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Philippe eats Chapstick Friday, April 7, 2006 • read strip Viewing 105 comments:

In my darker moments, I had considered eating Chapstick.

I actually used to eat chapstick when I was a little kid. Like, willingly.

If they didn't want you to eat it, why did they make it so delicious?

Yes! Thank you!

This strip is the saddest thing in the world
Liebot's got nothin on this


They used to make a Dr. Pepper flavored chapstick. If that's not trying to get kids to eat it, i don't know what is.

Dude, I had that! I do not remember ever eating it though.

I know right! All put it on 10, 12 times in a row so mom doesn't suspect I'm fighting the urge to chomp off a big chunk of it.


A comment left by soticoto was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ted0phile, riotdejaneiro, greenery, glorify, BrianNotBrian, aHatOfPig, Panserbjorne)

My friend when I was younger used to freeze the strawberry one then eat it, probably somewhat like a popsicle.

A comment left by soticoto was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by riotdejaneiro, mercuri0us, Ceres, NDCaesar, mediumrare, BrianNotBrian, ravindra108, Wulvaine, Panserbjorne, balikye)

It...it's a frozen treat. Flavored ice on a stick, basically.

Like ice-lollies?

That truly is the limit! You British folk and your funny words!

Don't start an argument over whether 'ice-lolly' is a funnier word than 'popsicle'. Never do that!

Yeah, I agree, they are about on the same level as far as funny goes.

Also: look at this (American) baby talking about a popsicle.

Babies are awesome.

The avatar/comment combo makes for the creepiest thing i have seen in recent years.

Wait, did the freeze the flavorful kind or the smell and no flavor kind? Because that is the difference between odd frozen treat and possible insanity...

She did it all the time so I assume the enhanced flavoured kind..

I got a peppermint flavored one for Christmas one year. I immediately lost it at my grandparents place and found it under a chair the next Christmas. It was delicious.

True story.

I still think it's the most delicious thing.

they used to make a dr. pepper flavored chapstick. i used to eat it. i am not ashamed of this.

If I told you that they still make it, would you go buy it and eat it? Because they still make it.

One alternative to eating it- maybe you could buy some Dr. Pepper and put it in a blender with ice and make a slush?

This is not a normal thing?

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has waxy teeth.

> In my darker moments, I had considered eating Chapstick.

I think that's what makes the end part of this strip so devastating... to know how far the poor little guy has gone to get to that chapstick-eating moment.

Man, I ate half of a Lip Smacker today. It's cotton candy flavoured though, tastes like a waxy milkshake

He knows it will not taste good, but he has little choice.

All the dudes know that you can't put hot things in the fridge.


and to blow on it and stir it around of course

I did not know this. Why is it the case?

When you put hot things in the fridge, you raise the temp of the whole fridge inside. Then the motor has to work harder to lower the temp below the bacterial danger zone again and in the meantime all of your food is being stored too warm. Beef knows you must get the food to room temp and then put it in the fridge because he knows Science.

You SHOULD freeze food ASAP. If you don't cool it first, it means germs will have less time to multiply. As long as the food is properly sealed, the rest of the food isn't endangered very much. Of course, some think quick refrigeration ruins the flavor food, of course.
At best, he's chosen money or flavor over safety, which doesn't sound like Beef.

Sometimes it wrecks the texture, though. For instance, you never, ever want to refrigerate rice before it's cooled to room temperature- it'll turn out all crunchy and stale and nasty.

All I know is the Mrs. ALWAYS lets things cool (for hours) before putting them in the fridge, and says it is correct and good.

I always thought it was wacko, but not a hill worth dying on. Now, at last I learn the truth!

Thank you, Achewood. Thank you.

Not only that, but you could cause brittle fracture of your macaroni, due to the sharp decrease in temperature, such as placing an ice cube in warm water.

I hate Chapstick so this one got to me. Hard.

I originally read your comment to read, "this one got me hard" .... errrrr

getting hard to things you hate...interesting concept.
would that be, like, "it's a make-love, hate relationship?"

You can lame what I say, but you can't lame my spirit.

Wouldn't want to, Saint.

A comment left by soticoto was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by riotdejaneiro, professorhazard, Mangtastic, salo, milkpants, atticusonline, fattypneumonia, BrianNotBrian, aHatOfPig, ravindra108, Wulvaine, charchar, Doc_Rostov, MisterSpook, echidnaboy, tellumo)


A comment left by soticoto was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by prolefeed5, riotdejaneiro, professorhazard, NeoNaoNeo, Mangtastic, 762, fattypneumonia, BrianNotBrian, aHatOfPig, Wulvaine, Doc_Rostov, tellumo)

In all fairness, you are probably both.

The rest of us are lucky enough to only be one.

so under-appreciated

jesus christ

... he wasn't sewn to a rough wooden rack. Nailed from memory, though I see the parallel.

Sigh. Don't you think the whole Buffalo Bill act is getting stale? Come on, try something different. We all have it in us to be funny, I know you can do it too.

P.S. Please don't reply to this with some lame attempt at continuing your little act like "the only thing that's getting stale is the remains of dismembered women in my fridge" or some lame shit like that. Lame.

Heh! And yet, can't bring yourself to write an uncensored swear? Awww

Fvcking is like fucking, except you wear a toga and a laurel wreath.

A serial killer archetype where they never swear and censor their own writing actually seems kind of believable to me.

I took her life today. Finally. She said "Fvck you" before the final moment, that moment of crudeness reinforced that I truly was doing gods work.

Something like that do you mean?

Yeah! Exactly!

It always makes me think of Corporal Carrot, pondering whether the word "d*mn" is too raunchy for his letters. I hope he's not a serial killer (in a bad way).

Hot. But you suck at reading your audience. Take it to gurochan soticoto.


I forgot to eat today but I had some chapstick. I took a small nibble and I have to say that Philippe has got either a very strong stomach or a poor sense of taste.

His shivers were those of disgust, not from being cold.

Fuck, I only just noticed that Philippe looks both ways before stepping out of the house. So damn cute.

Lie bot always told him to look both ways before going outside otherwise a car might hit you.

More like Roast Beef and a rally car.

I hope Roast Beef and a rally car do not hit Philippe...I do not wish this at all.

Why don't ou put hot things in the fridge?

Well with like cheese and stuff it gets congealed and nasty

'Something' like this ~ After placing the hot thing in the fridget, the fridget has to kick in to keep at the same low temperature it was already at, and since the fridget radiates the heat of the hot thing that you put in, it means that your kitchen gets hotter by the same amount however much electricity is wasted when you could have just let the thing cool off on your counter-top/blown/stirred-at.


Because it heats up the fridge. If it's something that contains a lot of heat it could conceivably raise the fridge's internal temperature for an extended period.

And then your milk gets hell of raunchy.

twohundredninety has the way of it.
But you should also understand that in the average home, right after air conditioning (and heating for an ill-insulated house in a cold climate), most of your yearly electricity bill comes from your fridge.
This is why a full fridge is more efficient than an empty one (less air to flow out when you open it, energy concerns actually recommend putting gallon jugs of water in there if you can't fill it with anything else), and why you should try to have the door open as little as possible.
Of course, aside from raising your electricity bill and possibly raunchifying your milk, your Stellas will certainly be less crispy.

As long as you put the food in smallish and properly containers, the odds of milk getting ruined is pretty small. It IS fairly expensive, though, but the alternative is risking a ton of germs in your macaroni, and isn't Beef generally paranoid about stuff like that?

What is the saddest thing? A shivering otter eating chapstick in the dark!

There are two comics here and they both deserve 5's.

Phillipes eating chapstick

Beef having the same conversation twice in a row


Emergency party!

My first strip ever, but alas, it still only gets a 4.

Also my first strip ever. (Result of an obscure google search on the word "nibble" that had nothing to do with the topic at hand, but has led to a minor obsession. Thank you, Google. Thank you.)


Two people considered the fact that you found this strip less than perfect to be lameworthy.

Rock on, Assetbar.

Phillipe's insides are safe from chap now.

Philippe has the right otterly instincts, but it's a pity nobody's taught him the proper way to slide down a riverbank .



I would eat my chapstick right now except I don't have any...

I wish I could actually make those chomp noises.

I used to know a cook named Mark Fathery. This man spent his days cooking delicious greasy food for a bunch of college men, and dispensing wit and wisdom along the way. The stories he would tell were legendary for their special blend of earnest life-lessons and occasional complete disconnection from reality. My favorite times were when he would tell us his ideas about science. I went to a school dominated by engineers and other hard-science types, but Mark still taught us a thing or two. Mark taught us about the "thermocline."

You see, someone was about to put hot food in the fridge for later. Mark stopped him, saying it was a bad idea, as we see here. When asked why he shared his science fact of the day: When you put hot food in the fridge it creates a thermocline , which is a layer of hot air packed close to the food by the cold air around it. The trouble here is not that the hot food heats up the fridge, it's that the thermocline can be so intense that it actually continues to cook the food . Your food will be ruined, overcooked by putting it in the refrigerator.

The story spread. Throughout the day other people asked Mark about the thermocline and he happily (if confusedly) re-told his scientific insight. The concept of explaining heat transfer to a man thirty years our senior was so baffling that I'm not sure anyone even tried. We just went right on trusting him to prepare our food.

He also famously told us "salmonella is bullshit, man" while handling raw chicken. That man was a walking science book.

Your friend Mark was partially right. Hot food will continue to cook itself. Usually when you cook something, you heat it far beyond the temperature you would consume it at. All this extra heat has difficulty transfering itself away from the food simply because air is a very poor conductor of heat. this is the same reason you wear a puffy jacket in the winter to stay warm. Your body heats the bubble of air you've trapped around yourself and it stays there because air will be damned if it gonna transfer the heat someplace else.

however, if you fan the heated air away from the food, it will help to cool it faster but, but this is not conduction of heat. it is convection. Mark would do well to put the hot food in the walk-in near the big fan if he wants to cool the food quickly.

That's why when you put a copper wire in a bowl of hot macaroni and then ground the wire, it cools like immediately.

I always wondered why that seemed to happen every single time I put a copper wire in my macaroni an grounded that wire...

forced convection

philippe's legs when he is jumping sort of freak me out a little

The last five panels devastate my soul.

Poor Philippe.
If he had been raised by real otter parents they would have taught him to lie on his back and open the can with two rocks.

Philippe has been denied an essential otter life experience, and for it he is now suffering.

Chapstick does not taste very good.

Thursday Blogs

Emeril: Items for Trashspotters.

Today's Blogs

Emeril: Time to hit the hay.

My sister had that Bonne-Bell flavoured chapstick. Our brother ate a whole tube of the chocolate one. We'll never let him live it down.

I never experienced anyone so equally capable of composing hilarity and heartbreak as Mr. Chris Onstad.

Oh heavens that last panel is the saddest thing; sadder even than the girl whose mom and dad told her she would never be pretty.

"Yes Roast Beef that is the proper way to go about placing a hot bowl of macaroni in the fridge for later comsumption as to put hot macaroni in the fridge compromises the macaroni in that it is asinine."

I can't believe nobody has mentioned Geology Greg yet. He seems pretty on the ball.

Can't say I feel too positive about his lobster claw hands.

Panel six reminds me of late Calvin and Hobbes.

the look on his face...just pure defeat. he has given in to he baser urges. it's almost like he was committing cannibalism rather than eating a chapstick.

Roast Beef just MAKES this strip

Wheres the Chapstick?