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Drunk in Heaven Friday, March 7, 2003 • read strip Viewing 93 comments:

"Doctor Kisses: The Tragedy" would make a pretty good Broadway show.

Kevin Spacey would so want to play Doctor. Kisses.


Why not Bite-Bite, or Fingers?

Oh I think you know.

I don't think I want too!

As part of his or her medical Oath, Dr. Kisses has accepted some responsibility vis-a-vis the health of others.

You must have an amazingly generous doctor.

The last panel is one of the funniest in Achewood's whole history, in mine own humble opinion.

Ray thinks you have to shoot an Aibo to harvest its lung. It is so hard.

i love how he wakes up, sees the doctor, and seems surprised to see him. "OH! HEY!"

also that his genius idea came to him in a dream

one can only speculate on what ray's dreams are like

Ray loves respectability, the dog can't be just called Mr Kisses, he has to have a doctorate.

That dog did not go to robotic dog medical school for 8 years to be called mister .

He is not a robotic dog surgeon .

His specialty: HUUUUUGS!!!

Amen, I can't stop laughing at that... My next dog is getting that name.

I'm still waiting to name a dog Mr. Poopytime.

or J.J. the Land-Retard

Great, Great, Great !

Or Slow-Lane

I just wish it wasn't Dr. Kisses. Chubby for your post.

It is a hard sacrifice to make but no other name would have been as funny

True true, and he does have 33 others

"Drunk in Heaven" is going to be my epitaph.

I am almost about to make sure I die first so that it can be mine. Almost. It is that good.

That is awesome . When you die come tell me so I can visit your grave.

And then.. well, my van's really been acting up. Would you mind taking a look at it?

Nah, he'll be too drunk in heaven anyways.
don't expect anything

Drunk as a lord .

Who here is known to drink alone? I have done so on many occasions.

Does it count if you're the only one drinking in a group of people, and no one knows that you're drinking?

If they couldn't discern that you were drinking then you weren't drinking hard enough to qualify

Do you think it is rad to have alcoholism, quantumcasaba?

I have done this, not to conceal that I was drinking, but so that I didn't have to share. Once I drank a pre-mixed 26 out of my jacket pocket during a movie I was seeing with friends, by connecting theatre straws together to make one giant straw, so that it would reach all the way from the bottom of the bottle to my mouth with minimal head-tilting. I cannot think of a clever name for this.

Stephen Hawking?

That...is really good.

Ketel One Koans:

If a quantumcasaba is drinking in a group, but no one knows that he's drinking... is he actually drinking?

A rare few occasions, all of which have been tremendously fun. A bottle of banana liquor, a 100W guitar amp, an empty campus building...

"liqueur" even. The "eu" is French.

Man, hooch is hooch, your guts don't speak french

Also "hooch" is a ton more fun to say

There's no point arguing with the valet. Pass the hooch, Jeeves!

I do so every now and then.

Unless you count having one beer as actively drinking alone, in which case I do it all the time.

Naw, having a beer or two doesn't qualify as "drinking" unless you're in Utah or a similarly dry state.

I run out da clock with bourbon many a night.

It is alright spinynorman, I drink alone. When I am not drinking, bad things happen. Sometimes I'll be acting weird, maybe too loud or tripping over things. My body shakes and I yell for no reason. Sometimes those things don't happen. Sometimes I am not sober.

I, too, drink alone more often then I drink with friends.

Scotch is my best friend ever.

God loves a drunk.


This is one of the hardest decisions of Ray's life.

Cure song: Killing an AIBO.

this is funny if you picture it with the tune and music and everything.

I'm alive!
I'm dead!

we all will love doctor kisses!


Yeah, I'm kinda sad that isn't the one he is doing and it is just a sob. My favourite arc for Ray crying is Trent Reznor's car.

Heaven is a place where nothing ever happens

Seriously, stop it!

I hate you. Seriously. Every time I see one of your comments I think "man, what a dick " and now that you don't post anymore I feel safe in saying this.

It sounds like Ray is making a mix tape.

(oh my god this is so hard)


"Lie Bot; What is the saddest thing?"

"Having to kill your beloved dog in order to save your best friend"

the sadddest thing would be not knowing that that wouldn't work and your best friend dies in your arms, just wanting to know how dr kisses is

that was so sad it made my soul hurt.

other strips are better, but the final panel is better than every strip.



I love the way Dr Andretti realises that harvesting a lung to replace a lung makes no sense.

captain pedantic here to inform you that Dr Andretti had no such intention, and Ray just fell asleep on the medical table

but it's cool it's hard to keep up with these shennanigans

I thought he was under anesthetic, but that's never explicitly stated.


Pedantic, not pedant.

Oh hey darthemed, you're my mom aren't you? Is that..the car of pain?

You want me to get...into the car of pain? Where...where are you taking me darthemed?

To...to school?

Oh ho ho ho what a delightfully self-aware correction.

unfortunately the two words are equally appropriate here so you are less a pedant and more just a dick.

Actually I think the point darthemed was making was that ohmygooses originally referred to himself as "captain pedantic", so even though both words in this context have the exact same effect semantically, with the history of the conversation, darthemeds pedantry was completely justified.

Hahaha I love pretending that I'm smart.

Doctor Kisses slain by Tic-Tac. Sad times.

"Lie Bot, what is the saddest thing?"

A comment left by wulvaine was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by fakead, razznixx, rachel)

Soda guns...I would totally try to get Einstein and Tesla and Oscar Wilde to come over and into a soda gun fight. They'd get tonic in the brocade and moustaches. That is heaven.

In heaven, Oscar Wilde and Einstein are extremely busy.

Tesla often wonders why no-one ever calls.

The alt-text is a pretty blatant lie.

I just recently had to put down a family dog, and to my horror, all I could think of was the last panel of this strip. I'm an awful, awful person.

Hey man, if it takes your mind off of what you gotta do, I say embrace it.

God damn man, I named my dog after the robo-dog he kills. What the hell.

In this strip, a cat shoots his robot pet dog for it's lung.

Hell of loving this arc, fours all around!

Fives are overrated anymore.

fave line:

oh my God this is so hard

Soda guns fucking suck and have no place in my vision of heaven.

Man eternity is gonna fucking blow when I am dead.

That last panel has me welling up, every time.

I feel bad for laughing as hard as I did at the last panel :(

man I would get ALL kinds of fucked up in heaven

I find myself endlessly amused every time Ray blubbers.

did beef just spray some soda on the floor?

It's heaven. They probably have janitors. Or messes just disappear magically. Though I suppose it would be hard to have a good rage if the stuff you're throwing around just goes poof...