familiar trope of the random cutaway scenes. But if you watched it consistently you would find that it's the content, not the format, that makes it funny. Both inside the cutaway scenes and within the course of the 'normal' plot, what I enjoy Family Guy is its incisive skewering of little everyday annoyances and common mannerisms (like the cell phone conversation Stewie overhears in the elevator), the same way a lot of other adult swim shows focus on the awkwardness of banal everyday dialogue exchanges (there was a recent episode with Brendan Small where they did this really well).

Anyway, your argument seems to be more that Family Guy isn't as good as it used to be than that it sucks overall, which I might agree with if I hadn't missed most of the last couple of seasons. But no one uses the same argument to say that the Simpsons sucks in general, although there have been many points where they've reached a level of suck far below the worst Family Guy episode. I agree that pop culture references are generally fairly cheap, but they don't necessarily break a show, and they're not the only ones that Family Guy makes. How many people do you think even got the reference when Stewie said to Meg "somewhere in an attic, there's a picture of you getting prettier"? I wouldn't call that mainstream pandering.

Overall, I think people tend to underappreciate fast-paced shows like Family Guy and Drawn Together where a lot of jokes and references go by without stopping to care whether you've gotten them or not, unlike South Park, which will hammer the same joke into your head for half an hour. If it's not your cup of tea, that's fine, I'm just asking people to trust me on the fact that there are smart people who like Family Guy, and they have good reasons for it (unlike otherwise smart people who like American Idol and such).

Robot Chicken is still pretty retarded 95% of the time though.

I think I basically more lie with the opinion that the cutaways are time killers, once at least with the sense of relevancy, now blatantly just because the plots are so tenuous and unimaginative that they are basically admitting they have ten minute of plot they need to stretch out to 23 or however long half hour shows are without commercials. Drawn Together I can at least admire in this respect because the cutaways are always cuts to actual jokes as opposed to random pop cultural reference A enmeshed with random pop cultural reference B. And Simpsons does suffer the same trappings of too many non sequitors, but even those are integrated within the plot rather than laughed at stonedly and never mentioned again. In the Simpsons' case, it's a matter of bored writers instead of lazy writers.

I had watched it consistently, and the content was funny. But once all superficial content had been plumbed, the writers appeared to resort to this padding nonsense rather than figuring out a way to keep it funny, which to me is lazy. Whatever humor there may or may not be in newer episodes is lost to me completely amongst the nonsense. You will see that I support the earlier format, but the new format highlights the superficiality of much of the earlier cut-scenes.

It's not so much the pace of the show (which I absolutely disagree that it's fast), but, as I said, the request that we accept that the bulk of the show as is -- that is, the cut-scenes -- is irony, drawn from irony, for irony's sake.

I know smart people who like Family Guy, I'm just not one of them.

not a smart peron?

I'm SORRY, I had to. Had to. It was there. Had to do it. Because of how many words you wrote. It was a lot. Couldn't read them. They were about Family Guy. I mean, love it. LOVE it. Don't get me wrong. Love it, great stuff. You, you're great too. Don't change. Beautiful.

Yep. That's my cue. I'm never posting here again. I can't type person.

Awesome insight straw.

In other words, it%u2019s a series of non sequitors without purpose; a rolodex of referentiallity without any mooring to reference.

You're kinda complaining that it has no friggin plot, eh?

What you describe reminds me of radio. Radio used to have character. DJs used to have personalities. Then the corporations discovered that you could replace quality content with a content generating formula, and while the result was not as good, it's quality level was certainly more reliable. (reliably mediocre.) and as long as people watched or listened to it, then awesome. The ability to better fine tune the formula to target specific demographics: even more awesome. Much easier to make money off of, and more money at that, than when you have a small handful of authors of quality content whose appeal varies from day to day and who appeal to complex demographics and who try to negotiate bigger and bigger contracts and who can take their tradecraft to the competition. If a family guy writer quits, they'll replace him or her. No problem.

Aw man, you could have at least corrected the stupid character fault.

I just listen to public radio now.... regular radio is dumb.

Wow, I can't believe he lived up to his word! I guess he realized that he said those words on the internet and he can never take them back.

Hey guys, I just realized why asstebar doesn't allow deletions or edits!

Guys, I'm sorry but this is not really a discussion to have here. Please try to remain on topic.


come on do u like famly guy

virtual chubby

Well, I find the show decently funny, although certainly formulaic, and at times (usually once or
twice on a good episode) completely, belly laugh
hilarious. What sucks is when they do one of those
bits where the joke is that the joke is unfunny and
overly long and the audience has to sit through it.
Family Guy is just a mixed bag of jokes and gags that
run the gamut from awful to great on a shoestring of a plot and I'm one of the people that can dismiss their inner culturally high-minded critic and enjoy the show as just that. It doesn't hurt being one of the apparently few people on the internet that can laugh at sterotypical humor without caring how the humor affects the already fucked minds of people who joined a club that made them drink the sludgy run-off of beer, vomit and piss accumulated in the basement of the frat house.

Oh, and I know you weren't really asking, in case thats not clear.

damn, how the fuck did it format like that.

Today I have proved myself a fool.

H. Jon Benjamin and Brendan Small are basically the masters of natural-sounding voice acting.

Very few cartoons have dialogue that sounds real, but the ones with those two in them always seem to find their way.


That's my show. That's it. I like that show. It's funny.

I'll admit that Family Guy is a very funny show, but only because here in the anonymous world of the internet, fratboys can't find out and think that they have something in common with me.

I hate on south park too. Despite how unique each joke may be, I can't dig that show. It just doesn't make me laugh.

you can dig it... a grave.

Sci-Fi is such a major fall from potential. They had a show they aired maybe every three months for a year, it was hosted by Charles Band and they aired really terrible horror movies, but it was all in fun.

Now, all they do in terms of horror is their own incredibly terrible and not-intended-as-so Original Films. I'm not a huge science fiction television fan, but from what I can tell, it doesn't even provide there, either.

They should really consider just changing their line-up to MST3K and Twilight Zone. Don't even get me started on Chiller. Chiller is the biggest sham I've ever witnessed. Why won't a horror network ever just be good ?

Clearly I have given a lot of thought to these grievances.

ps i am a fool the show was called Full Moon Fright Night and it was not hosted by Charles Band it was hosted by William Shatner ;_________(

goes to show how often they aired the program if I can't even remember who really hosted it, but it was cute and sassy when it was on!

autrepoupee what is your opinion of the new Battlestar Galactica ?

Eh, not if it means they'd only show the Sci Fi Channel-era MST3K's.

I will go to my grave defending the Sci-Fi era! I have never met an episode of MST3K I didn't like.

As for the new Battlestar Galactica, I think it is pretty okay I mean it depends on your taste for hacky, kitschy, clunky Robbies versus inexplicably hot robots who look completely human. I think it's a cop out. Robots should be robots, but then aga---wait a minute
was this all a way to get me to admit to having an opinion about Battlestar Galactica?

I will fight right beside you for MST3K.
I could watch it for hours (and have-thank you Turkey Day Marathon!)

I asked because friends of mine in college watched it so they could make fun of it. I didn't watch it as much as they did, and some of the things they found stupid I didn't really see why they were so stupid, but then again I tend to prefer anime for my sci fi fix and the last sci fi novel I actually read was Ender's Game , so basically I'm just soliciting opinions.

Also, I very dearly miss MST3K.

My first inclination, condescending as it is, is to say that you haven't seen enough of the Comedy Central-era episodes. But maybe you have, and you just like 'em all. I don't get that, but okay .

There's a handful of good Sci Fi Channel eps, in my opinion, but overall, they're just dead, dead boring. So many painfully boring movies that don't seem to enliven the crew at all, so many long breaks with no riffs, etc. Not too mention the host segments mostly sucking.

My favorite season: Season 6. But that may be because it has my two favorite episodes: Skydivers and Starfighters.

My favorite MST3K's:
-Girls Town (Mamie Van Doren, Mel Tormé and Paul Anka?!?)
-Fugitive Alien (#2, then #1)
-Godzilla vs Megalon ([url= https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IfLDtiHKptE] Rex Dart, Eskimo Spy! [/url])
-The "Snow Thrills" short (and "schee" is how it's pronounced... "yeah, well I think you're full of skit! ")
-Manos, Hands of Fate

I never managed to see Fugitive Alien 2, I think it was one of those ones, that for some reason or another, CC had already stopped showing by '94.

I'll always argue that Manos, while a good episode and one of the worst movies they ever did, and, for obvious reasons a bit of a flagship episode, is overrated. There's a lot of dead spots in that episode, where they tend to just let the awfuleness of the movie carry itself, while they sit around, in stunned silence; but that wears thin on repeated viewings, I think.

Also, while a truly horrible movie, I've always thought they've seen worse. Manos was practically a home movie, a one-off oddball pipe dream of some TX entrepreneur, if I recall correctly. I've always thought Monster-a-Go-Go or the Coleman Francis movies (Red Zone Cuba, Beast of Yucca Flats especially) to be much worse. I think Kevin Murphy said in that episode guide book that Monster-A-Go-Go is "officially the worst movie we've ever done." But the Coleman Francis movies, man...what makes them so bad is not merely their complete ineptness and incomprehensibility ("A flag on the moon...how did it get there?", the Bay of Pigs invasion being about 15 guys trained only on how to climb slight inclines via a rope), but the fact that Francis apparently had enough motivation and "creative" drive to come up with (at least) three fucking movies from his seemingly sociopathic brain. Not too mention getting funding for them.

He's like the sullen, "why won't they take me seriously" Emilio Estevez to Ed Wood, Jr.'s affable, devil-may-care Charlie Sheen

HOLY MOTHER OF PUSSY I'm turning into alreadyinuse or achilleselbow or something. Sorry, just killing time before lunch, and I haven't rambled on about MST3K in almost a decade.

Can you tell?

I agree with you on Manos--It put me to sleep once. I include for it's badness, like I might include "Philippe is standing on it" because of it's simplicity.

Fugitive Alien 2 was bad enough to make Servo's head explode. Love that.
I don't remember if I've seen the Coleman Francis films--I'll have to see if I can find copies of those. I remember Sandy Frank sucked hard.

I vote for M3T3K, especially the early ones.

perhaps you are jealous because all of the ideas you typed in were...

... already in use

go back in your can! heh.
adult swim... my ex-gf used to always watch that. It turned out that we had no common ground. discovery channel... history channel? They air those half-baked documentaries that are as informative as an error-laden cliff notes for an 8th grade text book.

He's got a point. Discovery, Learning Channel...do they show anything besides home improvement shows now? And History Channel, despite the occasional bright spot, is basically the Edward Hermann Voice-over Network, with a stock cast of about 20 local theatre geeks in chain mail pretending to fight each other next to the soccer fields at the middle school. (The key to a History Channel documentary: close angles, shakey camera work but NO lateral movements, please! We do not want the Cracker Barrel in the shot.)

And then you slide on your sunglasses, looking stern. And then The Who starts playing, heralding the opening credits.

alreadyinuse: This is a reference to the popular television program "CSI," wherein the lead characters typically begin the episode with a clever play on words, application of UV-protective eyewear, and also The Who.

[roger daltry scream]Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarh[/roger daltry scream]

This montage may help. I watched it a work once and the whole office was laughing about halfway through.

Yaaaaaaarh! is so lol

YES! Love that montage! First thing I thought of after you screamed!

Jeebus! I sounded like Nice Pete just now! *shiver*

I can't believe no one's commented on your PBF Icon, Ying. Well, now I have, but, you know. whatever.


A lady who thinks of doing it...orally as kinky must be wearing underwear. Large, bulky underwear with lots of snaps and/or buttons.

Purchased bulk rate at Sam's club.

OR she is playing Beef like a fiddle and knows that sayin' that will seal the deal for sure.

Beef hasn't gotten a blowjob in awhile that hasn't ended with his getting yelled at.

Probably with the days of the week on them.


I submit that it is probably Showbiz, actually.

Can't see Ray wearing Crocs / flip-flops / plastic shoes of some unknown kind or sort.

And it could be suggested that Ray would think of himself as old money. Oh, the nouveau riche with their chivas and want of fellatio, tut-tut.

I dunno... Ray wouldn't be mean to Roast Beef...

Ray would be mean to Beef if Beef was about to cheat on Molly. This is because he is a good friend.

Yes. My vote is most definitely for Obama Ray.
But which Ray will show up?

Ray who is there to protect the relationship, like the good-hearted soul that steered Beef to a proposal?
Ray of the 'Sclade, who is a man of "things which can be bought at any cost to his pocket or his soul", who is there to teach Beef that a man of a certain wealth should never leave a Stewardess un-boned?

Certainly at least the Ray who pays attention.

But...but Beef is Ray's attention!

Ray pays attention to Beef, who pays attention to the things that matter.

Well, he pays attention to everything.

Ray will speak like the former but deep down he will be thinking the latter.

It is definitely Teodor. So definitely.

Hehh, if it is Ray, I imagine he would reprimand Beef, send him on his way, and then go back to the stewardess himself.

Ray will explain the haps to Roast Beef about Union Curves, place him under "Friend's Arrest" and take the stewardess some real alky and show her the power of the brotherhood.

I actually found the alt text confusing, as Henessey is a terrible mass-market brandy, entirely lacking in flavour.

Who wakes up with Hennessy and oysters?
Ray does

Never mind, I am 5 hours later than johnnyc

Still, great icon. You even fixed the vibrating eye.

Hence my support for the Showbiz theory.

You'd be wrong

You would be a valid date!

goddamn forward slash!

OJ's website: /\[esc][esc]

He doesn't go near enclosed shoes after the 'Lazarus the tasselled loafer' incident.

Ray wanders around in a thong and a Chochacho medallion at functions up to and including retrieving a friend from the police station. Why on Earth would he not wear flip flops at an airport hotel?

Don't be too quick to judge--I've seen Italian shoes that cost less than flip-flops .

But, you're right in it being completely not typical for Ray. What jackass drives a Cadillac wearing sandals? He must have sat in the back row of that plane and wore sandals to throw off suspecting onlookers.

It is certainly a cat. A claw is petruding.

Having said that it is wearing flip-flops unlike most cats I know of.

I don't know what you're talking about. My cat wears flip-flops all the damn time.

Ray is a confirmed Hennessy drinker .


You confirmed that with a panel of rumors? That same panel states that he also does not like music. Totally not Ray at all. That would be the joke of sorts.
That said, I think its Ray here as well.)

the boy is rude.

I think dangelder may have hit the nail on the head. Showbiz, with extortion to follow to keep him from telling Molly about this little indiscretion at the wedding. That said, however, would Showbiz really want to jeopardize his chances of seeing some bridesmaids lez out?

I don't know--For that to be Showbiz, it would hinge on a couple coincidences, or on Showbiz suddenly getting his shit together:

1-Showbiz would have to coincidentally be in the same hotel (or the plane, or at least the airport). If it was intentional , then he must have been stalking Beef from the start, (maybe even set up the Stewardess) (or is the Stewardess).

B-Showbiz suddenly had shit together enough to work all this out/know about Beef's fame. (Though I supposed it's plausible that an accomplished mooch would smell cash rolling in from miles away.)

There's a window of possibility there, but I think that window is filled with a Ray of hope. (possibly cut up by a helicopter)

Airwolf IS faster than any jet.

.,..or, maybe showbiz and Molly are in cahoots. Maybe Molly using Showbiz.

it a crazy spy story mebe Molly usin Show Biz an Show Biz usin Molly double agent paid by molly but not tellin her nuting blackmailining tha beeef man.

i jus notie the title of strip a jame bond refearance.

You are no gladi8orrex.


Greeting someone with "what's up" is the speech pattern of Showbiz. the other characters rarely if ever employ that as a greeting. "new money" betrays what is majorly on the mind of the speaker. If it were Ray, or Tedor, they would be more worried about some other subject, like the question of the cheating on Molly. If they were going to say something 'clever' they would say something along that line.

As for Showbiz, he's a professional leech. His own brother strikes it rich... Of course he's going to be there. If he doesn't have the cash to bankroll being there, he will find underworld venture capital to make it happen, or he will scam Molly for the cash or information he needs, or whatever it takes. He will be there.

Showbiz doesn't even have to have pictures, he just has to make Beef think he has pictures.

That's kind of an odd hotel room... the mattress is on the floor and the lamp table is no higher than the mattress.

That was Roast Beef thinking about Molly at home.

So THAT'S what that was. Thank you, I was feeling so dumb cause I couldn't figure it out.
Makes tons of sense though.

ouff.. I read your reply nabeel84 and I still didn't get it. I thought you were referring to panel 10, which didn't make any sense, because as clearly depicted in panel 9, Beef had already fallen asleep in the hotel room, so in panel 10 he was now waking up from a mad night of who knows what with union curves.

I didn't notice the completely different decor and such between panel 9 and the other panels.

That casts this strip in a whole different light.

Also good analysis.

Was two posts too many? Is three just tacky? It's up to you to decide...

Acknowledged: Showbiz is an asswipe that probably would work in a Dallas hotel.

I believe it's a Man from U.N.C.L.E reference, not Bond...in case you were being serious.

oh, yeah... I thought it was just one of those Bonds episodes... I see it was in fact a whole TV series / film franchise. (Thank you wikipedia!)

I vote for it being Showbiz. That looks like something he's wear. He most likely heard about the card gig from Beefs little radio blurb and, being the sort who would associate with a seedy crowd, had no trouble finding a transvestite flight attendant who was game for a blackmail gig.


Someone please

remove these


from ma knees.

mah rhymes are bottomless... *silence*

Rhymes that flow like phosphorus, Popping off the top of this esophagus

rockin this metropolis.

no, i am not a large water-dwelling mammal, what gave you that preposterous hypothesis.

was it steve perchance?...


Other rappers diss me,
say my rhymes are sissy...What, what, why, why why?

Be more constructive with your feedback!

Be more seductive with your steed, Jack.
Give me the duct tape (that I need) back!

A comment left by steev_dayv was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by missbee, woodenteeth, d3athcann0n)

I tried to lame myself for that but it won't let me. :(

What kind of a rapping name is "Steve"?

actually, it's the "Hip-hopp-opotamus"
(from whom said bottomless rhymes emanate)

and "Rhymnocerous"

that 'steve' part is hilarious to me.

well, no, i lied. that whole song group and everything they do is.

I agree- I think it's Ray. The Helicopter from last strip was Airwolf, and Ray usually wears sandals. And "What's up, New Money" sounds completely like something Ray would say. I vote Ray.

And I Totally knew Beef wouldn't sleep with the sleazy air hostess from the 60's.

...Rod Huggins?

Rod would have to have dropped a few pounds and lost his niche for that to happen.

Skinny legs.

Fat men can have skinny legs. It makes for a disturbing look.

this is true, most men carry their weight in their stomachs.

Especially bears.

if i was a flight attendant, this would probably be my basic strategy as well, to be honest.

Beef did kinda fall for the oldest trick in flight attendant school. This is sad. Even when he scores, the dude can't win.

I just knew the flight attendants had an extra stash of mini-liquors that's labeled "needy celebrity" or "a little something to spice up the next flight hub"...
Unfortunately for me, the only attendant who made a pass was a man. (barely brought me coffee)

The way that the last panel is not a question is quite intimidating. He/she doesn't want to know what's up. They know how 'up' it gon' be.

Beef, Beef, Beef... what have you gone and gotten yourself into this time?

Tripped by God?

I cannot help but read this comment with a Beloq accent "Its a telephone to Got". (sic)

He says we should have girls at Welton!

*crosses fingers..*

You sweaty toothed madman!

I feel dirty again. Garp. Garp. Garp.

Shoulda been double "L" in Belloq

I hope to god that's Ray.

4th panel sponsored by your local chapter of C.A.R.E.

chubbied for your avatar.


I was worried that Beef would go and do a bad on Molly, but fortunately he's come to his senses and may be able to leave with his honor relatively intact.

It all hinges upon who is on the other end of that flip-flop, however.

If that was in italics, I'd swear it was Nightlife.

Man, that would be awesome! We don't see nearly enough of Nightlife. Of course, if it was him, he would have been all, "Slow it on down like honey... new money ."

Don't worry, I'll give you sign to slow down. The sign will be me, tripping you

...and it will be Terrible.

Beef, for once your self-loathing, paranoia, and self-doubt has worked out in your benefit. Except for the whole sandal-man tripping thing.

I can't imagine Ray actually tripping Beef.

Which makes me think it's probably Showbiz.

Could you imagine that Beef taunts Ray every time Ray has debilitating hangover? Tough love is a thing with these guys.

Also, would Beef actually look that scared to see Ray there? Beef looks pretty terrified. I know that he's on the run and panicked, but I'm thinking it might be Showbiz too. I'm HOPING it's Ray, but I'm thinking you might be right.

On the other hand, the shame in having a Friend rescue you from yourself and a Chiva-bearing stewardess might also produce the look he has in the last panel.

Perhaps not terrified, but shocked in a slightly bad way.

Seems like Showbiz would evoke more irritation than anything.

I dunno, if you're drunk and running away from a slutty stewardess, and you get tripped by your deadbeat brother, I think surprise would be an acceptable emotion.

Beef gets a shameful look from [url=https://achewood.com/index.php?date=02182004] receiving presents . Seeing a dude from old times when you're running away from a flight-attendant seductress gets a Shame Face easy .

Damn it.

This is me practicing my italics .

bird bird bird

idyllic italic italian italic phalic italic

Phallic Italic will be the name of my first prog rock album.

He feels guilty?

That's one heck of a magical realist fMRI.

Was it the flush that made him chicken out? Like he realized that she's human (cat) and makes urine just like him instead of just exuding perfume and maple syrup?

Or that shes done in the bathroom and is now coming into the bedroom.

Or it was a coincedence!

I resolutely refuse to correct my spelling.

the flush just woke him up. by now he's sober enough to realize he's not in Arkansas any St Louis MO.

He chickened out because lying on the bed reminded him of Molly lying in bed alone (cf. panels 8-9). Thus in panel 10 his chickening has already quickened, and the FLOOOOOSH! merely served as the starting gun for his escape bid.

It was the sudden thought of sweet Molly's innocent slumber.

Do you think it was because of urine? No, I'm afraid that Beef got savvy to something much more sinister and un-ladylike going on in that bathroom. I'd bolt too.

It didn't sound like she was making bears, but maybe you're right.

"What's up, new money." Comes from the voice of R.B.'s conscience (Todd Squirrel. Tune in tomorrow to prove me right.

You are wrong.

Voting Totally New Character.


Probably. Although, if I had to pick an existing character, I'd go for the comedy option and vote Tina.

The Great Gatsby?

I hope so

You're just agreeing with him because you have the same avatar.

I hope so


it would appear 'he' is a female. but then again, you can't trust the internets.

A comment left by achilleselbow was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by johnnybaverage, binlaggin, BlueLoggy, pogo)

HUGE slam on old ladies from out of nowhere

Do you think it's weird that you got chubbied for pointing out my huge slam on old ladies while I got lamed for it? Or do you agree that it is okay.

I think it's pretty okay! But that is from a self-serving point of view (sorry to have an ego).

HUGE slam on achilleselbow's opinion from out of nowhere


DAMMIT. No chubbies. Virtual chubby for you.

Also, my response was a Pictures for Sad Children reference.

Maybe I'm feeling MST3K-nostalgic tonight, but I'll always think of it as a reference to that show.

"Huge slam on anteaters out of NOWHERE!"


also: the killer shrews that were but dogs con carpet.

Sorry, but as a future old female I gotta lame you on that one.

You never know, you could die of renal failure within the next five years.

Damn, I'm working some rough chuckles these days.

Them chuckles too rough fer mah blood. I fold.

These are some of the best things I have ever read here. Do not fret.

achilleselbow: 1 old ladies: 0

As further proof, it is a well known fact that there are no women on the interbutts. Anyone saying they are female and over 18 is a 43 year old man, and everyone saying they are female and 18 or under is Chris Hanson.

Oh, you got me.

According to your age, you transitioned from Chris Hansen to a random middle aged man less than a year ago. Traumatic?

Those statistics have been updated, hedonismbot. I am actually a 45 year old man.

I'm a goddamn fetus. No, wait, I'm a goddamn ultrasound.

it does look like you shaved a couple years/pounds off your Stephen Fry pic, spinynorman, but an ultrasound?

Be still my heart! It's Stephen Fry!

Avatar totally makes this.

it looks like her heart is very nearly still...

(so, so sorry)

I declare this to be Uncalled-for (Verbal) Attacks on Old Ladies Day.

Or UVA OLD for short.

Old Ladies Love Stephen Fry. Step over, Cool James--O.L.L. Stephen F. is in the house.

Oh my goodness! Oh goody goody goody! He's back!

Looks a little like a very young John Lennon there. Sorry to see you real mug go, but having seen it, I certainly understand -- you do want to have children one day, after all.

Posting your face on the interwebs reduces sperm count.

Too late! Why didn't anyone tell me?

Dammit. As a 45 year old man, the last thing I need is a low sperm count.

...PS I like boys.

....I am quite drunk. :/

Yeah, I hear it's almost as bad as being able to get stuff onto your iPod more than three out of ten tries.

Man, I have no idea how to take your comment, Pogo

If my kids know I talked way too much about internet comics, they'll... they'll hate me? Or be embarrassed?

I'm pretty sure that was a gratuitous slap at your looks, Spiny. But who are you going to believe, Pogo, or the numerous fabulous Assetbar babes who commented positively?

Yeah, what irondave said, a gratuitous slap, knowing your rep for looks was already solid with the Bar ladies, I used the computer coding joke from the strip on your looks. In other words, you have to hide your real face or you'll never get a child from your weiner.

Spinynorman, there is a picture of you on the wall in the common room of my college at Oxford.

But who is your friend?


That actor who is always with Indiana Jones?

You are thinkin' of John Rhys Davies. Shame on you.

Brian Motherfuckin' Blessed

But that won't get the pigs in.

Gordon's ALIVE!?

Haha, awesome, how did I miss this? Do you guys just have a wall of Britain's beloved celebrities or something?


achilleselbow mebe onto something here. popular media culture ha don co-opted tha defnition a female to be slusive to yng so you female if you young n pretty n such after you old then you just not 100% person any more you still bedder n a guy tho mebe then you in tha richard simmon cagory

lol richard simmons joke funee cause pepole dont like him

"If you liked the groundbreaking thriller "is so lol", you may enjoy a new book hitting stands this week: "you still bedder" by the revolutionary new author, alreadyinuse."

"Or, you may not enjoy it at all and consider employing the *Ignore User* function."

on a similar vericose vein of subject matter

am I the only one on this board who thinks the Teletubbies are genius?

My mom.


Your mom.

His mom

All of your goddamn moms at the same time.

(I regret nothing.)

A while ago, someone on this board posted something to the following effect responding to two people at once: "I fathered each of you and left your slatternly mothers to raise you". I recently used this line after defeating both of my roommates in a Sudden Death match of Super Smash Bros with a single rocket burst from Starfox. It may have been the greatest moment of my life.

You know what's great in Smash Bros.? The one for the Wii? Kicking someone's ass with R.O.B. It is the most satisfying experience one can have with that game.

No, its killing someone by jumping on their head.

A comment left by alreadyinuse was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by tekende, loneal, kendieatsbabies)

and this, this is why i love you.

as a poster on assetbar.

...in a classy elegant way

Absolutely wrong, and Ben Franklin can tell you more in his "Advice for a Young Man on the Choice of Mistress"

Is that the one where he talks about how older women make the best mistresses, because they're so grateful.

oh, yowch . Is this why so many men on Craigslist are trollin' for older booty?

It's also why they call them Merry Widows.

Been married plus Never divorced = License to have sex

Oops, I meant to hit "cancel" not "post".

and because they PUT OUT!

that was in very poor taste. Older woman taste.

call me... Kitty Kat...

Beef does tend to be borne back ceaselessly into the past.

Ray is commensurate with my capacity for wonder.

I have to go with the Ray theory as well. He pays attention, dammit!

actually it was Beef that was paying attention in that whole Nolan/Philippe thing.

Yes, but now there are expectations of attention. Ray comes through for his main dude.

A free chivas is not a contract.
But it's very nice.
It's very very nice.

I'm sensing a pattern emerging...

Conchords are the flavour of the month on assetbar

Will I use my avatar to exploit this? PROBABLY MAYBE

I've just recently got into them, i'm in a sort of anno domini stage of my life as a result of that.

would have watched episode ten but THE MAN (in this case the malaysian government) shut down the site i was watching them on.

fuckin' Malaysian government.

Damn man I am hell of sorry I would send you my dvd but I don't trust the world to get it back to me safely

Hahah, in case you're like me and didn't see it the first time, the word CHIVAS is written on Roast Beef's brain.

I saw it, so I have to lame you.

I'm sorry, I'm really sorry.

Its ok, I made a lame post and called you nasty names once so we're even now.

No, no we're not.

Dammit, I can't NOT read your posts in Jemaine's voice.

That could be taken as either ominous or apologetic. I'm just letting you know that if it comes down to fisticuffs I'm gonna have to go with Big Black over Conchords.

Is that Tom O'Leary or Jack Johnson in your photograph?
[ I just watched Anchorman okay? ]

I don't know what's worse, the fact that you thought I am of such low mind as to have a picture of Jack Johnson as my avatar, or the fact that you thought the picture, which is in fact of myself, looks like Jack Johnson. If you need me I'll be playing a vaguely sad, yet utterly bland song on my acoustic guitar.

And crying as I do so.

"If you want to throw down fisticuffs, fine. I've got Jack Johnson and Tom O'Leary ready for you." --Ron Burgundy

Or is liking Will Ferrell not cool on this board? Anyway, no insult nor reference to bogus acoustic music was intended. The mention of "fisticuffs" and the handface icon just took me there.

Dude this is the Jack Johnson being referred to in the Anchorman quote.

That is not the sad bland acoustic guitarist you are looking for.

Chubbied for the qwantz reference

...with a vengeance? YES

You are my favorite poster, achilleselbow. I've given this much thought.

Wow, thank you. I mean I'd be lying if I said I don't try. But I honestly think that at the very least Edwell kicks my ass as far as consistent awesomeness goes. It's not a competition, but still, you just did wonders for my self-esteem.

I guess now is a bad time to tell you I'm just complimenting you to get into your pants and steal your wallet.

Achilleselbow.. I... I'm a stewardess.

*trips achilleselbow*

"What's up, new darling of the Assetbar."

May I say NeoNaoNeo has really made a turn for the better in recent times.

I think he's less abrasive now, and as such is being welcomed with open arms by the AcheCommunity. Can anyone remember the previous friction of his past? No! It is wiped clean!

Erm...*cough* don't look below!

Keep the nice thoughts of me!

A incredibly hilarious misunderstanding: Why would a fictional 70s anchorman name his fist after a bland singer-songwriter of the aughts? It makes so little sense that it crosses the line into brilliant absurdity, made all the more real by the fact that the individual who made the error does not even realize that it is absurd.

i think achilleselbow looks quite a bit like jack johnson the boxer.


The things I didn't know. Thank you, FP!

*~* Black History is Our History *~*

Although I have no doubt the Galveston Giant has an epic story worthy of the best director, I have for many years wanted to write the quintessential John L. Sullivan filmscript - a tragic story of the last great bareknuckle champion, utter asshole, who eventually drank himself to death. And a man who refused to defend his title against Jackson, because he was black.

Until I looked it up recently, that is. And no no, in fact that was Peter Jackson who he refused to fight based on his race, and it was Yankee Sullivan who died tragically.

Fuck it, I'll just flub the history - hasn't stopped writers before.

"I'm black! They never let me forget it. I'm black all right; I'll never let them forget it."

Consider this chubby an AssetPrayer that you look less like Jack Johnson in the future.

This post is farther from achilleselbow's that I would have preferred.

There should be small tabs on each post that take you to direct replies to that post. For every direct reply another tab is added.


god above

I wish I had a tab that would replace some of my stupider posts with "words words words"...

that is truly a good idea - like an "obfuscate" link that only appears below your posts.

The web is safe once again.

I would like threads, actual lines that connect the posts, as used to appear in many forums, it seems to me.

And little clicky things that collapse the tree structure down so we can see particular levels of response. I'm sure there are forty people here who could code this. Onstad needs a contest offering a free book or a full enema bag or something to make this happen.

If you have someone on your Ignore list, the notice of their ignored comment appears properly indented on the page (unless you have selected the new option to collect all ignored comments into a single turd at the bottom of the page). It's only if you want to read the comments that you run into this problem with tracing the thread. So I don't see what the problem is, really.

This (ignored comments properly indented) is not the case in my browser.
Also - it's almost impossible to work out what a reply is replying to when the original comment is pages higher up. So much so that I don't bother.

Somebody should solve our woes with a greasemonkey script.

one thing 'bout the ghetto
you don't have to hurry
it'll be there tomorrow
so brother don't you worry

I'm with you dogg

Has anyone seen "Eagle vs Shark"? Jemaine's in it. It's the best (and only) film I've seen out of New Zealand since LOTR.

Loved it. Heartbreaking and beautiful.

Oh my God, he is? I really wanted to see that and I haven't yet. I'll have to get on that.

Do! It is a lovely film--all funny and quirky and touching and New Zealandy. A muft see movie.

I thought it was alright .
I hoped to myself that it was made without any knowledge of Napoleon Dynamite. Otherwise it is both alright and hugely plagiaristic .

The epiphany-eschewing beat-down at the end was good though (feeble anti-lame postscript).

So I know this is a little late but I have to get this out. Aperson: You are WRONG. I cannot fathom why anyone would truly think Eagle vs Shark is "plagiaristic", let alone " hugely plagiaristic " of Napoleon Dynamite, unless it is the fact that both movies feature socially awkward characters, and you believe that no movies made after Napoleon Dynamite are allowed to feature socially awkward characters. The characters in Eagle vs Shark are not awkward teens in Idaho struggling through the crucible of high school, still forging their own identities, and sweetly stumbling into new experiences of friendship and burgeoning romance. No. They are socially crippled[/] and severely damaged [i]adults in a film that is totally different in both feel and subject--that is merely where the differences begin . I encourage everyone see Eagle vs Shark and discover for yourself how desperately wrong aperson is.

By the way, aperson--is that avatar still Winslet, or has she matured into Kim Cattrall?

DAMN YOU ASSETBAR YOU SCREWED UP MY RANT. I meant: crippled and severely damaged adults

and I say that as one.

Hey, I just discovered the Inbox feature!

So plagiarism...

Well for one thing: Favourite animal.
Well, for two things: Silly drawings.
Well, for three things: Funny martial arts.

I remain, as ever,
- Kate

(Not that Kate.)

There must be a difference, because I loved Eagle vs. Shark, but could absolutely not abide by Napolean Dynamite.

There are different actors, the plot is different, and the name of the movie is different. Lots of differences.

You should see Peter Jackson's pre-LotR movies. They are pretty awesome.

Especially Dead Alive.

Braindead, I mean. Whatever.

Actually, fuck Dead Alive. Meet the Feebles all the way.


nooo--make SURE it's Dead Alive--the American version got chopped! The original version had loads more gore in it!

Meet the Feebles, hell yes. Also Bad Taste rules.

if you speak against Dead Alive then you are about to enter a world where the only activity that exists is tasting my hog

You should watch "Black Sheep." Not the Chris Farley one, but the zombie-sheep take over a ranch in New Zealand one. Hijinks ensue.

That movie ROCKS MY SOCKS. It made my top 20 with the first watch.

Ahem, list of NZ Movies worth watching.
Peter Jackson's early work particularly Heavenly Creatures are great.

This Quiet Earth , a strange last man on earth film with NZ greatest actor Bruno Lawrence pointing a gun at a statue of Jesus in achurch and demanding God show himself "or the kid gets it".

And my personal favorite Goodbye Pork Pie a bit of an acquired taste but the best film to feature a stunt driving mini since The Italian Job

Heavenly Creatures is my favorite Peter Jackson.

yes. very excellent. he knocks his first drama out of the park.

PJ's Forgotten Silver is also fun for film nerds and/or Woody Allen fans.

I was also going to mention Walkabout for the NZ list, but remembered it's not kiwi. (good though)

Ok so I might owe you a few lames for being a such a putz. Whatever man, its cool. I forgive you . Here, have a painting that looks like it could be an album cover for a disappointing Canadian indie band, on me.

That looks like an old Magic:The Gathering dual land card.

...It probably is.

Unless Henryk Waniek painted magic: the gathering cards I don't think so.

What would that be? A mointain and a forest? So a Taiga? Am I remembering that correctly?

I was pretty big Magic nerd but it has been a while.

Looks like an Island/Plains card to me from the coloring and such. I swear I had a plains card with that bottom picture on it.

damn this is a long way from neogeos post

Indeed. What an idiot you are.

You're a nice guy neonaoneo.

Daidai I hope I don't offend you because you are lovely and have a hand-face avatar thing. But yearsinhotclaws sells drugs to kittens and beats babies with cricket bats and rapes cashews and spoke ill of Ewan McGregor several times.

That may be a good thing to you, but he wasn't BAD in trainspotting

NeoGeo likes penny arcade

This is what we call a trump card.

I make no secret of liking Penny Arcade. I mentioned it in a comment. It's good. So is Achewood.

Anyway, stop having a go at someone liking a Video Game related web comic while you lampoon their name by turning it into a Video Game Console. It's strange.

Neoneon, I think it's partly because your name is too unpronounceable to write, even.

It's not bob sure but I think it's manageable

A comment left by yearsinhotclaws was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by tekende, beansdooma, NeoNaoNeo, falseprophet, mortshire, norrin, coldfrog, cailetshadow, achilleselbow, usversusthem, aperson)

A comment left by yearsinhotclaws was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by NeoNaoNeo, KaMeT, falseprophet)

Fuck it, those are all awesome. I love PA.

This is not really a discussion to have here. Yes, about half their strips are lame and predictable in the way that you have pointed out. The others are good for Tycho's awesome command of the English language, and also for non-sequiturs. I could find better examples, but I'm not invested enough in this conversation, so here:

In any case, this is far from a settled question, and you should not be so cocksure of your opinion on the matter. I mean I hate Questionable Content but you don't see me giving an illustrated lecture on the matter.

A comment left by yearsinhotclaws was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by tekende, NeoNaoNeo, falseprophet)

I think your argument got pwned by the vagina strip.

P.S. my skin is crawling from having typed pwned, I have to go have a long hot shower.

I didn't know there were people who disliked Penny Arcade to this extent. This is a revelation to me.

I enjoy words. I enjoy people who are good with words. As such, I very much enjoy Penny Arcade and the accompanying posts, even on days when I could care less about the video game they are reviewing (which in all honesty is most days) because I enjoy the intelligent use of words that much .

I dunno man sorry to rag on you for three posts in a row but these two strips don't demonstrate any character developemnt nor the ability to draw anything beyond cliche bored, sarcastic, or sardonic facial expressions to match the canned humor. It's a step above common canned comic strip humor, but only a step. Instead of being a repeating cliche about social situations or gender roles a-la-Blondie or some such, this instead seems to hinge on predictable language puns and linguistic imagery. Which is less predictable than the common comic strip, but is still a canned formula. There is much better stuff out there to read. This looks like something one reads because it's there, like an ad in the metro.

Obviously there's better stuff to read out there, but as Sir Phillip Sidney said, it's somewhat strange to argue that "good is not good because better is better". I don't necessarily need MORE fictional characters in my life to care about every little aspect of and have to read about even when the strip itself is not funny so I don't lose the storyline. I never said Penny Arcade was brilliant, but it's definitely better than the dude above me gives it credit for. It's at least mildly funny on a more than occasional basis, and it has good insights on the gaming world and industry, which I suppose wouldn't matter to people who parrot the "pop culture rots your brain" line.

whoa whoa whoa I am not against pop culture like some sort of Diesel Sweetie's Indie Rock Pete. I am just against the pop culture that sucks, which is a lot of it, but not all of it of course. Hell just to cite a random factoid, before WWII it was common for factory workers in Germany to read classical literature, so, I mean, it was popular, but it was still good. So I'm down with that.

Anyway. Personally, from the strips presented here, I don't really dig Penny Arcade, but then again, my personal sense of taste is a little eccentric to say the least, so maybe I shouldn't jump into the middle of such a question.

I dunno... it could be funny... But I guess here we are trying to come up with an objective defintion for what is funny, or what is 'good art.' Perhaps we're all being snobs.

But you know one cartoon I really can't stand is https://octopuspie.com

I don't know if I can quanitfy this or argue this from an objective and metrologicalable standpoint, but damn, the characters in OP just seem sooooo self-absorbed... both in the dialogue and just in the facial expressions they have.

The other kind of cartoon I hate is generally any sort of cartoon of the style that typically is used for religiously themed cartoons, like the classic Jack Chick cartoons, etc. Of course I resent the content of these cartoons as they are generaly advancing some sort of extremeist fundamentalist wacko brand of culture. But that's not what I consider to be their most damaging aspect... The most demented aspect of these cartoons is the facial expressions and the body language of the characters. It's like, when people are brought up in some sort of brain-washed cult, you can see it in their facial expressions and their body language. Facial expressions and body language express a lot about who we are, and a lot of religious culture like any good cult culture winds up being all about exorcising the soul of the individual. So naturally, they express this in their idealized cartoon depictions of people.

If there is one single instance in which I will willfully lame someone for voicing an opinion on Assetbar, it is the opinion that Octopus Pie is anything less than stellar.

People don't love Octopus Pie? But that strip is hell of awesome, and Meredith Gran is the NICEST PERSON ON THE PLANET .

I wrote her a happy birthday email and bought a signed copy of each book.

Anyway, what do y'all think of XKCD? Please give it a similarly thorough analysis.

Oh, and do one on Diesel Sweeties.

Diesel Sweeties is bizarre. I read through quite a bit of it, appreciated that it was quite funny but couldn't get into it enough to continue with it.

Or a comic in the metro.

Dear God I mean the top one is good but I hate that stupid Nemi comic.


I love Penny Arcade, but I'm a gamer chick. I recognize my unobjectivity in that. I agree, some people don't get the funny because they're not in the gamer world and lifestyle, or if they are, they're not intelligent enough to get the background game stuff, or aren't interested in reading about it.

And let me add momentarily.. the top strip was Wednesday's strip (the most recent) He didn't have to go far to find the funny.

Otherwise.. I'm staying the hell out of it. I'm sure this post will get lamed like all hell. Kudos to you Achilles.. keep up the good fight.

(this got a smidge lost from the comment I was replying to... I was replying to the comment that Achilleselbow posted that included two Penny Arcade strips)

All of a sudden I'm tempted to post Achewood comics where the punchline is 'dongs' or 'hella dongs'.

Thanks for taking 20 minutes out of your life to make a post about why you hate Penny Arcade. I look at your profile and youve made between 70-80 comments? With about 7 or 8 aimed just at me. I'm happy I have such a huge impact on you.

If you don't like it good, I don't care. It doesn't change how I feel about it.

Now would you please move on, you're holding up the goddamn lunchline.

Just as an additional also guy with the green avatar, I find Adult Swim to be asinine, juvenile trash. But I don't have the energy nor patience to construct a 20 minute presentation on its faults and foibles. I didn't even want to mention that I dislike it, because it's irrelevant if you like it. But, y'know, if you're going to push the issue constantly..

Girls, girls, you're both pretty!

If you weren't so pretty yourself I'd take that sass with grievances.

But, goddamn, hand face avatar week made pacifists of us all.

But...but...the sea is his blood!

YearSin likes penetrating white women! And like, licking their boobies! Moooooooommmmm!!!!!

Thanks I missed it cool

Panel 16 has some serious action going down. On par with Marvel or DC.

Enter the pimp.

Airlines have pimps?

Could it be Molly tripping Roast Beef? Did she follow him for some reason? Looks like Roast Beef might have some 'splaining to do.

Except she's shown sleeping back at home a few panels prior.

Unless that's his mental image of her sleeping? Grey could either be night time or flashbacks, judjing from previous strips.

But then I can'[t really see Molly's sass coming out as the new money crack.

There is nothing to fear. All that writing of greeting cards has beefed up Beef's arms to American Gladiator status. He just needs to remember Weldon, snap into SEED Mode, increase his power level to over 9000, and unlock his Bankai and there will be hella to pay.

increase his power level to over 9000...

...Or 8000 in the original Japanese.

Gundam SEED was a terrible, terrible Gundam.

All I know is that that stewardess ain't gonna unhook the toast from Beef's lower jaw when he gets too depressed to chew. Running is the right choice here.

That's my favourite Beef moment - had that all wallpapered for the longest time. Chubbied.

Woo-oh-ohoh. For the longest time.

If you said goodbye to me tonight
There would still be music left to write

I like it. But I wish doo-wop would come across better in text form.

I cannot imagine how that would work. Sure would be interesting. What a world it would be! Doo-wop A Capella text flying around, cheering up AssetPeople, with all totally rockin text-harmonies! YEAH! YEAH I WANT THAT WORLD!

"Well Beef, huunny, why don't you just go to a doctor, or therapy or something?
I just hate to see my little Beefy-weefy down in the dumpsie-wumpsie!
And you just chew that toast I made for you! I spread the marmalade all to the corners just for you! Beef?... Beef?..."

I am so sad that your comment got pushed so far away from the original comment, hamscout. It gave me a chuckle.

thanks...I just can't look at that stewardess without hearing a bright southern belle's voice...
Like Barbara 'Babs' Jansen from Animal House,
or that woman from Dirty Rotten Scoundrels...
"here comes the creep man, creepin' up your shoulder.. there's that smile! "

Yes, I totally got the southern belle thing from that.

Atta boy, Beef. You trrrrip your manic buns right on outta there.

I was holding back on love for this story line until now. Sure it was funny, but it felt as if I kept waiting for Roast Beef to come back.

Yea, he's back, people.

Oh snap and look who else.

This had better turn into a Beef, Ray road trip story.

Hooray for Beef's fidelity!

Beef's wearing pants. That's a first, no?

How else was the airline floozy gonna take them down?

I think if it's Showbiz, he would end the sentance with an exclamation point.

I wonder who the heck that is in panel nine.

Molly? It's Molly.

Took me a while but I decided it's Molly. He thought of her sleeping at home on their bedless mattress and felt guilty, then hauled ass.

I was thinking it's Molly but I have trouble believing she'd be that intimidating about it. Although maybe it's just a Beef's-point-of-view sort of skew on how intimidating she SEEMS.

Oh and also why would she have followed him on the flight?

I missed a sentence. In panel 9 that is Molly but in panel 17 it is not. Last three posts, disregarded!

Okay, I just have to say that every time I see your avaton I think of the book "The Diving Bell and the Butterfly" (don't know if it's in the movie) where the author wakes up after his massive stroke to find them assuming he is a vegetable and sewing his eyelids shut.


Nah, she would not use the term "new money."

Null said he wondered who was in panel nine . It's Molly. (Not the last panel)

It's Molly asleep at home.

God DAMN that's an onomatopoeic trip.

It's gonna be the person we least expect:


Chubbied though your avataricon still scares me.


(My vote is for Ray.)

That was Keith Moon's foot. I just KNOW IT!

way to (belatedly) do the right thing, Beef.

I think it may actually be Onstad, coming to set Beef free a la the end of Breakfast of Champions.

a la Bend Sinister

Awesome idea, but the foot is too small.

And it has a claw.

Ok, so maybe he's taken an interest in Chinese foot binding, and he was bitten by a werewolf...it's a perfectly logical conclusion.

It is my firm belief that the cat who trips Beef is either a) Bensington Butters ("What's up, new money." is completely something he would say), or b) a new character.

I can't see Ray saying "What's up, new money." No, Ray wouldn't say that and trip Beef. Ray would say, "Beef! You're runnin' out of a hotel room! How come?"

That is exactly what Ray would say.


Nah, I'm with Ray playing the wise old owl once more. Alt text corresponds with this theory.

Man, to hell with the acid trip dinosaur. You've got the hottest avatar on the block.

Please to be noticing fattybeaver's icon.

Unless you're an... an ass-man?

If I wanted to look at big, fat titties I could just, look...at...fattybeavers...I'm gonna go look at his avatar again.


Or, as it transpires, YES.

I thought the same about Bensington coming back as a river-dancing cyborg or some shit, but nobody can river-dance in sandals, not even cyborg-Butters.

Success sits heavy on Roast Beef's back, like a monkey.

This is just all a dream sequence of why he shouldnt sell his cards.

A sandal-clad ankle trips our protagonist. The plot thickens.

Hooray beef! I knew he wouldn't go through with it. c:

He is going to write himself a card that says "Sorry dogg. Inside: It's a terrible thing you gotta have morals and such."

this is your brain on Chivas. any questions?

I saw that commercial when I was 12 or so and inexplicably thought it was the hottest thing ever. I think a lot of my current problems with finding women simultaneously intriguing and terrifying can be traced back to this.

Interesting. Was it the girl herself you thought was hot, or did the situation presented help?

Both? Like she was hot to begin with, but seeing her like that multiplied it a hundredfold.

Yeah she definitely fucking hated that egg. I hate eggs. The commercial made me feel like I had a topic of conversation with her.

I am only replying here so that my reply is reasonably close to the picture and it doesn't get pushed so far back that people are unable to tell what I am replying to.

Rachael Leigh Cook is a goddess.
In the words of Billy Madison: So hot, want to touch the heiny.

Did you still think she was hot after all of those terrible teen movies she was in during the 90s?

Who is she?

Racheal Leigh Cook (give or take a few vowels)
She was, as the saying goes, "All That."

id let scramble my eggs.

*her* dammit!!


(Claim you're high.)

Hey - you were really creepy in Boogie Nights


don't worry we all speak typo

i'm not taking this out on you, buddy, but WHY do people spell Rachael "Racheal"? because that would rhyme with, like, "Mr. Teal". it makes no sense.

this is coming from someone named Rachel. which is really the only proper way to spell it anyway.

Heh, my name is also (6 letters) Rachel. I can never remember if 'others' do ae or ea, so I guess the misspelling is my way of showing...contempt? disinterest? laziness?

ha, that showed me. hi name twin!

i went through a phase in seventh grade where i thought it was artsier to spell it Rachael and insisted everyone else spell it that way too. i also went through a phase when i was two where i told people my name was Michael, but that's another story.

I can relate. When I was a kid I met the teenaged daughter of one of my mom's friends named Heidi. I thought she was pretty awesome so soon I insisted on being called Heidi also. This went fine until my grandma pointed out that Santa wouldn't be bringing any presents for Heidi, only Rachel. I guess she didn't take kindly to a weirdo little grandkid changing her name!

nah, it just makes your grandma sound like a smart cookie. heidi is a cool name though.

Oh that is weird, because you look like a girl a know who's first name is actually Michael.

I think the ae spelling is biblical, from the Hebrew or some such. A few odd spellings like that work that way. My wife is named Rebekah (not Ms. Higgs, though her bosons are nice), and got endless crap for not being Rebecca, despite the kah spelling being more historically correct.

she has nice bosons, they give me a hadron.

j/k hecci, I was just turning his typo into a funny physics joke.

I just realized that maybe it wasn't a typo, as he called you "Ms. Higgs", then talked about your bosons, so maybe he was making a funny physics joke as well, and meant to type it that way.

Goddamn my not scroll an inch further before posting. Goddamn it to hell


Oh it wasn't a typo, and your pun was a perfect little buddy for it. Congratulations for outing yourself as a physics nerd.

I got it, but not because I'm anything of a physics nerd but because I find the Large Hadron Collider to be the most awesome thing ever created ever. So interesting.

Yes, especailly if it produces a world-eating black hole!

Won't happen.

But the other shit it should do! I mean the Higgs Boson is the least of it..

I think you'll find that as Hebrew uses A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT FORM OF WRITING WITHOUT EVEN PROPER VOWELS your statement was only saved from meaninglessness by being completely and utterly incorrect.

Yes of course, but there IS a standardized conversion between Hebrew spelling and English, and converting the Hebrew Rivkah, wife of Isaac, into English, gives you Rebekah. I'm pretty Zondervan is the main group pushing this, and they are the main group of experts for answering this sort of question.

I still fail to see any normative force in this. If you want to transliterate Hebrew consistently, because you do it all the time, go for it. If you want to transliterate any which way you feel like, that's cool too.

There isn't really one standardized form of transliteration. That's why you can spell "Hanukkah" like seven different ways.

There may be fairly standardized conversion of names the same way Juan is converted to John or whatever, but the spelling is still totally up in the air.

This is pretty much true. Biblical lexical transforms (I don't use transliteration here because I am in a different field) are fairly standard (at least Protestant ones). However, as you mention, there isn't a sanctioned standard as with Pinyin or Koine Greek. So, in essence, I agree that arguing about it is dumb.

In general, we've wander a long way from relevance, and into some rather hostile waters, so I'll sail back a ways and say that I think the sandal belongs to Ray, and that Rachel is a pretty name, regardless of spelling.

Oh dear, hedonismbot, I did not mean to steer you into hostile waters. I thought we were just kinda floating real gentle down a brook of discussion. We can turn the boat around, regardless.

You had nothing to do with the steering issues. You just like talked, then some guys talked, then suddenly we all died. It was like a play by that dude. Dead one. Liked fucking animals. Or maybe he didn't.

Have you considered spelling it Ra-Hel?

No, but I did have a friend who pronounced the 'ch' like he was hocking up a furious loogie.

You gotta HACH when you say it

oh wow, Rugrats Chanukah.
I wasn't sure if I had a chubby left to give, but then I did. If it lasts for 8 nights, though, I'm calling a doctor.

I, however, have run out. therefore, vchub for you. I didn't think anyone would recognize that.


my current problems with finding women simultaneously intriguing and terrifying

I didn't know that condition was a "problem," I thought it was the normal state of life as a man.

From days so far gone. I remember watching She's All That every chance I got. Every fucking day, sometimes three times a day.

Hi Thorfinn!


Probably Ray.

Anyone believe that it is Showbiz addressing Beef in the last panel?

Autrepoupee, apparantly. I am so sorry.

is so lol

A comment left by gladi8orrex was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by lawbot, hedonismbot, flazisismuss)

There you are.

i like to watch CSI: Miama lol. roast beef runs from a woman he was going to sleep with. chivas in his brain? such ___ ___ traded for comedic value. lol i am making a bold statement. lol

who can fill in the blanks?

oops, i guess it rubbed off on me. that's CSI: Miami.

also, hasn't everyone figured out gladi8or's message? i can't tell if he's making fun of us or the strip, but he's definitely trying to make a point. in word salad.

He's doing a Clockwork Orange thing where he misspells words in such a way as to make them look like other words with a subversive subtext. Thus comedic=commydick and company=cumpenny. I don't know if anyone else has noticed this, but I think it's pretty damn clever.

A comment left by alreadyinuse was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by lawbot, loneal, Genkisudo)


Not for long

Damn it, achilles, this is why your translation of is so lol outsold mine. I have devoted my life to this art and still can not hope to ever fully understand it.

such warmth he traded for comedic value.

I am 45 percent internet, so I know these things.

that's what i thought- but it doesn't really make sense, and gladi8or's posts usually make perfect sense once you decode them and remove the babble.

Such warmth. High graded...

Just guesses, of course.

High rated...he gave it a 5. And he is the winner. Because we take so long to decode it all and discuss his message.

What is the ASCII art in that post? An X-wing fighter perhaps?

the suspense is horrible...i hope it lasts.*put mint into his mouth*

Chubby for you Gwendolyn
"Is this the handbag, Miss Prism? Examine it carefully before you speak. The happiness of more than one life depends on your answer".


Wait you were (mis)quoting Wilde then weren't you? Of course you were.

I like Beef's "drunk-and-happy" eyes. -| |-

Those symbols were NOT supposed to be that close together. I fail at comments left and right.

Beef is lucky it isn't The Man From E.A.N.D.J, because he would be dead already.

Achewood fill-in-the-blank option 24:

SHUT UP! Shut up, all of you! God, I've never wanted to guess who's leg that is less in my life!

Chubby PLUS V-Chub.

lolllll she is going to try to kill him now

Someone explain panels eight through ten to me, please.

Well, ya got a bonus chubby because I meant to hit reply... but here's an explanation.

Beef lays down to "Make himself comfortable" in the tramps room... as he lays, he thinks of the bed that he would normally sleep on, namely, the bed with Molly in it. So then he freaks out, realizes that he's in a trashy ho's room, and jets out of there before she leaves the bathroom.

So that's what Molly looks like with her back turned? I thought it looked like Nice Pete from behind, but that seemed like kind of a weird thing to pop into Beef's head. Then again, weird and Beef aren't mutually exclusive.

Well, you know what they say:
A woman in bed, a gun to the head.

I thought it was a "A gun to her head." Oh well. No harm done, except for that prostitute that I murdered.

Thanks for the explanation. Totally didn't occur to me that that was Molly. I thought Beef could hear the person next door snoring, or something. I don't know.

Roast Beef waits for the stewardess to return. He thinks of Molly sleeping alone back at their place. Roast Beef has second thoughts about boning the stewardess, or even seeing her underwear.

legs in full sprint before he's out the door. his actions are so nicely portrayed.

its showbiz.


Okay, I've read guesses that the sandaled foot belongs to:
1. Ray
2. Showbiz
3. Teodor
4. Molly
5. The stew's pimp
6. Some "Butter" guy
7. Rod Huggins
8. Anyone else I missed.

Union Curves is out, she couldn't have been in the bathroom and the outside hall at the same time. Ray is possible, but the sandals are wrong. Not Molly, she wouldn't say "new money." The other are absurd guesses.

I think it is a female cat's leg, and she will be a new character.

It's come to my attention that no one has mentioned Pat. It seems likely, that in his newfound gayness, he may wear such sandals.. he's likely to be a dick to Beef.. and we haven't seen him in a while. So.. another theory.

Maybe he is a used up ex-greeting card celebrity who won and lost it all in this harsh game called life.

That is an awesome guess, dude! Chubby for you!

That is an absurd guess.

Union curves isn't in the bathroom, that was in Roast Beef's head.

Wasn't it? I thought the whole darkened color thing...and the brain...












I am hopeful this marks the return of Ramses even though it seems unlikely. Ramses might kick his son's friend's ass just for the hell of it.

Hold it right there citizen...the ACHEWOOD CONTINUITY POLICE have something to say about your comments RE: Sandals.

Exhibit A

Not the exact same model of sandal, which may have been what you meant.

We leave it to the public to decide. Another case closed for....


Damn, cartoon evidence! Ray becomes the top suspect again. You may cross examine my head.

Yeah, I thought I'd seen Ray in sandals before. At least, I didn't understand why everyone was so sure that the wearing of sandals disqualified him. I'm not sure why there's such contention over this, I think it's supposed to be pretty obvious that it's Ray.

Yeah, that is the clear implication, what with the sandals and hennessy and "new money" line. It is possible that it could turn out to be someone else, but there is no evidence for that whatsoever (and it would mean Onstad is deliberately misleading us...which seems unlikely in this particular situation). Still, people love their conspiracy theories so... ITS LIE-BOT WITH A FAKE CAT LEG!

i predict it is another greeting-card writer who resents Beef the upstart gettin' in on his territory.

Yes, I think this.

You're coming with me, Mr. Kazenzakis. My boss, Jim Hallmark, would like to have a word with you

Maxwell Smart?

...or greeting card celebrity.... Cathy!

What's up, new money. AAACK! You back up off of my stacks. AAAACK! Do these sandals make my ankles look fat? AAAAACK!

This is the first vaguely interesting guess.

why thank you.

also, i predict the arc will end with Beef rejecting fame as not suited for him and thinking himself silly for embarking on such a venture in the first place. perhaps a cliched guess based solely on his character, but it seems likely.

Nice, but for Beef, actually making a decision would be strange, so I think he will simply lose the money and the fame somehow, like through inappropriate action or absent-mindedness. My fame? Oh, I left it on the plane, I guess, who cares? I got depression again.

Beef is about to get schooled in the hard life of the greeting card business. Anyone who has ever had their thumbs broken by Hallmark knows their goons wear Birkenstocks.

Fuck it Beef, let that air ho suck your two-inch cock.

Man that is just vulgar as hell

God knows Molly won't.

Well, she would, but those spines keep getting caught on her dental work...

The dude from C.I.R.C.U.M.S.T.A.N.C.E.S. always loses always.

I will be heralded as a prophet. I recognize those sandals. That voice is embodied by Circus Penis.

I told you guys it was Airwolf.

Maybe I should be the one named Cassandra.

you need to animate that avaton, son.


(also: you know I got no sense of Photoshop.)

I meant son in a higher, Zen sense.

Please for the love of Jesus do not.

Really, that is the worst scene in cinema, and totally freaked me out during a drug experience. (Explains a lot, eh?)

Like why you superglued your index finger to the side of your head?

There is a tiny little piece of debris that pops into the frame at the very end of your animated exploding-Todd-head icotar. Kudos to you, sir.

It's all about the little things here in Assetbar. Except of course when it's about things blowing up.

Had to plug the hole where my brain was seeping out.

I've heard that age-related skull holes are a growing problem among the elderly.

"les yeux nul ne peut les crever
boire leur eclat ni leur larmes..."

I don't believe you.

Spanish Surrealists are sorely underrepresented here on Assetbar

I guess this turn of events was inevitable. It just remains to be seen whether this will proceed in a linear fashion or a helicopter-sprouting-legs fashion.

It's Ray.
Will Molly and Beef ever actually get married, or will they only be engaged forever? Maybe this crisis will drive them to actually get married?
Let's hope we don't have to go through a story about Molly having kittens. Ugh.

Also, why do Ray and Beef always look like dogs and not cats?

maaan what is this with Beef and having muscles, it don't make sense

Nice muscle shot, although a bit pixellated.

Ray may be uncouth at times, but I think even Ray understands some unwritten duderules and would not trip his friend with a tawdry sandaled appendage.

It is not Ray.

It's at least Showbiz if not someone more interesting.

If it ends up being Ray I will order a custom strip of Ray's decision-makeing flowchart with my name in his place and EAT IT.

God I hope it is Ray now. Will you post a video on YouTube?

Guess what, pal? Start eating.

It looks like I might have to order that strip after all....

I hope it's good with sweet baby ray's bbq sauce.

"Award Winning Barbeque Sauce" is in my fridge right now.

I knew he wouldn't do it

We all knew, deep down. Even the jerks who wanted him to go for it. They only said that because he won't.

As long as this arc doesn't end with Beef parlaying his newfound success into a singing career...

We all know where that's goin'.

When did Beef and Molly get an actual lamp? I always remember it as a Coke can with a lightbulb taped to it.

gut feeling? it's nice pete.

Nice Pete is too much of a gentleman to trip someone, though. My guess is that it's somebody famous. I think it would be awesome of it was like a cat version of Gary Busey or something. My gut reaction here was Ray, but it really could be anyone. Yeee! I need the next installment.

OK, who cares about whose feet they are or what beef is thinking or whatever else you guys are talking about. (I don't have enough time in my life to read all these) Beef trips and he goes "TRRRIP". The least onomatopoetic onomatopoeia I've ever seen. THIS IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN PLOT I PROMISE

what sound does a trip make, though?
"whee?" "ooof?" "hoork?"

Tripping seems to be exactly the kind of dickish thing Pat would do.

Hennessy, There was a fantastic line in a Joseph Roth novel where an elderly austrian aristocrat would alsways say "Hennessy! My son and I only drink Hennessy!" whenever i order it i always consider consider yelling this in an austrian accent.

My crippling fear of looking foolish prevents me from acheiving this small dream.

Your choice of Hennessy has already brought your fears about.

hell yah man i have a lotta respect for that reference

Dear Assetbar:

I ignored my first person today. It made me hell of happy to see the page shrink massive amounts.

Yay. Thank you for letting me share.

Large bet on alreadyinuse

Next it will be those who comment on AIU. Just sayin'

Nah.. I probably won't ignore anyone else. I hate doing it, I like keeping freedom of expression, and I like listening to other points of view. But sometimes.. it's just not worth the read.

Seriously. I check the strip today hoping to find the identity of this mystery foot, and instead I'm greeted by this goddamn pop culture battle royale with three page dissertations deconstructing Family Guy and Adult Swim and other assorted bullshit. "HEY! I HATE GEORGE BUSH AND LOVE FLIGHT OF THE CONCHORDS! I AM SO GODDAMN SPECIAL! FAMILY IS IS GREAT/MEDIOCRE/TERRIBLE! TV SUCKS AMIRITE?!"

Oh man are we gonna get into a referendum on the value of the family unit in modern society now? I don't think I can handle this.

Oh wow, didn't notice that typo. Guess that got weirder than intended.

Dear Assetbar,
I Am Sorry I Played it Huffy on the Internet

(inside) It's Just That Society Did My Nerves Up Wretched



What else are we supposed to do while we wait?

Hardcore cybersex. Everyone get into this. I'll start. I only choose to post by typing though a pair of 17th century women's underwear laying on my keyboard. I would like to see you in those underwear Pogo. I'd like to see that very much.

The sophisticated expression of desire by your programming is making me hot and bothered, you sexy robot. I'm so horny i can now only type with the index finger of my right hand. I can't wait till I get off work so we can get messy!

I'm gonna go put on my wizard hat and robes and wait for you.

Oh snap, I didn't even see the "Chivas" on his mind. I just thought his brain was splittin' in two.

I suspect Beef is about to pay dearly for rebuking his shamelessly mooching brother.

Some days the chatter on here is related to the strip, some days not. Today seems to be the worst of both options, with half the posts guessing whose foot it is, and the other half engaged in a flame war over other strips and I'm not sure what all else.

Seems like a good time to throw in a first post, since I don't seem to have anything to say either!

At least we got to see this cartoon cat smile a little bit throughout this arc, even if it's probably headed somewhere bad for the lil' homey.

I just remembered the hair.

... Bladerunner?


Sigh.. the youth of today.

wow, another Rachael. I spelled it correctly this time, heh.

There's a great song by The National called "Murder Me Rachael."



Now there's a robot whose eyes I wouldn't mind reading reading emails in "during boff". Woof woof.

Dogg Remember When You Kept My Junk From Touching The Rim By Putting It In A Cardboard Tube?

I don't know. he made a mistake here. I mean. she was probably wearing underwear....

a brain that says "chivas" on it would either make a great t-shirt, or a great ad for chivas.

dude.. wtf is up with the buff Beef? hella triceps. i am skeptical. if typing made arms buff, mine'd be wider than they are long.

I think it's because Molly has been making him eat actual regular meals, and his body is responding to the nutrition

good man, Beef.

Does Onstad drink in the morning? Is he like Orwell, Wilde, or Eeyore when he is at a party?

Ray is the Illya Kuryakin of H.E.N.N.E.S.E.Y

