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Llewellyn Ash, baby Monday, November 29, 2004 • read strip Viewing 147 comments:

I...didn't know what to think here at first.

i... am... terrified of phillipe's mother's neuroses on display here.

A perpetually five year old child is the Great Bane of older women who's friends are all grandmothers already.

I can only hope this message reaches you one year ago in the past:
In Phillipe's future, a future you cannot comprehend, things happen that are beyond anything you can understand, and the understanding of these things is so grave that you cannot even begin to comprehend the gravity of their future. Just remember that no matter what anybody tells you in one year's time: a Svenhard's is not a danish.

my "at first" is over, and I still don't know what to think. llewelyn ash? what the demon sauce kinda name is that?

It's Welsh. Those people hate vowels to hell.

A comment left by achilleselbow was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by salvagebar, rowboat, novacaine)

Except Sindarin can be used by nerds to pretend they are good at fighting. Welsh is only good for asking people when they are going to make good on bets. Unfortunately, the answer is always "Never".

A comment left by norsef was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Crowpaw, orvel, novacaine)

I'm not sure that 'celtic' is a language. Irish, Scots Gaelic, Welsh, Manx, Breton, Cornish, I've heard of.

Is it spoken by celtics? That is, the sports teams who pronounce the word as if it's spelled with an 's'?

Yeah my fault. I meant Scottish Gaelic.

I'm so sorry about this.

Now I feel bad for pointing it out. Appy polly loggies.

I just like words, is all.

Well to be fair I only know the words to a few Julie Fowlis songs.
So I can't carry out a conversation but I could tell you that "Hug air a'Bhonaid Moir" means "Celebrate the great bonnet". Lyrics aren't her strong point.

My grasp of Irish is limited to 'Dia dhuit' ('go with God', I think) and the well-known 'pogue mahone' ('kiss my arse').

Oh, and 'yehcontyeh', which seems to mean 'I disagree but respect your position'.

this should have way more chubbies

My old Irish friend, educated for the first 5 or so years of his schooling days in an Irish school before living abroad for several years, could only remember how to count to about 20 and say "The ball rolled into the shop" in Gaelic. Luckily, when he returned to Ireland, he continued to live in the east, where he had very little occassion to talk about vendors as they relate to geometrical recreation, even in English.

(He still lives there, I just heard from him for the first time in 15 years last month.)

It says something big about a culture that they have a word that means that, particularly well versed in Irish history at all but man, I wish English had one word that said "I disagree but respect your opinion". Do you know the correct pronunciation cause I know Gaelic is all ridiculous with that.

"not particularly well versed", I should be more careful about what I say, and there should probably be a question mark somewhere in there near the end.

(psst. say it out loud)

seriously? I was always under the impression that the pronunciation tended to be completely different from what you would think it is from an English viewpoint.

(i- it's a joke )

you seriously don't need to know any more irish other the yehcontyeh :P i spent 12 years in the irish educational system learning irish almost everyday and have no more knowledge of it then yehcontyeh lol

Chubbied for mentioning Julie Fowlis. I'm glad I never had one of those dolls.

rydw i yn dod o gymru ond rhydw i ddim gallu cofio llawer o cymraeg...tin iawn mae ef yn iaith ddoniol,rydw i ddim yn gwybod be tin meddwl efo "good on bets."


Dych chi'n dod o Gymru?

ydw, ond rwy ddim yn siarad cymraeg yn dda...iawn

Dw i ddim yn siarad da iawn ychwaith, ond dw i'n ceisio.

That might be completely horrible. I'm just a simple Americanwr.

What in the hell is going on

Welsh, apparently. Talk about a damn moon language. Whoever decided that Welsh was a good way to convey opinions was both an alien and completely out of their head on acid.

Oes nad wyt yn hoffi e, cer o ma.

Translation for the non-Welsh folk :~

Panda : "I come from Wales but I can't remember a lot of Welsh... you're right it is a funny language, I don't know what you mean with 'good on bets' ."

Liebot : "Do you come from Wales?"

Panda : "I do, but I don't speak Welsh well... very"

Liebot : "I don't speak Welsh very well either, but I'm trying"

(Note: Welsh isn't a terribly useful second language to know, but we do what we must... because we can.)

Chynyg Chyyong yWyng Wong y

Ah yes, but is Sindarin the High Elvish tongue or the one spoken by the "commoners"? I can never keep them straight. I also don't do much on Saturday nights.

Sindarin is the "common" tongue. Quenya is the High Elvish.

Let's hang out next Saturday.

I cannot say how much I hate to be the one to point this out, but Sindarin is not the Common Tongue. The Common Tongue is what Hobbits and most People speak. Sindarin is just low Elvish.


Oh, believe me, I know that Sindarin is not the Common Tongue. What I meant is, was it the language spoken by the "common" elves and not the "high" elves. I really hate to push this further as well, but just wanted to set it straight.


I think we all all know what kelsotimebomb met by common tongue (of elves), he shouldn't have capitalized. If he was talking of the Westron, or the Common Speech , well, we, all of us, might have been some nerds, right rb?


I'm literally going to steal the Lord of the Rings DVDs when I visit home next weekend.

yeah we should definitely hang out, i don't have any plans. what i do have is an elvish tattoo (not kidding)

And Finnish! Never forget Finnish!

Actually, I'm wrong here. Carry on.

They actually like vowels so much that they decided to have more than English does.

Pffft. We like consonants so much we included double-consonants in the alphabet.
A,B,C,Ch,D,Dd,E,F,FF, (etc)

luh-well-in. just in case you were having trouble pronouncing it, fella from 2 years ago.

I actually used to play tennis against a Llewelyn Ash. Pretty crazy, not really a name I expected to see on anyone else

Heck, I'm still not sure which one is supposed to be Capable of Wonderful Things.

I'm pregnant, and these are the kind of life lessons you need before babies arrive. At least, I hope.

Congratulations! I think it is wonderful that the mothers of the next generation are reading Achewood. The world is going to be a better place.

Gotta start growing that baby up right! No circumstances here.

Make sure you get a decent cusser for the kid's birthday.

you wrote that 9 months ago.



Man, you need to be telling us about your baby now. Or are you to busy being a mother for Achewood now? Priorities shifted, huh? I see how it is...

A comment left by kelsotimebomb was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ted0phile, johnnybaverage, HSE)

I find this extremely disturbing.

Amen to that. It's like an infant Margeret Thatcher.

I have nightmares where Margeret Thatcher asks me to press her stomach.

i dont understand why thats funny. i dont even know if its supposed to be. all i know is i laughed like a ding dang gufoon.

g a foon

When you make up words nobody much cares how you spell them.

this strip simultaneously creeps me out and makes me wish that real infants had this exact calibration procedure/dialogue after being born. if that doesn't deserve a 5, I don't know what does.

I'm about 5 months away from being a father, and I'm praying mine comes out with this calibration feature.

I'm (or more likely, my offspring) is doomed without it.

In my mind Llewellyn Ash (my God, my Firefox spellchecker knew how to spell "Llewellyn" when it didn't know how to spell schwartz) sounded all stately and British. And when Eragon came out and my mom insisted we see it, the self-insertion's dragon sounded exactly like how I imagined this highfalutin baby doll would sound. That was uncanny and speaks to the incompetence of the Eragon film crew.

He should have sounded Welsh?

Nobody should.

Cae dy geg.

You...you thought Llewellyn Ash sounded like Rachel Weisz?

This strip......has never sat well with me for some reason

It sits extremely well with me, man. All hunkered down, bein' amusing...

My parents got me a small doll when I was two years old, but that was back before technology was this advanced.

you played with dolls!? what a wuss......


Why was this never turned into its own story arc

Didn't they develop a doll like this for teen "family life" classes?

Nah, those things just cry when you screw up, none of this conversation going on.

fuck those babies man

it turns out when you draw a curly mustache on one with permanent marker, they make you pay to replace the head!

Same thing happens if you do that to a real baby.

You're both very amusing. Enjoy a chubby each.

"Baby Think-It-Over". It's intended to give teens the experience of the nonstop, stressful care that a baby requires. Generally it just ends up making them lose sleep and fail their other classes.

Hey, wait.. that *is* just like a real baby.

Man, I remembered that. I named my baby Esteban.

Congratulations. Your baby grew up to be the biggest asshole on Earth.

you just jealous you can't pull of that hat.

I could pull off those sideburns. Just rip 'em right the fuck off his face.

I can't deal with just how delighted Phillipe is

That's not a baby; that's Wallace Shawn.

Thank you for enhancing the experience of this strip x10. You, sir, are a positive force.

We know that steerpike66 is capable of Wonderful Things.

So that's how he gets himself ears-deep in cleavage.

And I am at the bead shop

Professorhazard why are you so awesome

But that would be ... incon ceiv able.

this is one of the funniest achewoods ever- FACT peope! FACT!!!

It's one of my absolute favourites and is harshly underrated.

I have absolutely no recollection of this strip. Woah. How did I miss something so cool?

In my mind, baby Llewellyn is voiced by David Hyde Pierce.

I can only hear the Mac speech program (see Radiohead's "fitter happier") for Llewellyn's voice. It kind of lends this strip a nightmarish quality.

She struck me as sounding like a kind of uptight Minnie Driver.

Llewellyn is a Welsh male name, generally.

Minnie Driver used to kind of look like a dude. Does that help?

Frighteningly enough, it does.

I was thinking of HAL. I just know at some stage Llewellyn is going to say, 'I'm afraid I can't let you do that, Philippe.'

That song hella creeps me out

In the movie of this strip, Llewellyn should be voiced by Roddy McDowell (Cornelius from Planet of the Apes, VINCENT from The Black Hole, Do Jonathan Willoway from The Fantastic Journey oh hell I have to find some of that on youtube...)

But the movie would have to be made before 1998.

GOD I love this one. I wish I could say "pro pro proooo" for feelings.

For some reason this one made my eyes tear up five minutes after I had read it the first time. I don't know why it grabbed me like that.

This one weirded me out the first time, but I teared up reading it this time.
Maybe it's the fact that I'm now a father, I don't know.

I don't find this strip particularly funny, but it's still one of my favorites. The little doll is so weird but also like some highly advanced toy of the future.

After all this kid must deal with, this strip is like sunshine and rainbows and unicorns and shit!

Back when I was just skimming this at the library at school I somehow made the wildly inaccurate association that Llewllyn Ash was somehow Onstad's baby and he had prepared Phlippe an audio tape on how to care for a baby. I was drunk pretty much most of the time and going out of my mind over my thesis, so I think it's pretty reasonable.

But I should have remembered that Onstad's wife is Chinese.

This link doesn't go anywhere, so it may be some kind of joke that is now impossible to get (maybe something having to do with Ultra Peanut?). But this assertion had fooled for a long time. This was back before Facebook informed me that she is, in fact, Caucasian.

I liked this the first time I read it, but I like it even more thinking the doll sounds like Javier Bardem in No Country for Old Men .

But Llewellyn Moss was played by Josh Brolin.

That is not the issue here. Bardem has the better voice for a doll that talks to you. That is the issue here.

Step out of de car, ser.

Wiggle each of my feet, friend-o.

Don't lose this Chubby, Rowboat. Don't let it mix in with your other Chubbies.

I really need to go watch that movie again now. Thank you jems, professorhazard, and rowboat.

Please accept chubbies as a token of my appreciation.

Aw shit, that was supposed to be a chubby. Computers plus weed does not equal good.

Unless you're Ray Smuckles.

I'm not sure exactly WHY, but this one creeps me right the fuck out.

Philippe can certainly do Wonderful Things.

He can spell "Llewellyn" and he is only five.

He can pronounce it, anyway.

Weekend Blogs

Ray: Thanksgiving blessing.

Man I had to stop reading halfway through the last paragraph because I'm experiencing and all-day hangover and it's 4pm and I haven't eaten yet and all that talk of food was making me both incredibly hungry and slightly nauseous.

On a different note, "puberty lip", hahahaha. How incredibly spot on.

It has the manner and look of a young Alfred Hitchcock, appearing gigantic in the last frame.

I strongly suggest you go to youtube and watch "Hitchcock Loves Bikinis." He explains the Kuleshov effect in the best possible way ever.

Let us assume he sees an otter holding a baby in his arms. Now we cut back to his reaction to what he sees. And he smiles. Now what is he as a character? He's a kindly man, he's sympathetic, he's thoroughly used to the concept of anthropmorphized creatures nurturing hunks of talking plastic with orange-flavored pacifiers.

You, my good man, are incredibly responsive.

Now we'll put in a... a piece of film of an otter with a bikini. He looks: otter in a bikini; he smiles. What is he now? A dirty old man! He is no longer the benign gentleman... who loves babies.

I do whatever the talking chicken tells me.

This is hell of crazy.

Of all the things that bring Phillipe joy, I think this is my favorite.
Phillipe is capable of AMAZING things.

I sort of imagine Llewellyn Ash's voice to be something like the HAL 9000 from 2001.

such costumes are not inexpensive.

I know right. Those things cost hell of moneys and then the kid grows out of them in about twenty minutes.

I imagine Llewellyn Ash's voice to be all like a bad 1980s educational video, all high-class British with a fake smile and slightly too much reverb and random synth / theremin swirls and splashes in the background

This strip is extraordinary.

And debate rages in my mind as to what sort of voice this would sound best with.

i'm betting she sounds like my own daughter who, at 18 months has already developed a highly condescending tone. this worries me, but only slightly. which in turn worries me more.

Dude. His mom seems like the coolest broad in the animal kingdom. I never got toys like his back in the day.

I swear to God I would just punt that thing and shoot it much in the manner of a clay disc.

I think the best part of this, aside from the hilariously creepy doll in general, is the fact that Philippe actually writes that down in panel four, paper and all.

This comic kind of stirs my gag reflex. Not really sure why...

Dammit, I want to make a Nativity scene featuring the final panel so hard.

The Victoria Cross is a military decoration of Canada modelled on the original British Victoria Cross (pictured) %u2013 instituted in 1856 by Queen Victoria %u2013 in both intent and appearance, though with several small changes. Created in 1993, it and the original are the highest honours in the Canadian honours system, taking precedence over all other orders, decorations, and medals. It is awarded by either the Canadian monarch or his or her viceregal representative, the Governor General of Canada, to any member of the Canadian Forces or allies serving under or with Canadian military command for extraordinary valour and devotion to duty while facing a hostile force. Recipients are entitled to use the post-nominal letters VC (for both English and French), and also to an annual annuity of C$3,000. The Victoria Cross can be awarded more than once, but no one has received the Canadian medal since its inception

000-904 l 000-907 l 000-924 l 000-935

Why is Phillpe supposed to wave the dirty diaper under Llewellyn's nose? Is this supposed to let the baby know that it's shit stinks? I obviously know nothing about child-rearing.